messages to eloi:
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from kimmikers :
Hey, thanks for the note. I'm doing great. Matt and I have been together for over a year and he's fantastic, and I'm moving to Austria in just over a week. Ahh, a year of skiing and drinking fancy schnapps. Fantastic!
from yeh-whatever :
I give you props man, keep riding the waves and keep smoking the bud. - Chris.
from kimmikers :
I've got a ride for you. ;-)
from deepbluefunk :
whenever i complain to one of my favorite friends about a difficult factor in my life, [getting to feel a little too sorry for myself, perhaps?], we end up having this great, philosophical, sociopolitical discussion which shakes me out of my feeling of victimhood and gets me fired up about more abstract, meaningful matters. maybe your friend didn't appreciate it at the time (who would after losing worldly possessions) but your righteous passion about the bill of right cheered ME up more today than back patting and hand holding would have. you rock so much. a toast to you with my kb! poof! thanks, eloi. xo, kat p.s.--love the kant quote in your profile. yay for the deontological.
from deepbluefunk :
yaay!! i'm always so happy when you update. mwah.
from pantypulldwn :
you should seriously invest in some thera flu severe cold/flu. it really helped me out.
from deepbluefunk :
hope you are ok. wondering where you are, how your'e doing. hope that illness didn't kill you! my i'm an optimist. anyway, hope you feel like writing soon. i know how it gets. . .
from wonderwall :
awesome story. good to see you writing again.
from lagrimitas :
Aww you shouldn't feel old, your going to make me feel old *laughs* We had the same phone when I was a kid...24 can't be ole =( (although I feel ancient at times *sighs) *big hugz*
from deepbluefunk :
re: war. . .i'm scared too. and racism sucks. and the thought of you as a pyro is making me grin. hope all is well.
from deepbluefunk :
thank you sweetness.
from pieceofme :
hey you..i moved to the above addy. rebe is no longer active. hope all is well with you xxx
from kimmikers : really were high.
from sheherazade :
hey, i found your entries really interesting, so i came back. and when i saw your displeasure at the layout score, i thought i'd clarify. i really did like your layout, but as a reviewer, i have to stick to the rules and add up your points the way they make me. it's -5 for no images, then extras like tables, java script, ccs, drop-down menus, coloured scrolls and other fancy stuff like that take up another 5 points. you scored 1 point for tables, a full 5 for your colours and font usage, and another full 5 for navigation set up. the scoring sucks sometimes, because as good as a diary is, you still end up losing a big chunk for being mature about what to add and what not to add to clutter your diary.

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