messages to eloira:
(click here to add new message):

from lust- :
Yikes! Sounds like an emotional journey. Happy belated Solar Return. Here's to hoping the year ahead brings more joy than turmoil. Xo
from dangerspouse :
December 23...any word on Vic's condition?
from lust- :
Please hang on. I don't know the full extent of what is going on, but I have definitely felt the feelings of lack it seems as if you're feeling right now. Sending lots of love and compassion your way. I hope it passes and you're able to feel light again. You shine so brightly, Poppy. The world needs you.xo
from lust- :
I looked up Larimar and am so intrigued by its properties of stimulating the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra. I'm going to have to get my hands on one! Good to hear that you're moving in flow with the waves of emotions. Sometimes it's necessary for us to be pulled under by the current in order to float again. Sending love.xo
from lust- :
So nice to hear from you again, Poppy. You're such a fairy soul that I know you'd fit right into nature and find tranquility in the alone time. Maybe one day we'll both have the opportunity to do that special something for ourselves and escape for a bit. Sending love.xo
from dangerspouse :
I can't believe your rabbits are still being assholes! Maybe you should give them some hare tonic.... ;)
from lust- :
Nice to hear an update. Hope you find another job soon! Sending love.xo
from lust- :
Oh, gosh. So sorry to hear about Apollo and your niece. I hope she'll be alright. Sending love.xo
from lust- :
I was just thinking yesterday that it's been such a long time since you updated and wanted to send you a FB message. Glad to hear you're doing well. Have a great day and hope to read more updates soon!xo
from lust- :
Yes, it truly is special. Hope you've been well!xo
from dangerspouse :
Er...are you in the habit of posting entries in your Notes section now? Is this where I should be checking for updates? Lol. Hey, have I mentioned yet that you should watch the movie "Sita Sings the Blues"? If not, then please be advised that you should watch the movie "Sita Sings the Blues". Thank you.
from dangerspouse :
Wing walker! DO IT!! Just get a better secured t-shirt first :)
from lust- :
Nice to read briefly about your trip! Happy you made it home safely. Too bad about the job, though. They truly don't know how good they have it with you being there and so committed and loyal.
from misfitstray :
Glad you are back in one piece and that you enjoyed your stay (minus the sicknesses). I know exactly how you feel about coming back from an amazing holiday and going back to an unloved job... ♥
from dangerspouse :
I'm so jealous!! That's fantastic, good for you. Some of the music tracks they put in video games are just awesome. Have you seen any of the "Other Places" YouTube videos put out by user "ultrabrilliant"? Check them out if you haven't. Sounds like they might be similar to the "Distant Worlds" series you mentioned. Either way, hope you have a wonderful time!
from dangerspouse :
What orchestra are you going to see? Sounds wonderful!
from dangerspouse :
WHAT THE HELL GAME IS THIS??! On a less important note: congrats on the new niece thing :)
from lust- :
Thanks, friend.
from lust- :
Congrats! Being an Aunt is so rewarding, especially when you can hand them back. Hah.xo
from dangerspouse :
So. Things are pretty boring for you these days, huh? Shame....
from lust- :
Good luck with the impending changes! Hope it doesn't affect you too much. And, thanks for your input regarding writing in here. I talked to him about it, but I'm not sure if he'll come around. I used a lot of "I" statements and got a bit defensive about my words. I will not be tamed! Haha.
from misfitstray :
I'm the one without a personal pic but a macro of the blooming red basil :)
from lust- :
What happens when the new owners take over? Will it be a complete re-haul?
from lust- :
I'm requesting a photo of all your spider babes, please! Message me on FB. I've been wanting a Chilean rose hair tarantula for a few years now. Would love to hear all about yours.
from lust- :
Thanks, Poppy. There's something comforting in knowing we're not alone. I definitely need to work on my intuition more. Stay warm.xo
from dangerspouse :
Glad to hear you finally got an actual diagnosis! Not knowing is the worst, isn't it? I hope what ever course of action they prescribe it's effective. And yay on the sleeping bag!
from misfitstray :
Sending some work-out-vibes your way :) Shaving your legs isn't a big deal, or? Haven't used the dye yet. It arrived at home, while I was in Munich and is staring at me right now as it is on the table next to my laptop.
from dangerspouse :
It takes a lot of fortitude - or strong drink - to broach a "make or break" topic. I wish you well. Just remember to shave your legs first. That always helps me.
from misfitstray :
You shouldn't feel guilty about just hanging around at home without being productive at all. We all need such rest-days from time to time. You should enjoy these days! And wow! - Peru - that sounds awesome. Climbing mountains there will be strainous. Btw. just ordered blue dye on the internet :)
from dangerspouse :
Er...I read your latest "piano" entry AFTER leaving my previous note. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have been so breezy if I'd known you were going through such pain.
from dangerspouse :
Alright, a fellow phone hermit! Lol, yeah, those "can't keep 'em operating for more than 2 months" types sure are smug, ain't they? Fools, all of 'em! Hey, call me and we'll bitch about 'em together, 'k? :)
from misfitstray :
Thought you'd quit your work? Which mountain will you climb? As far as I can remember there are no decent mountains in GB ;)
from lust- :
I'm drooling over here! Wish I could help finish some of those sweet treats..!
from lust- :
<3 That means a lot, Poppy. Thanks for the kind words.
from lust- :
Thank you! Have I been mentioning it for a while? It was a toss up between a modified hammock (two in my back, two in upper knees, one in chest) and the res, but I went with the res 'cause I already have 12 pretty noticeable scars on my back from the previous suspensions. Not sure if they'll ever fade. My skin type is definitely much different than others. Anyway, I appreciate the well wishes. Will definitely be writing about it afterwards.
from dangerspouse :
Skip the fruit. Just have chocolate. With port. Or a single malt. Or just chocolate. Mmmmm, chocolate.... (Hope things pick up for you. Really.)
from dangerspouse :
I'm glad you had such a good, glittery time. But sorry about the ranger rejection. Fools - they don't know what they just passed on! Better luck with the next one, kiddo.
from dangerspouse :
LOL! Bested by a kiwi fruit, huh? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Don't worry, you'll be back to your buff, tanned self soon enough. Well, maybe not tanned. But buffed, definitely :)
from dangerspouse :
"Rangeloira". I like it! Good luck getting the position. It takes a brave heart to leap like that. I wish you all the best. It certainly can't get much worse....
from lust- :
I am so happy that you've decided to resign! I'm cheering you on and sending tons of positive energy. I know it's slightly terrifying, but I also know that better, more meaningful things are out there for you. Plus, fuck being treated like shit from a passive aggressive asshole. You're definitely going places.xo
from misfitstray :
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get that ranger-job! You totally deserve to be more satisfied with what you do. ♥
from dangerspouse :
Make plum torte and slivovitz like I did! If my experience is any measure, you will indeed get ravaged. Lucky girl.
from dangerspouse :
No trick-or-treaters?! What the hell is wrong with the world? Jeez. Well listen, I'm here for ya if you need help disposing of your sugary stash. I think my elbow could handle that action. Glad you had fun in Blackpool!
from dangerspouse :
I think once you get the needles you should knit an Afghan and have him go all jihad on the company as payback. (Did you get many trick-or-treaters after all that?)
from misfitstray :
I think I will start with a non permanent hair colour (if I find my nonexistant balls). I found a nice one on amazon in turquoise. I love this colour. Do you think it will work on very dark blonde hair?
from misfitstray :
The red basil is already a huge plant and woodsy. I guess it's already 1m in height. I bought it with nearly this size this year. Red basil is totally awesome and tastes a lot better than the normal, I think. And the bees loved it as it was blooming nonstop. Right now I'm researching blue hair colour on the internet. What kind of brand do you use?
from misfitstray :
What exacctly are you doing for a living? I find it intersting that it has to do with dormice. They are the cutest ever! Btw. the daughter of our neighbours has blue hair as well. I like it and I even considered dying it blue too. But I guess I'm a bit too old now.
from lust- :
Both weddings sound so good! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Also, I'm sure you looked stunning in green.
from lust- :
Thank you! It was definitely a much needed morning. Hope you get something like that on your side soon.
from lust- :
All good. It's tough to not let comments get to you sometimes. I know how it is!
from lust- :
You're amazing and not only doing the best that you can, but you constantly go above and beyond. This society is so full of unfair preconceived notions and unjust judgments. Keep staying true to yourself, that's all that matters.
from dangerspouse :
I'm so proud of you for roasting that fruit up and pairing with honey! *sniff* They grow up so fast....
from dangerspouse :
How did it get to this? Brexit, of course.
from dangerspouse :
Wheat biscuits? Tell me you at least covered them in golden syrup!
from dangerspouse :
Forget composure. This is exactly why god gave us alcohol at the Creation. Start stocking up now. And if all else fails, stuff another slice of pizza in your mouth and pretend you can't speak. You can do this!
from lust- :
I'm right there with ya on wanting to escape! Side note, I've been reading this book called Poppet by Mo Hayder and it takes place in a small town in England. For some reason, the way the town is described makes me think of where you may live! It sounds picturesque. You could even be one of the characters in the story...I'm thinking the lady who lives in a gorgeous stone house and has her own preserve+jam business. It's a thriller/mystery tale and kind of creepy, but for some reason, thinking of you in the story makes me less creeped out by it. Haha.
from lust- :
Are there fairly strict labour laws regarding piercings and coloured hair over there? It's illegal over here, but people will still discriminate upon a first meeting. I've heard many tales of people dying their hair to a natural colour just for a job interview only to dye it back to a funky colour after they get the job. They can't fire you after that! I have to admit, that I usually go in for interviews wearing long sleeves that cover up my body art. Once the job is secured, I can flaunt my skin as I please! Seems as if this may be the year for change for a lot of people. Hope you find a suitable direction soon. Sending love.xo
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the well wishes! Yeah, it seems like Round One was only a few hours ago. I really am not looking forward to this again, but there you are, nothing for it. And this should the last of it. Hey - can I borrow your PS-4 while I recoup? Pleeeeeeez?? Later, kiddo :)
from dangerspouse :
Peregrines by you? Really? How wonderful that you see them! Beautiful birds - we have one that nests on the top of our work office. Our building sits at the edge of an (apparently) world renowned spot for birders, and this is just one of the many exotics we spot fairly frequently from our own perch on the 9th floor. Good for you!
from lust- :
Being an Aunt is the best thing in the world. Scratch that, the universe. Congrats! Also, I love the line about a vending machine of emotions good.
from dangerspouse :
Your fucking hair ROCKS. Everything else is irrelevant.
from lust- :
So sorry to hear about Artemis. Sounds nice that he's buried under the family apple tree, though. I noticed you and Gray made it Facebook official. I'm sure many people are surprised, yet happy for you.
from dangerspouse :
My sincere condolences on the loss of your baby. It's horrible, horrible when that happens. People who don't have pets never really realize who close we get to them, and how devastating it is when they pass. I'll be thinking about you today....
from lust- :
Sex toys are freakin' fabulous! I'll probably have to pick up a new one myself. Hah. No shame. And, yes, still going to do a scorpion. I'm nervous, yet excited.
from lust- :
Hope Artemis will be alright! Gosh, those Polish customers sound terrible. The sad part is, you know that they're not right for each other and they must know that, too, yet they go around, causing mayhem and making random good-hearted strangers feel bad just for their own shortcomings. That relationship is surely doomed. Working in hospitality sure does have it's trials. You also have those customers who know and adore you, as well. Like the customer who drew that beautiful portrait! So amazing. Does Gray keep up to par with your sexual appetite? I feel as if I have to beg for it most times. Siiigh. Only time will tell what will come of this.
from dangerspouse :
How...what...wait, how did you upset the Polish knob's GIRLFRIEND? I tell ya, the more I read about people, the more I like my house plants. Sorry about the shattered milk bottle, but glad you at least got some succor with a glorious sunset. Now stop reading this and go to sleep.
from dangerspouse :
Wow, you poor thing! And poor Artemis Pig. I do hope he's alright, and not suffering too much before the next attempt at a vet visit. Hang in there kiddo - and get Grey to give you the money!
from dangerspouse :
Uncontrolled drooling becomes you, babe. Hubba!
from dangerspouse :
Ha! You're a member of the Bumper Mistletoe Club too, huh? Nasty, tick riddled buggers. And yeah, they sure leave a mess. Hey listen, regarding your other natural disaster: ants. My little cabin in the woods here gets seasonal infestations, and I rely on two methods to help stem the tide. 1. Wiping surfaces where I see them wandering with vinegar. I read recently where it erases their chemical trail, causing disorientation. And making their salads overpowering. and 2. Mixing a (dry) solution of Borax powder and sugar, and spreading thin lines of that along the edges of floors and counters (keep away from your own foodstuffs). The ants eat the sugar, and carry Borax back to the nest on their feet, killing the Mothership. So far that combo has worked wonders here. Just thought I'd pass that along. Good luck!
from lust- :
I know we've had this conversation before about how we shouldn't feel guilty for getting some rest and not being productive. In fact, I too, had a bunch of things I wanted to do on my day off today and I've only conquered one of them. No shame! We deserve a break.
from lust- :
Ouch! I feel for ya. Hope you get the tooth fixed soon.
from lust- :
Ugh. Sad times. Sorry for the loss.xo
from lust- :
I've been trying to make more time for cocktails these days. Need to find inspiration for the ones I put together at work. Oh, gosh. What a fuck around at work for ya. I hate the feeling of being rushed to get somewhere. As if your boss didn't give you a heads up and just assumed you knew! Psh. Sabotage, I say! Hope you manage to get some more rest soon. Having to constantly smile and act a certain way is so exhausting!
from cocoabean :
I've heard 2 things, put an aspirin on your gum, or oil of clove. Both ease the pain for a bit, neither tastes really good.
from lust- :
Enjoy your week off. You definitely deserve it!
from dangerspouse :
Good luck! C'mon, Peru!! (Er...they eat guinea pigs there, right?) Anyway, here's hoping it comes up black!
from dangerspouse :
Wow - all those instruments AND Maker's Mark? That's it. When NewWifey(tm) inevitably wises up and dumps me, I'm looking you up. Better warn the guy before I get there. You know - the guy who's gonna be thrilled to have to find room for a 3/4 concert Steinway. :)
from lust- :
Oh, good luck! I often find myself thinking that I come across awkward and blubbering, as well. I think we make these things up in our head to be bigger than they actually are. I'm sure you were eloquent and came across quite clearly! Hopefully things turn out the way you want them to be!
from dangerspouse :
Gah! Silk and satin sheets are lovely, but one of the best anti-sex devices on the planet. No traction at all! It's like trying to couple on wet ice. Glad you managed to thwart it!
from dangerspouse :
Rainbow cupcakes! Woo hoo! No one can resist, I tell you. Good call. Hope the outfit arrives in time! Have a blast, kiddo :)
from lust- :
Ohhh, I absolutely adore dermals! Looking forward to seeing your new project in its' completion. I probably won't do the medusa. As much as I would like to get something new, I'm waiting for the next suspension gathering to get my fix. Kinda hooked on that. Hah.
from lust- :
New holes?! What are ya planning?! A coworker keeps trying to convince me to get my medusa done, since she doesn't feel like she can get it herself. Hah. I'm thinking an ear project needs to be done..
from dangerspouse :
It was! It was! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes :)
from cocoabean :
from lust- :
Yay! *throws confetti*
from dangerspouse :
LOL!! Yes you did! Yes you did! :)
from dangerspouse :
Cancer free? That's even (marginally) better news than hearing you cooked! Woo hoo! Yay!! I'm very relieved for you. Seriously. I was checking in often to see when you'd update. I'm glad I did. Great news :)
from dangerspouse :
You cooked! You cooked! Who cares what it was? YOU COOKED!! I'm so proud of you, Young Glasshoppa :)
from dangerspouse :
Housework sucks. Don't do it regardless.
from dangerspouse :
BWHAHAHAAA! Bromies are proof there is no god. Post pics, Rainbow GirlHorse!
from lust- :
Hoping for the best for you! Sending tons of positive vibes your way. I'm glad you have a strong support system. Also, so happy that you're enjoying getting out more! Gray sounds lovely.
from peggypenny :
know that I am here willing to be your supportive friend. Peggy
from lust- :
I love you, Poppy. You are so strong. <3
from dangerspouse :
You had roast lamb and YOU DIDN'T INVITE ME?! I thought we were friends! *sigh* The internet is a cruel mistress. Speaking of: don't feel inadequate. All women are. We men have learned to accept it. You'll be fine. Congrats on finally hearing those Three Little Words ("It's my fault"?). Happy New Year, kiddo. All the best in '16 :)
from lust- :
Lots of things happening this festive season for you! It all sounds lovely. I know what you mean about wanting to leave, but knowing you'll have to suffer a pay cut. Not that I'm thinking of leaving my current job (well, not 'til June), but I know one of my staff is thinking of leaving and going through all the motions. It can be tough! You have a strong resume, though. I'm sure if you really looked (possible in the New Year?) something will come up!
from lust- :
Are you doing alright? I'm sure whatever is on your shoulders, Gray will help to ease the load. Really hope everything will be OK. Sending positive vibes your way!xo
from lust- :
That sounds like a great weekend! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Any pictures up on FB that I can creep? &awww, he's been watching you from afar for years?! So romantic!
from lust- :
Dating is tough! Thanks for your vote of confidence. As you will read, it went really well!
from lust- :
Yay! Here's to a new chapter in your life's story! *raises glass*
from lust- :
That sounds like a great jaunt round town. The snoring would definitely get to me, too. I eventually started not letting a fwb sleep over because I swear, when he slept, he snored and the walls rumbled. It was reminiscent of a banshee. It's good that you live a distance away, so you can at least have your alone time to recharge after doing couple-y things.
from dangerspouse :
He snores? Dump him! Or get him a CPAP. But only if you think he's The One (as in: he can cook). Otherwise, yeah. Dump him. :)
from dangerspouse :
Black babydoll dress! Black babydoll dress! BLACK BABYDOLL DRESS!! I mean, it always seems to work for me at these things....
from lust- :
Haha. The dangers of working in a cafe indeed! Most of the time I end up getting my fingers accidentally crushed in between our sidewalk sign, or by moving something a couple inches...then there's all the random burns/scratch marks from god knows what! Hope to see pics of your holiday party outfit up on FB. Glad things are going well with G. You deserve a nice man in your life!
from dangerspouse :
What character is the cosplay costume? (And go - enjoy being a trophy piece at the black tie gathering! Work it, girl!)
from cocoabean :
Sounds like a great job!
from lust- :
Ahhh! Good luck! You got this, girl!
from dangerspouse :
Do it! DO IT NOW!! If you blow this through inaction I'm coming out there and breaking a copy of Waugh's "When the Going Was Good" over your head.
from dangerspouse :
Oooh! Oooh! Let me write your Personal Statement for you! I have no shame at all when it comes to making other people looking like fucking GODS, no matter how much of a lie that may be. You won't regret it!! I think.... (And good luck with landing that job!) MORE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!
from dangerspouse :
You're not horrible. Your brain is just finally kicking back into gear after being clouded for a while. Stay strong.
from lust- :
You should definitely look around! There are a ton of really incredible artists your way. Uh oh...messages from the ex. Hope they weren't anything too bad.
from lust- :
Ouch! Here's to a speedy recovery. I leave the spiders in my place to themselves, as well. My niece came over the other day and we named one of them. I think she found it fascinating that I let the spiders do their own thing. Also, looking forward to reading more about this (somewhat) new man in your life.
from dangerspouse :
Um...chocolate is made with beans, right?
from dangerspouse :
He can cook. HE CAN COOK! Grab him!! (via my wife)
from cocoabean :
Just give it time, relax and have fun. There will be time to talk about all the other stuff later. You'll know when the time is right
from lust- :
Thanks, Poppy. I'm pretty excited, but still super nervous for all the changes. I know it's an amazing opportunity, though. Will definitely be a crazy couple months coming up...
from lust- :
Sounds like a great trip overall! Glad you made it home safe.
from lust- :
You're heading back to Vietnam soon, right? If you want any hook ups to teach English over there, I had friends who were there a couple years ago. They're in China now, of course. I totally know what you mean about having friends who left to teach English and never returned. I met a bulk of good people while teaching in Indonesia and most of them are still all over the world still. Mostly Americans, one wants to go back to that economy. Hah.
from lust- :
Yes, gotta love the people in our lives who help us see the positives even more clearly! Thanks for your support on the poly thing. I only just started really thinking about it, but it's made me realize the stigma behind it. I'm glad my online community has my back, though. It means a lot. Take care, love!xo
from lust- :
So glad you're safe and well after your car crash! I have to say, your community sounds really nice. Do you live in a pretty small town full of friendly folk? Also, you seem to lead a brilliant life! You actually go out there and enjoy it! Your faerie festival time sounds great, despite losing your keys. Bummer. But, glad you found them in the end. Also, your hair looks absolutely amazing. You are quite the stunner, Poppy! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way.xo
from dangerspouse :
You're going to a costume festival? No need to pack ANYTHING now. You could go nude. No one's gonna notice anything other than the technicolor 'do. LOVE it!
from dangerspouse :
Way to go, Polly Chrome! Hope you get to post the pics. I could use a good laugh., laugh is correct.
from dangerspouse :
I like it! A lot! (Although it reminds me of Jello.) The cotton candy scarlet highlights absolutely make it. Although...did you have a staple gun accident? Brave girl, posting without makeup. But you don't need any. Great stuff :)
from whystinger :
Just clicked in on the diary as a first timer and saw blue hair... Think it looks pretty good on you. Not many can wear it and look good, but you definitely look great with it.
from dangerspouse :
HAHA! I'd call myself a Bronie to see that! HAHAHAAAA!! (And thanks for the expression of concern. Much appreciated :) )
from dangerspouse :
Blue hair! Post pics!!
from cocoabean :
It was sloth day in San Diego too..
from dangerspouse :
Give him a break. He was obviously on his period.
from lust- :
Ugh. That man sounds like a terrible human being. I hope his son doesn't grow up to be as rude as his father. Hah. Your parents plant tale had me smirking. Too bad it's not illegal! Could've been fun!
from daydreamin9 :
I like you're writing style. ;-) Keep it up!
from dangerspouse :
What other kind of dreams ARE there?? Lol. Good for you, both for the sleep and nocturnal emission! (And thanks for the note. We did indeed have diurnal emissions. Several. So far.) :)
from dangerspouse :
If a long, peppermint laced foot soak doesn't help you sleep, it's time to seek professional help. Good luck!
from lust- :
Ugh. Sorry bout the election results. Politics can be such a let down. Good luck sleeping! I take Gravol when I'm having isssues. Seems to do the trick. Must be so difficult having to talk to people while sleep deprived. I get like that when I'm hungover. Think my customers are used to it by now. Haha.
from lust- :
I'm hoping karma fucks him over in another way. I'm thinking an STD of some sort. Hah. We come across a lot of dicks working in this industry, eh? At least it teaches us to be better people. Hope you've been well!xo
from cocoabean :
Tablet looks like it would be amazing with chocolate on it!
from cocoabean :
could you beat it with an electric mixer? Dangerspouse, no comments from you haha
from cocoabean :
In US measurements, please! THanks!!
from lust- :
Ooh tablet sounds so good! Lots of work though. I'm too lazy for that. Hah. Regarding the spinny head, I recently read an article about signs for empathetic people and signs that you are on the right path to your higher self. A bunch of people commented that headaches were a common problem. Maybe it just means you're on the right path. Try massaging your head with lavender essential oil. I find it's been working wonders for me these days.
from cocoabean :
How about the recipe for that crumbly fudge? Sounds really good to me!
from dangerspouse :
OMG, I would love to visit Vietnam some day, if only for the food.
from dangerspouse :
No corn snake? Fluffy pits? Not a toffee meringue in sight? How you managed to salvage Valentine's Day with such privations is a mystery to me. But well done! (And thanks for adding me to your Big List of Faves! I shall do the same.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the note about my Casey. That was very sweet of you. (And...go Yeti! If only because I want to read about how well it goes over.)
from dangerspouse :
HA! You know, a growing fad among the distaff side is letting pit hair grow out, they dying it garish colors. I don't know about the aesthetics, but it sure sounds less painful. Hope you've healed up by now!
from lust- :
Thanks, Poppy. I think we both deal with the same feeling of guilt when we've slept in. There's always so much that needs to get done! Glad the guinea pigs are doing well.
from lust- :
Ooh exciting! Are they both boys? Hope you decide on names soon!
from lust- :
What's G-Day?
from lust- :
Thanks, Poppy. The mundane duties of daily life have been getting to me, y'know? Seems as if your new place is shaping up. Hope the back/neck pain eases up soon!xo
from lust- :
Oh, wow! Yes, let him squirm! But, wait, are you actually considering saying, 'yes' to him??
from lust- :
I feel ya, lady. Gonna shot a FB message your way soon. Would love to hear about your adventure. Also, fuck your boss and fuck the staff. You're ace. It sucks when you do so much work and don't get the appreciation you deserve. I definitely know how that is. Damn customer service/cafe woes!
from lust- :
You always have to make time for beer & laughter! So many delicious seasonal ales out. Do you guys do much seasonal ales in Britain?
from lust- :
Poppy, your hair looks brilliant! I'm thinking of getting dark purple in mine once Autumn is in full force.
from jaysthoughts :
Greetings. Just seeing who is active and checks their notes.
from lust- :
Four weeks is gonna fly! Seems as if you're prepping big time. You're gonna rock it, lady! Things are alright with me. Been really strange being back in Toronto. It's been three months and I'm still not used to it. I dunno. I kinda miss my old life, but it was time to move on and this is a whole different leg of my life's journey. That doesn't stop me from being constantly nostalgic, though. Haha.
from lust- :
Mosquito bites on the feet are the absolute worst! Glad you made it back in one piece though. When is the actual big trek anyway?
from perdidolobo :
Thank you for your note, I appreciate the welcoming back! Yep life has certainly had it's high and low points lately but you are so right, we always have to count our blessings where we can find them. Hoping your blessings are plentiful! Take care
from perdidolobo :
Came back from a pretty long break. Sad and sorry to read about where you're at right now. Praying life has enough distractions for time to do some healing. Also hoping tests turn out well you.
from lust- :
Sending love your way. It'll be better in time.xo
from lust- :
I'm so sorry, darling. My condolences. Being away from loved ones at a time like this is the fucking worst. <3
from lust- :
Same thing happened to a friend of mine-she visited her boyfriend in Oz and it was at least a week, if not more when she came back that they finally Skyped again. Men. Hope you sort out your thoughts and are truly happy soon! You deserve the best, darling.xo
from lust- :
Sending a big virtual hug your way, love. What's this about possibly moving overseas?
from lust- :
So adorable! You're gorgeous, Miss Mermaid.
from lust- :
Thanks, lady! It feels like I have a lot of pivotal moments and such. Seems neverending.
from dangerspouse :
YOU TOO?! Lol. I gotta tell my wife - she seems to think I'm the only one in the world cursed enough for these things to keep happening to me. Thanks for the note at my place :)
from dangerspouse :
Wow - what an eventful series of events! I do hope you and your biological mother get on well now. Very exciting for you!
from dangerspouse :
"Salted chocolate chilli tarts" GAAAHHH! I want that recipe! What kind of tart crust did you make? Was it a baked (custard) tart? Cold mousse type tart? DETAILS, WOMAN! WE DEMAND DETAILS!! (Oh - and I hope you break the pattern this year and don't get sick.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Glad to hear it! Now go bask in your new, well deserved stardom :)
from dangerspouse :
Remember, most radio people are idiots. But friendly idiots. Just talk to them like they were a child and you'll be fine :)
from lust- :
Ahhh. That story bout the little boy thinking you're a Santa fairy is so amazing it makes my uterus clench. Haha. Kids...
from lust- :
Thank you! I'm pretty stoked on it, too. Who's your dream tattoo artist??
from lust- :
Sending a ton of good vibes your way, doll.xo
from perdidolobo :
Just throwing out a word of encouragement for your talk on the radio! That's fantastic, I hope all goes well!! Take care.
from perdidolobo :
Yes it can be disappointing when others can't scramble up enough decency to honour and respect. Be encourage that you are not one of them.
from lust- :
Working in customer service makes me hate humanity. Haha. Here's to bitterness!
from perdidolobo :
Yep I'd say that's wise advice. "all I can be is me" and whether there's doubt about who that person is, or where, the right now is the most important. Past is the past, maybe we can learn from it but not to fret over it. The future is something you can control to an extent but isn't here yet. So today is the most important day. If today isn't pleasant or doesn't feel quite right, then thankfully we are blessed that tomorrow will soon come and turn into today. Ok maybe that's a bit too simplistic and this note is getting a little long. but I hope you feel much better about your next day. Take care.
from perdidolobo :
You are most welcome, and my thanks to you for your note. I quite agree, it can be enlightening to see oneself from another's perspective. "Onward and upward" I like the positivity in that. Until next time, take care.
from perdidolobo :
Funny it took this long to say a "hello". Been popping in whenever I see you've posted an entry, so I hope you don't mind if I add this note. Please allow me to add a "hear hear" to lust- posts that you are pretty awesome! Could be because I'm another westcoast of Canada view point, but I've found you to have a pretty good grasp on life and tons to offer. Hope things progressively get better for you. Take care.
from lust- :
Hey lady! What's going on?
from lust- :
I'm a bit of a pisshead but I know what I'm talking about when I ask, "what the fuck are you doing with him??" You can do better. With all these words I've read. Without ever meeting you. With knowing the whole background of the story through past emails. You can do better, Poppy. And, you make take me as some shit, younger, stupid Canadian on the other side of the Atlantic but...fuck. I've gotten to know you. You deserve more. I was kinda afraid to say this before but I feel as if you need to know it on a more 'personal' diaryland basis. You're so rad. You got this. Everyone in your life is here for you no matter what you need if you decide to end's all on you and you're so awesome. Really. K, that's all from Vancouver. Hah.xo Take it, or leave it, yeah?xo
from lust- :
Weird. Our lives seem to be on the same path right now with the health spectrum. Good luck staying vegucated! I know I could sure use it. Haha.
from lust- :
Sometimes I just wanna take a cold milk jug and slap it across some people's faces, y'know? And, yes, if they're served by either of us, of course they were served by someone awesome!xo
from lust- :
That doily sounds awesome! I love yarn/crochet bombing. So fun.
from lust- :
YouTube is a good teacher! Maybe check it out for crocheting tips...if you daaaare.
from lust- :
Are you knitting, or crocheting?? I really wanna get into that myself. One of these days, when I get enough money to spend on myself again, Imma have to go out and get some nice yarn.
from lust- :
Sounds like you had a brilliant, loving time. I'm glad it went well. =)
from lust- :
Hey you. You haven't been writing as much. What's new? Things still alright with the boyo?
from lust- :
I'm alright, doll. Thanks for the concern. Hope all's as well as it can be on your side.
from callmevera :
Sneezing fits are the absolute worst, I always say, someone cut my nose off (or knock me out) ;)
from lust- :
I'm doing well, thanks! Watching latte art videos on YouTube. Haha. You should try it out some time...practice makes perfect! We got this!
from lust- :
Ah, shit. Sorry to hear about your grandma. How is she now? How're you holding up? Put some ice on the lip and take some Advil. Thinking of you! xo
from lust- :
Think we're both trudging along these days. Been seriously considering sending an email to the ex. Think I may just do it soon..
from lust- :
Hey doll. How've you been these days? Hope all's well, or as well as it can be!xo
from lust- :
Um. What?! Not fair. I admire you for sticking to what you believe in and not giving in to the showing of the twins. Hah.
from lust- :
Wow, what a story! Also, did you know, we're in the same country 'til tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. when my plane takes off?! Crazy! Hope your heart doesn't ache tootoo much and you get some cuddles from your love soon.xo
from lust- :
Congrats, doll! Hope everything is going well for you.xo
from lust- :
Thankyouthankyou, love. Hope things get fully sorted on your side. You deserve the happiest of times!♥
from lust- :
Thanks, Poppy. It's just hard y'know? We haven't even put the 'boyfriend-girlfriend' title on it 'cause we wanted each other to be free and not tied down while we're still here. But, being a wanderlust comes with all these other things. Goodbye's are never easy. I'm sure it's all worth it, though.
from lust- :
Not much planning to do now. As you said, Imma just go with the flow and see where the current takes me. May as well enjoy the ride!
from lust- :
Lurked pics of your cafe on Facebook. Really wish I was there so I could work for you! Totally tooting my own horn, but I'm a great barista! Haha. Hope you've been well, doll.xo
from lust- :
Thanks! Hope your issues pass soon, as well!xo
from lust- :
Haha, that's cute about your grandma. Are you pretty excited for the Olympics then?
from lust- :
Thank you. Your words mean a lot. There's a lot of positivity coming to me from all different sources. I really appreciate it. Enjoy your night in!xo
from lust- :
Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad you had a good time.
from lust- :
Hope everything's swell on your side.xo
from lust- :
Also, thanks for the note! I am quite content these days with my boy situation. Scratch that, he's a man! Haha. I need that.
from lust- :
Are you Turkey-bound? Pack your ass off, lady! I know you can do it! Plus, it'll be such a weight off your shoulders when you finally get 'er done.xo
from lust- :
We all have our moments, Poppy. Mind if I have your email, by the way? We can become email buddies!
from lust- :
You're right, life does have a way of finding you. I feel as if we haven't officially met 'cause I don't think I know your name. I'm Des, by the way. Or, maybe I do know your name and just forgot? Hah. Have an awesome day.
from lust- :
Wow, you're just full of holes, eh? I've actually been thinking of getting a vertical industrial. Have wanted one for years and this year may just be the year to get 'er done. Have fun with your pops.xo
from lust- :
What piercings do you have??
from lust- :
Glad to hear the boy's okay! How are YOU?
from lust- :
It's always nice to release endorphins, yes? I always feel energized after a bout at the gym. Guess it also helps that I work at a gym. Hah. Have a good one!
from lust- :
Glad things are moving along well. Dealing with customers can be such a hassle sometimes. But, the nice ones make up for it all, don't they?
from lust- :
I was wondering about you. Distance. It's a killer, eh? You'll survive and come out stronger, though. It really makes you realize who's worth it amongst everything. Good to keep busy as well. Try not to burn out though!xo
from lust- :
Good luck! If I was one of your staff, I'd be there for you in a heartbeat!
from lust- :
Good on ya for donating blood...again! I probably should since I'm O-, universal donor. Buut, amemia kinda gets in the way of that. Whaw-whaww. Hope you've been having an ace weekend.xo
from lust- :
Where do you live? The woods sound peaceful..about the boy, I say vent out your frustrations on him! Tell him off. At least it'll give you a bit of peace of mind..
from lust- :
Thank you! Hope things on your side are well..xo
from lust- :
I'm so glad you updated again. I'm sure your answers will all come in due time. Good luck &keep having fun 'til you sort it out!xo
from lust- :
I'm sorry about the relationship. Hope it works out for the best. It's always nice to have good friends around though. Definitely makes things much better. Enjoy your New Year's as well, love.xo
from lust- :
Turkey? Any news??
from lust- :
Scary and exciting! Good luck with all the things you need to get done before your departure.
from lust- :
Do you work best at the very last minute? That's when I usually pack up all my belongings. Then, I'll lug everything downstairs and a few hours before departure, my mom will take a look inside my suitcase and re-pack everything for me. Packing. Ugh. Good luck in Turkey! My friend told me she met three people while travelling who said Istanbul was one of their favourite places.
from lust- :
Where are you going? And, when?
from lust- :
Just noticed you added one of my entries as a fave. Do you travel much? Wanted to add your diary but my internet is on the fritz and won't let me do certain things. Odd. Anyway, I'm reading. Hope you're well.xo
from dollzippedup :
Love your diary Thanks for sharing in such a REAL way
from graagh :
Still here, still reading. You know, I haven't written in your guestbook since 2006. Woah!
from graagh :
Well, I just e-mailed you at hotmail. Wonder if you'll ever get it?
from graagh :
Never knew you had a Newf. Sorry to hear the sad news. I only stopped by to wish you a happy Christmas. Have a good one!
from graagh :
Oh dear. Another message from me saying "sorry to hear about..." Poor little Rowan. What a lovely name.
from thegarrulous :
Thanks for the welcome. =] I should get started on my diary soon. I haven't had time lately because I have had too much to do for school. =[ ~Natasha, The Garrulous Lady
from graagh :
Sorry to hear about Ember :( I think you know when the time has come, though. It's all you can do.
from fitzgeraldxx :
thanks so far it is doing alright do you recommend any other rings?
from zombielemon :
Hi ^_^ Thank you
from odetta :
Thank you!
from sglis :
Thanks. :)
from slowmutant :
thanks for the people seem pretty strange. Almost feels like home.
from miriam-afi :
aw thanks for leaving me a first one haha!xxx
from dinosaurorgy :
Oh wow, thanks :)
from poppyred :
Hello, how've you been?
from poppyred :
Hello *tail between legs* am I welcome back?
from poppyred :
Get well soon Eloira! *hugs*
from poppyred :
Hello! Come in, have a seat and I will interview you! Heehee! Right, Question 1: If you were dessert which would you be and why? Question 2: What is Eloira's ultimate happyplace? What do you do there? And who or what would/do you like to be there with? Question 3: What type of film would Eloira be? Along which lines would the general plot head down? Question 4: If you could do one thing that would best describe how you see yourself what would it be? Question 5: What makes Eloira smile?
from poppyred :
Ooo! The tattoo bug and the piercing bug. They attack me on occasion too! So far I have managed to resist but I don't know how long that will last!
from poppyred :
Thanks for the kind comments, hope everything goes well with the job hunting. Perhaps you should set Stalker P up with someone! Ignore my advice if you like, its usually not very good!
from poppyred :
Hello! *waves*. Seems we like a lot of the same stuff, thought I'd say hi and hope you like my diary! (If you want to look at it).
from graagh :
Heyyy... look what I found, courtesy of Google... Presumably, this is a pre-haircut portrait :)
from skyefire :
hope you're feeling better sweetie, gonna try and come and see u again soon to deliver your birthday present, maybe you'll get it on time for once!!!! love ya hun S xxx
from qtkt2992 :
nope not belated....just earlly party, my bday is on the 29th :)
from qtkt2992 :
Cool diary :). I like the layout, lol i like when people screw with the basic ones and make them personal, great job. lol
from graagh :
I, too. hope the festival-goers are having a good time, but too many of my friends have returned with tales of having their campers broken into, or their tents slashed. Who needs that? Maybe I'm just getting old, but I can't face all that now. I stick to individual concerts!
from elspeth13 :
thanx! I'm glad things are starting to pick up for me too. after every tear comes a rainbow! ;)
from bellagrad :
You really need to watch the movie. I almost never cry at movies unless an animal dies (especially horses) and this movie was extremely thought provoking in that sense. I am planning to read The Loop soon, as soon as I get through John Grisham;s The Painted House, another great author!
from bellagrad :
Hey, just a question... Did you get your name (Eloira) from the movie "Willow?" Just wanted to know, that's what I thought about when I heard it. One of my favorite names. Ever read "The Horse Whisperer" by Nicholas Evans? Amazing book and movie. Shows the sides that you don't normally see...
from dwimmerlake :
from graagh :
Hey Eloira, I thought it was only males who routinely lose touch with their friends. I am often criticised for this, and I usually feel guilty about it... but never do anything about it! R.
from graagh :
Hi E, I also had multicoloured finger syndrome (MFS) recently. The poor digit got banged up in a street luge incident, and went blue, brown, purple and finally yellow. Five weeks on, it still doesn't bend as much as the others! Here's hoping you're soon fully recovered - R.
from simplyme637 :
So The others is really good? I just may have to check it out becuz of how highly you speak of it. Hope all is well,ta ta for now!
from dragonsoul :
i was unable to read your latest... it seems the HTML is having a bit of an issue :-) Or maybe it's on my side... I wanted to say hello, and hope all is well for you doll.
from graagh :
Happy birthday to you! Sorry it's late.
from simplyme637 :
Hey! Happy belated b-day! Hope you had fun. You said your dad lived in Italy, is that where you were born?? I took that highschool test, I got Geek too. The few, the proud, the geeks. :-) Well,ta ta for now.
from skyefire :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD SKYE ps, it is a possibility that i may have a date in a few weeks!!!!!!!! eek.
from rhoeng :
As a Brit, I need to ask you something. How do you pronounce "Adidas"? I have a Liverpool friend who says: Ah-dee-dahs...everyone else says: "A-dee-dis". I want to know if he's pulling my Canuck leg and making fun of my ignorance. Gee, this diaryland thing is becoming a source of pure science for me!
from ravenheart :
Thanks for joining my Nightheart ring, you are welcome, take care!
from dragonsoul :
Wanted to say thank you for the kind words :-) I loved the poetry for your post today... Very inspiring...
from graagh :
Thanks for the link to the D&D character sorter thingy in your most recent diary entry. Apparently I'm a Lawful good Elf Bard Ranger (follower of Oghma). This means very little to me, but never mind. Enjoyed it. And greetings to a fellow Hawkwind fan. Hurrah!
from rhoeng :
what the huh is a this some sorta British thing that a hopeless North American like myself has absolutely no chance of grasping?
from rhoeng :
Hey, thanks for the link-up. So what are you about?
from skyefire :
boo! i'm bored
from skyefire :
hello i'm realy pissed, been fdrinkin wiskey! nice
from skyefire :
me again! I DID reply to your text, so you cannot blame me for your insanity - well not that part of it anyway!!!!

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