messages to eighthwonder:
(click here to add new message):

from purplebanana :
'Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: thanks for reminding me.' That made me chuckle like a hen popping out eggs.
from purplebanana :
Um. I wonder what secret. If you don't tell, I will only make huge assumptions. Oh, wait, I've already MADE the assumptions.
from purplebanana :
You can get the journal back. You just send an email with your username and password to diaryland, and they'll reopen it.
from indigo-love :
thanks for joining my amy ray ring. :)
from arjay :
Hey. Just dropped by rather randomly and found your diary a pretty interesting read. Anyone who actually knows the correct definition of "allegory" is damned fantastic to me. Drop by sometime if you get unbelievably bored.
from lkvw23 :
i like the new look, it probably isn't that new, but i hardly read anything anymore so i'm just slow to notice... oh, there's a bee flying around right now, can you take care of it?
from lezbian :
I just wanted to let you know that I read your diary. Check mine out if you'd like :)
from purplebanana :
are you ever going to update this whore, or am i doomed to spend my life alone and crying, wondering where my lil' lady has gone.
from purplebanana :
three way partners. that seems so, oh i don't know, sexual.
from natchez :
really interesting diary, and i can totally relate to your last entry. i got the same impression from some of my friends when i told them i saw "jackass". anyways, keep updating. come check my site out sometime.
from purplebanana :
what happened to "..., unlike carolyn." ???? hehehe.
from lkvw23 :
bitch alert... yeah, isn't that something that is set off every day?
from lkvw23 :
"i'm not even attracted to her, but i think she could do my ass some justice." -8thwonder's quote of the year
from lkvw23 :
i really want to burst your bubble in the worst way right now, but i think i'm going to let you enjoy your moment...
from lkvw23 :
now you know a few reasons why i work in the kids and baby world...
from backagain :
I was exploring and found you. Just wanted to let you know that you've cheered me up a bit and it's much appreciated. ~ Shan
from alix-marie :
hi! i took your quiz. it was much fun. thanks for the idea. i posted it on my site. hope you don't mind. take care, sarah
from thisisjohn :
sometimes, logic defies itself.
from candyonstick :
hey just checking out the layout, it looks great! (the pic is especially cool).
from lkvw23 :
if that's what you call it... :-)
from lkvw23 :
i'll give you something to make that throat feel better...
from lkvw23 :
being as this is your first note, i feel like i am deflowering you in some way... but then i realized that you probably never had your flower in the first place... dirty dirty blank.

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