messages to dead-diaries:
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from rockaction :
from blueeyes19 :
i came upon the diary "confession" while looking through someone else's diary. It is about an unstable man that gets in an accident that screws up his is crazy. You definitely need to read it. He hasn't updated in at least a year. But the very last update he does have is very spooky.
from tarynheart :
iamnotunique is quite...not of this world anymore. She has very few entries but you might want to add her.
from ljungberg8 :
also-could you do "Redphil". thanks :)
from ljungberg8 :
hello. I have been reading a diary for a while, then it got updated with its final entry. the writer of the diary had died, and his friend wrote about it in the diary. please could you write a eulogy thing for "Jamestkirk". thank you very much x x x
from lovelynight :
from pumpkintown :
I can understand what you are saying now.As it is true in life,that many goodbyes and hellos will be said.I never really thought about it that way before.Thank you for making me see it the way you do.
from pumpkintown :
Diaries which have died make me feel sad..Its just the thought that the people who wrote the diaries had this place to write down all their feelings,but then,one day,they just didnt do it anymore..I mean,where do the people go,hmm?Maybe Ive just had too much coffee,but it is a little sad,dont you think?I always hate finding a dead diary...Maybe Im just a bit weird...
from hiddenlife :
You signed my notes page a long while ago (I'm guessing, because I just now found it) and commented that I only update about sex. That was sort of the point of the diary, I have 2: one about the overall life, and one about the sex life I can't/don't want to write about in the other diary. But anyway, the commentary on PrincessBi was pretty interesting.
from scarydoll :
from lifeisbeauty : . It's fake, I firmly believe, but well written.
from ontheoutside :
don't know if you ever update anymore, but i have three recommendations. 1) 2) 3) :/ i miss them all...
from scar-ling :
I recommend, because we all love and miss chris.
from eyeslikeice :
i...would recommend... people go gaga over it's supposed deepness, when really, it's just some guy who bunched in a lot of long words that sound deep.
from tenobia :
This is rather an odd recommendation, first because it's a group of diaries and second because I strongly suspect that none of the 'diarists' exist. Apparently, someone created several characters and gave them diaries. Their names: beta-wolf, averagejyou, redphoenix... and if you go to any of 'their' profiles, you'll see even more. I'd suspect an RP group, but they all have similar writing style..<P>Anyway, I don't know if you're interested, but there's an FYI.
from bildschoen :
I recommend She had interesting things to say, but then she just up and left. Strange.
from silentspring :
nice concept !
from amalthea23 :
i reccomend bearing in mind that she did not actually move, was never pregnant and is married, not that you'd know...
from carinosa34 :
Go to He stopped updating in early September, so he won't be eligible for another two weeks, but it's a really good diary!
from jonnybox :
Yes she's alive and kicking. The suicidal, anti-social thoughts are extremely common. Thanks for going with this.
from jonnybox :
You should do Please let me know if you do.
from escapedpain :
I had a friend who stopped updating about a year ago. His diary is, I'm curious to read your take on him.
from merry- :
i dunno what the HECK you are talking about, but it amuses me. thank you, and SQUEE
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Nightheart ring, you are welcome!
from sullivan40 :
You're in the ring. It would be good to see links to these sites or at least the URL. It's you're site though. That's just my suggestion.

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