messages to dragnflytype:
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from metonym :
Hmm. It depends on what's available to you. Knob Creek is nice - it's good, easy to get ahold of, and has pretty packaging. Maker's Mark is reliable and I think it's less pricey, but common. Booker's is nice but expensive. Wild Turkey and Jim Beam are fine too. I guess of the lot I'd go for Knob Creek.
from squirrelx :
Thank you for the note! Please accept my sincere apology for takin' such a long time to respond to it. I've fallen behind the parade in recent days and catchin' up is provin' difficult. Per your request, my e-mail address is: [email protected]. Warmest regards, Xtine
from cheshyrecat :
that's true. point taken. ::pauses to count blessings:: :)
from cheshyrecat :
hey, i saw me listed on your faves list. how did you find me? and also, who are you? lol.
from onepinksock :
i'm glad you are updating, seeing as how you seem to be the only one on my favorites list who is....keep on techin.
from ispq :
I got a diary just to leave a note. Eh. oh well, might even use it. I'm glad things are going so swimmingly. Keep Tabitha on the straight and narrow.
from lordavery :
Hey baby, you're hot! I love you!
from onepinksock :
ahh, reading your diary- i think i stumbled upon it just browsing the newly updated ones...and i was intrigued by your name. dragnflytype is just sorta nifty. and so where are you going to school for your master techy skills?
from onepinksock :
welcome. i'm just writing because i used to be a techie when i was in high school. i miss it- but without my friends around (we were all techies) i don't think i could ever get back into the swing of it. but woohoo, and yaheee and everything inbetween for the people who are always backstage (or in the booth).

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