messages to dulligirl:
(click here to add new message):

from cocoabean :
Welcome back!
from muffinhead :
Hi there friend, welcome back. I've actually permanently locked my diary though I still update it it's mostly negative rants and a place to vent something I'd prefer not to spread to other people it's just therapy for me. We can keep in touch though, I'll still interact with you. My dad just had heart surgery for several problems but one of them was valve replacement- so I understand how that is. I also understand how much animals are important in keeping us happy, I have 2 cats (boys, Quantum and Epic) and since the lockdown I started keeping fish, I now have 5 tanks and they keep me nicely occupied.
from muffinhead :
Miss you...
from muffinhead :
There are no words. I am envious of your close relationship with your dad, & I know what a great loss this is for you. Take care of yourself doll.
from razor-vixen :
So sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of yourself.
from mutantdragon :
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Best wishes.
from curious-me :
I am so sorry for the loss of your father. Take care - M.
from dangerspouse :
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.
from wordwhore :
i am so sorry about your dad
from muffinhead :
Happy New Year Doll. Hope to see more of you on d - land this year!
from muffinhead :
Thought of you. Went to the Rack and got some Betsy jewelry. Hope you are well.
from muffinhead :
Thank you luv. I sure hope she's at peace, and not angry at me. :-(
from muffinhead :
Argh! Sorry to hear this. Good luck with the job hunt!
from muffinhead :
Thanks luv. :-)
from muffinhead :
Jewelry! I'd love to make stuff like that too, but yet another expensive hobby!!! A friend of mine was going to start doing that, she'd go to garage sales and shop the discount sections. You know what she ended up doing? Selling the beads and findings separately at shows instead! Ha!
from muffinhead :
Thanks hon! Nice to think I might inspire someone. I'm doing my best to find more hobbies lately, have a full life ya know?
from muffinhead :
Nothing worse than allergic reaction to meds. When that happened to me I remember even my forehead was swollen. And everything itched. Misery! Feel better!
from muffinhead :
Hope your calf is feeling better! Your resolutions are good ones, and not at all unachievable so go for it sister!
from muffinhead :
from muffinhead :
Hey lady come back and update, at least tell *me* how you've been!
from muffinhead :
Oh so excited for you! I would LOVE to go back to college!!! And glasses too? Yes quite a change indeed. I've been wearing them for work for almost 2 years now, and they are fabulous! (in fact was just about to write in my diary that I have gotten a new pair) You better keep up to date over here! At least once every few months for crepes sake!
from muffinhead :
Get your butt back over here missy!
from muffinhead :
Hey thanks. And I hope you have a Merry Christmas. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
I think fantasies are healthy, as long as we know they are only fantasies. Us girls can mess with our own heads sometimes. And yes, if you have clutter, you simply must look into those shelves, you can't see the little metal shelf at all- it has a lip that allows you to put the outside cover of the bottom book, so all you see is the back of that book. Only seems to hold a certain amount of pounds which for me was about 10 books each- but that sure freed up a lot of space!
from muffinhead :
I might give leeway to "superior" mothering if I thought my sister was in any way a "superior" mother...she tried to lay the guilt trip that we ruined his first trip to the pumpkin patch because "she" wanted to be the one to do it and she felt guilty about not being able to spend time with him- which MIGHT have gained sympathy but for the fact when she comes home from work every day she puts the kid in front of the tv with a dvd while she catches up on facebook. NOT going to work little sister.
from curious-me :
It sounded like you had a great trip to San Francisco. I loved reading your entry on it - you were so descriptive! Glad you had a good time!
from muffinhead :
Woot! Sounds like a successful trip! You did manage to do some decent things- I'm a californian and I've never been to alcatraz! Hehehe! But I was on that very pier not that long ago, where I bought my kite and had dinner at Boudin! And I love South Beach! Did you find the cathedral that has the park in front of it with wild parrots in it? :-)
from cocoabean :
You did great for being alone! Glad you got to see everything you wanted! Yay!!
from muffinhead :
Thank you luv. I miss her.
from muffinhead :
Oh doll, I am so excited for you to come to SF, I *love* the city, if you didn't notice my entry about me going there not very long ago! I am still thinking about that trip and want to go back! It's one of my favorite places on the planet!
from cocoabean :
Good for you! Have fun!!
from muffinhead :
Yes we do need to go shopping!! And, I'm really sorry about your Dad, I hope he feels better soon!
from muffinhead :
Yep! It's good stuff. I usually buy the necklaces- however this time I bought a bracelet as well. Not much of an earring wearer myself- just leave my studs in is all. The rack is very dangerous for you!!! :-)
from muffinhead :
I'm sorry dear. :-(
from muffinhead :
I don't know, Yoda said "there is no try, only do or do not". I really need to do!
from jaysthoughts :
Good luck at the party. Happy Independence Day!
from cocoabean :
It can't hurt!
from muffinhead :
Oh yeah, I remember Jim. Good luck with that hon.
from muffinhead :
Heh, well I do go to the rack from time to time. It's where I get my jeans. It seems no one but Joes Jeans makes them to fit me. I refuse to pay $175 for them though, apparently $80 is my threshold, lol
from muffinhead :
You sound like me on trips, do what the locals do, and shop. I loooovvee to shop. I'm sure you know that. And, just so you know, you're awesome all the time missy!
from muffinhead :
Sounds like you had a great time that day! Woot!
from muffinhead :
I sure hope you have fun in New Orleans!
from muffinhead :
I am super sorry to hear about *your* dad. Bummer. Hip is no picnic. Hope his recovery is speedy and as pain free as possible.
from muffinhead :
Yes, just be careful about your donations when you do start....I learned at the shelter, you don't always know what you're donating to. Like those heart wrenching commercials from the ASPCA? They're for the New York chapter/shelter only, not your local SPCA. It's better to donate to a local shelter or even sponsor an animal at the closest zoo. Or a true global charity like the WWF
from muffinhead :
Thank you for your condolences for my hammie. It seems I need to offer my condolences in return. Sorry to hear about it. I understand it completely too, even when you don't entirely know them it can effect you.
from muffinhead :
So glad to hear you got the job!!! I understand the struggle with lunches. I have a sweet tooth myself. What about dried fruits? That usually helps my sweet tooth. Or target sells fruit strips (kinda like fruit leather or a thick fruit roll up).
from cocoabean :
Yay!! Good job!
from wordwhore :
that's awesome! go you!
from mutantdragon :
I don't know if you're looking for suggestions, but I often eat string cheese as my afternoon snack. I get the low-fat kind. They last a long time without refrigeration and they're pretty satiating.
from muffinhead :
Yeah, bummer, I finally know what I wanna be when I grow up and they wanna get rid of me. Sheesh. Well east is the plan, but not east coast so much, I have a friend in Atlanta though and I think that's where I'd aim. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I'll have to see it as an opportunity if it does happen.
from muffinhead :
Woot! Glad you're doing ok, other than falling (take care of yourself!). I *love* betsy johnson- i have two dresses on my wishlist on amazon! Must resist! (but I'll eventually break down I'm sure) *hugs!*
from muffinhead :
Update! Update!
from muffinhead :
CONGRATULATIONS LUV!!! I'm so GLAD for you, really its an awesome feat to get hired nowadays, think of all the quality people like you that don't have jobs and they picked you. :-) And 45 days is nuthin- my probation doesn't end until until march 2012!!
from curious-me :
Congrats on the new job! It will probably sink in as the date gets closer and that will kick the emotions into high gear! :)
from cocoabean :
Ummm yeah, what Duck said. It's an easy out for the company for those employees who don't show up on time, or at all, or are not interested in actual work.
from sduckie :
Well consider that every job is temporary until it's not- just about every company hires people with a probationary period- so maybe you can consider that the same? If you are on time and do your work well I'm sure they will keep you on :)
from raen :
Hi. Drive-by. Saw your banner. The extreme Bowie fan in me recognized the words instantly. Now I've got that song in my head, though I haven't heard it in years. Thanks for that! :-D
from muffinhead :
Wow, it's been nearly a year already? It truly does only feel like yesterday. I will cross my fingers and toes for you!
from muffinhead :
There's certainly no shame in getting help, with whatever it is you need. I went to the ghetto clinic for years because I had no health insurance. You pay for it through taxes, grants are given to these places, you have every right to use that resource if you need it. Hang in there! *hugs*
from muffinhead :
Yes, I thought about it. I thought about it too late for the move. I don't know if I want her on something like prozac permanently either. I'm just hoping eventually she'll adjust, her vet said there's nothing wrong with her, she's just a normal cat who doesn't adjust well to change. *sigh* I'm hoping the new, bigger place helps her.
from muffinhead :
Hey, I know it's late, but I hope you had a happy birthday. *hugs*
from fangbanger :
Good luck with the London move! I live in London and it is great, a beautiful city with lots to do and great people!
from newschick :
love your diary. london is kick ass! it is seriously an awesome place. SO much to do and i just love it. i would visit once or twice before moving though, as you never know if it's a fit until you 'trial live' there for a week or 2. but if you want adventure, go to london! ;)
from musikoid :
They misled you. That sucks.
from muffinhead :
Hope the new job is a step in the right direction for you. Just remember how miserable you were at the other job and hopefully that'd make you feel better. It helps me when I start to get overwhelmed at the new job.
from cocoabean :
Hooray for a job!! glad things are looking up....
from muffinhead :
Good luck, hope you get the job (if you want it that is!). Sounds like you've been having fun at least. :-)
from muffinhead :
I'm still reading when I can get my ass on the internet!!
from zencelt :
Thanks for the note Dulligirl. It meant a lot... (Hugs!)
from sduckie :
Hey girly I am still reading you- hope you hear about the job soon and great news re: cash gift... enjoy, breathe, relax!
from curious-me :
I'm here and still reading! Glad to hear things are picking up - hopefully it will be just the beginning!
from janegamma :
I'm not one of your regulars, but I admire your taste in both karaoke material and Doctors. Good luck on the job front!
from wordwhore :
still reading and wishing you well :)
from mutantdragon :
I am still here. I'm glad that things are looking up, right now!
from dulligirl :
Well, they don't work year-round because they only do the Halloween season. But some of the people have worked for them before so its them plus the managers that gave me a bit of an inferiority complex. But it will be easier next time. I work again on the next store on Tuesday.
from cocoabean :
I bet the people who set up the displays work year round.. show em what you can do and work your way up!
from muffinhead :
hope something comes up for you soon!!
from muffinhead :
yes. weird. yo.
from stepfordtart :
Hey! We have some of the same buddies! Ok to hang around in your archives for a while? s x
from muffinhead :
I don't think I could do a facial. I don't like people touching my face. Or my feet for that matter. Which is probably why I've never had a pedicure. Makes me cringe just thinking about it. Anyhow, love the new cut, you go girl!
from curious-me :
Nice pic! The color and cut look great!
from cocoabean :
from muffinhead :
You're right. No physical relationship would make it a hellava lot easier to deal with. I certainly regret what I did....
from muffinhead :
I hope for your sake you're better at handling your friendship with him...after AZ and I couldn't get it together relationship wise- i was more stuck on him than the other way around- it hurt me more to try to be his friend. He still texts me, and it's like tiny daggers every time...
from hannahgc :
how are anti-depressants?
from sduckie :
5/21 Oh that sucks. I hate when men just disappear without any explanation... it's happened to me so many times. I have found the best thing to do is erase him from all your contacts, FB and whatever else or it will be too tempting to follow him... sorry Dulli.
from muffinhead :
uh. wow.
from zencelt :
Hi there, and thanks for adding me!
from muffinhead :
I feel your pain sweetheart. You have no idea. If I were there I'd give you a big hug. I know it's not a consolation, but it's all I can offer. My personal Smiths favorite is "Please Let Me Get What I Want" I've shed many a tear over that song. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
Gads. I so understand. I wish that people took relationships more seriously. I wish that people believed in courting someone for their entire lives not just for the first couple of weeks. I wish people didn't change their minds and become so wishy-washy. I wish people could be loyal to the one they chose. I don't like being so negative on people, but after the way they've acted- I can't trust hardly any of them.
from muffinhead :
I hate those internal battles don't you? I do that to myself all the time. So badly that now, I very rarely make "first contact" anymore. No matter how much it tortures me. I want a guy that misses me when I'm gone. I think you do too.
from muffinhead :
The band is called VNV Nation (it's actually the logo at the bottom of my page). The song I referenced is called Illusion. You might appreciate it too. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard, the first time I heard it, I cried.
from muffinhead :
Trust me, if I had the means, I'd be moving for sure!
from curious-me :
Hi there, just in case you were wondering who has been reading all your archives - that was me. I came across your diary a while back and was hooked. I added you to my fave's. Good luck on finding a job & congrats on the recent weight loss!
from insidemyeyes :
I think I'd have to agree, goth guy over the yuppie ;)
from minstrelite :
Thanks, J. Title sounds good - I'll look into it.
from minstrelite :
What's the name of that book? If I could make money writing from home - well maybe I'm dreaming. If I could make money *at all* I'd be a million steps ahead of where I am. Oh and randomly, I slept all day today too. Looks like a long night in this neck of the woods.
from muffinhead :
Thank you for your note. And yes, I guarantee you that chip hurt your sister- but the pain has probably come back recently. Sheesh.
from muffinhead :
I think you're pretty neat too. That could be why he wants you. :-)
from muffinhead :
Thank you.
from muffinhead :
I wish I could do what you're doing. (quitting)
from muffinhead :
Yeah, I have a court date on the 24th too for that fishing mistake I made. To impress a guy who never loved me. Stupid girl. I certainly hope your credit nightmare straightens itself out hon.
from muffinhead :
I'm in your boat. Flying the same flag.
from cocoabean :
you might not like a corporation, but sometimes they are good to work for. Home Depot has good bennies, and they are pretty easygoing. I wouldn't try applying until summer though, when the building starts up again...
from muffinhead :
I really, really, really hope you have a good vacation and an even better birthday....*hugs*
from muffinhead :
That feeling must be going around..... I don't even want to move.
from girle :
PS - Whig's "66" best song!!!
from girle :
Are you the same dulligirl who's been on dland for years! Holy sheesh. I recently re-started up my d-land, I kept the gold for several years just because. You're so brave. The first step is to admit, and you sure have.
from muffinhead :
I know exactly how you feel. Yay.
from muffinhead :
retail xmas sucks donkey balls, but I'd rather be doing that right now.
from muffinhead :
So glad ur dad's surgery went well, hope his recovery is speedy!
from muffinhead :
I really, really hope something good comes your way very soon.
from saara687 :
Loaded question! :P For the most part, I'm good. Steady job, mostly healthy kids, mostly healthy me.... Looks like your life's taken a really unexpected turn. How are you?
from saara687 :
Hey. :) Long time....
from muffinhead :
Happy Thanksgiving sweets! Hope you have a good one!
from samcorday :
how do u know what ppl are thinking.....u underestimate us......the majority of us are shallow, petty and mean but some of us are pretty decent once u get to know us :)
from samcorday :
your very welcome sweetie :)
from sduckie :
Who knows why men behave that way? Give you all the signals and then put on the brakes! Happens to me A LOT. I'm so jealous that you got to see The Cult!
from muffinhead :
Glad you went out and had fun! Gotta do that now and then, even when there's a price to pay.
from catsoul :
oh must take care of yourself...hopefully last night was a bit of a wakeup call for you. Hope that you are feeling better. I always say Gatorade, peanut butter, and a banana are our friends. Take care. =^..^=
from muffinhead :
I envy you your massage. I've never had a professional massage, unless you count the vibrating massage machine they have at chiropractic offices, designed to "loosen" you up before an adjustment. (those things rock by the way) I'd have to have a male masseuse though- I don't think a woman could get my kinks out. Unless she stood on me. Heh.
from dulligirl :
I did that but they couldn't compete with the Best Buy price unfortunately. I hate Best Buy but I'll probably end up buying it from them.
from cocoabean :
If you are considering a laptop, try going directly to the HP site.. sometimes they have some great sales going on!
from muffinhead :
I've always wanted to hire a personal trainer. I know I could use some guidance/motivation- sad part is, there's no way I can afford it at this point. I did happen to make it clear to AZ I didn't feel we'd be moving in together any time too soon. We'll see how my trip out there in october goes.
from muffinhead :
It's not good money after bad if you stick to the plan- some people need the help/motivation/guidance so in certain circumstances it is the best route to follow. Just don't keep paying for it AND not use it. (i.e. a gym membership you never use) The B-52s rock in concert! You'll have fun!
from wtng4lezlie :
The virginity thing is not as rare as people make it sound.. I know two virgins older than yourself. (If that bit of profile still applies.)
from sduckie :
Sorry about your aunt... sending you hugs.
from muffinhead :
The Time Traveler's Wife was wonderful. Depressing. But beautifully written and a love story I'm completely jealous of. It didn't help my mood this last week though, so it's a relief that it's done with. There's only one thing at the end that I felt was totally out of place and unnecessary of the author- I'm sure you might agree, if you read it. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
I'm about 3/4 of the way through Time Traveler's Wife. It really is a beautiful book. & continuing with the punk rock theme from I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone- the two main characters like punk as well. :-) So far, I would recommend reading it- I'm just hoping the ending doesn't disappoint. You might wanna wait till I finish it. :-) As usual, I thank you for your support. *hugs*
from catsoul :
Oh you are so going to enjoy getting a massage. OK, I can only speak for myself, but they are very nice. I bring my own patchouli oil for the massage. Take care. =^..^=
from muffinhead :
sounds like good news. but you're absolutely right- actions speak louder. talk is cheap muh luv. I'll cross the hell out of my fingers for you!
from for-you-only :
After over 5 years of being for-you-only on diaryland I'm finally going to be moving to a new blog where I won't be revealing my name or other people's names or where I live. The personal information on my blog has come back to bite me time and time again, and it's time to close this blog's doors for good. Thanks for reading me here. If you want to find my new blog, join my notify list. ~Phoenix
from muffinhead :
I think Emily's dad, despite his few faults, is the most admirable character. She has the kind of relationship with her dad that I wish I had with even just one of my existing parents. I admired his need to raise his daughter and still love her mother (despite her many faults). He raised a strong girl- even if she turns out to be the type that has to "do to learn". :-)
from muffinhead :
Glad you're enjoying "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone" I really do hope you like it. I'm not usually in the habit of recommending books since there's a lot of things I enjoy. Not everyone's cup of tea. I'm sorry about work, I totally understand the frustration and anxiety. I wish the economy was better and there were more jobs to be had out there- we both deserve different, and better circumstances in that department. *hugs*
from lisaannlm :
I'm so sorry to hear about your job pressures. Now really isn't the time to be fired, but if it saves you from having a complete breakdown, I'd say just let what happens, happen and move on from there. You're too good of a person to let people walk all over you, even if it is a superior. I hope things work out for the best.
from muffinhead :
As always, I appreciate that you support me. I really hope I did do right by my little Slinky. *hugs* Hope you have had a good 4th.
from muffinhead :
Thank you. I appreciate your sympathy. I don't really have a support system here, so I'm going at this alone. It's nice to know some people care. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
I just finished reading a book called "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone". I don't know how much reading you do- being the music dept girl, but somehow it kinda reminded me of you. Maybe just for the music relation, feels like more. I really liked the book. It was the best $1 Borders investment I ever made. :-)
from cocoabean :
I had lots of ankle exercises when I broke mine, standing on that leg alone was one of them... not for strength, but balance. Lunges were another exercise..
from muffinhead :
I like weekends like that. "Boring" details are what make it occupying and fun. A distraction, a good one for a change.
from sduckie :
I can totally relate to the junk food- and the more nervous I get, the more I eat it!
from muffinhead :
So glad you got out and had a good time. :-)
from muffinhead :
You sound like me luv. I know the feeling "unspecial". They say being stabbed with a knife is a very personal crime. I think I'd take that feeling over being "unspecial". Know what I mean?
from muffinhead :
Yes, Ms Harris rocks the casbah. I bought the first book when I went to see detroit boy so many years ago. I'm not really a vampire fan, but I really like the way she portrays them. I'm more of a werewolf fanatic myself. I love Alcide- despite his little shortcomings. :-) I have to buy the tv series. We don't have cable. :-(
from muffinhead :
Arizona boy recently had shoulder surgery. I hear about the pain joint surgery can be. I sure hope you recover soon. And as usual, thank you for your support hon. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
thanks hon. *hugs* I'm sure it helped.
from muffinhead :
Thanks for being supportive hon. Some days I type and I wonder why. I'm glad your operation went well and I hope that you feel better soon! *hugs*
from muffinhead :
Good for you hon, with your plan on the pool and the eating. It's hard work, a lot of it being mental- but the upside is, that when you get into your groove the mental part becomes easier and you feel better. Glad your dad is ok.
from mspsyched1 :
That is always so nice when you can re-connect with someone you knew from high school. You know, someone who you knew. and knew you, back when you didnt really even knew yourself. lol That is one of the main things that I am trying to do now that I am back home where I grew up...find my friends from high school that I lost contact with. I'm happy that you got the chance to reconnect. =)
from muffinhead :
Somehow I knew *you* would understand my dear.
from muffinhead :
Wouldn't that be a cool visit? I wouldn't be opposed to it! We'll see what we can phenagle eh? Hope your MRI doesn't come up with anything bad hon. Still rootin for you here!
from muffinhead :
Yes. I remember those entries. Seems we're back to that eh? Why tell you you're doing a good job? Corporation's view on it is that there's "always room for improvement". yay. Sorry dear.
from vxxen :
I LOVE my iPod too! I dont leave my room without it let alone my house lol I'm *definitely* buying Twilight! and not on bootleg! lol Cool entry btw
from cocoabean :
glad to see you back!
from muffinhead :
lol. Yes, as the title implies. I hate dentists otherwise...but when you're in pain..... kinda like doctors too....
from life-my-way :
You're totally welcome--and (in case you wonder) I'm the one who read all the entries today, not some scary stalker person.
from sduckie :
I loved Sookie Stackhouse! That was actually the only "mystery" series I ever liked. I don't have television so I wasn't even aware it was a show... I'm going to see if I can watch some episodes online. Hope all is well with you....
from imatwin :
Good luck with keeping updated. I'm sure you'll do much better than I will. :)
from sky-rocket :
you're right. food is just like a drug. food is your drug, in your case. other people use cocaine, meth, pot, etc. some people exercise in excess to get high, others have sex. start researching some of your interests, and think positively...your subconscious follows through on things your conscious mind forgets. a new job might just fall in your lap when you start researching these other things, your subconscious compass engages and directs you. promise.
from muffinhead :
Thank you for your sympathy. The gym is the only thing that keeps me from going over the edge, I have a hard time motivating myself too, but if I go I usually feel better. Granted, it doesn't seem like it lately, but trust me, if I didn't go, I'd be much, much worse than I am already. *hugs*
from muffinhead :
Hey dear! Good to see we're both still kicking. Sorry about the moving back with your 'rents thing. I've done that as well, but thankfully you seem to have a much better relationship with yours than I do mine so it should be survivable. *many hugs*
from rachelliz :
Good luck with the new meds...and the Internet.
from muffinhead :
...I'd rather lose a boyfriend than a cat...or rat in my case. Luv ya hon. Hang in there. That's what I do best it seems....
from kelsi :
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. It's so hard to lose a pet.
from wordwhore :
so sorry about maddux. losing a pet really can hurt nearly as much as losing a person.
from cocoabean :
awww I'm so sorry.. it's hard to let your pet go..
from bananaseat :
i had never watched so you think you can dance before this season- i too loved joshua and katee! and they were so weird to her. she didn't say she was going to give up dancing, she said she was going to stop auditioning for the show. HUGE difference. the show thinks it encompasses all of dances. i'm rolling my eyes.
from muffinhead :
We all go through that, life, no life, life, no life cycle I think. I have no idea where mine is at right now. Must've left it in a sock drawer. *hugs*
from cocoabean :
glad to know you are still around!
from dulligirl :
I am reallly hoping I can by the Fall if not before. It is driving me nuts!
from webmiss :
Hi. Haven't left you a note in forever! Sorry about that. How are things? Miss your regular updates. Hope you're well. Do you think you'll get internet back anytime soon?
from muffinhead :
I'm still readin'!
from sduckie :
I love tetris. Used to be able to find it free online, but no more. Thanks for updating!
from razor-vixen :
Yeah, still wait for entries from you! :-)
from cocoabean :
we miss you too!
from wordwhore :
still reading!
from polly-esther :
I'm still here and I love it when you update. If you would like my login info, just let me know.
from bathtubmary :
hey hey! so good to hear from you! who are you going for in SYTYCD? i'm joshua all the way, but i also love will and mark. mark and chelsie are my fave couple. hope you're well, xoxox, d
from san-meroed :
I haven't been around for awhile, but it sounds like things are rough for you, too. Hope things get better...
from webmiss :
Oh girl, I know all about not being over someone. It sucks when you care about someone that much and they're either oblivious of your feelings, or just can't be bothered to care. Maybe Allie leaving will be the end of their relationship, from what you've described, it doesn't sound like it has a strong enough foundation to survive a long distance.
from muffinhead :
from webmiss :
Why are you trying not to contact Jim? Are you trying to remove yourself from that situation? Good to hear from you, even if it was short & sweet. Sorry you're feeling so run down. You need to get out there and do something nice for yourself, a little pick-me-up!
from chaosdaily :
we miss you too!
from webmiss :
Ugh, can't leave comments for you anymore :(( "I'm sorry that you don't feel you can be honest with your therapist, seems like that should be the one person in the world you could be completely free & honest with. Good luck with the exercises, anything that is core-strengthening will really help your back!"
from bathtubmary :
14 days? i hope you're ok, miss. xoxo, d
from sduckie :
Sometimes people's definitions of friendships are more about tit for tat rather than actual friendship- which is accepting where your friend is at the moment and how well you can support each other, understanding when it's not possible to give more than you have.... And email is a terrible way to communicate... what if you never even got that email, or had a crisis of your own? Hmm. Technology can mess up a friendship!
from whystinger :
Nice banner, drew me in. You have some different friends that seem to be either needy or need to be the center of your attention. Go with your guy.
from soapboxdiner :
Oh, my GOD! (old school school) As one old song lyric goddess to another, I love your banner. I haven't heard that song in FOREVER! You made my day.
from sduckie :
Thanks for adding me to your list. I wish you a happy birthday! Love, Duck
from bananaseat :
wow! i had no idea that jens was getting so much press. he's the cutest. i think i wrote about him a year or two ago as well, when i first discovered him. he's so good live, and i love his storytelling songs. they crack me up. i'm glad you like it!
from newmillenia :
Hey, just found your diary and me likey what I'm reading. =) It sucks that you're in such chronic pain all the time, hopefully you'll find a sustaining solution soon.
from blimplike :
hey! I like how you write. It's cool to find someone who likes Janet Evanovich books, too. Stephanie plum pwns! :)
from mommylap :
Super damn cool! And you sang songs that I am sure we both couldn't sing enough of in Jr. High- and that still sound as good to me as they did then. I think Palmer's voice sounds perfect on "Bad Case of Loving You" and I believe it's on record that I think The Pretenders first album is perfect, perfect, perfect. I'd love to sing "Stop Your Sobbing" on karaoke. I'd love to sing karaoke with you and yell "THAT'S MY PRETEND INTERNET FRIEND!" because how great would yelling that in a bar be? (your comments are turned off. You should get free ones from haloscan!)
from polly-esther :
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I added you to my buddy list. I can't remember how I found you, but we have some people in common. You sound like a really nice person!
from godmoney :
nin is my all-time and i'm a virgin
from webmiss :
Hey you've not posted in awhile, everything alright??
from media1001 :
dulligirl, I agree. I don't like things that are gross or stupid or weird as an end unto themselves. This is an ongoing problem I have with shows that try to be "gross-funny" or "stupid-funny" or "weird-funny" and miss the "funny" in each scenario. This was something I mentioned in my review of Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies as well. Being crude to be crude is just crude. It's not funny or clever, it is just bad taste. Plus, the dialog is unnecessarily crude in parts as well, especially the Jay and Silent Bob segments. I don't find the character of Jay to be funny at all, just annoying and crude. It's funny you mention that last scene because I found it to be more ridiculous than gross -- but the end point was the same. And, yeah, Slackers was a better film.
from for-you-only :
achin to be... sleeping?
from flicka :
she's aching to be....I love Paul Westerberg ;)
from muffinhead :
Thank you hon. I appreciate your concern. I'll be on the road through thursday and since i had my net connection severed I won't be online much until i get home. I'll poke at you when I can. my address is rockabillydollie at yahoo dot com.
from webmiss :
I missed your entry from 8-15 about the Bourne movies. That was the one I was referring to in my note. Sorry! Why does he always try to interject Allie into anything you suggest that he does solo with you? If you wanted Allie to come too, you'd ask her along. Perhaps he senses your feelings for him, and uses Allie as a buffer? Or he's really dense and doesn't get that you just want some alone time with him. I thought him and Allie were on the verge of breaking up? Did I miss something there too?
from spring-da1sy :
Awwwwwwww-very cute indeed!
from notme2000 :
Hey, if you still read my diary the username is "reader" and password is just "password".
from spring-da1sy :
Wow-when you make a decision, you act on it and fast! Congratulations-she sounds adorable.
from webmiss :
Hey, just wanted to let you know I tagged you with the Rockin' Girl Blogger award. You can check it out on my page:
from spring-da1sy :
Found you via your banner. I just wanted to say you're not alone with the mirror phenomenon. I look in the mirror at home and think that's not too bad, then I look in the mirror at work and hate that people are seeing me like that! Weird! Mind if I add you?
from mutantdragon :
Thanks for the note! You're so smart to avoid mirrors on bad days. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm starting to "know better" than to torture myself. It's unfortunate that in our culture we're taught that beauty equals self-worth. We're so much more than that, but it's so hard to escape that conditioning. Again, thank you, I appreciate the comment.
from cardiogirl :
Hi Dulli, Thanks for adding me as a favorite. I sent you a shout out in today's post!
from cardiogirl :
Hi Dulligirl, I haven't read too much of you yet, but a quick thought jumped into my head when you questioned, "Why do all of the guys I'm interested in have ties (to other women)?" I knew a guy like that in college. I think he did that (fell for girls who were not available) as a safety mechanism. He couldn't get hurt, if they weren't available. Just a quick thought and one that might be off base. . . p.s. FYI Your comments are off. I couldn't leave this as a comment because it said you needed to update your membership.
from san-meroed :
I'm Back!
from sillycake :
Oh, don't feel bad if you curse a lot, dearie. I curse like a sailor at times. =D
from imatwin :
Thanks, I hope I get better soon too.
from neverbeme :
Thank you for your note, I do plan on writing much more often!
from sillycake :
Hi! Yes, I made the Travis ring today. I adore them. I would love to see them in concert. =)
from smedindy :
I am sorry our chat was cut short last night. I wish I was in a better mood. I actually was after the Office...but then...disaster.
from chaosdaily :
theres a country song a girl who trashes her boyfriends "pretty little souped up fourwheel drive" when he cheated on her.. its called when he cheats, or if he cheats or something like that.
from ehays :
Hope you're having a wonderful christmas. Luff~Erin
from bathtubmary :
did you die last night, or what? that was the most awesome vm episode in ages. i was so nervous! and poor dean ed. but yay angry logan! xoxo, d
from bathtubmary :
i know! i love logan so much. but it's almost better when they're not together. and i love piz from back when he was on 'life as we know it.' dick has also grown on me - he gets the best lines. vm is the best show evar. it makes me feel feelings. happy thanksgiving! xo, d
from wordsofmine :
Considering what all we see on the news, it's no wonder you might have a dream like that. I see you are participating in NaNo too, I hope you do well.
from bookafly :
heya! I added you as NaNo writing buddy...hope that's ok!
from minstrelite :
I was raised on the Hardy Boy books--I think I read every single one, and there were over a hundred of them. (That was when I still knew how to read, before I became a space case in the 70's, but that's another story.)
from imatwin :
Wow...sounds like you had some fun ;) ~Alex
from bookafly :
Hiya. I was just looking at new diaries and found theswordsman. I saw that on his favourites you had listed him as a fave. Just he good writer, entertaining, and a good updater? How would you compare him to yourself? I know I could just read a bunch of entries myself, but I like the way you write and respect your opinion! Hope yo're having a great and well rested day! Thx :)
from mommylap :
I am totally happy that Jeffrey won, but I have to say that in motion- I thought Uli edged him out a bit. Jeffrey showed a nice range of dressing too, the casual element was stronger in his yet he gave Kors that elegance with the edge that hadn't been seen with the haste. I thought because of his color choices even the distressed skinny pant looked pretty elegant. Plus I just loved all the silver and green stuff. It's funny though, I left the season really really liking Laura more than ever- in spite of what could be a bitch edit. I thought she acted completely up front and that forwardness from her makes me love her. I wish I had seen more color coming down her runway (I loved all the pieces we saw on Tim's visit that got edited out- the reds especially would have given her stuff energy that could've passed for youthfulness, and what she finally brought out disappointed me, not because it wasn't gorgeous, but because it didn't match her energy.
from bananaseat :
i just realized i had notes! whoopsie. creep-o-meters are very important. i still haven't had the chance to confront that guy, but i am still rehearsing the confrontation in my head. oh yes.
from media1001 :
I saw your note about "The Bends" on Smed's site. Purely by coincidence, it is in my next five albums to soon as I get it from the library. I hope you will keep an eye out for the review and let me know what you think of it. Or just let me know in general why you like "The Bends" so much. Or Radiohead, or whatever... -- Ploppy.
from mommylap :
That would have been me too, at X, a mosh pit of one! I totally forgot to mention to you that last week I saw a Henry Rollins Show (he does one on IFC) that featured John Doe and he was sooooo cool. He's the man.
from mommylap :
I just saw pics of Malan's Fashion Week show and his stuff was just lovely, lovely, lovely- and some of it was hard to pull off. There's a link at bloggingprojectrunway you should check it out.
from imatwin :
yeah I like those songs to, but they were so over played that I don't really listen to them. But I still like them, even if my friend disapproves ~Alex <3
from for-you-only :
Wow, you know, I clicked on that banner that said, "fourteen year old boy, fifteen year old mind, 80 year old mouth" and I left him a note, and then I saw your note, and I come to find that your journal is just about as interesting as his, only with a cooler template. Then again, I'm pretty sure he made his himself and I know where you got yours, because I've been through every template site around several times. Anyway, to my point, my point is, you're cool, and I think I'm pretty cool to. So I propose that you check out my diary ( and if you like it, then we could be new reads for each other. If not... Well, you know, such is life. ~Phoenix
from bloodyme :
no kidding pbr is some sick stuff. people here swear by it though its kind of like a cult thing.
from chaosdaily :
thanks for the add! im looking forward to reading more of your entries..
from flybynyght :
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I'm changing diaries because I've been having a big problem with my archives. I'm staying here, but my new name is "bookafly" I hope you re-add me as a fave!
from imatwin :
It amazes me how everybody calls their lives sad, and think someone else's life isn't. But then that person goes and calls their life sad. Yeah...I know it ain't that important. ~Alex
from bloodyme :
thanks alot for your nice words. have you ever been in a bad relationship? i guess i never really had until i experienced this one. it is a complete eye opener about things i don't want in my life.
from final137 :
Not sure if things were really better when we were young or if we were just more naive. Every generation claims that when they were kids..the world was perfect. Maybe they were just yet ignorant of it's faults. Or maybe things are just progressively worse.. Then again, I see no reason why both can't be true..heh.
from lahoo2 :
thanks for the birthday wish =]
from muffinhead :
Hiya Sweets! Yeah, diaryland was being mean to me, which is why I wasn't updating. But I'm back, and don't worry, haven't missed a beat with ya! Muah!
from minstrelite :
Wow--somebody actually had something nice to say! I just woke up & turned on my laptop, not sure why I went to DiaryLand first but am glad I did. What happens first thing in the morning is so important, and it goes so far to shape how the rest of the day turns out. Thanks for the positivity--I needed it!
from meganwaits :
Hi, thought I'd check out your diary. I wish I could get into the mood to clean. I am so unorganized.
from dulligirl :
Not if I bar them from coming in!!
from wistful-blue :
That method of revenge probably won't work J...the neighbor folk will just crash your party.
from imatwin :
I have no clue. In fact a lot of those things make no sense at all like #12. My friend sent it to me, and I was bored, so yeah. Take care ~Alex
from mspsyched1 :
And I thought that I was the only one who didnt like that movie. My best friend loved the movie and watches it all the time. NOT one of Hugh's better movies.
from wistful-blue :
You're welcome. Just something I've noticed--the more you believe, the more things come to fruition and the easier it becomes to "keep the faith." :)
from minstrelite :
My daughter's name is Echo and she's a hip-hop emcee, so sometimes when I google her to see what she's up to I wind up getting Echo and the Bunnymen instead. It's funny.
from minstrelite :
I just realized I get paid on Thursday, so it's not all that bad. But even so, I have to live off of that till July 1st, so I better put a lid on the crazy spending before I get on a roll with it.
from beagle47 :
allison? (great banner. Elvis lives).
from wistful-blue :
Tag, you're it! (See the end of latest entry for more info).
from bathtubmary :
seriously, i don't know if i can wait until next week without expiring. how are they going to tie up all the loose ends? i have faith they'll do it, but i'm dying to know how. and i don't think even the vm people know whether or not they're coming back yet. but they had better! xoxo, d
from dream-cafe :
Thank you for the lovely notes you've been leaving J! Get film in your camera already girl! I'd love to know how *YOU* see the world! *Hugs* -cat
from dream-cafe :
"Never give up! Never surrender!" :)
from bathtubmary :
yep, damon's pretty much always gotten by on his looks and baseball prowess. not a thinker for our times. hee. xoxo, d
from wistful-blue :
Aw, you're welcome. *Hugs* Just hate to think of you stressing out any further. :( Want my Judith to find her happiness and fulfillment! :) *Hugs* -cat
from wistful-blue :
No, no, no - I didn't mean you should act stinky or anything, just be polite and pleasant without being to solicitous or overly friendly - if that makes *any* sense. In simpler terms: be as sweet and smooth as freshly made icing, but also keep an emotional distance, esp from the boss' personal affairs. Good luck Sweets. *Hugs*
from wistful-blue :
Meh, that's what I'm worried about - that not only will all those electrodes hamper my ability to sleep during their little test, but that I'll also psyche myself out - as I often do - and it will all be for naught. Eesh! :-)
from wistful-blue :
PS: Thank you so much for the lovely compliment on my new template. :-)
from wistful-blue :
I think one of the trickiest things about online diaries is finding a template that suits us, that we like and one we're able to implement ourselves! 'Cause seriously, how many folks have even BASIC HTML knowledge? I have an extra, secret, locked diary where I try and tweak all new layouts until I'm sure they're exactly the way I want them.
from dream-cafe :
LOL It was just that one day. I'll read anything that holds my attention and that includes some pretty lowbrow material...think "Paranoia" magazine. :-)
from wistful-blue :
LMAO I *knew* somebody would come along and say: "That's not a messy desk!" It's messy for *me*. I can't think unless both of my rooms are spotless; anal retentiv, I know. :-)
from snoozie-girl :
happy valentines day :)
from icyjewel :
Awwww, thanks for thinking of me. I've been doing better these past few days. Work has been very overwhelming lately. It's made me not have the motivation to write, let alone read. It makes me sad. I had a few minutes this morning to log into dland for the first time in over a week to visit my favorites. (which was you!) Anyway, my health is on and off, probably due to the stress at work. Hopefully things will get better soon. I hope all is well with you and that you have a great day today! I think of you often.
from bathtubmary :
aw, i missed your birthday! i hope it was wonderful, darlin'. xoxox,d
from dsi :
I saw you diary in a banner ad, and I wanted to tell you that your music taste in wonderful! -J(A)rr(E)d
from wistful-blue :
You're welcome Judith. :-) -cat
from smedindy :
Hey, I noticed I'm on your guest entry list? Did I miss a memo or is that something that is upcoming??
from bathtubmary :
i never noticed the billy boyd pic in your profile before - love it. so your reasons why i'm gay are so good you are not only in the lame club, i'm electing you an officer. xoxo, d
from wistful-blue :
Thank you so much for your note Judith. Tish, Gomez, MG and I all agree when it comes to having a Living Will - three out of the four of us have done it. Guess who hasn't. It means a lot that I can come here, let out some of the frustration and know I have your care and support. *Hugs* -cat
from candoor :
Merry Happy New Year and may 2006 be the best year yet :)
from mspsyched1 :
Yeah, the new job thing is one of my resolutions too. Good luck in finding a job you like. Its one of the most important things about a job. Oh, and I absolutely love the dress you had on :)
from mspsyched1 :
I cant wait for Christmas to be over too. I know that sounds bad, but you're right...people do get crazy this time of year. Oh, also let me know how you enjoy the movie. I'm getting mixed reviews and I want to see it. :)
from wistful-blue :
from wistful-blue :
LMAO And those three lines are the full extent of my Monty Python knowledge. Judith...put down the baseball bat. Please Judith, we can talk about this -- I promise, I'll go to the video store and rent The Best of Python *today*! *Starts to run* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! :-)
from wistful-blue :
Well, I thought: "Something to give Judith a good laugh." And what makes for a better laugh than a dirty joke...unless it's a bumper sticker that reads: "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot." :-D *Hugs* Happy Turkey Day to you too! -cat
from moonbaby8u :
Oh I will be paranoid for what will seem like forever,not like thats anything new...but at lease I have a reason to be now
from sopretty :
ok so I honestly clicked on your banner because it was a line from a DCFC song. i'm that kind of nerd.
from wistful-blue :
Absolutely Judith; you can be my neighbor anywhere in the world! :-)
from smedindy :
No problem! Just offering to help. I'll think of something soon!
from muffinhead :
I'll cross my fingers that the corporate giants don't roll over on you hon.
from candoor :
good luck with nano-madness :)
from wistful-blue :
You're welcome. :-)
from mspsyched1 :
I havent been back home (east coast) in so long I forget what real cold is like. People in CA freak out if it drops below 75. I miss the cold weather. Keep warm.
from wistful-blue :
Doesn't it seem like the more you and I learn about each others fathers, the more we realize how alike they are? Whenever I had trouble dealing with Dad's idiosyncrosies as a child, Mom would tell me: "Cathee, what can I say? Your father was raised by The Aliens. There's no making sense of anything he says or does." If you met my dad's siblings and parents, you'd Mom was right. :-D
from alwaysange :
I dropped by, read a handful of entries and I liked what I read so I'm adding you to my favorites. :) I will look forward to reading more in future.
from wistful-blue :
LOL Okay...if I'm truly honest, I can't make it down the stairs without my knees and spine cracking like those styrofoam peanut shells, but thirty, forty, fifty still aren't old dammit!
from icyjewel :
You are officially named Frisky's aunt! He only has grandparents (my mom and dad) and a daddy (Dusty). Do you have any pictures of Maddux? How long have you had Maddux?
from smedindy :
No problem. BTW - most of those songs do NOT sound like a typical "Beach Boys" song.
from candoor :
I loved that song (Roger Miller, right?)... hope your back-neck-body feels better...
from foreground :
Found your diary from a banner. I suffered from TMJ for a long time (since age three, actually) because I learned as an infant to grind my gums and then my teeth. Did a lot of damage to both my teeth and my jaw, but the latter has been correctable with an orthotic appliance I wear at night. I know your monetary situation is tight right now, but I wanted to put you in the direction of neuromuscular dentistry. My jaw doesn't click anymore--no pain, no headaches, no weird tingling in my arms when I wake up. It's expensive, but maybe when your finances clear up a bit you can look into it. Best of luck, and feel free to ask me any questions about it. --Noren
from theswordsman :
Okay. I just bagged my car trash and dumpstercized it. I've got five dollars in quarters in the console waiting for a trip to the car wash. There's a bottle of Windex and paper towels by my front door. And as soon as I click this I'm ordering a fresh bottle of the car polish that makes strong women swoon. But I'm not taking another step until you tell me you've taken out the trash. Tag. John
from lifeasme66 :
Just wanted to say hi and thanks for visiting and adding me as a fave! I'll be back to read more of your diary =) **HUGS!!**
from wistful-blue : must be as anal and compulsive about neatness and organization as I am. :-D Nah...that entry was more my way of saying "fuck you" to the people who don't have the guts to simply remove me from their lists, because they find me too offensive to read after a fashion. Childish, I know...I've said it a million times though: I'm not "nice." Nice is a label *other people* eagerly apply to yours truly, not a quality I lay claim to. Sadly, I'm too "good" to be bad. Nothing more pathetic than a wannabe bad girl. Eesh! *Hugs* -cat
from theswordsman :
Phew!!! I was afraid I was quoting people without my own knowledge. I'm impressed that you made it all the way to the bottom, though. One of my newest buddies had a birthday today. I was trying to be all subtle and you busted me. Cheers. John (not Lennon)
from theswordsman :
Thanks for adding me. DID I quote John Lennon???
from icyjewel :
I LOVE the new layout! It's beautiful. I've missed you these past couple weeks and can't wait to get back online to catch up with you. :) Have a good week!
from smedindy :
That last note was meant as a compliment, meaning you were fast on the uptake of my last essay! The red light thing does work, don't it!
from smedindy :
Boy, I fixed that within a minute of posting and you are the second person to mention that! Wow!
from wistful-blue :
"crabs in the 'nether regions'" = endlessly irritating (without even trying to be such) = cat; hence, the analogy. :-D
from lycka :
Sorry I haven't replied sooner to say thanks for your note. Bookselling, eh? Sometimes I think tolerance is something we should be rewarded for as much as anything else! xx
from wistful-blue :
If you think my "to do by 30" list is ambitious, you should see :"ilmomof3's" forty things to do by the time she's forty! Holy moly! There are hundreds of things I *could* have listed, but I made myself be realisitc: "Do you *REALLY* think it's within your capacity -- health/emotion/mentally speaking -- to accomplish this in the next two years and three months?" So things like: "wander the streets of NYC" or "visit the Louvre" were nixed. :-) -cat
from thrsdaychild :
Hi there...Read your entry about six feet under, and I can so relate, because I wrote an entry SO similar a few days back about queer as folk. I get way involved with my tv. :) anyway, how many seasons were there of six feet under? I saw it in blockbuster when I got queer as folk and considered getting it later. I'd heard so much about it. Anyway, just been reading for awhile and thought I'd say hello. if you wanna drop by the username is noparents, and the password is allowed. Later.
from wistful-blue :
Jeez! I am *so* sorry Judith! I must have been adding (or subtracting) to my favorites list and somehow skipped over your diary name. D'oh! I kept wondering: Why hasn't Judith updated lately? She's one of the diaries I *count* on being updated regularly! Then I looked at my list and realized you were missing, duh. I promise, I'll be catching up later today. *Hugs & Kisses* -cat
from smedindy :
Loved the finale of 6FU! Great TV, and I'll miss the show dearly.
from summersands :
.. thank you for your note, my dads was diagnosis was colon cancer (we just recently found it out) .. we are meeting with the radiologist on the 18th .. so we are keeping our fingers crossed, saying our prayers and hoping that they are able do what they need to do so it doesn't spread any further.
from loner-blues :
I'm doing *everything* I can to have it ready and posting this week. I never realized how much "care and feeding" my father requires before all this came down. I don't know how my mom has done it for the past thirty-three years. I'd have said I was going out for milk and never come back by year five!
from san-meroed :
It seems you've beaten me to it! I was thinking about it during my insomnia hour and I realized, 'hey stupid, you never turned your notes on, you don't have a guestbook...' Thank you thank you, very much. B)
from dulligirl :
I would leave a note or comment at your diary,san-meroed,but you don't have your notes turned on. So sure. No problem. Please read me!
from san-meroed :
Would you mind if I maybe put you on my reads?
from loner-blues :
Hehehe...I have to agree. "Self-shiatsu." I'm surprised that term didn't make it into one of the Sex and the City scripts. :-)
from gumphood :
I hope that 21 year old was worth it. Thats a uber long drive to Canada, and I don't even know where you live.
from loner-blues :
I thought you might enjoy such a parallel. :-D -cat
from gumphood :
I'm a dork, but they hinted at willow going gay earlier I remember. Joss said he had planned it for a bit. Seth Green leaving did suck though.
from gumphood :
I haven't read any of them, but I think I know who dies too.
from loner-blues :
It took a second reading of your note before I understood what "purpley" was in reference to. LOL "Oooohhhh, *that's* what she meant." -cat
from slywy :
The hardest part of work is the coworkers.
from gumphood :
I agree. The Angel series finalie was really good. The Buffy season 5 one was the best though. Season 7 was pretty good overall, and I liked Season 6 the best. Sorry Tara.
from gumphood :
Right on all accounts. Thats why I am watching firefly. For the movie "serenity" (name of the ship). Angel was really good as well. honestly.
from gumphood :
wait a show about Matt and Ben played by women?
from loner-blues :
It finally dawned on my granite thick head that I've been writting here for the wrong reasons, for a very long time now and that I needed to stop. So I deleted my archives and I left; but -- you know, I still wanna keep up with what's going on in the lives of my "peeps," so I re-opened my notes page so you guys have a place to respond when I leave notes. :-) Hey, at least you got a scrip for Vicodin! Can't get that without going to the doc! Just be careful with the Pina Coladas and the Margaritas, k? I don't want anything bad happening to you. *Hugs* -cat
from neko-carre :
Hi! Saw your banner, thought I'd drop in. FABULOUS taste in music, I must say! And movies too! And I see you read BathtubMary, one of my dearest friends. I'm locked, but if you wanna take a peek at my diary, send me an email at [email protected]. Cheers!
from loner-blues :
I'm sorry that any of us knows how bad it feels to be bullied. I've never bought into the school of thought that says such treatment "toughens" people up, nor the idea that cruelty is just a part of life and it's just something we all have to live with. *****Judith****** It hurts everytime I re-realize so many of us are members of that "club."
from fuschiashock :
i didn't want to go to prom. i didn't want to go and i haven't regretted not going yet. it's a waste of money. a lot of people at my school spend 500 or even a thousand dollars on the prom. i would rather have the money for university.
from mspsyched1 :
Good luck tomorrow. Beleive me...its a HUGE weight off yur chest when its all finished. (hugs)
from banefulvenus :
great banner sunshine!! : )
from loner-blues :
LOL You are a far, far greater person than I, Judith. :-D You shall be rewarded mah sistah!
from herdarlinsin :
Black Rose is really good. How far are you into your book now? I just got passed the Christmas festivities :P
from desmondj :
(thespark here) Just add a link to us on your main page, and we'll add you! OR, if you wanna write, e-mail us. WOO!
from bettyalready :
And you don't have to be big on babies! I know how it is for people w/ no kids and how people say "When you are going to get married and have kids?" or whatever. I appreciate that you say mine's cute. I LOVE having a little boy!!! He's so sweet.
from loner-blues :
I wish I could remember which show this line came from...I'm pretty sure it was some cheap Muppet's rip off: *No good guh-news...with Gary...Guh-new." -cat
from pansycline :
howdily doodily! I like your diary. I'll be Bach!
from thespark :
You should come join us!
from angelsnano :
Oh i am sure your new do looks adorable!! i can't wait for the finalies tonight!! I might watch Alias but I've missed most of the entire season.. doh!!
from loner-blues :
LOL Thank you for the vote of confidence Judith. I realize now, the request was just an excuse to end the hindsight, Prissy's been acting distant for a very long time. No one gets that upset over something so small unless they're looking for a reason to be upset. Ah well, her loss. :-) -cat
from loner-blues :
Nothing much, apparently. :-) -catbert
from neangel :
i saw your book at the airport! i just thought i'd share cause i remember when you were selling it on ebay. ;)
from morbidalily :
yeah but it makes you wonder...did they set it in the first place with every intention of there on time?? I don't know but I get it ever so often. I enjoy the diary!! Morbidalily @>--
from gumphood :
thanks for the add.
from loner-blues :
Yeah, I hated the previous layout but it was a "pinch" sitch so I took what I could get. UGH! I like this one muuuuuuuuuuch better.
from candoor :
everywhere I go I seem to be running into Ryan Adams fans... I just noticed him this year and like what I've heard so far and it's really odd to keep seeing his name in diaries I read... happy concerting :)
from loner-blues :
I know...I think having a half bro and sis hooking up is a little taboo, even by today's lax television standards. Still, Duncan had sex with V *believing* she was/is his sister. Since I look at Man-Cub as a brother, just the thought of something like that gives me the icky shivers. BUUUUUUHHHH!!!
from loner-blues :
I love VM too! The first time I saw it I thought: "Damn, that could be me...if I had all those cool devices and a PI father with access to all those resources." Hehehe. And yes, Logan is adorable. I really hope he's not too deeply involved in Veronica's rape. I liked seeing them as a couple. Much better for her than Duncan.
from icyjewel :
This is my new place. :)
from loner-blues :
Oh, I see...geez that really stinks -- like bad cheese from Denmark. If I had the money I'd give it to you in a second. Damn this whole being broke on welfare business! According to Dubbya and Arnold, I should be living like a queen! LOL :-)
from mspsyched1 :
Your entries alway hit home with me. I just recently contacted some old friends myself. Picking up the phone was the hardest, because I didnt know where I sit with them anymore. It all worked out great and I'm glad that I took the first step and called them. Call your friend...I am sure she thinks about you too and wonders about you. (HUGS)
from loner-blues :
:-) Thank you Judith.
from loner-blues :
If you laughed, then my mission was accomplished. ;-D I hope you enjoyed the sugar wafer. Yummmm! -cat
from loner-blues :
Thank you Judith. :-) I hope you're keeping warm.
from iamhubpluh :
Can you dig it, Suuuuuck-A! Yea, Booker T sucks.
from loner-blues :
No, men in tights has been taboo for a while now. *Grin* Damn shame too if you ask me. -cat
from loner-blues :
To quote Ron White: "Things that make ya go...'buuuuuhhhh!'"
from loner-blues :
Yeah...I've tried that about ten times now. All part of the wild, wacky after effects of the Great Crash 2005. ARGH!! -cat
from loner-blues :
Gawd, I'm starting to hate this place! I locked up temporarily to change my layout last night and not my diary won't unlock. ARGH! So until Andrew sees fit to correct the problem -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. -cat
from loner-blues :
No, something's wrong with my html and the quotation marks and apostrophes keep coming up "?" on certain browsers. I think I'm going to have to find a different template. :-(
from hissandtell :
Hi - I clicked on your banner and am enjoying the read. I'll be back! Love, R xxx
from crateobscure :
I love "passenger seat"! However it has some really sad memories associated with it:
from patient- :
you have awesome taste in music. i wish all the fourty year olds i know had that. =)
from for-you-only :
I think I've wound up here before... Nice site - love the coloration. I love it a lol. You should get a review at sole-review. :) ~Pink
from aliboomboom :
I found your diary through your banner. I love your layout. It's plain yet cute. Enjoy the Academy Awards party. I always think I like awards shows until I watch them and then I'm bored. What I do like are the before and after shows where you can see what people wear. Now that is entertainment.
from fan4 :
Get well soon!
from candoor :
cannot read, but Happy Valentine's Day :)
from loner-blues :
Thank you Judith. :-D -cat
from neangel :
first upload the pics onto dland or - then to insert them here use this code <img src=> or whatever the source url is...
from saara687 :
Thanks for the note & the luck wish.... :) It is sad about Carson. He was such a brilliant, funny guy.
from pinkbowshoe :
Yeah, the Johnny Carson thing was sad. I couldn't believe it. I was shocked. In the middle of the Eagles game. Around here though we were plummeted w/ Eagles phenomenon so JC was on a back burner until Monday morn. Poor fella.
from saara687 :
I miss reading. Hope you're well....
from cats-corner :
Hahaha! Well okay...I may go crazy in the process but you're worth a trip or two to Bedlam. :-D
from juli-anne :
Thank you so much for your support lately. It means so much to me, more than you can know. You are incredible! :)
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from completeliar :
i can dig it
from juli-anne :
Thanks for taking my survey, you left some really sweet comments. :) And I don't know how you didn't soccer punch that mother who left her child alone, I would have wanted to!
from cats-corner :
No...there really isn't anything to say. :-) But thank you for letting me know you're "out there." -cat
from cats-corner :
Three cheers for your parents! I'm with would be so empty if one were normal. Yech! :-D
from bettyalready :
from juli-anne :
I just wanted to let you know that Dusty found my cat at about midnight. I'm SO HAPPY that he's back. Thanks for the supporting comment. :)
from emeraldeyez :
Found your diary thru the banner. Strange coincidence...I am also in Charlotte NC and signed up for Nanowrimo! Unfortunately, I haven't written much. I am 37, but married with two kids. Good luck to you.
from betchy :
hi i just came across your diary at random, i like! i will be keeping up with your escapades x
from cats-corner :
Dear Judith, thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it, especially from somebody in the buiz! I mailed your package today, so it should be there soon! I hope you like it. Let me know if it doesn't arrive within a week or so...I'll go back to the post office and give those folks a piece of my mind! :-) -cat
from pinkbowshoe :
Anytime!! I really enjoy reading your diary, thanks for leaving me a note!
from cats-corner :
Thank you Judith! Your note is *much* appreciated. :-) -catbert
from cats-corner :
thanks judith. -cat
from hamiltonian :
Ive been curious about that buldge in his back and sides. No wonder he always walks so funny... Bush needs to see the wizard and get a brain... but we all know who really is behind the curtain...
from augustdreams :
Thank you for your kind words. {{{hug}}} They helped so much. I don't think she understands, or maybe she's just the kind of person who will take any opportunity to be nasty. Either way, I'm the lucky one. I have people who care enough to lift me up when I'm hurting.
from cats-corner :
Damn, damn, damn. I could kick myself. I've mismanaged my funds again, and I don't think I'm going to be able to send the gift this month. I've got it all wrapped up and ready to go, but I realized I need to pay for three therapy sessions this month instead of two. I'm so sorry Judith. :-( I hope you can forgive me. I promise, the very first thing I'll do on November 1st is send your package out. -cat
from augustdreams :
Lousy head cold! Feel better soon. If you don't have a fever, letting the hot water run in the shower for a while and then breathing in all that nice steam can help a head cold a little. Of course, vix vapo-rub is supposed to be the best for that but I stand by my opinion that Vix contains menthol, water and THE DEVIL!
from cammella :
Hello, I Like you're banner, you're layout, and you're diary, sooooo yea you're cool!
from cats-corner :
If they come out all right, I'll be posting at least one in my "photographic interview." If the rest come out decent looking, maybe I'll post them in a later entry. I found some really lovely headstones and such. -cat
from cats-corner :
Well...I'd like to get something I *think* you'll like. :-D Otherwise, what's the point? -cat
from onecrazylife :
Just read and I wanted to say hi!
from cats-corner :
You're welcome Judith. I'm glad you liked the entry. Oh, I won't be able to get your "surprise" for another two weeks. Grrr! But since I have the time, what is your favorite color? (I'd like to make sure you're going to like "it.") :-D -cat
from cats-corner :
Thank you Judith...I'm flattered that you like my entry enough to use the idea yourself. :-) -cat
from bloodyme :
for some reason i really thought i had written you back. well about what you said, it really affected me about women and weight issues. you try not to take jokes personal, or blow it off about how it's not you it's them but it really does affect your oulook on life. i have a feeling there are alot more fat girls hiding in thin girls bodies than we'd like to admit, which would explain alot as to women's self esteem. thanks for your words.
from cats-corner :
Well, you were closer than anyone else! If you trust me with your address, I'd love to send you the "prize" I had in mind. Or maybe a P.O. box? Just in case you're worried I'm some stalker-ish trucker named Bubba. :-D -cat
from cats-corner :
You're right one's life is perfect. Although I'm not a follower of Dr. Phil, I do like it when he tells people to stop comparing their *inside* to other people's *outside*...'cause no one's ever going to show you what their life is *really* like; nor blab on and on about their insecurities and shortcomings. Thank you for reminding me of that. *Hugs* -cat
from banefulvenus :
:) everyone needs a super hero!
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much for the welcome back note Judith. You're very sweet. *Hugs* -catbert
from the-book-bag :
Thank you for reading my diary Judith. I will miss you. If you ever feel like dropping me a line, my e-mail is [email protected]. *Hugs* -cat
from clashluver :
I've been to migraine designs for it and most of those are in blog style and look really funky when I change them. I love deconstrukt designs but most of those don't work anymore. Thanks for giving me the link though. I'm determined to get a new template today. I love that song Angry Johnny too!
from the-book-bag :
Ooooo!! I love "Haunted" too. It's one of my favorite CDs. Although, one of my favorite songs by Poe is "Angry Johnny." It just doesn't get any better than: "I wanna kill you/I wanna blow you/Away". -cat
from clashluver :
Hey, yeah I've been searching for a new template but I can't find a good one that really suits me or that I can figure out. I'm computer illiterate. Maybe you have some suggestions? Oh, and about Garden State, the friend sitting next to me absolutely loved it, I just thought some of the acting was really rusty and the characters weren't developed enough, some of the shots were just a little too rugged for me BUT it had some really interesting artsy shots too. They were done well and they were in a plus in my book. It's worth seeing I just wasn't particularly moved or anything, I expected too much. Sheila Take a Bow, good song! The Smiths rock!
from candoor :
the thing a hurricane does, for me at least, is it reminds me that I am usually so busy trying to squeeze something out of my rather mundane daily life for an interesting entry and catching up on writing about my own stuff that I fall way behind and stop visiting to catch up on everybody else's stuff and then i wonder why I lament over feeling alone and all that... if think that I live to be a hundred, I'll be a hundred year old whiney teenager (so why am I smiling?... ah, because I can still laugh at myself... hope life is smiling more than frowning in your world :)
from westyrex :
Thanks for adding me. I just looked at your profile to see if your name had anything to do with Greg. I'm guessing it does! I've met him a couple of times. We discovered that we both spent some of our childhood just a few miles away from each other in W.Va. He was near Ripley, and I was in Charleston. Anyway, I've always loved that guy and his records. I'll be reading you soon. Nice ta meetcha!
from clashluver :
Thanks for your sweet note and thanks for adding me.
from the-book-bag :
Dear Judith, I'm so sorry we're members of the same "club." :-( *Hugs* -cat
from stealmypurse :
Hello darling and thank you for the words of kindness about the braces. So glad am I to get them off. If I were to stop wearing the retainer my teeth would not gap but instead do the opposite. Since my mouth is overcrowded with teeth even though I have eight less than a normal human being. Why am I still muttering about my teeth? A book I would suggest to you for when you are done with your current one is Everything Is Illuminated if you have not read it or heard of it. Very very excellent and funny. I am reading it right now. What else to say but have a great day and keep in touch! Toodles.♥
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much Judith. Fellow insomniacs unite! *Hugs* -cat
from oliana :
wow, you're up late
from muffinhead :
Yeah, he is an effer. Grr. But yeah, at least I know I must be doing something right with Gorgeous. Thanks for the support hon.
from naivereact :
so you support Kerry too? sweet.
from the-book-bag :
Thank you Judith. *Hug* -cat
from banefulvenus :
Absolutely LOVE your banner!!! :)
from stealmypurse :
Hello darling, yes I have returned. Liev Schreiber fan? Wonderful. Not many people I have know recognize him but that is alright. His Shakespearean theater is enough to make anyone a fan. Ok enough ranting. Thank you for the sympathy. Amazing what a hot bath will do for you. Keep in touch and keep shining. Liev loves you. Or at least he would if he knew you. Do you visit the site at all? Toodles.
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your entries very much..thecdghost
from the-book-bag :
Hi *waves* :-)
from the-book-bag :
That's so cool! The night I went to hear Sue speak, I didn't bring a copy of her new book with me (it was P IS FOR PERIL then) and didn't get it autographed. Dammit! Oh well. I keep hoping she'll be on the roster for the next writer's conference and I'll be able to get her signature then. :-) -cat
from stealmypurse :
Well thanks for the heads up. I love audio books when the auther actually reads them. Except I read a Jimmy Carter book and he was reading it and the man talks too slowly. But oh well. Have a great day and keep those notes coming.Toodles.
from the-book-bag :
I love Sue Grafton (and just bought R IS FOR RICHOCHET) too! You know the city where her novels are set (Santa Barbara, disguised as "Santa Theresa")? That's where I grew up. I was lucky enough to hear her speak at the Santa Barbara Writer's Conference three years ago. She was awesome! So witty and dry! I loved her. -cat
from juli-anne :
I have the same problem with HAVING to buy at least one book when I'm at a bookstore. I once spent 6 hours in the Harvard bookstore just browsing.
from stealmypurse :
Hello darling. I noticed finally that you are a David Sedaris fan. May I recommend that you read "Dress Your Family in Courderoy and Denim". It is hilarious. I browsed through it at B&N Sunday and laughed. People started thinking I was nuts. I am sure if they read then they would understand. I think people don't like to be thought of as classic or relics because they are still living and don't feel any older. That could just be me though. Let me know about that layout thing darling. And keep in touch. Toodles.
from juli-anne :
I used to change my layout at least once a month. I had a friend, Chikyblonde, do a custom for me so now I've stuck with Stewie for awhile. If you visit there are alot of design sites up so you can check out what you'd like.
from stealmypurse :
Anytime, anytime. Keep in touch. And yes I had a wonderful girls night in. Hope your weekend was wonderful as well. Toodles.
from the-book-bag :
You're welcome. I hope you find something you like. :-) -catbert
from stealmypurse :
You know. I could fix your site up for you real nice. Do you want images? I can find something pretty and not too girly. Give me a nod as to what you would prefer on the layout. I see you like Pippin. There are plenty of LOTR layouts. Tell me what you like and I can find it and fix it up for you. You might have to find someone to post your linker codes though, I am sure you could do that yourself since you did the first time. That is ok about the guestbook. They won't let me into mine anymore. Fools. Have a great day on me and keep in touch. Toodles.
from the-book-bag :
There's a "diary" here at D-Land which is actually a site full of other sites which offer free templates and/or custom designs. Just go to "search diaryland" and type in "beautify" in the "diary names" box. Or, a woman who's diary I read (irishblueyes) does free custom layouts. All you need do is leave her a note or sign her guestbook. Hope you find something you like. :-D -cat
from juli-anne :
Sometimes when our parents find out what we "really" did when we were young, they can be traumatized for life. I realized this after I told my mom that my brother and I used to find keys for rental units, go in them, and watch TV. She almost doubled over....
from juli-anne :
I like your mix CD! I think I may just have to download the songs that I don't have and make one for myself. :-)
from stealmypurse :
Thank you for adding me. I liked Le Divorce. It was true to life in a bizarre way, but such is the French culture. Sadly I know all too well. Keep in touch and keep shining. Have a great day on me! Toodles.
from saara687 :
I looked all over for EW & didn't come across a single copy. *sniff* I, too, grew tired of Jane, but it happened when I had kids, not as I matured. Age is just a number - you're super cool. ;)
from icomeundone :
i will not be a stranger. my diary is mainly writing and poetry. for my everyday diary, which is more upbeat go to hope to see you around here often.
from icomeundone :
wow, came through the banner. just read your letted in Entertainment. i agree with you one hundred percent. you and i have a lot in common. high fedelity, jake, beatles, and probably more. keep in touch yes?
from candoor :
no hate to you... love, actually :)
from the-book-bag :
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for adding me to your favorites list. :-D -cat
from sarahsmells :
I loved your Office Space banner. I never get tired of that movie <3
from soverycherry :
That's awesome (about the EW thing)!! I watched parts of the MTV Movie Awards last night, and he looked SO VERY CUTE I can not even tell you. He needs to dump Kirsten Dunst (who looked like ass), pronto. Have a nice weekend!
from saara687 :
Very cool about EW! A letter of mine was published in "Jane" once. :P Like you & EW, at the time, "Jane" was my bible, so I can imagine how exciting that is.
from soverycherry :
Did you watch L&O the other night? At the end, when Lennie left, and they panned down to his name plate, I teared up. Yes, I am a giant dorkus. I don't care, though; I loved the guy! I can't believe they're bringing in Dennis Farina to replace him!
from saara687 :
Now, I'll have to watch it again before I bring it back to the video store, just so I don't miss the commentary.
from saara687 :
I'm sorry that you hate you right now. I'm glad your mom could spot you the money. My parents would & have done the same sort of thing.... At least you recognize these things in yourself - like the talking behind someone's back thing. Seeing the flaws are half the battle. I hope tomorrow's better for you.
from justgreat75 :
ooh. another o.c fan. im foaming at the mouth waiting for the finale.
from saara687 :
I'd just like you to know that from the little I've read, I think you seem like the kind of person I'd love to know IRL. You're engaging & I have similar taste in music & movies. I love John Cusack, too. But Ed Norton's the one who loves me at night.
from snarkypants :
I suffer from insomnia too, but mine is depression-related, and I'm on meds that help me get to sleep. No trouble waking up in the middle of the night, but my mom's depression affects her that way. Have you talked to your doctor about it?
from muffinhead :
I *fully* plan on buying some dramamine, it is most necessary.
from neangel :
Hey Judith, yeah we rock what else can we say? lol ya know if you ever want a different template just let me know. I've been known to do a few for my "drinking buddies". ;-) I enjoy it & don't mind. Have a good night.
from mistresslink :
thanks for joining high fidelity :)
from banefulvenus :
great banner! Awesome site!
from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from candoor :
common sense tells me that paying attention to people, being considerate and sensitive and remembering things like birthdays might make me a more attractive person and therein increase my social spheres and the opportunities to find what i want in life... and yet I don't do it... is that a form of depression, insensitivity, or just stupidity?... that was a rhetorical question... so Happy Birthday and Happy Unbirthday too... and you are not the last person to see Pirates, I still haven't... I think I saw the end of it though, it was on the screen when I woke up yesterday or the day before... I watched all the special features on the DVD... I did see Two Towers yesterday... reading about your movie going is making me want to share more movies...
from soverycherry :
Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a good one, and enjoyed Love Actually as much as I did... esp. the Hugh Grant dancing scenes!!
from sroo :
Thank you so much for leaving me your kind words, I appreciate the support:-)
from quotheraven :
You're such a precious girl. Thank you so much for your kind words, I will treasure them for all time.
from iluvtunes :
hey, thanks for the kind words! Sometimes it helps just to know that someone else is going through the same kind of shit. xo....Christina
from candoor :
so wrapped up in my own ramblings and hurry-up life that I neglect people who care, so what can I say... thank you?... hoping your having merry happys and fun...
from dont-stop :
Your banner caught my eye. "Up all night, sleep all day" was a song by the heavy metal hair group Slaughter. I'm not sure about "Sleep, no comprende." Free cable - you've gotta love it. One month they accidentally broadcast their pay-per-view movies unscrambled for about two weeks. I keep waiting for that to happen again.
from candoor :
omigosh, I so did not expect that (does surprise bring out the valley girl in me?... I didn't know there was a valley girl in me... I'll stopp now before I make some off color remark about a valler girl and me)... you really truly did surprise me and inspired a wonderful smile :)
from neangel :
Thanks for the tag judith. I hope & think that this situation will work out. so far so good. it's definitely interesting to live w/ men rather than women. it's my first time having male roommates that I am not living w/ as a partner.
from quotheraven :
isn't it the most beautiful song ever? i love the accoustic version. it's gorgeous! i'm glad you like it too, little mama!
from groban83 :
Sorry my sister as I was written I don't that much sleep I need it more often have a good weekend!
from lysistrata39 :
Hey Girlfriend! Thanks for listing me as a favorite journal. You know I love the fans. I've been reading your stuff, too. You sound an awful lot like me. Keep checking back and I'll do the same. *You know You Like it*
from anitaalibi :
A "When Harry Met Sally" quiz for ya... 1. What did Marie feign to want to see in the shop window when she was eyeballing Jess? Specifics please. 2. What does Sally collect (as seen when she and Harry consumate their relationship? 3. Who can do your taxes and give you a root canal? (an easy one I know) 4. An opinion: Do you think the screenwriter meant for Harry's wife's name to be Burns in Hel(l) backwards (sort of- work with me!). I'm sure the Sally "Albright" and Harry "Burns" were intentional. No? If you don't answer this quiz it'll lead me to believe that: a. you're not home b. home, but don't want to talk to me or c. home, desperately want to talk but are trapped under something heavy... If it's a or b please call me back... By the way I live in Charlotte 2!
from quotheraven :
Hey cool beans, Judy! Thanks for adding me to your faves list, it's a real honor! I like your stuff too. Keep it up!
from neangel :
thanks for adding me as a fave. if you ever need or want to get something a little more decorative for you diary let me know. I've been known to do a little diary designing of my own. I'd be glad to host any images as well... just hit me up anytime! ooh the gay men party scene is sooo much fun! I miss it at times.
from candoor :
Bored I know, and now I an envious of your CD collection... ah, the simple pleasures of envy.
from taydo :
I really wish I could say I knew who Tom Petty is because, apparently, he's a legend! Alas, I haven't a clue!
from pushpull :
awesome...radiohead references in banners are my kinda thing. AND you work in a bookstore! geez...i'd leave my whole check there, and at the CD store.
from bathtubmary :
i'm dying to hear the new TS and nobody here is carrying it yet, if you can believe it. i'm trying like hell to get it so i can have it committed to memory for when i see them on 11/16. have you formed any opinions yet? xo, d
from sroo :
Thanks for stopping by my diary and leaving a note. I appreciate the encouragement. Take care.
from vibinghigh :
Hi! Thanks for leaving me a note on my tag board. You know, I followed the link and read your entry and didn't even realize it was you until I looked up at the URL -- I got behind in reading my favorite diaries and didn't realize you had changed your color scheme. When you mentioned the AW's, I even thought, "Oh, yeah, dulligirl likes them too". I'm so observant. :-)
from iluvtunes :
I'm 37 too! did we get to be this fucking old???
from girle :
I'm sure you knew this but I didn't...Matthew Sweet, Pete Droge and Shawn Mullins combined to make the Thorns? Hmm! I just found it...
from iamheather :
Thanks so much for visiting and leaving me a note!
from neangel :
Welcome to diaryland! I would say I missed you but I just clicked your banner & never knew you were gone. :)~ Take care
from taydo :
Thank you very much. You are too kind.

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