messages to domdisko:
(click here to add new message):

from jimbostaxi :
New reader, cab driver from Long Island. Sounds like you dodged a bullet on that one you are probably better off.
from cat-heaven :
i unlocked again. it was just temporary insanity!
from thanksbitch :
livejournal?! traitor!
from msgolightly :
I don't think the last message went through, but drop me a line. I was going to email you on Friendster, but it sucks. [email protected]
from thanksbitch :
dom, you have to tell the company to stop payment on that check and issue you a new one. PRONTO!
from benji-ikari :
hey there. thanks for the happy aniversary. i hope all is well with you. it seems so with your diaryland. ~ben
from thanksbitch :
props to your sis.
from sweet-avenue :
Thanks! Things are looking up these days, yay!
from radiokarma :
from sweet-avenue :
It's looking like it! We'll see, though. He minorly pissed me off today, but no big. But you do realize I'm quite psycotic and I change my mind every minute, right?
from thanksbitch :
wow, drama.
from thanksbitch :
congratulations on doing the nasty!
from slinkywink :
Thanks for your note. :)
from flim :
hey man! thanks for the note. i've been enjoying too much debauch to update for a while. now i'm working on another hollywood crapshoot. just bracing myself for the self-pity that comes from p.a.-ing. stop on by, won't you!?
from eyesonthesky :
I'm totally going to Sunset Junction, how come you aren't? I think it's going to maybe suck because I expect it'll be terribly crowded...
from i-am-a-girl :
hey there! nice diary :)
from radiokid-a :
wazzup Dom, it's Fredo. Nice entry about the chick, score (kind of). Anyway, thanks for coming to Magic Mountain I had a blast. Lates.
from flim :
woo! thanks for my note! in return i will admit that you might just be a comedy genius. "sanrio sneezes?" i rest my case.
from savemyskin :
hi. I've got a pretty thorough Of Montreal mix here with your name on it, [but no mailing address]. okay!
from monkeylife :
I feel your pain!! People really do suck!! So does the DMV. I love you!
from amy-blushing :
I give you much credit for being able to do that song lyric quiz thing. I thought it sounded easy and figured I would give it a go. After like the second question I give up. haha
from thanksbitch :
I enjoyed your new mantra very much. Don't worry Dom, your friends are here for you.
from freshjoy :
i am leaving messages in peoples notes. If I love them.
from thanksbitch :
You passed the CBEST! Was there any reason to doubt. Congrats! So when can I come over to your new place?
from milkmonkey :
Oh Dom, "The Hymn For the Cigarettes" is the best song! Really!
from benji-ikari :
hey dom it's ben.. this is pretty cool. gotta go.

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