messages to do-dolen:
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from space-oddity :
I just came home from a week long camping trip in the Utah/Arizona desert. I saw some of the most spectacular things. We flew into Vegas. It's all plastic but makes for wonderful people watching. .. I like driving for hours, never seeing another soul the entire way. .. I stare at the Mister when he's driving, too.
from punkgoddessx :
Sorry to hear about your saw blade. Hope you get a new blade soon enough. The cello building pics looks great. Oh and cute dog you have there. btw I'm Louise.. you dont have to call me stranger anymore.. lol. Keep up the hard work dolen. oh, have any of your friends ever record your sleepy babbles? Thought that was funny about "corn of con... however you spell it. ok I'm gone.
from punkgoddessx :
Am I the only one that leaves you notes? well anyway, its me again.. you have an interesting family history.. Thanks for sharing that part of you to the rest of us.
from punkgoddessx :
a pie safe huh? looks interesting from the picture you have in your diary. Stain glass sounds great too, Good luck on your projects. :)
from punkgoddessx :
No pressure or anything , but please return lol Im missing my dose of dolen. take care

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