messages to doghigh:
(click here to add new message):

from smartyfork :
i just found your diary and i like what you have to write sometimes. just thought i'd say hi! =)
from missy-17 :
hey how are you, im good today!just browsing through members and saw your name, figured i would click on it and write to ya!!
from flying-kiwi :
Well, it seems a bit strange to be sad about someone leaving when I never met them in the first place lol! You know where I am in DLand if you feel like stopping by. It would be cool to know where you're writing, but if you'd prefer not to share, that's cool. I guess you have your reasons, so good luck with whatever you're doing. Loads of hugs! XOXOXO
from haloaskew :
Booboo! Don't leave me. *sniff* Diaryland was BAD (and must be punished...People have been PAID to TAKE CARE OF IT already), so stay. Please?
from heidiann :
I'm sad. Would you be willing to share your new non-Diaryland digs with me so I can come visit? Come on...pleeeeeease?
from flying-kiwi :
Well, if you can't have a good whinge in D-land, where can you? :o)
from flying-kiwi : got left behind? Heh heh...there's SO much fun you can have when you're left behind....
from haloaskew :
So, we finally find out the truth about John Mayer! He sings so sweetly about women, but shows a disturbing amount of anger towards energy bars. I knew there was something. There always is. Let's fly to Bermuda to discuss it.
from haloaskew :
Hey I'm on it! Well, actually, I'm on top of an Orbitz rep at the moment (he said if I do "the thing he likes" we'll get extra passes to scuba dive in Bermuda!) Cool! Ok, I need to get back to Tony...he's just about ready to hand over those passes...
from haloaskew :
I know, kiddo. I don't understand why my life consists of work-dogs-laundry-bills. This is not what I wanted! But you have to hang in there for those moments that you can't believe you're lucky enough to witness...and really, if you're on the edge, it'd be LESS crazy to sell everything and roam the world for a year or two! Hell, if you can't see yourself even saying "fuck it!" and hopping a Greyhound for two weeks to visit, I dunno, the Grand Canyon, how can you throw it ALL away...forever? No refunds. No return ticket. Moral of the story: See the Grand Canyon before you die. And if you've already been there, see the California redwoods! Or go to Colorado! Or Maine! Then you've still got Europe, the pyramids, the outback, endless ancient ruins, the tropics, the rainforest...and if all else fails, there's always Disney World. Listen, you get that close to calling it quits, call me. We'll jet! Orbitz won't know what to make of us! I need to see the rest of the damn world anyhoo! Hang in there, baby! :)
from flying-kiwi :
Hi! Phew, you're still alive! Had me worried there for a bit. Thanks for the note! I'd go red for Jamie Oliver too, lol :o)
from danddteacher :
I'm worried about you. Your tone has changed so much over the past several months. I miss the doghigh who teased me and gave good advice. But more importantly, I miss the doghigh who was happy with life.
from flying-kiwi :
!!I hope you're okay, you don't sound it. I could cut and paste that entry into my own journal at times. Except the part about killing yourself at 25. That would have been a waste doghigh, it really would. XOXO
from flying-kiwi :
G'day, just flying through. I hope you're okay. Ta for the message.
from flying-kiwi :
Merry Xmas from Downunder!
from flying-kiwi :
LOL just read that back, I meant NAVEL gazing. Although, I did meet some men from the Chilean Navy once and they were definitely worth gazing at! Flying-Kiwi.
from flying-kiwi :
It's just weird writing a locked journal. Feels like severe naval gazing :o) if you feel like dropping by let me know: [email protected]
from flying-kiwi :
Thought you might be interested in this article about our new Civil Union Bill. I'm not that patriotic really but this makes me pleased to be a Kiwi.
from danddteacher :
No need for thanks - we've been reading each other too long for that formality! *S* Just glad to hear you're doing better...
from flying-kiwi :
Yeah, sorry about the access thing. I'd give you a password but I'd need to email it to you which means you'd need to share your email address which you'd have nowhere to send to unless I gave you MY email address which I don't like doing openly on the net and so it gets all complicated :o) Glad you're doing better anyway. Love Flying-Kiwi
from flying-kiwi :
Hi doghigh, I haven't been by in a while...and when I do read you it's gone all sad! :o( I hope you're alright. Love Flying-Kiwi
from danddteacher :
Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry! What's got you feeling this way? Anything in particular or just a hunch?
from cshewry :
Hi Saw your note about looking for a job, I do a great career report that will give you a great insight in to what you need to look for to find the right shape hole to fit you if you want Email me at [email protected]
from djraindog :
I have a little semi-prediction for you...If you do this, abandon your current job and actually get up the wind in your sails to do what you WANT to do? You probably won't want so much to leave this City. My life here is absolutely exhausting, but it's also quite invigorating, and I actually feel like I OWN it, now; I feel like I have more choices and am more free to make them, let the consequences be what they may. I'm very interested to see if you'll feel similarly. It certainly won't be instantaneous, but give it a month or two and throw some energy into creation, rather than subsistence...It really can be miraculous.
from djraindog :
Perfectly sensible, but I need more coffee. Actually, I just want it to be lunchtime, and I want the cafeteria to serve beer. Mmm...Beer.
from djraindog :
Sorry I haven't yet responded to your e-mail...Your comment begs a serious discussion...Would most gays choose to be straight if they were given the opportunity? I don't know. Hanging out somewhere in the not-so-demilitarised zone in between, I don't fully understand either position...Never have and probably never will, though my eyes, ears, and mind are certainly open.
from violetwoman :
Your life plan was awesome. Loved the twins part!
from djraindog :
Nah, actually, your description was quite nice. "Good use of descriptive detail," says my inner English teacher. By the way, were you high? 'Cause I tend to view things that way when I'm
from heidiann :
You can Friendster me too! I think it's through email address also so you can search for rubberduckiest at yahoo dot com and up I should pop. =)
from djraindog :
Add me as a friend, and your network will extend. You still have my real name from an e-mail awhile back, no? If not, shoot me a message and I'll resend. ;-) Oh, yeah, and I'd come to your show. Now that we're in the same town, we should hang out sometime.
from heidiann :
from danddteacher :
You're very political lately, sweetie, and while I do love that you're back I so miss reading about YOU! *S*
from djraindog :
Okay, I knew I said I was gonna keep my gob shut, but John Leguizamo? I mean, he's brilliant and all, but boy, do you have interesting taste in men! ;-) Hope all's well, and glad you're having fun. All best, as always...
from jonathan29 :
Damn...your entry today is exactly what I need to do. Good quote...
from violetwoman :
Ah yes, but the important question is: did you continue to read US? hehehehe
from violetwoman :
OMG, you're back. You know, I always click on your diary every time I see it highlighted, lord knows why as I'd given up ever seeing you unlock. Who are you again, anyway??? :)
from heidiann :
I'm not PUSHING or anything, I swear! Just a little reminder that I miss reading you. Hope all is well!
from heidiann :
I'm not PUSHING or anything, I swear! Just a little reminder that I miss reading you. Hope all is well!
from heidiann :
I'm not PUSHING or anything, I swear! Just a little reminder that I miss reading you. Hope all is well!
from heidiann :
I'm not PUSHING or anything, I swear! Just a little reminder that I miss reading you. Hope all is well!
from danddteacher :
I'll be honest - I'm worried about you. Everyday I look at my buddy list and wonder what happened to you.
from danddteacher :
OK, just checking in on one my favorite people - YOU! How's life treating you these days? Tell you what, if you get the hankerin' send me some e-mail one day -> [email protected] . Take care of yourself.
from badger :
Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well. If you want to share your password, I'd like to get it, but I understand if you would rather not share. On the topic at hand, I get frustrated by people who would judge our behavior against our chosen "enemies." Of course walking a naked man on a leash is "better" than beheading him. But it's unacceptable by our standards. It's black & white. There's no such thing as 40% acceptable. I just keep wondering how average Americans can support a war with virtually no rationale. And how can so many support this guy, to the point of giving him 4 more years, who has lied and deceived at every turn. The most common response I get is that Bush is no worse liar than his predecessors. Can all we aspire to in our collective nationhood is mediocrity? Our nation is running on fear and hatred. A very scary time. My best wishes for you, friend.
from flying-kiwi :
I guess you have your own valid reasons for locking your journal, I'll leave you on my fav's list in case you ever unlock it :o) Hope you're alright and didn't have to lock it 'cos you're being stalked by a cyber-looney!
from miss-edith :
When will you be there?
from danddteacher :
tell me this much - are you ok?
from danddteacher :
but I still don't get the password, huh? *L* tease!
from djraindog :
Your name in red letters in my buddy list taunts me with the promise of new and interesting reading material, then that damned password screen pops up -- Lucy snatches the football away just in time for me to fling myself in midair and land flat on my back. One day, I will STOP being Charlie Brown. That's all I'm saying.
from heidiann :
Pssst...can I get in on that password action? Also, did I ever mention that one of the reasons you rock is that you list Shirley Valentine as a favorite movie? It's the best.
from danddteacher :
You're killing me here!!!!
from gfhandel :
How do I get your password? I miss reading your thoughtful comments.
from fulminous :
(laugh) Hopefully I'll hear back today or tomorrow and I can actually stop being annoyingly secretive. I just don't want to jinx things TOO much. And also I miss reading you, peach!
from violetwoman :
Catlow, are you handing out your password? I sure hope so........
from rumblelizard :
Sweetie, can I have the password, or do you want all of us to die of suspense?
from la-the-sage :
Locked. Not a word for weeks and now you're locked. sigh... ~LA
from danddteacher :
*sighs* you're locked... how can I read you if you're locked? this is most distressing...
from danddteacher :
*sighs* you're locked... how can I read you if you're locked? this is most distressing...
from djraindog :
Erm...WHAT?! YOU're locked?! But you don't ever even say anything controversial! You're all sweet and good and kind and nice and pure and monogamous and well-behaved! What gives, pup? Hope all's well...
from rumblelizard :
Locked? Can I have the key?
from djraindog :
Sorry, 'twas last week (24-26 March)...Oh, well. Wutchagonnado? ;-)
from djraindog :
Heya...I'm coming to visit your little town tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, as I'm doing some casting and will be sitting through three days of auditions. If you'd like to put name/face/voice with writing over a beeah or sumin', let me know. (Just fire off an e-mail.)
from djraindog :
I must confess: I have an overwhelming desire to fuck the living hell out of 50 Cent. Eminem, too. The thought of either of them face down in a pillow taking it while I slam his ass, call him my bitch, etc. gives me instant wood. It's not what fags are thinking that scares 'em; it's what they're scared of thinking about themselves.
from djraindog :
I dunno whose apartment you've been lookin' at, but I'm not the "window treatments" kind of guy. Vertical blinds, same as in every other unit in the building, usually open 'cause I like the light, and I figure if you've made the effort to look in my 7th floor windows, you deserve whatever view you can get. ;-)
from djraindog :
Okay, I have to agree, she's no Meryl Streep. As to the notes...Well, I never type up the entries I write anymore, so no one has any reason to read me anymore...And besides, it's generally considered a bad idea to talk to demons. ;-) J/K. Don't feel like a stalker...Unless you start hanging out outside my building in the rain watching my lights go on and off (Mmm...Great Kate Bush song, "Top of the City")...But I think you've got enough on your plate without regular trips up here.
from djraindog :
I must agree it was an odd comment, but then, one wonders what she REALLY said. I have no faith whatsoever in American journalists, and I tend to think they should be next in line to be tried for crimes against humanity after the current administration is sentenced. I gotta love Angie Harmon, though, 'cause she played the most bloodthirsty of all the Assistant DA's on Law & Order, which is damn near the only thing I ever watch on TV. And she's lucky enough to be married to Jason Sehorn, who's quite the hotty when he decides to be... ;-)
from djraindog :
I can answer more quickly on the Buddhist question than the Islamic one...In recent years, Little Buddha (Keanu Reeves as Siddhartha); Seven Years in Tibet (some of Brad Pitt's most important work, IMO -- I usually find him quite flat), and some argue, The Matrix...
from danddteacher :
No, I haven't. You know, over the past 6 months or so I've really fallen behind on all those little things I like to do. Haven't been to B&N in a while. The last Snicket book I read was the one about the carnival. Maybe it's time for a trip to the store!
from djraindog :
You make a very interesting point re: the use of the Bible as a book of law. A priest in my parish (which is known among Anglicans world-wide both for its high-churchmanship and its liberal politics, not to mention the rather excellent choir) recently gave a sermon in which he spoke of a rather liberal theology professor who was interrupted by a student who stood up mid-lecture in the balcony, brandishing his Bible, and shouted something to the effect of, "But sir, do you believe in THIS?!" After a moment of careful thought, the theologian responded, "Yes, but only when IT grips YOU, NOT when YOU grip IT." One of these days, I'll post my diatribe on the legalisation of homosexual marriage. (I'm all for it, for record, insofar as I'm actually for ANY sort of marriage, which I believe, as an institution, has both outlived and undermined its own utility.)
from violetwoman :
I think you'll accomplish whatever you set your mind to, be it big or small. To me, it seems like you've accomplished a LOT, that your life is very full. I think you're awesome! *hugs*
from violetwoman :
I just saw the preview for "My Big, Fat, Obnoxious Fiance" Reality shows are hitting new lows as I write this. Also, I read that they want to do a reality show based on Amish kids experiencing the 'real' world. Please, tell me it aint so!
from violetwoman :
Eee, you sound drunk! Drunk and horny. Heh. I've forgotten what that's like. Have fun with your fantasies, honey, and here's a big *hug* for you. (yah, I know that's not what you requested as I am not a hetero guy who's hot for you but too bad!)
from djraindog :
I've returned. Where are you? Hope all's well... *hugs*
from haloaskew :
Oh my! I hope B is ok! I can imagine the fright you both must have had. Try to get some rest and spend lots of time cuddling with each other this weekend! :)
from violetwoman :
That sounded very terrifying but I have something to share with you that might make you feel better (barring them finding out anything wrong, of course). Simon gets the same pains. One night, it was so bad that we too went to emerg. They did all the tests. Did they make your honey do the Pink Lady swallow? If the swallow works, then the pain is stomach/ulcer/etc. related. None of these worked on Simon and considering his dad died at 42 of a heart attack, we were freaked. After all the tests were done, they tentatively attributed it to an inflammation in the lining of his chest wall, caused by a weakness in a muscle there (nothing serious). I sure hope they're right because the other day it was so bad we had to pull over to the side of the road for ten minutes as he was paralyzed with pain. It is scary. Mind you, he hasn't had a CT scan or MRI, and I'd like to see that happen. Perhaps in the new year it will be time to call the doctor again. I'd hate for anything to happen to him. Good luck and let me know what's happening. *HUG*
from faux-homo :
I survived dude and im no longer sketchy. tired though, very fucking tired.
from violetwoman :
Hey, thanks for the thought. I enjoyed your entry today; keep up the happy moments!
from violetwoman :
Hey, thanks for the thought. I enjoyed your entry today; keep up the happy moments!
from violetwoman :
I'm with ya on the Paris Hilton thing. I always figured I loathed them just because I'm not young, skinny, blonde, and cute. If you're dumb enough to be videotaped having sex(esp. being famous), then take the consequences like a man. Haha, that being said, I have a friend who did just that, and the video was circulated for a small time around town here. Did I get a laugh out of that? You betcha!
from haloaskew :
Carson K would give you two snaps for your twist on fashion! Oh hey, didja catch the latest Queer Eye with the urban cowboy dude? When Kyan put on his cowboy hat I about fainted...DAMN, HE'S HOT. Why, oh WHY, must he be gay? Lucky for you though! If you ever meet the Fab 5 in in your travels throughout NY, give them smooches from me!
from la-the-sage :
Cool! Hey write me, okay? Lost your addy when I changed computers. ~LA
from danddteacher :
It's amazing to me how little changes can throw people off. Like your tie thing. Or with me, it's my hair. If I make the slightest change to my hair it's all my kids talk about for at least a month. Every class someone says, "What did you do to your hair?" And I still have a kid who's upset with me for getting it cut short - A YEAR AGO!
from haloaskew :
Yes, the Pope is evil. No, I'll write that with a lowercase "p" just to spite him. pope. evil. And the Jessica and Nick thing...oh christ, I caught that show a few times on Saturday morning TV. I have to admit, I love that Jessica is a complete idiot, so I watch in order to see what boneheaded thing she'll say next. Makes me feel superior, and isn't that a GOOD thing?
from djraindog :
You have, at least, taken the first step: You live in New York, and you ARE pursuing projects relevant to your goals. When I have those episodes (and I think many of us do), there's the added catalyst of distance, yet somehow, I can't help believing that since none of us can seem to see it ever working out, it's sure to do just that. The unimaginable is always what comes to pass. I also must believe that my relocating to the City will facilitate formation of loose coalitions which will bring us all notoriety, at least, if not exactly fiscal prosperity...Hang in there.
from bibulous :
I am always amazed when I read you. And I feel we can all learn something from you. And then to find out you too have these troubles of figuring yourself out..well, that makes you even more endearing. Hope you got lots of treats last night.
from danddteacher :
OK, I feel like a big hypocrit now, because I've had to lock mine. I tried to sign in from work today and they'd blocked the sight, which means they very well could be reading the thing. So, e-mail me ([email protected]) if you want the password. And I'd really love to find your password in that e-mail (hint, hint!)...
from danddteacher :
from violetwoman :
trez bizarre, I locked mine up, too. I am sending my passwords via email so could I please have your email address? Pretty please? And your password too, if you're still into letting others read your diary. Hope everything is fine. *HUG* from Kim
from la-the-sage :
Yo dude! What's with the Berlin Wall? You gonna send me a key or what? ~LA
from heidiann :
You've locked up!??!?
from rumblelizard :
Can I get a password, please?
from danddteacher :
re Brian: hind sight is 20/20. If I'd have known then what I know now, James and I would've had a good ol' time in high school. As for the popular crowd, a funny thing happened a few months ago. Angela and I went to the same high school, but were really only acquaintances until college. She mentioned something about me being in the popular crowd back then and how she always wished she was me, which is funny, since I was never in the popular crowd. In reality, I had friends in the popular crowd, but I had friends in every crowd. I was too busy with dance rehearsals to have time to be part of the popular crowd. It's kind of interesting to find out other people's perceptions.
from danddteacher :
I'm not sure what it is about Seinfeld. Maybe it's the way they go on and on about absolutely nothing, but that makes no sense because I'm the same way. Maybe it's the accents and the speed with which they talk (you know us stereotypical southern chicks have to have things real slow *L*). Maybe I just can't relate. Of course, I should be able to relate to Home Improvement either. Do I have a family, my own tv show, and a talent for injuring myself? No. But for some reason I get that humor. I dunno. Maybe I'm stupid and should just watch the Nick and Jessica show on mtv. *L* NO, I can't be THAT dumb! But maybe it will clarify if I explain that at any point in the day I can find reruns of the Cosby Show on tv and will stop to watch them, even though I've seen each episode a trillion times. That and Designing Women have to be my 2 favorite shows.
from sexyoldman :
Way cool on meeting Jaime Oliver. Have you been watching his show this week about taking 15 lower-class kids in London and training them to work in his new restaurant? Interesting. And can you believe Rachel Ray is doing Burger King commercials (like I've said before, isn't there anything she doesn't like?) Also, it's nice to find another foodie.
from danddteacher :
Is it me, or is Jessica Simpson a bloomin' idiot? Which, naturally, makes Nick Lachey an even bigger idiot for marrying her. I mean, the whole thing just proves that yes, you CAN get by on looks alone. I absolutely despise that show, am frustrated with the frequency with which is airs, and am sick of all the whining and farting.
from djraindog :
Hang on. Just hang on. There's all kinds of bad cosmic shit going around right now, and I promise it will end soon if I have to dance naked atop my apartment building to make it happen. You're NOT alone in feeling the way you do; you just have to trust that with focus and effort and time, it will pass. I'm clinging to vines of hope trying not to plunge into bitterness myself just now, and I'm constantly in touch with others who are hovering in just the same place. Soon...
from danddteacher :
TV in general gets on my nerves lately. I now I have one (yes, one) show that I watch regularly. And I've noticed that I don't really miss watching TV. As for the accent issue, it drives me nuts, too, but just from another perspective. 99.9% of the time "southerners" are depicted as having horribly thick, drawling accents. I typically watch a "southern" character and think, "we certainly don't sound like that." I also find that clearly the TV and movie world thinks that all southerners are hicks, bubbas, and idiots, and that southern women are all sex-craved, manipulative whores. In reality, we're just like everyone else, only with a slight accent. Oh, and I think it's ironic that even "reality" TV isn't realistic. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now. *L*
from violetwoman :
I knwo where you're coming from, in that sense of who am I, what am I, etc. and WHY? To read your words of seeing all those people out there who are 'better' than you, in every sense of the word, struck home with me. I am only losing that feeling after hitting 40--and now I look back and think, fuck, I really did look good, feel good, had fun, and I JUST DIDN'T APPRECIATE IT AT THE TIME. Now, I know that this won't help, but hindsight does have a way of straightening things out, only it comes WAAAAY too late. So, I feel for you, but I don't have the answers (I wish), as I have muddled my way through for the past 20 years. Just think to yourself, 'do I want to be feeling this way when I am 40?'. I don't know how old you are, but you still have time to make change. Trust me, if you don't, you'll feel much shittier when you're older and miserable! Hmmm, that was supposed to be funny; hope this note isn't too depressing. Have you ever read "The City of Joy"? I always read it when I am really down, and it never, ever fails to uplift my spirits. I've handed out more copies of that book to friends and family, I swear. *big virtual hug*
from djraindog :
Here's one Christian who's pretty damn sure those fool Republicans have got it all wrong...And believes they'll get theirs in time...Anyone who perverts Christian ideology as justification for the active oppression or abuse of another is no Christian at all, and if there is a Hell (something in which I like to believe when it's convenient), I'm sure there's a special place there for such folks. I cannot believe that love is ever a sin, but IF homosexuality is problematic for whatever Powers That Be, I am certain that persecuting folk based on whom they have the fortune to love and be loved by is a far greater offense. Anyone incapable of appreciating the plight of those fortunate enough to love must never have experienced love himself.
from cdghost :
it was cool reading it..thanks
from danddteacher :
I know exactly what you mean. Being the drama queen that I am I always overreact to everything. Can you relate? *L* Anyway, thanks for the advice. It always helps to get outside input. You have a talent for giving it in a way that doesn't come across as critical. Are you sure you're not a teacher?
from rumblelizard :
Heh. "Trim the Bush." Snicker. On the other hand, trimming doesn't have that note of finality to it. It implies that whatever is being trimmed will eventually grow back. I would be more like "Destroy and burn and sow salt in the earth where the Bush grew!" *snarl*! Hee. Thanks for the note doghigh!
from danddteacher :
OK, so maybe "addict" was a strong word. But I do think it's a problem. I know most people would look at my life and say I don't know what I'm talking about, but each of us has our own "thorn in the flesh" and right now, this is mine.
from bibulous :
Thats so sweet of you. I wonder how many know how wonderful you are?
from sexyoldman :
Oh man, I think you'll finally have a threesome when you're about 45 if you stick to all those details. It really sounds like you don't want to....which is absolutely fine! If you're not completely comfortable with the idea, you could end up more fucked in the head than in the pussy, so please be careful and make sure you really want to do it before committing to something. (Which also should be a groundrule: anyone can end the session without guilt or consequence.) Good luck
from violetwoman :
You were right, I did not go to any of the links. I apologize! Hmm, go to the Help Section and FAQ's section, and the Miscellaneous Stuff section--it tells you how to link to other sources, all sorts of goodies. It looks hard at first but give it a try! TRY THIS--go to the Change your Template section and copy and paste this in there (where in there? well play with it, you'll see it show up!)-this will give you the Previous and Next entries links--it's much easier to read your previous entries that way ><A HREF="%%prev%%">previous</A> -<A HREF="%%next%%">next</A> To link to another site, try this (I copied it from the d-land hints: A. Okay, well, let's say you wanted to add a link to the Diaryland main page ( and you wanted the link to say "Click here to go to the most excellent web page on earth". Here is what you would have to actually write in your diary: <A HREF=""> Click here to go to the most excellent web page on earth </A> Good luck. call me if you want help! tho' I'm sure help will be arriving after your plea! Big HUG!
from violetwoman :
Thanks for the words. I guess I KNOW there are others like me out there but I have yet to meet any. Glad to meet you at long last, fellow sensitive soul! Sigh, it's all just too much sometimes, isn't it?
from djraindog :
"We were in London / Let's do it / Let's break the law / We were in London / Tell it like it is" Really, I'd love to live elsewhere; I spent a summer in London with my then-girlfriend, and I lived in Paris for awhile, but I haven't gotten to live in New York yet, and I've believed it was my destiny to do so, ever since I was a very small child in rural southeastern Virginia, so...Bring on the Future!
from violetwoman :
Yes, I imagine most of us feel the same way as you do. Or maybe half of us. I know I do, most of the time. Hehe. It's all relative, isn't it? We compare ourselves to others, and imagine that they are so much more together. I mean, I know in fact, that I am not together. Ah well. I DO know that when I read your entries, that I think that you sound like for the most part you are enjoying life; you seem to live every day and take pleasure in the small and many things around you. I can't possibly know the real you (who does?) but judging by your words; I think you're okay! Take care. Kim
from heidiann :
I relate. I relate. I imagine you surrounded by thick glass walls. And you can see everything you want but the walls are keeping you from getting it. And then I imagine you screaming. Finding your voice and screaming. Loud, raw, guttural with fists clenched. And the glass walls shatter. And everything you need and want is right there. All you have to do is reach out and take it. Me thinks we need to learn how to scream, my friend.
from djraindog :
Okay, so I'm trying to read all of your back-story, 'cause I think that's important, and I'm only up to 8/14/2k2, but I had to write. 1) I love your vision of God as a lesbian with purple hair & piercings. 2) Your Nana sounds like an amazing individual. 3) I reallyreallyreally want to talk to you about your shows and such. Yet I have no way of contacting you except through notes. Fix this! ;-)
from bibulous :
Thank you very much for your perspective on things. I hope you are living high on life as always.
from miss-edith :
I was about 80% sure it was tongue in cheek, but I can't resist an opportunity to comment on my TAR obsession (it's sick really. If they don't bring that show back for another season I may commit crime or something), and I was curious if you were serious, um why? I'm glad you didn't like them either. I was SO disappointed when they won. So bitter. Kelly and Jon should have won. They were more entertaining. Reward the entertaining people and punish the boring ones!!!
from violetwoman :
My only celebrity sighting was Pamela Anderson at a nightclub. No doubt it will also be my last!
from sexyoldman :
I watch $40.00 a day each week (the Food Channel seems to always be on in my house.) I like Rachel, but does she ever try something that isn't "fabulous?" I'm waiting for the day when she takes a bite, spits it out, and say's "this tastes like crap...I want $50.00 a day!"
from taydo :
My God. You saw Rachael Ray. I think I want to lick your eyeballs.
from violetwoman :
I'll volunteer! No wait, I'm married now......oh, and I'm the wrong sex! Mwah-ha-ha. Hope you're feeling just wonderful today!
from djraindog :
*hug* I'm with you.
from haloaskew :
I wanna see the show! But I don't have digital cable. Make copies of the show, will ya?
from violetwoman :
Hey! Thanks for the well wishes! On your entry today, wow, I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a big city-I am such a country bumpkin. A place that sells only rice pudding? Imagine that! Simon would be in heaven as he is a rice pudding addict. I think that if I lived in the city (and my tummy was healthy), I would be a big, fat cow! I know I would. Yum.
from bibulous :
Thank you for missing me. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
from fulminous :
Oh no!! But I loved Otto so much!! Maybe you should tell everyone to spit on the snotty Englishman instead of to not go. Also, please! We should be Friendsters! Look for [email protected]. That will be me.
from haloaskew :
Nice to know we're both pervs...heh.
from haloaskew :
You should've asked Winona if she was still depressed about losing Johnny Depp. And whether or not she paid for what was in those shopping bags.
from violetwoman :
missing you......
from violetwoman :
Hello? Hellllooooo? Anyone home? What's happening way over there in your life? I hope you're doing well and keeping busy and are happy as all get out, and you have no time to write, and that's why you haven't! I'm babbling. Have a good one. Kim
from haloaskew :
Yes, I want front row seats when you become famous! I know it can be a hard road sometimes and there are those moments when you lose faith. You know what I do when I feel that way? I play a mix of "happy songs" to cheer me up and get back on track (some great ones are "Step by Step" by Whitney Houston, "I'm on My Way" by The Proclaimers, "It's a Beautiful Life" by Ace of Base, "I Have Confidence" by Julie Andrews, "Don't Rain on My Parade" by Barbra Streisand and "The River" by Garth Brooks). Keep your chin up, sweetie! :)
from djraindog :
It's wa(i)ning on pwom nite! Hey, I'll sing with ya whenever wherever (tho my ass is not quite as nice as Shakira's) -- I'd prefer Hazelwood's part, as it's nice and low, which means I can make it growly. My two settings lately seem to be Ominous and Gospel.
from haloaskew :
I love that song by Josh Groban! It's actually a song used for Cirque de Soleil. I always get very misty-eyed where I hear it as well...and his other songs are so wonderful too. I know what you mean about your struggle -I think you should go out and take a chance. Worst case, you'll wind up have to go back and do what you're doing now (or something similar), but think of the best case! Or the pretty-damn-good case! Good luck -- I'm rooting for you! here's a hug! {{{doghigh}}}
from d-rex17 :
for some reason my background ate my text and everything's oblivion
from djraindog :
Interesting Coincidence: You haven't updated in awhile (neither have I), but last night, in Scarfucks, on a date, I heard "SVM" -- the original version. We had to leave. It was too much for me. ;-)
from shivery :
next one's june 26, baby! if you want, i can add you to my mailing list...keep you in the full on loop...
from violetwoman :
big fat hugs from moi!
from d-rex17 :
I am so sorry. I can feel the rage coming off the screen. Intense, and understandably so. 'If you love enough you'll lie a lot / guess they did in Camelot....' kill him rip him apart
from fulminous :
(GASP) Rumor has it, you may be making an appearance in the wonderful world of ShiveryDelicious tonight! Oh, please please do! It'd be positively lovely to meet you! Hurray!
from shivery :
8pm, baby!
from bibulous :
I wrote something in your g-book but I'm not sure if it got through or not..maybe it'll show up later. 1. I think its good that you got it out in the open about your uncle. 2. You're on the right track. 3. I know you'll make a difference. I just know it.
from violetwoman :
hey, let it all out and no need to apologize. you read my diary in all its glory and send me thoughtful notes when I'm down. your 'relative' there sounds like a complete and utter ass--I can't imagine the stress of having to live with that. take care, Kim
from shivery :
ah, *sweet!* i'm totally game for that. see you monday?
from d-rex17 :
of drunks and footsteps
from shivery :
first: i'd be pleased as punch if you made it out to the show monday! second: cable show? drag queen? how on EARTH could i possibly turn down such a marvelous combination? tell me more, tell me more.
from djraindog :
Wow...I should've realised "SVM" was a Lee Hazelwood song...He wrote all manner of wonderful psychedelia, and the only version of the song I've ever heard was by my beloved Slowdive, who are now, I think, in reduced numbers, Mojave 3. That goes on the mix disc 4 u 2. Are you going to see Ms. Shiv tonight? History puts a saint in every dream, you know, but I've got to get going if I'm going to shave and change clothes before I catch that train...
from shivery :
open mics? well, my favorite was tuesday nights at the artland in williamsburg (though i haven't been in forever, and don't know if it still exists)...there was a great one at the raven, though that is no more. and, of course, there's the anti-hoot at the sidewalk cafe on mondays, which is always an experience...there's a really friendly one sunday nights at the c-note. those are all that come to mind now, but i'll keep you apprised if i think of any more!
from d-rex17 :
mr doghigh I'm dreaming...
from violetwoman :
hey, your entry conked out just at the best part (masturbating and waking the neighbor up?)
from d-rex17 :
not exactly, no. I hope I have not offended.
from danddteacher :
you chose an absolutely awesome poem to post (says the comatose dance and drama teacher who is too brain dead to think of a more descriptive way to put it because she's ready to kill all 1300 of her loud, obnoxious excuses for students)
from danddteacher :
you chose an absolutely awesome poem to post (says the comatose dance and drama teacher who is too brain dead to think of a more descriptive way to put it because she's ready to kill all 1300 of her loud, obnoxious excuses for students)
from d-rex17 :
and when did jt leroy become the celebrity interview darling?
from d-rex17 :
whatever do you mean?
from d-rex17 :
we've always been eating cafeteria food and regretting. I'm sorry about everything. The things you can't remember tell the things you can't forget.
from jaspieuk :
Thank you so much for you words in my notes. There are days when the writing seems to come from deep inside me, when it's more than just a list of things I do every day. Yesterday was one of those days - it's like when I was a miserable teenager and I wrote quite good poetry; I couldn't do it when I was happy. (Some of it was shite, mind you!) In the same way I knew EXACTLY what you meant when you wrote about walking around on the verge of tears all day. The times I've done that...or had to go to the loo to cry. You feel as though you may not be able to contain it any longer; that the wrong word from someone will send you over the edge...or even that the RIGHT word might do that as their sympathy acts as the catalyst for your emotions to explode. Anyway, on a more cheerful note, congratualtions about your job. I hope you're happier where you're going!! XXX
from fulminous :
You know, all things considered, it's probably a good thing that I don't know what the Fruity Freakies are. (laugh) I just looked them up, and they look pretty terrifying. I don't think I'd want to have anything to do with their Freaky cereal. However, I do like eggs. From my head down to my legs.
from danddteacher :
congratulations... change is good... I hope you feel the same...
from violetwoman :
hey, thanks for the words. Glad you're back here in the "real" world! BIG HUG!
from violetwoman :
where art thou?
from danddteacher :
Just wanted you to know... you're missed...
from djraindog :
It saddens me to see you decide to take on silence, just as I've returned from a place I wanted to discuss with you...It amuses me to see the connections that have been made between diary writers, at least in their notes...I totally understand your current feeling; I've been walking around on the verge of tears all day. Feel free to e-mail me sometime if you'd like to...Don't stay silent for too long.
from violetwoman :
You WILL be okay. Hope things pick up for you really soon, sweetie. Kim
from fulminous :
Good HEAVENS -- I've not seen an episode with the lovely Mr. Heath, so I looked him up. When dashing young Wills invites Heath over for tea, I think we can arrange a little spead-eagled-on-the-bed time. I repeat -- good HEAVENS.
from haloaskew :
I was amazed by your entry the other day about being responsible in a job you hate as opposed to living your dreams. I feel the EXACT same way you do. When you said you've been trying to find "an answer" but you realized there ISN'T one, I totally know what you meant. I keep looking for "a solution" but I can't figure out what it is. I came to the conclusion that it's more like a bunch of different things I can do that might get me on the road to a life I love. But what struck me the most was the part where you said "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO" -- I too, feel paralyzed by my everyday existence. It's not supposed to be this difficult, is it?
from violetwoman :
Just in case you were querying what a bear bomb's a hand held flare that you shoot directly at charging, enraged carnivore in the hopes that it will turn tail and run the other way! But you have to make sure you aim it in FRONT of them, apparently if it lands behind them, it scares them towards you. Uh oh. Who can think of these things in a high octane moment like that? They are super loud and scary sounding, we've been firing them just for fun. This is what we rednecks do in our spare hours! Whee!
from taydo :
I believe I used to read you a long time ago and I'm not entirely certain why I stopped...lovely, really.
from haloaskew :
Yes, yes...there was a pickle sticker! Here are some others I recall - smell and associated graphic: gasoline (lawnmower), grape jelly (sandwich), gingerbread (gingerbread man), cinnamon (cinnamon roll), peppermint (candy cane), bubble gum (bubble), and last, but not least: wet dog (Benji). Ok, ok -- I made that last one up.
from haloaskew :
I think I still have some Scratch-n-Sniff stickers somewhere in my old pre-teen stash o' crap. I recall ones that smelled like motor oil (racecar design) and ones with a jumping frog that smelled like Spearmint and say "Way to Go!"
from fulminous :
You and the sun beginning to peek through the clouds have made my afternoon! Also, as my recently-updated entry states, my tapeworm and I are accepting submissions for a name.
from violetwoman :
What a beautiful, wonderful list you wrote. Just like the person who wrote it, I think. I hope all of your dreams come true, and even if some of them don't, like you said, you'll be enjoying the journey. I feel like tacking your list on my fridge, even though those aren't my dreams, wow, such goals to visualize. Good one!
from violetwoman :
I don't know what's up but I hope you're feeling a little more peaceful at this very moment. Kim
from djraindog :
Ah, thank you. It all becomes clearer now. (I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable because of my behaviour last week and the sudden irrational fear that my father might discover my diary...All those IP's in the stats that I don't recognise when I throw up an ad banner.) Norwalk, it seems, is not so much less expensive than The City these days. Parts of it, anyway. I hope you feel better and not so weird and angry...
from djraindog :
Um, I'm a little scared to admit it right now, 'cause I'm getting all kinds of conspiracy theory paranoid, but yes to both of the above. Are we flying in circles of dangerous proximity?
from d-rex17 :
my crazy parents bought a house in p-town, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeawh.
from bibulous :
Have yourself a lovely weekend. I'm glad the puppy is around. I hope the puppy gets along with B. Take it easy.
from luxolive :
Aw, thanks for your note. Giving up Lucy was so sad, but my other cat was terrified of her and had been cowering for 4 months. I miss La Luche, but she'll find a better home, I'm sure. And Molly is so happy. :) Thanks.
from djraindog :
And another thing: Where do YOU stay in P-town? An old friend (whom I haven't seen in 5 years and who is turning 30) and I are going the week after next and planning on staying at the Crowne Pointe.
from djraindog :
Jimmy Fallon = yum. California and having a yard: There's a St. Etienne song called "Downey, CA" -- I'm inclined to want to make you a mix. Don't hold your breath, as these things often do not come to fruition with me. What can I say? I am a tool.
from violetwoman :
Yeah I'll just bet you'd love to be tossed amongst a team of sweaty, undressed hockey players! Please help me.........NOT! Have a great Wednesday!
from fulminous :
I am SO JEALOUS of you and your summertime beach-going ways!
from haloaskew :
Did you know I used to have a huge crush on Ted Danson in high school? The more I watched "Cheers," the more I thought Ted was a hunk...what on earth was I thinking?
from bibulous :
Did I say thank you? I doubt that. But thank you for your kind words and encouragement. All the best on your journey in life.
from flying-kiwi :
Size? Actually, I've never really thought about it. I guess I've never had to :o)
from fulminous :
(laugh) I *did* mention Judy Garland, and my mom totally tried to play the smooth, cosmopolitan woman-about-town because she already KNEW about that one. It was very cute. (grin)
from violetwoman :
Purely a philosophical question, right? Otherwise, don't get me started on my favorite subject!
from djraindog :
Nearly a YEAR without a haircut?! Wow...I'd look like Cousin It or something. Your price quote makes me feel better about what I paid yesterday, tho. "ACT-shun" indeed. I can't decide if that makes me hear St. Etienne's "Action" or Alicia Bridges's "I Love the Nightlife".
from miss-edith :
Thanks for the happy birthday note! I had such a good b-day this year!
from violetwoman :
hey I'm the best, what can I say? no no, just kidding, thanks for the note. I am glad your weekend turned out well too! Even after your lil' fight and all. Was the sex considered "make-up" sex? I've never, ever had make-up sex. Good grief, I've got some catching up to do? How could I have missed out on THAT one? It's late and I'm disgustingly horny, which is rare these days. Oh for a yummy young man...sigh....wait, the feeling has passed. Okay, back to being old and boring! Have a superb Wednesday!
from djraindog :
Happy belated, kiddo...Don't think I knew when it was, for some reason, but I hope it starts off a bright new year for ya.
from danddteacher :
just wanted to pop in briefly to wish a happy late birthday!
from violetwoman :
Have a wonderful birthday weekend, sweetie!
from bibulous :
the things you get to do. and ambition to. i just haven't wanted to do much of anything in a long time. i'm so used to it now. you're a very good critic too. hope it pays off.
from haloaskew :
Oh man...I hear ya. I hate picking up new glasses because I never have the same feeling once I get them. It's like "What the hell was I thinking? Why did I think these looked good on me?" And, yeah, I've done the nosy copy room/fax thing myself. Happened to notice yesterday that my co-worker Dorito expensed some mighty pricy "team dinners" in CA when he WASN'T EVEN THERE. Work buddy and I think that Slammy used his Amex card that week. Sweet!
from violetwoman :
hey, you're getting me all worked up at work reading about your erotic dream! Those kind are the best, yes? And Japanese guys totally do it for me, I once came this close to actually having sex but he was soooo young and innocent, methinks the horny older woman scared him off! We did everything else, though, and so on many a night I relive those moments as I sit there all alone with my vibrator. HAPPY DREAMS!
from danddteacher :
dreams are so amazing... especially when they're that vivid... are your dreams always that detailed?... and don't you sometimes wish there was some fail-proof way to disect your dreams, figure out what prompted the different parts?
from jess-22 :
Hey thanks for the note. And I'm glad you like the layout. I love it! I noticed on your profile that one of your favorite movies is Sixteen Candles. Jake Ryan was one of my childhood crushes too. Something we have in common. :) Bye.
from haloaskew :
I found your diary listed on djraindog's profile and thought I'd browse a bit...good stuff! I had to laugh when I read your entry from January about obsessing over DL popularity. I've only been on DL a few months, and have a few regular readers, but whenever I get a new "fan" or a note, I want to do a little jig! There's such a feeling of validation, you know? Finding out that all the crazy stuff rolling around in your brain really does makes sense to other people. I look forward to reading more of your stuff...take care!
from miss-edith :
gotta love the crossover episodes.
from danddteacher :
you're right - work's never boring... and as much as I bitch and moan about it, I really truly love it and can't imagine doing anything else... the kids say and do the craziest things - keeps me on my toes!
from djraindog :
You found that erotic? I thought I was just kind-of documenting...rather clinically, and I felt silly writing much of it. Ah, well, you'll get yours. ;-) (Because hey, you've got a man that loves you, right?)
from violetwoman :
Hey, don't worry so much. You sound like a wonderful, loving person. Lust at first sight is meaningless, it really is. I went to a seminar where the facilitator told us, "Picture 20 men standing in front of you. Choose the ones that leave you weak at the knees, or attract you intensely. Now, get rid of them. They are not the man for you." Basically emphasized the fact that you cannot sustain a relationship on the initial lust factor. That being said, I think you have to have some physical attraction, for sure. As to the fantasy, well I've lived all of mine and then some. Before I did, I was in the exact same situation as you, and I was happy. But given the chance to do it, yes I did. If I had stayed attached, I wouldn't have missed it. You sound like a rare monagamous (how in hell do you spell that?) person, and your partner is very lucky. Have a great day.
from miss-edith :
Hee! I think Tony Blair probably likes to be humiliated, and rarely gets around to actual intercourse because he only really gets off when people pee on him. And Ashcroft? Well, the first time I saw him on TV I turned to the person next to me and said "child molestor". It was one of those psychic moments where you feel that you were but a conduit for the words rather than consciously thinking of them yourself.
from djraindog :
Hmm..."licked"...what an interesting word choice. I'm a little better today, thanks, but not because of anything done by anyone other than me. *sigh*
from djraindog :
Mmm...SO glad I'm not the only one who's all hot and bothered at work today. I'm nowhere near so well-restrained as you are; I'd have had Dr. Oz in the bathroom Brian Kinney style. I love when you manage to cop to these things without whipping yourself for it, studpup. ;-)
from fulminous :
WELL SAID! Very well said. Thanks.
from flying-kiwi :
Awww, it's a horrible feeling, that ugly duckling thing....if people have made comments about how you resemble a hot actor then you really have nothing to worry about. So maybe don't rush out and shave all your hair Flying-Kiwi
from flying-kiwi :
ALA-KAZAM!! The weekend is here! You can go and play now! Oh it didn't work? Must be some interference betwen the hemispheres, I'll work on it. Should be able to get something happening by Friday :o). Flying-Kiwi
from miss-edith :
You know, I'm not sure. The lavender honey will be a new experience for me, but I will tell you all about it when I know!
from danddteacher :
You better not stop! I enjoy reading this too much. Besides, what would I do to entertain myself between one class full of munchkins leaving and the next coming? Oh, and when do we hear about the next body part?
from violetwoman :
Don't quit! Maybe you're just in a slump, a writer's block, a about I've just plain been enjoying reading your diary?
from violetwoman :
My good buddy just went on Propecia, he is also considering hair transplants if this doesn't work.
from violetwoman :
Ah, I knew there wasn't a correlation between walkers and willies, but I just wanted to hear nasty talk. Speaking of nasty, my horrible Parisien ex had size 9 feet, and a 9 inch dick. And 7 inches around. Lovely to look at. Damn, I wish I had kept one picture, but in my fit of rage, they all were shredded. Another ex had size 14 feet, and size 7 penis. So that theory is blown out of the water. Oh, you did not leave a link via the notes. If you emailed it to me, it may have gone to my junk mail, as I may not have recognized the address. Sorry if I did!
from violetwoman :
If I have the website, I could vote for you! And regarding the body parts, I am not going to state the obvious (penis, whanger, willie), why not analyze your feet? Is there really a correlation between sizes? Oops, there goes my mind in the gutter again! Have a great day.
from djraindog :
Hey, kiddo. GO to the doc (esp. if the evil Corp. gives you med. ins.). It might be silly, but it might be more serious, and you WANT to know. In other news, most of the boys in the top 10 for Walt, other than you, look totally wrong for the role; if the casting folk have brains, they'll call you.
from ryan8-5cut :
that is both the member name and the passwors, one for each line
from ryan8-5cut :
kidssuck kidssuck
from violetwoman :
Of course I am always interested in seeing pics, but as you seemed so unsure of revealing yourself, I did not want to pry. If you could find it in your heart to send me the link? I felt weird putting my pic up on diaryland but now I've forgotten I even have it there. Simon refuses to let me post his pic. Cats, however, are fair game! Have a great day!
from djraindog :
So I'll admit, I've read a bit, and I'm terribly curious about this indie camp sitcom thing. Attempted to be clever and locate it, but failed. *sigh* So if ya want more votes, just send me a link, and I'll try and help ya break a leg. (I'm so cheesy sometimes...) \r
from fulminous :
(laugh) That does narrow things down considerably. Now I only have a few dozen Walters who might be you.
from fulminous :
So I've been a supersleuth and found the website -- but I am going bonkers trying to figure out which person is YOU!! (laugh!)
from ryan8-5cut :
hey, send me the link. I am an actor and i understand your plight. I will get all of my friends to vote for you. SEND IT TO MEEE or [email protected]. Let me know if you send it via email so that i can access that account
from violetwoman :
Good grief! Have I ever been that horny? Hmmm, once upon a time, when I was peaking in my mid-thirties. Hope y'all get some when you get home, in one form or the other!
from fulminous :
(LAUGH!!) I **so** sympathize with you right now -- I tried abstaining all last week when I couldn't see my new boy -- you know, as an experiment! -- and I almost DIED.
from violetwoman :
Gee, I wish I was sitting there sharing your bottle of wine and listening to you compose some music.....imagining other people's lives seems so surreal, sometimes. Hope you have some brilliant flashes of inspiration!
from ryan8-5cut :
yeah bend over and cum get your spankin'
from miss-edith :
Yeah, I haven't been too good on my Ayurvedic diet lately, but even with my little backslide, it's still better than before I got started on it. At least now I can easily connect any "imbalances" I feel with what I ate recently. It makes many things about how my day goes make more sense.
from miss-edith :
Yeah, I haven't been too good on my Ayurvedic diet lately, but even with my little backslide, it's still better than before I got started on it. At least now I can easily connect any "imbalances" I feel with what I ate recently. It makes many things about how my day goes make more sense.
from ryan8-5cut :
Hey i fixed my "Goat"entry. I saw that you had read it with a part omitted and just wanted to let you know that the whole thing was there if you wanted to read.
from violetwoman :
Hey, my sister has a similar problem and she's just hired a personal mentor/life coach to organize and promote her professional and personal life. Now, that probably costs a lot of money so it may not be an option but it's a thought. Maybe you have an extra-social friend to help you out? There's got to be something out there that would be beneficial. But I'm with you on the anti-social angle-I would have a difficult time as well.
from msdandd :
Thank you so much for the lovely note. It meant more to me than all the mess everybody here was saying. Thanks for taking the time...
from violetwoman :
Hey! I lost a reader recently too, but it wasn't me, it was him! I think...... It's cold and rainy and miserable here today, but I'm inside looking out, and that's okay. Hope you're having a great day, too. Kim
from violetwoman :
kisses right back atcha!
from msdandd :
couldn't help but laugh at today's entry (1/15) - I hear ya!
from fulminous :
But at least those 15 people love you, peaches!
from ryan8-5cut :
Oh Doghigh, Doghigh, Doghigh. I haven't dance on a coffee table in a g-string since grade school. Ahhh, memories. Ryan8-5cut
from ryan8-5cut :
Definitly pizza and lemonade. And I can have my friend who is a go go boy at a gay bar dance on my coffee table in his g-string if you want too! rya8-5cut
from ryan8-5cut :
btw, good luck on the movie thing. that sounds really exciting, would you have sex with men or with women or both or what. is it eamining all sexuality? how cool. Yeah, the first time i got off was superexciting too. I remember it often and fondly when i celebrate it each day. isnt the penis great?
from ryan8-5cut :
no nothing in particular, i don't even have a girlfriend, but lately my gay frined have benn getting more girl action than i have and it's pixxing me off. I'm a lot cuter than them too. I wonder how they would feel if I started blowing all the guys they have crushes on. Hmmmm. maybe I will. that'll teach them.
from violetwoman :
Well I hate to think of you being crushed and all, so here's a little note just for you. And I must say, you are lucky to have a partner support you in your creative endeavors, esp. if you are to be sexual with another. Of course, sex can and often does preclude intimacy, but I would still be jealous. Here's wishing you luck!! Kim
from miss-edith :
What's truly amazing is that I had no idea at the time how messed up they were! Obviously our parents didn't either, or they probably would have taken them away from us rather than buying them for us and, in your case, putting them in your stocking! Craziness. So glad to read that you read them too. Much Love, Miss-Edith
from ryan8-5cut :
wanna have cybersex????
from violetwoman :
Have a Happy New Year! Unfortunately I'll have no escapades to speak of tonight, ah well. Kim
from violetwoman :
Hey, don't tell me about being horny. With Simon having a herniated disk in his back, I have seen little action for TWO FRICKIN' MONTHS! My little purple wonder has been a buzzin' non-stop! Anyways, who says he has to get near your face? Tee hee.
from ryan8-5cut :
no i dont mind. by all means go ahead.
from fulminous :
Springin' sponge?!? That might be new most favorite phrase in the whole world.
from violetwoman :
Hey, thanks for the kind words. Nice to know I'm not the only one who worries about the 'small' stuff!
from fulminous :
Oh. Wow. The juxtaposition of Perry Como and boffing (what a great word!) is something that I don't think I will ever get out of my head. No matter how hard I try. <grin>
from violetwoman :
I thoroughly enjoyed your entry on your Thanksgiving weekend which included that nasty 'friend'. How ever did you resist kicking his ass out after the first few hours? You must be a model of self-restraint!
from eddiemonsoon :
Thanks for stopping by. Yes it is Agnes Moorehead. I found it online. Visit again soon.
from msdandd :
i never leave notes, but i really became engrossed in your journal and just wanted you to know.....really appreciate your honesty
from sobechick :
Hey Im a DMB me or IM me so we can chat
from andyo :
yeah, totally agree, the point of journal is to talk about yourself!!

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