messages to dasvifaba:
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from indigojess :
Hi! Tried signing the book, but I kept getting server errors, so at least this works! :) I found your diary through a string of others, ending on people who listed pollux. (if I've even got that right, LOL) Anyway, I've loved reading you so far,...I've been there! The wanting to be over the ex, still wanting them back, realizing it was the good times, the happiness, the being with someone over the actual person sometimes. And my insight, though I've been wrong plenty of times before: you can't find the next one until you're truly over the last one. This, coming from someone who still hasn't accepted that my ex broke off all contact, the one who still considers writing a long email asking for some shred of friendship and having it fwd to her, though I realize we're just too different now, and maybe we've grown too differently to *have* a friendship like we used to. Anyway, after all that, my point was that I like reading you, and I understand the difficulty in moving on. And I think I need to come to your bar,...I think it's high time for a random woman to approach me! :) Jess
from euphoria21 :
I've written a few, so when you get the time go and read...
from euphoria21 :
Seen your diary over at dailycake(I heart her!!!)anyways, been having fun reading up on you. Sorry about the break up, but I can't give good advice after a 3 year relationship with my favorite lil' butch I called it quits(she was misbehaving, badly)and I went on a rampage, or should I say...TRAMPage!!! Hee, tried screwing everybody I could but saw myself comparing them to her and that didn't work, so I focused on myself and my job, and my friends...needless to sayI got over her and I'm doing better now...Laterz, Vy

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