messages to darkest-elf:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
Tell me a story from your life this autumn...
from raven72d :
Where are you?
from raven72d :
I'm still here...
from raven72d :
I still read you.
from burntautumn :
I am..well I still read diaries here but I don't use this place to write anymore. I use LJ. Nice layout btw.
from collegesucks :
sure... put in username: collegesucks and password: secret
from writergrrl88 :
I do miss your postings and hope you'll come back soon. ~lita~
from silenttears4 :
I wish I knew..
from raven72d :
my e-mail ("emil") is just my name here at yahoo dot com.
from raven72d :
Samantha does vanish sometimes... I haven't heard from her since my birthday. And I do worry about her... Do call her-- urge her to write and call. Or send me her latest number and I'll call her. I miss her...
from writergrrl88 :
you rock - because you just say what's in your head and you put it out there in your words. :) logic is just words that don't let go of each other. ~lita~
from sassysylvia :
I'm not crazy . Just wanted you to see how writergrrl88 can be to her so called friends . wishing my 10 yr old son would kill himself . pretty bad huh ? well sorry to post in your notes . Have a good one . feel free to check my diary out ... sylvia
from acuttersedge :
Seems that we both got the same note. I dunno who this gal is but I think she is crazy.
from helpla :
It's not so bad! just remember there are a bunch of people here thinking of you! Sit back and write it all down, then go do something then come back and read it trying to think through it objectively then go away, then come back later... it helps a bit. Otherwise go get coffee. Hope you feel better soon!
from whitekachina :
I haven't got the faintest idea. perhaps that's why I'm so happy. thank you for the compliment, lovely one.
from morguecrawl :
Well, people are invariably assholes. Like taxes and death, it's something you can count on.
from helpla :
I didn't think it was crap! But I'm glad I made you smile!
from helpla :
Your diary almost made me cry, it's so exactly what I used to feel, every day, for years and years. I'm ok now, mostly, and I believe that you can be happy one day too, just keep going.And whatever you do, keep writing! You have an awesome talent!
from cornnugget :
Good News: I just got a great price quote on my car insurance from Geico. (Just teasing you) Seriously, you are alive and every day is a second chance to start anew. It might be a little optimistic but things can and do change.
from amber-darko :
Hi! My name's Amber and I'm 23. I am writing a book about my personal account of self hate and self harm. I'd like to include some personal stories from different stages in healing, different sexes and different ages to show that no one is the same, but we all are hurting in ways that we are unable to convey. I do not intend on printing names, there is no length restriction and I will not censor. I have decided to also include poetry or just general opinions. Please email me if you are interested. [email protected]
from msguided :
from burntautumn :
Well thank you :) I think hemp cookies are made by very wierd hippies, it's just going too far. The wallpapers I made are just nice artsy ones. I should actually put some up on my website now that I think of it. Anyway, take care.
from msguided :
I love you. Thanks ;)
from musone :
♥ your diary. Keep it up.
from ladybloom6 :
Hey, love the new layout. I must say it's hot. heh heh. Anyway I was wondering what those elvish words were translated into english are. I know I've heard them before in one of the movies....hmm...get back to me please. :) ~Gabby~
from raven72d :
Poor girl! But what else has been happening?
from raven72d :
Yes, yes, I do. How have you been? What has life been like?
from futureceo :
I just wanted to say thanks for writing and I look forward to reading more of your entries in 2004. I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
from burntautumn :
Hey there, your guestbook wouldn't work for me so I'm leaving a note. Sorry to hear the troubles you are dealing with right now. Ignore him, I find your writing beautiful. Take care and have a Happy New Year :)
from msguided :
Thanks! Not only are you cute, but you're smart too! ;)
from loki-trick :
well, you shouldn't. you're fantastic!
from loki-trick :
you're an amazing writer... and don't try to deny it!
from his-boy :
why what?why do I like your writing.You're gifted.When I read your diary I feel its honest and it inspires me.What else?
from his-boy :
I love your entries.take care.
from msguided :
((hugs)) if there was something I could do to help, you know I would!!
from msguided :
medical leave?? whats going on? are you ok?
from msguided :
KWIM = Know What I Mean. Heh. I had no clue to first time I saw it. Sometimes, still, when I read it, I am like, 'Huh?' ;) How are classes going?
from loki-trick :
You're a great writer.
from loki-trick :
You're awesome.
from loki-trick :
I wish I was an elf...
from emerald-ivy :
I have a love for Tolkien's elves as well. Maybe we could talk sometime, I love how you write. Go ahead and stop by my journal if you want to get to know me better... take care dear. And never stop believing.
from orionsgirl :
wow, you have an amazing way with words. You show so much emotion in such a little space. I hope everything improves in your life, because you sound like you haven't had it very well. I wish you the best. -Cheryl aka- orionsgirl
from sweets73 :
just took ur survey and thought i'd stop by and say hi *.*
from jing-ryu :
I wish I had your talent in writing... Wow.
from brokenmirror :
The power of your words litters through every letter. YOu're amazing. xxx
from sad-doll :
Hello darling. Sometimes, I'll go outside at night my hair will be damp and I'll have a cigarette in hand. I'll look up at the sky, and wonder why I'm here. It's always cold, and I'm always bloody from cutting in the shower. But why is life like this? xoexoh
from sad-doll :
Hey pretty, let's be friends.
from raven72d :
[email protected] will get forwarded to me.
from raven72d :
do write... i miss you!
from raven72d :
I shall, lovely one.
from raven72d :
What dreams are paralyzing you in the night?
from raven72d :
Tell me more about Sonata Arctica...
from raven72d :
Feel free to e-mail me. I'm usually available with conversation, literature, and a ready listening ear.
from raven72d :
Your entry did... The emotional feel around the entry made me want to read classic Japanese poetry to you, to offer it as a shield and tonic...
from raven72d :
Nightwish is a brilliant band... Do you like This Ascension?
from raven72d :
Your entry today... I wanted to read you Japanese poetry, to offer you the sense of mono-no-aware, the beautiful bittersweet transitory nature of things...
from raven72d :
Because you catch my interest. Because the things you write create a voice I'd like to hear... Because you're bright and thoughtful and dark.
from raven72d :
One day I want to hear you talk about music and dreams and Elvish history...
from zerom3ph :
found you by doing the whole guestbook tarzan thing. by clicking on random links in random guestbooks (repeto ad absurdum) you eventually some of the most interesting sites.
from raven72d :
I suppose I could be a small Psyduck or basset hound Ringwraith... But I'm a shadowy figure, a vur' pettable little hedgehog... And I listen because I find you bright and perceptive and talented.
from raven72d :
I'll always be there to listen... Be sure of that.
from raven72d :
I'm a major fan of the Silmarillion and of Elvish history... That kind of tragedy always attracts me...
from raven72d :
Such an incredible diary...
from zerom3ph :
to this day, nothing really makes me happier than seeing someone else make a recovery. good luck with your journey.
from dyingtodance :
Thanks for the note. Before I started with the whole eating disorder crap, I was a cutter. I traded one addiction for another, but I think now I am finally free. Good luck to you.
from hysareyl :
I don't know, don't ask me questions, I know nothing...
from buzz-chan :
I'm not really sure how to describe it. You are able to pour out so many emotions into your writing with what seems like little effort. Maybe I see within your writings what I myself almost did. Who knows? All I know is that I am drawn back to your diary often.
from buzz-chan :
From what I've had a chance to read of your diary, yes, I like it. ^^ It's so full of dark beauty. I only wish I could catch words as well as you.
from rurisue :
hello, there. i was perusing through other fans of Blind Guardian [who i finally got to see live last night -- kicked ass!] and i saw you're also a fan of nightwish and iced earth, as well as the obvious tolkien works. thought i'd say hi, and all that other jazz. or metal. eh, you know what i mean. anyway, i'm sounding stupid, so i'll be going now. [and then there was silence...]
from hysareyl :
Captivated yes, indeed... I think it's a normal human response, being flattered when somebody else finds you captivating, correct me if I'm wrong here... I don't know why I'm so interested in your diary, it's the way you write I guess, and what you write... I think I see a little of myself in those pages, a bit, a little bit I guess, i don't know...
from hysareyl :
I keep coming back to your diary... You're the type who writes so captivating...
from beloveddark : a fellow LOTR i found your diary by looking at others and i must say i loved it b/c of that picture on your was sooooo pretty!
from life-release :
:) I found your diary because I was looking thru diaries of people who like Iced Earth. You have some good music tastes... once I saw your diary and your words, that is what kept me reading.
from life-release :
people read your diary...i read your diary, i am just a quiet person though so ya can't expect me to say much. i just read and think of your thoughts you show, thought that otherwise i would never be able to think of, so i thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
from hysareyl :
You're right, that's not very useful, but, I'm not in the mood to be useful or practical, if you wish to know who I am, it's up to you to find out, I wont dare to analyse myself too much right now, tomorrow maybe... I found you at random, the chance of us knowing eachother is at a minimum I think... Can't remember how, saw your name somewhere and found it interesting, that must be it...
from hysareyl :
Oh, don't ask who I am - that's a question I can't answer... The most simple answer would be, that I'm me, but if those words should escape my mouth, or in this case, be typed down by my fingers, I would only start to question my self more and more, more than I do allready... Heh... It wasn't sarcasm, but honestly meant, I like your profile, and your diary, I don't know why, some similarities maybe, I'm captured by the way you write... And I my self have a certain love for elves...
from hysareyl :
*stomples by in awe* hehh, interesting read you give us all, mhmm...
from zerom3ph :
as wonderful as blood tastes, i've found one can bleed just as well on paper as they can over a sink. you don't actually have to make even one slice to well and truly bleed all over the place, like a ripe pomegranite on a busy freeway.

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