messages to doublew:
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from polly-esther :
I'm glad to hear you're OK. I e-mailed you at work a few weeks ago and it bounced back to me. I panicked, thinking you weren't there anymore, fearing the worst. I had Michelle e-mail you too, at both of your addresses. The one she sent to your work came back to her too, and from the error code I figured it ID'd our e-mail as spam. I guess the one she sent to your other account reached you. I even checked your paper for your most recent story and I relaxed a little when I saw a recent byline. Jeez, people care about you!
from youdunnome :
hey, walt-man, just a quick question... do you have any sort of hearing aide/amplifier that you use for social situations? is there anything available that might improve that!? just curious...
from polly-esther :
Hey W, I'm so sorry about what your family is going through right now. I hope your dad gets the help he needs, and I hope your mom finds a way to cope. That's also outrageous about the airfare. I just looked at Travelocity (I put in Helena to Cincinnati) and you're right! WTF?!?! When you flew home the last time did you pay that much? I normally don't pay more than $250 to fly from LV to Philly and that's a lot farther. Maybe it's more because you're flying into smaller airports or something?
from vickb :
Jeeze, sorry to hear about your father. At least he will be monitored 24/7 now. There is probably nothing you could do even if you came back to Ohio. And, unless you can take medical leave, that would eat up your vacation time. Anyhow, if you want to chat, feel free to e-mail me....
from vickb :
Hey W, Sorry you are feeling depressed/ sounds like you really need a change. You're going to have to do it for yourself. It may be the only way to get out of your rut. Try volunteering or doing some kind of activity that will get you out meeting new people in the meantime though. Oh, and you know you can always e-mail me. We do not need to only leave messages on our blogs, etc.
from polly-esther :
Thanks! :) How are there ways around the password?? I thought it was pretty well encrypted.
from vickb :
Don't worry about not hearing back from these jobs. I sent out more than 15 applications when I graduated from library school, and I only heard back from one place. Several months later, I started getting rejection letters in the mail. I think that a lot of employers already have someone (probably internal) in mind when these jobs are posted. They therefore do not want to pay to have someone across the country flown in for an interview. So, don't take it to heart. Maybe if you apply somewhere near Ohio, you could mention in a cover letter that you are hoping to find a job closer to your family, etc., etc., so it seems like you are planning on moving there eventually, whether you find a job or not.....
from vickb :
Wow, W is going to have a myspace page too? Next you'll have to get one on facebook. Do people are age actually publish on myspace? (Despite your Ohio friend?)
from vickb :
Hope you are feeling better than you were when you wrote this entry. Are you back in H now? Haven't heard from your Ohio friend yet, but that's all right. Let me know if she's interested in human contact!
from vickb :
As far as the insomnia goes...I would make yourself go and exercise. Maybe around 5 or six in the evening. Then, come home and eat dinner. Have some chamomile tea or something and read until you get really sleepy. I also find that it helps to have a bedtime ritual, whether that includes having a snack, reading, watching tv. Just follow it each evening.
from youdunnome :
this is why women don't find you attractive, walt... "Well, that and I'm as ugly as a cow turd left out in the sun for two days." - you're a good lookin guy, you just need some self-confidence, and that won't ever show up until you stop insulting yourself. seriously, i know a lot of people who'd be pretty cool if they'd just let go of the negativity they seem to cling to... (and i'm saying this with the best intentions, ok?) :-) later, man!
from vickb :
Thanks for your comment on my blog...I appreciate your concern. I also loved the link to the Paxil video. That was hilarious!
from youdunnome :
regarding the car running hot - i know this might be a silly suggestion, but have you checked the coolant level recently? did you correctly refill it when you changed the thermostat? some cars have a set prcedure to follow - it should be listed in your owners manual, if so...
from vickb :
"So get off my fucking back about it" So, I'm guessing that's for me, huh? Well, I won't fucking bother to mention anymore if that will make you happy.
from sun-down :
Hi! I used to read you before you were locked...I was hoping you'd be willing to give me your password now that you're writing again. [email protected]. Take care!
from vickb :
Well, I don't think there's any harm in e-mailing the girl you met over a decade ago. It is kind of funny that your mom is trying to hook you up. But, at the very least, you could maintain your ties to Ohio.
from blueeyesblue :
hello ... I think I asked you for your PW ages ago when you left me a note ... would very much like to be reading!!! ... please ???
from polly-esther :
Come on, how can you not see the humor in this? BOOGEYMAN?! My God, I'm laughing as I type this. Really, Walt, this isn't a big deal. The woman and her kid did overreact. I'd be scared if somebody tried to get into my house, but once I realized it was just a drunk guy thinking it was his place I'd no longer be scared or hold any grudges. Everyone makes mistakes! Nobody died or got hurt (except you) and there was no property damage or anything. Just like you said my experience at the hotel in Arizona was like I sitcom, I see this the same way. About drinking, you don't get like that very often so I hardly see the problem. Everybody blacks out sometimes. It happened to me last year on the balcony of the Rio (in the VIP area, in fact.) I punched Matt's friend in the face and gave him a bloody nose and I have no recollection of that whatsoever. Now if this happened frequently, with you having police contact while drunk, then yeah, I'd say it's an issue. But just because it happens once doesn't mean your life is over. Don't beat yourself up over it. Do you think that if you had your car, that would have kept you from drinking too much? You probably drank more than normal because you could walk home...
from vickb :
I e-mailed you this morning. Please reply back so I know how you are doing...
from vickb :
Remember what I said about the bar scene? It's not a good place to pick up chicks. Try a church function or something.
from polly-esther :
Oh yes, I do remember "cheap and sweet." That describes YOU!
from polly-esther :
Hahaha! Yeah, I didn't mean it to be funny, but I have to admit I do see the humor in it now. At the time, Matt and I were like, "We're too good for this place. We don't belong here." It's hard to describe Kingman, but putting it in terms we can both relate to, it's like Lancaster, Ohio, but less interesting. At least Lancaster had an arts festival and a pagan/goth shop and a cool grilled cheese eatery. This was just a depressed mining town trying to piggyback on the fame of Route 66. But the thing is, the section of Route 66 in Kingman is really dull. A few motels, fast food joints, and that's it. The other section I saw once was really kitschy and cool and interesting. Shoulda gone there. Sigh.
from vla :
oo, I used to read you in the past. can I have your password?
from polly-esther :
First of all, the first picture isn't a good pic. And I can understand what you mean about being unhappy with pictures of yourself. I've been struggling with insecurity my whole life. But I'm realizing that doing analyses of your features and what you think is wrong with them is pointless. You aren't objective. You will see things that nobody else sees and it will drive you crazy. Speaking about you specifically, you're way too hard on yourself, and your criticism of your face is painful to hear because you are a good looking guy and you're wasting so much energy on these perceived flaws. You have the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen and you are cute! I just don't see the problems you're pointing out. And you have great hair -- and the importance of that can't overstated when talking about a guy in his 30s! I'm overly insecure about my appearance as well, but I only have limited control over how i look. It's better to just accept yourself as you are rather than lament over these flaws you are analyzing. And stop taking pictures of yourself if you don't like how you look! Some people aren't photogenic and things look not as they are. Remember the warning, "the camera adds 10 pounds?" This is way long, but consider this a slap across your (handsome) face!
from polly-esther :
I've been reading some of your old entries from when we worked at the E-G. Remember when the naked guy walked out of the bar? That was April 2002! It's funny when we both write our own versions of the same events. I can't believe how fucked up that place (the E-G) was. In just about every entry we ranted about editors, readers, mistakes, other reporters, etc. And I loved how you called G. "Teletubby." I just found an old entry of mine where I wrote about getting caught eating a grilled cheese at my desk. He brought me into his office and showed me the employee handbook that says eating isn't allowed at workstations. Just one fucked up thing after another!
from oldhippie :
would appreciate a p/w too, walt-man - been wondering where you've been... no prob. if i don't hear from you, tho. take care! :-)
from sun-down :
Hi, I always liked reading your entries and I remember you saying that you're writing somewhere else now. I was too lazy at the time to take it down and now you're locked, so if you don't mind, may I get the new site? My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
from blueeyesblue :
locked. If you're not personally locking me out, could I have a PW, pleeze?
from jumblygiant :
Hi. How did you get out of Ohio? I don't mean by Greyhound or horse drawn carriage. I took a gander at a bunch of towns in Montana and other similarly isolated states, but I know I will basically have the same life I do now, but with a different zip code. Please advise.

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