messages to defect:
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from pitter-pat :
hiiii. this might seem like a weird question (especially if you never or rarely use diaryland these days), but i was wondering if you knew where a girl named lore ( now writes? you had her as a favorite on your profile and i was hoping you might know if she has a more recent diary or website that i could check out. she stopped responding to everyone's comments several years ago and i just recently stumbled back across her diary and decided to try and find her again. any information would be appreciated, i really loved her writing and miss seeing her entries. please email me at [email protected] or just send me a note here at if you can help. thank you and take care! ♥
from anticrew :
i never gave up on you! i searched your other blog about a month or so ago and got an error page which really bummed me out cause i often wonder about you and what you're up to. i get the feeling that you're doing well, though, and i couldn't be happier for you, G.
from heymylove :
you write so beautifully<3
from pornoviolent :
from time-enough :
i think i'd like to talk sometime about you... especially the thoughts and actions that twitch at your heart to talk about. i would like to hear.
from time-enough :
thankies. instant message me on "youfeel likehome" sometime-- i have something interesting&weird to say that i think you'd appreciate.
from tekdefekt :
:::Guess we're equally damaged...signal when you can't breathe:::
from zerom3ph :
...yeah. that shit sucks, i should know.
from autumnal :
I want to curl up awhile in your words next to a cold, dusk blue window.
from tekdefekt :
it seems like it's been a million years. i'll be down there soon.
from soljah :
i added you to my diaries list [ if that's cool ], your layout is beautiful and your musical taste rocks. props.
from kbaa :
from biggestlie :
Your taste in music is absolutely amazing !
from azureaurora :
you're interesting. i like the way you write. i hope to add you to my favorites, if that is ok with you. your words are beautiful. :)
from girl101 :
returned to sender is just. heart. breaking. just happened yesterday. so here/s to needle and thread {none of this newfangled g-l-u-e nonsense} but watch your fingers. what to do with the words that express everything? xo.
from heartshaped :
miss you. xo.
from erato :
and why do you say that?
from heartshaped :
oh love. <3<3<3
from heartshaped :
from heartshaped :
hello. thank you for the note. i'll be in touch. cheers-
from troilus :
Was the Dante intentional? Can you read Italian?
from girlgenie : like a blow to my head. [and i wanna blow minds for a living.]
from escapeartist :
you are mysterious, yet oddly familiar xo escapeartist
from jonasty :
mmmm... exams are over, so i can cruise diaryland again! oh joy! :) keep writin, keep smilin! *yay*
from thisisjohn :
weak for your heart, I wasn't sure what to do without.
from andross :
Hahahaha... Dr. Octagon. I was in a store on time, this real grass-roots indy music store trying to buy the self-titled Mr. Bungle CD and there was this skinny white guy who sort of looked like Drexel, or whatever Gary Oldman's character's name was in True Romance. It was something dorky like that, I remember. There was a great instrumental/beat track playing and he told me it was a great mucisian named Dr. Octagon, so I bought the CD. There was an option I knew nothing of, that being the option of buying intstrumental or rap disc. I bought the rap one, brought it home, chuckled at the title (Dr. Octagynocoligyist... or is it gyst...) and listened to it once. I hadn't head Dr. O again until I was at the Warped Tour last year, cringing at so much pop punk and loving the Rollins Band when out of the corner of my path of hearing, I hear Octagon rapping with Slick Rick, or someone... I can't remember who. I listened for a second or two and laughed to myself. You don't really need to know that, but now you do. Isn't it strange the things one involuntarily learns in a day? Ambrose and A. Now. Excellent. Alex
from un-bad :
Eeek! You like the Strkes and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? Ah we're muysical twins.
from taintedfate :
yep! it's the leonids (the meteor shower) -- gorgeous, isn't it? they are supposed to peak here out in the east around 5 a.m. i'm gonna go out and catch 'em in about 1/2 an hour (it's 4 a.m. here now)
from tekdefekt :
love is a dangerous angel.

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