messages to disfigurine:
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from cosmokane :
hi disfigurine. congratulations on your law school admission! my admissions process was also riddled with rejections. the first thing i tell prospective law students is that law school is what one makes of it. i myself did not have a good time in law school, but that's because i was 19 when i entered (straight from undergrad), and i didn't have the gravitas that a professional school requires (also, law school is not a good time to simultaneously begin a dj career). cons of bu law: ugly-ass building, depressing winters. pros of bu law: awesome faculty (ranked #1 in the country for a while, i believe), riverside location. i could write a book on the psychologies of being a law student. if you ever need counseling/advice/etc. during your time there, don't hesitate to contact me. my aim handle is listed on my profile. coincidentally, i now work in a health law-related field, so i think we'd have much to talk about :) - c
from pisceschrist :
you have not only good taste, but beautuous.

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