messages to daisyfaerie:
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from applebutter :
hey, i kept meaning to say that your dream about me an' bon jovi is cool. but i never did. but now i just did. so, um, yeah. i'm home. home is where my heart is, for the moment. but next time i'll try again, and i'll do it on my own, and i'll do it right. so-yeah. home in our homeland. for now. funny how much better it gets every time i have a shitty experience somewhere else, aye?
from sexychica02 :
hey jill. i don't know if you remember me. this is sarah wampler...ya know, the one from lincoln heights middle schoool? anyway, i just wanted to see how you were and i hope everything is just going super great for you.
from crazydood :
Hey, I know the Stephen King book you are referring to in that last post. "Gerald's Game" a book I read during my summer as a pool attendant. Got to give ol' Stevie points for creativity in that one.
from love-to-live :
Hey! I found your diary on a random diary search, and I'll definitely be back! I've always secretly wanted to work at a Disney Store! : D Check my diary out!
from jujub27 :
Hello. Please read my diary and sign my guestbook and/or tagboard. You might even like it. ~Promise~
from swim4gold04 :
rent is a work of genious you are a smart cookie
from silvercat180 :
Hey Daisy. Just wanted to let you know that I love you. I wish you the b est of luck in figuring out where you stand with regards to Magick and Christianity and such. If you ever want to hash it out with someone who's been there and is there now, you know how to get ahold of me. Just know that magick will always be a part of you and you never have to give it up, even if you decide not to call yourself Pagan. Love you hon! -Kitty
from goovie :
yay for getting into buffy! out of mind, out of sight -- the episode with clea duvall -- is one of my favorites. and i am *so* season 1-season3 willow.
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the anti-anorexia diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from dreamcallie :
My LJ username is calliedreams. But I don't think you'd want me to add you as a friend just so you can see a summer's worth of writing about how much I love your brother.
from goovie :
as soon as i have money, i'm getting the mscl dvds.
from goovie :
ooh, i loved the good girl. one of those movies i couldn't talk about afterward because it took a while to come back to reality. awesome soundtrack, too.
from silvercat180 :
A little deeper commentary that struck me after reading your entry... Yeah, I'm really glad no one got hurt, but Schafer... I mean, I know it was the nastiest dorm on campus by far, but all the buildings on campus have a personality. It's almost like losing a person just by losing the building. That's on top of the loss of a big chunk of the campus' home and personal belongings, some of which are irreplacable. -love you hon! -Kittengirl =^-^=
from dreamcallie :
well, I actually updated by comments, so now my commentary about your journal is a bit enhanced. take a look.
from colorkitten :
daisy, thank you for your kind words. i know you have also dealt with recent loss and i appreciate your shared strength. it's fun getting to know you through your online journal . . . yours is one i enjoy reading for its honesty and also because you're a daisy and daisies are my favorite!! i hope you are blessed with many adventures this year . . . and that we continue our online friendship.
from dreamcallie :
So, you know I like your brother, huh? My, my - news does travel around these parts. Thanks for adding me. I feel super special.
from roxyhart :
Hi, I really haven't read your journal but I have to now, anyone who likes Francesca Lia Block and Hedwig is a must read. I love them both. Just wanted to say hi :) I'm new here. Hope I don't sound creepy,lol. bye
from applebutter :
i'm very sorry to hear about your friend. i think that you're right: that shooting star *was* from her.
from xactlywhoiam :
Hi--I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. No matter what, I'm sure she knew you cared. Best wishes.
from gypsychild :
And traipsing, too. Can't get into college with such a shoddy state of spelling. *mff*
from gypsychild :
Save time for Wee Ashmunki on the 9th when I will be trapsing through the hills with my band of WWC interested friends. I will search you out and find you, Daisy. This I promise.
from dilandu :
Wow!!! 337 entries! That is awesome. Yup, I still read the diaries... I just haven't updated in a long while. I guess its partly due not not needing it... (If any of you have read it, you'll know what I mean.) Take care, and maybe I'll see you online soon.
from xactlywhoiam :
Sore throat and sleeping a lot--it's not mono is it? I hope you feel better soon.
from nicolio :
hello lovely faerie, the line "Ladies and Gentlemen, We're Floating in Space" is from the song with the same title by a band called Spiritualized. It is remarkably beautiful . . .
from elmonwynfair :
ps, I've lost your email, and the phone number Justin has for Lee comes up out of service, or I would have called to say it in person.
from elmonwynfair :
hey daisy. it's been a while. I just thought I'd finally dump some of the stupid pride that's been stopping me from talking to a woman who was one of my best friends. I'm sorry for letting it be this long. I hope you still want to be friends. Becky
from applebutter :
thanks for the sympathy for my grandparents. they're out of the hospital and doing much better now, i'm happy to report. and i keep thinking that i knew that you knew angela, but it was a subconcious thing if i did know. yes, small end-of-world indeed. so i was watching 'erin brockovich' for the first time tonight, and i thought to myself, 'now there's a gal who knows how to be a great bitch.' she had no fear of what others thought, and she wasn't afraid of not being nice. she was a bitch. and i thought, 'wow, i'd like to be a bitch like that.' sometimes in life, ya just gotta be a bitch. there's really no alternative. so don't be afraid to be a bitch. not mean or evil or unjust, simply a bitch. and that's my 2 cents. and yes, i *do* think you need that t-shirt.
from stop-pro-ana :
Please check out the diary - I found your diary on a Google search and I think we have the same aims. I'd mail you but Diaryland mail never seems to get there half time - there's a contact addy for us on our Diary.
from silvercat180 :
Just a note to say hi. Miss you and love you loads! love love Kitty =^-^=
from feeorin :
Thanks for joining the Dar ring and getting the code up!
from demetersgirl :
my ears are ever-open should you need to speak your truth to someone who is mostly 'on the outside' of the conflicts and situations that arise in particular groups. thanks for including me in so many moments counted as pleasant. *mwah* ~ persephone
from myso :
~~~~~~~in reply to your note in my diary~~~~~~ whether i am proanorexic or not is not the issue. i guess you could say i accept people the way they are and will be there for them regardless of if they are actively anorexic or in recovery. i do my best to reach out to others who feel alone and want to die or self injure and yes i am in the proanorexic communities. and the reason is because i am open minded and because i truly care. i am there for the total person and yes i truly care. being anorexic myself much of my life, multiple, a self-injurer (mostly in past), many times suicidal, physically and sexually abused, and even raped i can relate to just about any aspect the pain and the good things as well. a true friend does not judge, put down, condemn, or look at things closed minded. true friends are there for you no matter what and when you feel there is noone who truly understands and cares and you need support and feel like you are all alone and that life is not worth living they are right there the whole way. and when you decide that a certain life is not for you they dont turn their back on you. that is how i see myself. a caretaker, helper, almost like a therapist and in fact i am working towards that field. dont focus on labels as they are biased. Focus on the person and the feelings and emotions and how they are reaching out to anyone who will listen regardless of if they are proanorexic or prorecovery. i will not stop what i am doing for others. i have actually talked to several who were suicidal who turned around and thanked me for being there when they needed it the most and not only was that another life saved but hopefully another life changed. that is true friendship and that is the reality behind what i do. as for my diary, it is just another means to help someone out. if they feel all alone or like noone understands they can come here and read poems by others and realize that they are not really alone and that others have been where they are and hopefully it helps yet more people. i am merely doing my very best to be a beacon of hope and renewal to those who feel they cannot go on another day.
from xactlywhoiam :
Just wanted to say hi--I think your diary's cool, and I would have signed earlier except you don't have a guestbook and I forgot about notes until just now. Thanks for listing me as a favorite and for the RENT test idea. It took forever! But it was worth it, if people like it. Anyway, nice reading you and I'll be back.
from xbrokendollx :
i heart u becuz u heart rent!!!! u joined my faery diaryrng, and i always check out the profiles. and i heart u cuz u heart all the cool stuff.
from beccabee :
Thank you so much for your kind words...I've begun to read your diary as well...and believe me I will be back. Its so amazing to hear that others can share in our experiences...Hope to keep in touch...
from prncesalymae :
Hi~ I don't mean to encourage others. SHIT last thing anyone needs is what I'm doing. But I just write like how I'm thinking in my head and others are gonna read this but it's therapy to write and this, I think, is safer than keeping a journal at home. I just wanted you to know that. But thanks for letting me know cuz sometimes I think no one is reading my diary so it doesn't really matter what I write. It's good to hear someone is strong enough to beat this.
from vlamidala :
thanks! :)
from be-zen :
I heart your layout like I have never hearted a layout before. And and I adore a little 'Breakfast Club' particularly Jude Nelson (mmmm delicious) and Francesca Lia Block has stolen my lil reading lovin' heart.
from bobbipuzel :
Your diary is the cutest thing ever. I love it!!!!! I love the name. Daisies are my fave flowers and faeries are too cute. :o)
from starchemical :
Hey Girlie!! Congrats on the role!! Miss you like crazy!!! *love* Enchandted Rabbit

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