messages to earnest-dunn:
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from myagi :
Cevan is a bad-ass. I think I want to be her when I grow up.
from princesjazmo :
Well hello there! It has been a very long time since we have seen or talked, its hard to believe. I've heard through the grapevine that you are in Laramie. I would love to see it and do some needed catching up, but I don't know the dates. The only day off that I would have on a weekend would be Sunday. If I couldn't see you then we should meet up sometime. Come west and I will treat you to dinner! Let me know and it will be set. Dusty, it has been far too long!
from myagi :
Damn, you is one talented indeeeeviduuuuaaaall. Miss you!
from myagi :
Oh my...that doesn't sound like such a happy chapter.
from myagi :
Hey! I just read your post! Hooray for me!
from myagi :
GAAAAH! That was so frustrating! This is me: "Oh, wow! Dusty has updated! I wonder what it says! Maybe it's beautiful writing? Maybe it's important news? I can't wait to read it!" This is me after reading your one-liner: "GAAAAH!"
from myagi :
Give me land, lots of land, 'neath the starry skies above...DON'T FENCE ME IN!!!!Unless you are going to use that case, fence away!!!
from myagi :
hi! Go check out Jerry's 500 I'll give you a hint. It's titled: For Dusty. Thought you would like to know. I love you and now I'm headed to Twin! (I know, I'm pathetic)
from myagi :
I miss you. I'm sorry your battery died. I hope you get home to me safely! I love you!
from myagi :
Hey--would it kill you to update every once in awhile? I love you and I want to read your stuff!

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