messages to dailyme:
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from boxx9000 :
82 days???Where are you??!!
from boxx9000 :
AUGUST 3, 2004. Where are you? I'm not giving up on you. Please write and let me know you are OK........OK?
from chaosdaily :
anxiety can be a real problem, even if others say, oh just get over it. i think your plan of seeing a psychiatrist is a good one. i guess i dont have any advice for you.. but im thinking good thoughts for you, and i wish i could help. dont give up.... just keep going. hugs
from boxx9000 :
7-4-04 Happy 4th of July! When are you coming back?
from chaosdaily :
well since boxx is adding messages, ill add one too. where have you been? just come back, even if its only for a note...
from boxx9000 :
6-17-04 You are worrying me, WHERE ARE YOU? Are you OK? Don't you love us anymore? Wish you were here.
from boxx9000 :
5-16-04. Where are you? You are missed.
from boxx9000 :
Happy Easter.
from kitty-kaboom :
Come see me and we'll eat Klondike bars together, it will be wonderfully kinky.... I lava you LIKE A VOLCANO!
from boxx9000 :
I'm sorry you're having such a bad time right now. I can identify with a lot of what you say. I've had depression and anxiety attacks for the same reason...fear of failure. This is what has finally helped me cope. I just accept what the worse thing is that could possibly happen and then just try to deal with it and move on. Life keeps going on even tho I keep trying to slam the brakes on. My parents both died, my husband dumped me, my car is broken, I'm losing my job and I'm almost 50. I feel like a HUGE failure. Then I think of my 2 kids and my friends and what the could always be worse, right?
from chaosdaily :
it might just be that her dog doesnt like people who tower over him and then bend down. and yes, tv is a great conversation killer.
from liar-by-rote :
it's not're not picking the right women. you know, the kind with personalities, grace, not Cujo loving bad cooks.
from lv2write00 :
Wow! So well spoken/written... and I know you're a SMART guy. I totally appreciate your insight into how the whole "constitutional ammendment" process works... and the fact that it could be easier to add this ammendment to The Constitution than it is for THE BACHELORETTE (or THE LITTLEST GROOM... or whomever) to choose THEIR MATE, get free trips and made loads of dough, film a wedding ceremony, then split up days later and sell their stories to the tabloids. Sanctity. Uh huh. Thanks for being SMART... and COMPASSIONATE... and probably really cute!! xoxoxo Lv2write00 p.s. I'm now going to post something vaguely similar to this note(and a link to your diary) in my own.
from lilith73 :
Well said.
from boxx9000 :
"I'm-a-failure-in-life theme?" HEY, that's MY reoccuring dream! I LOVE your list for winning the lottery. I'm happy to see you're back.
from boxx9000 :
0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000777770000000777770000000 0000077777777700077777777700000 0000777777777770777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000077777777777777777777700000 0000007777777777777777777000000 0000000077777777777777700000000 0000000000777777777770000000000 0000000000000777770000000000000 0000000000000007000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 I stole this from Kitty-Kaboom..... Anyways, I wanted to be the first to say Happy Valentine's Day.
from boxx9000 :
31 days without an update. That's a whole month. Are you OK?
from awomanalone :
I think everyone learns about relationships through trial and error. That and watching others. When I got "the talk" from my Mom, and gave it to my children, it was about facts like "how girls get pregnant" and, these days I had to add "how to not catch AIDS." I think the rest is to be figured out by the individuals involved.
from boxx9000 :
HOORAY HOORAY YOU'RE BACK. Sorry about your parents. They DO make a HILARIOUS story. Sorry it's at your expense but your diary entry had me laughing out loud.
from boxx9000 :
OK, inquiring minds want to know #1. Where are you? and #2. What is your favorite pie?
from awomanalone :
You are WAY overdue to update your diary, dailyme! Where the heck are you at??
from rs536-2000 :
I have been both the sender and recipient of such e-mails. If the person really feels that "chemistry" is important and also that there will never be any chemistry... well...maybe it's better to cut losses. On the other hand, since first meetings are quite difficult for me personally, I usually feel that a second chance is in order. It's a quandary.
from chaosdaily :
tell your date that was the "getting to know you" time and you would like to meet her again, this time you choose what for.
from rs536-2000 :
Your entry from Oct 22 resonated with me. I'm with you--I once told a friend that I would trade 30 IQ points to up my LQ [loveliness quotient].
from chaosdaily :
some diaries have a "disclaimer" in them, for people who read and know the person in real life.... sasori-gal is one of them
from boxx9000 :
A child who *cooks* for their parents? Oh, I am so envious!
from wherwhenwhy :
Sorry to hear about your Dad, keep at him though. Sometimes mothers get in the way and your Dad will realise that. Don't give up, my thoughts are with you. lots of love
from boxx9000 :
Where have you been? Are you OK? I hope you are having a great adventure and just too busy to write. I miss you. Please UPDATE.
from manchmal :
Ahhh, a delightfully well-written diary. And you capture the world of Browsing Personal Ads so well! I'm going to read more. And more. I can use sentence fragments because I have a degree in English.
from bagsofbeans :
Hey you know you are like a pocket little genius. Everything you said was right, I just don't see how she doesn't realize it.

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