messages to dietingqueen:
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from groupie94 :
just started reading... enjoying it much ... If you like scott Patterson you should check out the tv show Gilmore Girls...(Retired now - ran for 7 seasons) he is awesome in that show...!
from rabbitstew :
The little moving witch thing at the bottom of your diary does look a trifle... obscene! Maybe that's just my mind though.
from catsoul :
So glad you found your missing shopping bag!! As for smoking, I smoke in my car to work. I smoke two each way, that is good I think. I drive 26.9 miles to work and 26.9 miles home, and I figure I could be smoking the whole time, but I don't. How much does a pack of cigs cost up? Here is Wisconsin they are almost $5.00 a pack. Oh, and what is a Tam Tam? =^..^=
from boxx9000 :
I've been on one diet or another my entire life. I think most women are in a constant weight watch. Nothing really worked until I finally set my mind to it. I knew I could do anything I wanted, the problem was I never wanted it bad enough so I went about it in a half ass way. Once I finally got serious and was willing to do the work (exercise) the weight has been coming off. Exercise is the key and it is so good for my mental health. Limiting my fat grams to under 27 per day was another big factor. Counting fat grams alone will have you losing weight. I am 52 years old, if I can do it, you can do it. Wishing you success if that is what you truly want.
from ramanda :
Hi there! I haven't updated my diaryland page in years. I've been bad at blogging this year, but when I do post it's at
from sunstarr :
while i don't know you personally or your story, losing weight doesn't have to "cost" anything. i'm a success story of how just making simple changes can result in big rewards. for example, portion control is key. i do not deny myself anything--- i just am sure to only eat a small bit of the thing(s) that are higher in calories/fat, etc. and, you're right... exercise does help to melt the weight off much faster. if you're not an experienced exerciser, just try to start with brisk walking for 30 minutes or so. basically, try to break a sweat each time. gradually add more time and then you could work up to carrying/holding some light weights in your hands as well. anyway, if you need any tips or advice or support, feel free to email me ([email protected]) or stop by my diaryland page and leave me a comment. i wish you luck. it's tough work, but you can do it!
from ramanda :
For a free food tracker you might want to have a look at Then maybe you can return the other and get some $$ back?
from clingwrap :
hello (: personally i think weightwatchers is a scam for money, counting calories is easier than points. but anyway good luck!
from boxx9000 :
It has taken me a whole year but I have lost 52 pounds @ ONE pound per week. I eliminated meat from my diet, then dairy, then wheat, then sodas, then alcohol and finally I limited myself to under 27 grams of fat per day. I work out EVERY day. It's not easy, but it can be done. Best of luck on your weight loss quest.
from shrinkmeana :
Good luck on reaching your weight loss goals, I know how anxious this stuff can make a person feel.
from cloverstar :
good luck! but i'd steer clear of weight-loss magazines if i were you..they only make you feel bad about yourself :( exercise is fab though!

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