messages to diet-kate:
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from starke- :
Ew that girl from that show is ugly!! You are cute though.
from starke- :
You're not a slut or skanky if it doesn't happen all the time and if you felt trapped into it. :( ♥ I'm always scared that's going to happen to me. Well, not ALWAYS, but recently, because I want so bad to feel like someone wants me again. Because I feel like my "boyfriend" doesn't. At least you're smart and got the day-after pill. ♥ ♥
from starke- :
I probably just won't write as much. =/ You're definitely not part of why I felt that way. ♥
from starke- :
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention! I was just copying and pasting what I left for other people. User=night Name=swimming.
from starke- :
Never mind that. It's night/swimming.

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