messages to dolffie:
(click here to add new message):

from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from violetwoman :
I just found your guestbook entry - silly thing didn't notify me. You haven't missed much, dearie! I'm still as neurotic as ever! email me at [email protected] Add paranoid to neurotic!
from violetwoman :
I hope you're okay - what's happening????? I just realized a LOT of time has passed, and no word from you!
from zencelt :
Hey sweetie. I am sending all the healing vibes I have to you. It sounds like hell. Keep up that Dolphie positive attitude. It helps the body more than you know. Huge hugs!
from zencelt :
I just read your description of me. LOL!!! So right.
from zencelt :
I call it like I see it babe. I've been jealous of your ability to wear long hair well for some time now : (( Any farther than my brastrap makes me look dorkie.
from zencelt :
Hey, did you ever think of doing a one day trial a gym where they have different treadmills to see what you like? Then you can go to a used sporting goods store to see if they have one cheaper.
from zencelt :
Well, health and work suckage all around. Were you and I evil twins in a former life? BTW - When I had hand surgery, it took about a year for most of the stregnth to come back, and it still fritzes out now and then.
from invisibledon :
from sixweasels :
Chris says the song is called "The Kids." "Mr Shady" is a substitute teacher and he talks about a 30-something pothead who lives with his mother and how "magic mushrooms" come from cow poop. Sound familiar?
from violetwoman :
Thanks for the warm fuzzies and your notes. Sometimes it's hard to stay positive and although I usually KNOW what the right thing to do is, I often don't do it, for whatever reason. Right now it's so overwhelming with Violet being sick but it all will pass, one way or the other.
from violetwoman :
the username is 'me' and the password is 'gor'. Hmmm, I hope it's working okay-someone else has said the same thing. Let me know if it doesn't work!!!
from zencelt :
I'm happy you are feeling somewhat recovered and on the way to wellness. Have a great Turkey Day!
from virginmary :
hi - just letting you know that i dropped by and read a bunch of entries. found you through... rachelliz or sixweasels. i forget which. anyway, adding you to my buddy list!
from violetwoman :
oooh, and can you email me with the details and symptoms of your adhesions, Please!!! Also, your endometriosis symptoms. I'd like to find out more info (kinda late, really) and see what you've been through with this. Thanks! My email is [email protected]
from violetwoman :
Hiya! One question which I have to ask, as I sometimes wonder about the security of my 'lock' did you access my guestbook if you can't get at my diary wothout a password? Is there another way of accessing member's guestbooks? Just curious!
from violetwoman :
Hello, it's me again. Umm, I don't remember if you mentioned being tested for Crohn's disease or not. (due to my extremely faulty memory) A friend of mine has had the same symptoms (fistula, abscess, etc) and they tested her for Crohn's. Apparently these can be symptoms. Just thought I'd mention it.
from violetwoman :
I thought I'd be all smart and leave a message in your guestbook. But it didn't let me. Actually it 'couldn't find server' and THEN wouldn't let me when I tried again. My oh, so original reply?........Why, thank you! For the compliment. You know what I mean. (Gawd, I'm losing it!)
from violetwoman :
Agh, that sounds horrible. What a day. My friend just had a hemorrhoid (sp.?) operation which went wrong so she just had another surgery to drain the abscess from the first one. It all sounds just nasty. I hope you're feeling better soon.
from violetwoman :
Okay, now I am REALLY, REALLY embarassed because......what is 'spodding'? I hear you shriek in horror. Yes, I have read that damn word a thousand times in your diary but just glossed it over in my little mind. Oops! Please enlighten, oh patient one.
from violetwoman :
Glad the eyeball is feeling better. And what on earth does BTW mean? Is it so obvious that I should feel stupid for asking? LOL
from violetwoman :
Woo Hoo, good for you! They obviously love you at work to give you $2000. Keep on feeling great!
from violetwoman :
from violetwoman :
Hi there-I was reading your last entry-where you mention taking demerol for your IBS----does this help a lot? I am at my wits end with IBS--do you have any suggestions? If you can spare me a line... My email is: [email protected] Much appreciated.
from rachelliz :
I'm just playing with the features here. Hehehe. I can't get on Central Perk tonight. What's up with that? Talk to you soon. Love, Rachel
from rachelliz :
I'm just playing with the features here. Hehehe. I can't get on Central Perk tonight. What's up with that? Talk to you soon. Love, Rachel

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