messages to englishsucks:
(click here to add new message):

from jimbostaxi :
Awww thank you!!! ❤️
from jimbostaxi :
Did a few shots of tequila and smoked a blunt Nothing exciting LOL just a regular workday. How about you? Any good stories?
from jimbostaxi :
You are too sweet! Thank you so much! Want to know something that is the best thing that happened to me all day ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
from jimbostaxi :
Sexy!!!! Glad to see your note and I emailed some pics to you!! I'm so sorry about the whole Evin thing,,, ugh no one likes the silent treatment. Congrats to your brother on his bundle of joy!! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Sending cuddles xoxoxo
from jimbostaxi :
I feel like a jerk,,, chemo? Surgery? Ugh, I'm so sorry I haven't been in touch. If you do come to the States please let me know maybe we can hang out. Yeah, all the plans and tickets are made so all that's left to do is buy some summer clothes lol. I laughed when I saw you put lots of pics of me. I just put two up on Fb of me and the dog and one of me and my newest grandson. For the most part, I'm not big on pics but I will make sure I take a lot while I'm away. Sending much love and don't be a stranger. Xoxo
from msafire :
PS: HA HA see old msgs writte by me here and then got caught up - the AH HA moment of familiarity! Its almost like running into an old friend you did not recognize at first and then realize... OH wait- YES We had some good converstaions/connections once years ago...
from msafire :
OMG I am both touched I mean to the core as well as feeling like a bit of an A Hole as don't recall if read your writing before but find it moving. I feel like I should participate in community with more intention than the occassional random leaving Jimbo a note and picking someone who is more engaged and social there to click and read *Today it is you! I am crying and I resist feeling emotion to that level whenever possible. Suppose the honesty and understanding your perspective hits as yeah I get it. Why should we women not be able to actually experience sheer pleasure? Also the very real fear in me is manifest in you right now about the medical concern. Sorry to read of your medical diagnosis. Heck that hit me, then read a few more older entries-- and see you work in group home ( and that makes my heart sing! Seriously I loved working in a group home. Ridiclous pay is low for care providers. Should be RESPECTED and VALUED MORE Than those who create mirages of pretending folks need worthless crap they make money on that destroys our environment... but I digress again. Just- thank you from all thosw who may never say thank you as you do make a difference in their lives and it does matter.) I look forward to reading more now to get out of my own self absorption. Thanks for sharing your world and your thoughts.
from jimbostaxi :
Heyyyyyy!! Love!! Glad to see you back. I've been gone myself for a few weeks. I just posted two lame posts since I've been back but I might delete them. I'm sorry things are not going well for you but if you need to talk I'm always around. Email/ phone just hit me up. For me, things are ok because I'm starting a job at a hospital soon and my daughter just had a boy! 10lbs3 ounces. Take care! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Hey, dropped in to say hi. :)
from jimbostaxi :
Happy Birthday!!🎉🍷🥳hope you have a great day!
from jimbostaxi :
If you want to add me to the homeboy list here is my email [email protected]. :)
from jimbostaxi :
Anytime! Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Congrats on the exam!!! 😆🎉🍷 those pics are smoking hot! You are very beautiful.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for being so sweet and leaving encouraging words. Personal growth is something I thought was beyond me. I'm going burn as bright as a shooting star in this part of my life! You'll be able to see my fiery inferno from up there in Canada! Lol. You are right fuck the inlaws! Ain't no shame in Jimbo’s game! Xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
Awww, thank you! I hope she's looking down at me seeing I'm trying to do the right things. I've learned from her passing that our time here is so very short. She was the happy one and balanced out my negativity. Now I'm like a see-saw with just one person on it. Sadness and I are very well acquainted and go a long way back. It's learning to be happy that is hard. Thank you for the note and kind words.
from msafire :
I totally forgot that I read your awesome journal! Truth be told note on Jimbo's notes page where said "need a cold shower" brought me back... your last 2 entries were fun as hell of course. HA HA Your recent entries were interesting. Sorry to hear about the trauma at work. Understand wanting to keep busy as a coping mechanism! Hope you do get a rest and enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving.
from jimbostaxi :
Lol, by all means, tease away! I'll have to go buy bags of Ice to cool down if I saw that. :) I'm not going to lie I read that entry a lot more than once! Xox hope you have a great day!
from jimbostaxi :
Well, that was insanely hot,,, pardon me while I take a cold shower. :)
from jimbostaxi :
I've off till Thursday so I haven't been doing much of anything lol. Sega was definitely awesome I totally agree! Abbey and the rest of my granddaughters are characters and help me smile too! :) thanks for the note and hope you have a good week!
from jimbostaxi :
I'm so sorry you had to witness something that horrific.
from jimbostaxi :
I'm so sorry you had to witness something that horrific.
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, the teacher probably was expecting someone dressed like some old geyser with a cane Lol. Darlene is a true adventurer and has done more in her young life than I have in my old one. By the time she is my age, she will have so many great memories but I worry,,, I lost her mom,,, if I lost her too,,, IDK what I would do. Xo
from jimbostaxi :
Many of us are walking down that same path as you and need and want those things too. Xo
from jimbostaxi :
When I try to think of what to share on Dland I much prefer it to be filled with emotion. If I'm numb and life is boring then I will share a quick one-sentence thought. There are so many great writers on here it's intimidating to even be in the same space as them. I try to block that out of my mind when I share something. Everyone has their own style so whether it be short or long my feeling is to let it be uniquely you. My youngest daughter works in a hospital and transferred into an area where one of the ladies there gave me a hard time when I tried to visit my wife who had stage 4 cancer. My daughter of course could never pass that message on but it was fun joking around like she could or would. If I saw that lady again I give zero fucks I would tell her to her face lol. With my wife being gone now I don't care let them call the cops lol. You got a 2022 Toyota Corolla that's a very good car. I had a few older Corollas back in the day and I loved them. I got a 2022 Honda Passport and I love it! It's a lease but I still feel like it's mine and I never want to drive a piece of junk again lol I think it's going to be bad snow this year on Long Island but with this car, I should be ready! Lol, I love snow cause then my job closes! So I will take snow over the hot anytime! This weekend I'm working nothing and nothing interesting planned. My youngest is flying to Nicaragua next week so I'm stressed about that and I will in charge of transportation for my two granddaughters while she's away. So this should be interesting and maybe ill have a good story to report here. Lol. So You enjoyed a few cocktails and spent a few bucks celebrating your sister in laws bday that's cool. I much prefer the cocktails instead of wasting my money lol. I work hard for that money and pumping into machines seems kind of a waste. I had to Google Canadian Thanksgiving to see how it was different from here and I had no idea it was celebrated there. It's ok to enjoy some turkey even though you are not celebrating the holiday. I have gotten pretty good at cooking turkey over the years! My kids are big now and they still talk about some of my best ones! Lol. Now I much prefer letting someone else cook instead of all that work. Lol. It's almost time for me to leave for work so be safe and take care xo
from jimbostaxi :
Hey! :) we both got new cars we are awesome! I'm happy to see your note:) I've been following your entries it's just sometimes hard to find something clever or relevant to say. Damn, Slurpees are that sweet up there? Well, we got the best sugar cereals that I'm.sure. Keep posting and don't be a stranger :)
from jimbostaxi :
I just saw you updated. :)
from jimbostaxi :
I've been down a few days with fever but otherwise ok. How was your trip?
from jimbostaxi :
Just dropped in to say hi! :)
from jimbostaxi :
The Large mountains with lush green surroundings look very beautiful. The crystal blue mountain water is enough to mesmerize someone by itself. I hope it's more beautiful than the pics I pulled. Enjoy!
from jimbostaxi :
I will keep you posted :) I haven't been bowling in forever so I probably suck! Lol.
from jimbostaxi :
I'm on Long Island New York. About 45-50 minutes from the city. Well, Wednesday is my day off so that probably will be the day. If not then Thursday early before work. A friend too! Lol, I will try my best. Lol
from jimbostaxi :
Lol, I actually went and did something! Yeah, must be my new coach! :) I live pretty close to the shore so a lot is going on. The only thing is if the heat factor is high then Jimbo will need to be somewhere indoors. Try not to laugh but I might try bowling! Lol
from jimbostaxi :
Well, I went to the casino and won 140$ I didn't break even but it was an ok time. I gave 24 $ bucks to a lady named Angela who was helping me learn the slots. I probably could have walked out with more but I had no idea what I was doing. Lol
from jimbostaxi :
Sure, sounds like a plan :) there is an Arboretum not too far from my house I've been thinking about visiting. It's pretty huge according to the website. It's big enough that I might be able to sketch or paint and no one will bother me. The site says they have a few food spots in there as well. I think that is more doable than the casino that's near me.
from jimbostaxi :
Hey! Glad you are back here and you made it home! :) I have never been camping that must be an interesting experience. I do know the feeling of missing my bed, house, bathroom, etc Lol. Things are more or less normal here. I had an ex-co-worker (friend? Hmmm I guess) message me and ask me how things were going. He lives in Arizona and was saying I should drop in for a few days. I told him maybe end of October ish,,, I haven’t been on a plane in like a million years,,, idk I need to do something,,, doing nothing is boring lol. Time keeps ticking away I need to make the most of my life. My daughter's situation is she is been seeing her guy more than ever again. We still have a room open for her full of her stuff but she hasn't said she’s coming for it or anything. We are here for her she knows that but I guess she is going to try again with him.
from jimbostaxi :
Dropped in to say hi ;)
from jimbostaxi :
I agree with you 100 percent on the once a month. Once a year feels too slow for me Lol. The Jimbo taxi blog has been purged several times since I started it. I can't say if those earlier posts ever detailed anything about me. It was always more about the job and other people. Might as well say Jimbo has just been born and now needs to learn and grow! Lol
from jimbostaxi :
I'm an introverted person who has to pretend he's extroverted while at work Lol. Shhhh, don't tell anyone! Lol. So you recommend the rush of falling to earth huh? Looks awesome I can't wait! I guess the only way I will ever do it is to plan it out and set a date. :)
from jimbostaxi :
That note to your mom was very touching and I noticed it was dated 2/15 the day after Valentine's Day. With it being on that day you closed out the day of love with a letter of closure that seems very fitting. So you are on the night shift? Welcome! That's my life been on this shift so long I've lost count! Lol. Thank you very much for the note and kind words.:) so you asked about my free time huh? That's a difficult question because I never had it until now. I could answer by saying I'm not into crowds and love wide-open spaces. Love to be by the water or scenic surroundings. Love to learn new things and have an admiration for art and adore reading about undying love. I consider myself a simple person with simple taste and despise complications. My ideal road trip would be to another country,,, Italy? Greece? France? Egypt?,,,, you know what I would love to do? Skydiving! He'll yeah! Talk about an adrenaline rush! Lol
from msafire :
just read a very few posts. #1 hope Dom is NOT married guy... I didn't read enough to know. #2 As for sex- Suggest podcast Sex With Emily to faciliate conversations and learning curve ( if you have the patience) Prescreen and find an episode that will help the guy skill build if you have patience for that. Older does not necessarily mean wiser or more experienced and your Dom may in fact enjoy if you can teach him a few things ;) (and you hopefully will enjoy process as well). That's the unsolicited advice after reading 2 posts.
from jimbostaxi :
I just noticed your profile line “I'm chill like that.” yes, you are! :) The thing with my daughter and her guy is still ongoing and I'm not sure what the outcome will be. We are here for her and hope she makes the right decision. I love to write emotional stuff and I'm glad this place allows me to do that. I never knew that was something I would enjoy but it is immensely satisfying. Commenting on people's pages is way harder than making an entry. I try to push through the anxiety and hope my notes click with what they wrote. Most times I just lurk and never comment Lol. I'm glad that you stayed healthy while being stuck at work. Being masked and wearing PPE sucks. We have two people in my house who work at a hospital and the job mandates they stay many times and there's nothing they can do. Things are calm here I'm thinking of maybe going to the movies. Exciting right? What's going on with you? Where's your ideal road trip?
from jimbostaxi :
I’m so sorry you had to go through all that toxic stuff with the married guy. One of my daughters just moved back home because she’s in an abusive relationship. I’ve never been in therapy but before Fran who just passed a month ago, I was married to my high school sweetheart. To tell you the truth I don’t know what happened. I think we grew apart over the years and never agreed on anything. So after 13 years, it disintegrated and I was devastated. I was told to get over it and go to therapy,,,, well with anxiety and affordability a problem someone suggested writing might help. I typed in diary and viola I’m still here! My profile says it’s been 13 years,,, it sure feels longer than that Lol. I’ve always been Jimbostaxi,,, but I did have a Jimbostaxi2 for a brief period,,, don’t ask me why,,, I’m not that interesting to have two diaries! Lol,,, so that about sums me up… a mid-50-year-old man trying to put his life together again. My life screams to be made into a TV movie right? Dreams have been less weird and the week has been not too bad. Still run into people who don’t know,,, having to have that awkward talk all over ,, but I’m getting better at it . How’s your week been? I'm glad I found your diary and get to fill up your notes page! Lol. Diaries about love like yours always hit home with me because I’m a hopeless romantic. I'm a sucker for those movies that say “they lived happily ever after.” Take care❤️
from jimbostaxi :
I've been using this place as an outlet off and on for years. I was never taught growing up that you can talk about problems. You dealt with them or died with them there were no other options. I'm glad I stumbled upon this place long ago and all its wonderful residents. :)
from jimbostaxi :
My best post always involves some emotional trauma. I usually write in the wee hours of the morning when no one can see me cry. The tears help me reach that vulnerable place and then it flows out. When I can't reach that place of vulnerability I hang with the grandkids and they help me create happy entries. I'm boring without my sadness or the grandkids. In your diary, you speak of love and I think that's something universal and relatable to everyone. Even if people didn't admit it here we all crave it and want it. Thanks for the note! Hope you had a great weekend! I'm working :(
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for adding me:) I added you too! Have a great weekend.
from jimbostaxi :
That was a very lovely entry. I hope you find all those things.
from julymalaise :
Sent you an email! Glad you're back!!!!!!!!!!!!
from whystinger :
Glad to see a couple of entries from you, welcome back. Might move back to Canada - I am happy for you.
from julymalaise :
I'm sooo glad you are back, my friend! I come here time to time to check in on everybody and sometimes I occasionally write! I should start writing again!
from justjones :
No word from Andrew. 😕 I’d happily become a gold member but the links to do so aren’t working. This is so frustrating.
from manvsdevil :
We are both back after hiatus. I'm so glad you're still around. Be safe. 141120
from whystinger :
Glad you dropped by. email me if you wish a password whystinger"at"yahoodotcom. I won't be around for about a week, so ...
from justjones :
Hi!! Wow it's been a long time since I've logged in here. I'm so happy my diary is still here. Just a random question - do you know if there is a way for us to download our diaries? I can't get ahold of Andrew so now I'm just taking shots in the dark. I love your diary! :)
from whystinger :
12/29/2019 Hoping that you will come back for an update.
from meffinmisfit :
Your 8/13/15 post; no true words. Thank you for the reminder.
from manvsdevil :
Cool cool
from silver4 :
Thank you! I just hate being shut down like this!!
from manvsdevil :
You're back!! Thank God ;) Missed you haha!
from silver4 :
Umm, nice! Looking good!
from meffinmisfit :
05/06/14: New guy = cute; good luck!
from stepfordtart :
Ach! Dom's an arse. s x
from meffinmisfit :
Dom sounds like my Lugo. If you can handle it, then go for it, especially if you know there aren't ulterior motives. If it 's a waste, thread on, and leave him behind. Good luck with whatever you decide beautiful.
from manvsdevil :
Don't do it love - it's just the shots and green speaking ya know? I wish I had something better to say...
from elusive-you :
from vxxen :
I always wanted a dom. im glad that things are working out for you, homie! :)
from silver4 :
Okay, I just read it. Damn. I think Dom is definitely the better choice for you after all that. We often go chasing the ones who we know are wrong for us, with hopes that it will click in their heads that we truly are the best that is out there. I have no doubt that you would be wonderful to Stephen (and Dom), but the question is if Stephen could get it together and appreciate you and be equally wonderful towards you. You are fortunate to have two people in your life who make you feel good and happy, but the stress of hoping for Stephen to get right is just too much. According to your pics, both men are handsome ;) so it's just a matter of who treats you well and makes you feel like the queen that you are. Emotions are tough and tricky. I hate dealing with them, I wish it were as easy as it seems to have been for so many other people. I will cross my fingers for you and hope that it comes together in the right way !
from silver4 :
Why thank you! But I am saddened by your latest :( what's going on??
from tsulnagrom :
I locked my diary. Username: star Password: wars
from silver4 :
Thanks! I hope not to jinx it, but I think it is almost better now :)
from manvsdevil :
lol old entries are still there I wonder what happened, went to check them the other week and they vanished shh anyway see ya. x
from manvsdevil :
Great to see you're back, hope you've been well and... What happened to the old entries? x
from dangerspouse :
Have you been listening to KT Tunstall? I think you're dreaming her song....
from tsulnagrom :
I just saw the note you left awhile back. Thank you for reading my diary for 10 years. You are very special.
from vxxen :
1/29/13: im sorry about ur loss and ur father. He was a handsome man. :/
from dangerspouse :
Awww, what a sweet note you left me in return. Thank you, and I wish you nothing but the best going forward :)
from dangerspouse :
You're not fat. Don't let a society which puts only skinny women on magazine covers make you think otherwise. You're beautiful, you have Skittles, and you're well spoken. See the good in yourself and others will too. You won't need blood relations to commiserate with, sad as that may be, once you start focusing on your positives and say "screw it, life's too short" to the rest. Hang in there - you're worth it.
from manvsdevil :
Well, you know what they say, "If you can't be with the the one you want, be happy with the one you're with." Yeah sucks totally...
from julymalaise :
Love the new layout, dear. And that is so sweet and cute what Steve said about you. Awww....!!!
from famelicose :
Not a problem, love. We're in it together.
from atwowaydream :
hehe. My father is a special one. Very, very. . . special, indeed.
from famelicose :
I am also stupid in love with someone who doesn't feel or act the same way in return. It hurts. A lot. I can relate whole heartedly. Stephen doesn't know what he is missing in you. <3
from julymalaise :
Aww... glad that I make you smile and you are welcome!! You always make smile as well because you are such a good d-land friend and always sweet to me!!!
from julymalaise :
Yay, glad you are okay, lovee!!
from julymalaise :
You are welcome, love!! Glad you were able to enter my secret journal!
from stepfordtart :
Thank you! And thanks for doing the 'cast' thing, too (sorry, Im a bit tardy), it was interesting! s x
from julymalaise :
thanksss, girllll and lovely pics, my dear!!
from stepfordtart :
Mmmmm, YUM! (although, I am a bit biased as my husband is a musician, too!) s x
from stepfordtart :
from tsulnagrom :
Glad things are looking up for you!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome, lovely!
from silver4 :
Ugh, isnt it crazy?? Hey, at least your guy is gorgeous! That's a bonus point, I just get the nerdy ;)
from julymalaise :
Awww... you're so pretty, love!
from lostasyou :
Just telling you you're going to be a new read for me :)
from julymalaise :
thanks, love, you are so kind!!! And I'm happy!
from ericg :
It has been a while since I have updated. I'm feeling better, but I'm not 100% yet, if you can believe that. I'm definitely better though. Things are good here though.. I want to update more often but when I get home I just want to do nothing. Thanks for the concern, and for reading my journal. I was sure no one still read it. I'll update soon.
from raven72d :
Alas, no Tumblr--- just my diary.
from raven72d :
Your Tumblr is excellent.
from julymalaise :
thanks for the hugs, my dearie!
from raven72d :
thanks muchly! and do feel invited to read along.
from raven72d :
good entries.
from julymalaise :
Awww... so are you and what a lovely picture. Nicely done. Very beautiful.
from julymalaise :
I missed you!
from permeation :
Thanks a heap for your note. I've got both a Tumblr & Flickr. Flickr's updated a few times a day -
from permeation :
Eee, thank you x
from tsulnagrom :
locked diary: username: username. password: cheerup
from silver4 :
:( I hope you feel better. Life drags sometimes and it sucks when your friends arent really there for you; I'm right there with you on that point. Hang in there, you have love here <3
from vxxen :
I'm sorry :(
from julymalaise :
I hope you feel better, I know how it feels.... Stay strong. And I missed you!
from manvsdevil :
Hey, nice template ;) I like the mods. Red is a good touch and... glad to hear your getting out of Cali. Change a scenery might be good. Take care :)
from silverywhite :
I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep after reading my extremely long ramblings :P Actually Microsoft is still prompting me to update - it's getting annoying having to manually say no :(
from silverywhite :
Love your writing: succinct, to the point, and so real. Keep it up~
from vxxen :
I love that entry (10*128**2010)
from silver4 :
thank you, i appreciate that :) i might end up taking you up on that offer!
from julymalaise :
You are welcome, my friend.
from julymalaise :
It's okay, but when the going gets rough, keep your head up, no matter what.
from alienamiss :
I think suicide is a hot topic right now; even my 14-year old brother expects to die young. I'm glad to hear back from you -- I was pretty sure I wouldn't.
from manvsdevil :
I wish I could hold your hand *hug*
from julymalaise :
Stay alive, please!! Don't do this, I really like your writing and you shouldn't give up like that. We go through tough stuff every day, but we'll get by somehow, we just have to believe... please I hope you answer to this.
from manvsdevil :
whoa! hang in there... even with the many plans so many things can go wrong... stay alive- it won't always hurt...
from frankie123 :
from alienamiss :
I'm not mad. I'm just kind of dismayed that I was prolly the first to read it. (I don't even know you, so, like it counts, really.) Well, fuck -- if you live through this attempt, I dunno.. let's talk shop? I'm new to the suicide scene, personally. I almost killed myself last Wednesday. It'd been all wistful thoughts and crybaby dreaming before that. I can't even say I've felt the pain of it; a friend showed up fortuitously, saving me the knife in the arm.
from tsulnagrom :
we miss you too!
from jonathan :
For you it is all open again ... what is more, having failed to enoy several alternative diary/ blog websites I intend to stay here for ANOTHER decade :)
from vxxen :
Thanks soo much! :)
from jonathan :
Hi, You mean people read this stuff! You're welcome of course, just don't want future employers having a read. englishsucks 2010. Should do it.
from julymalaise :
You're welcome. Oh my gosh, I am glad you are all right, you are so incredibly lucky that you didn't have any broken bones or anything. But be careful next time, and go to the doctors soon about the bleeding!
from im2qt2kr :
My prayers are with you sweetie for a speedy recovery. I hope they did a cat scan for the blurry vision.
from manvsdevil :
I hope you're okay and won't be bedridden for long...
from stepfordtart :
Why, thank you! Oh, and, families are strange, very strange. Sounds like dad needs to start remembering he's a grown up! s x
from im2qt2kr :
Distance will not keep good friends apart. In this day and age, with cell phone, IMs, cameras on laptops and the internet... I know it's not the same as face to face but it's the next best thing. and hey, you've got friends not far from LA here in San Diego!
from julymalaise :
Hey, thanks for adding me, I'll add you!
from im2qt2kr :
I have an old tub like that. I put it in my backyard, painted it bright pink and filled it with dirt and flowers. I love it. BTW: great pics.
from jonathan :
I promise to keep being dad for my daughter, with none of the DAD and never any of the father stuff. My own childhood was too painful to repeat it here.
from manvsdevil :
What she said vvv there ;)
from vxxen :
I love ur True Blood skin! I LOVE THAT SHOW AND I MISS IT! lol i wanna take it lol
from vxxen :
I love your new haircut!
from im2qt2kr :
You are in my prayers Shutter Bug.
from adora-bella :
oh yeah and I think every woman should have "in case of breakup" rules for herself.
from adora-bella :
Negative. I just got it a few days ago. The idiot had me so stressed out that I was over a week late, and I'm NEVER late. (sigh of relief)
from stepfordtart :
hahahaha! I always wondered if stuff like that really happened. I did a henna tattoo on my arm a while ago and I copied some chinese characters. It looked really cool but it said "fresh mushroom dishes" - I copied it from a takeout menu! s x
from vxxen :
Thats HILARIOUS!!! lol
from adora-bella :
Thanks :) I saw that you had to have your nasal splints taken out.... was it terribly painful? I had surgery on my nose years ago, but I think mine were different than yours (mine were like little tampons lol)... Anyway, hope it wasn't too bad, and thanks for reading me :)
from im2qt2kr :
Well, we both live in CA, maybe, just maybe, I'll come show you how (or maybe just coffee)...ya never know!
from jonathan :
Nasal splints yum! Looks like something the Jack Ass crew should do :( Did you break you nose? I've got to get the scan of my daughter 3 months before she was born digitised. Not her birth though ... that is truly an epic with many unpleasant sound EFX.
from vxxen :
I know right! My mother is TRIP! lol
from vxxen :
Don't worry about it.... Your eyes are the window to your soul and ur eyes are beautiful! :)
from vxxen :
Don't worry. You're going to be ok!
from im2qt2kr :
Glad to see you back. I think a picture a day is a WONDERFUL idea. I know photography brings you a great deal of pleasure, and it's a positive step for you. It is one of your gifts and you are great at it. I see only good coming from it. I look forward to seeing all you pics. BIG HUG to you Sweetie.
from xglowwithme :
Your layout is awesome
from im2qt2kr :
How are you? You've been in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted. Big hug to you.
from vxxen :
im2qt2kr is right. You are a beautiful person. You have my sister's name too. So in a way you're my sister! :) Be safe. Happy Easter...
from im2qt2kr :
My dear, sweet friend. Please, please, please do not do this to yourself. I know you want the pain to go away. I can not guarantee it will, but in time, it WILL lessen. You have so many things going for you. Your sweet, adorable, loving, caring, you have a wonderful understanding husband, you're a fabulous photographer, and you are my friend. God has great plans for you, I can feel it, but you need to stay around to realize your greatness. You are in my thoughts and prayers on this Easter day.
from aumoe :
English does suck. :)
from im2qt2kr :
Love the new layout AND the new shoes. Nothin' wrong with a gal spoiling herself every once in a while...or having hubby do the "spoiling" *wink*
from dylanwashere :
Oh you know. Work and not enough pay. It could be worse. Hope you are staying well & behaving yourself.
from dylanwashere :
nothing changes much does it.
from vxxen :
Cool pic!
from im2qt2kr :
what you're feeling is normal. Wanting to escape through sleep, buying things that make you feel some happiness, all normal... or at least, I did and still do these. What helped me was, instead of spending on myself as much, I started volunteering some time each month to help others..... it's a win/win situation as it gives both of us pleasure and it's a heck of a lot easier on my bank account... BTW: I LOVE vintage!
from tsulnagrom :
haha! love it! vintage is the best!
from vxxen :
Yeah. I havent been sleeping either. I try to read and shit. that dont even work anymore either
from vxxen :
:) yeah. i dont like talking about them. but if it made u feel better, im glad i did it! but i dont call them 'medications' i call them 'vitamins' LOL!
from vxxen :
:( I take that too
from vxxen :
Your mother is beautiful! i wish i was that creative lol....oh, and anytime! I am more than happy to help! :)
from im2qt2kr :
As vxxen said, breakfast is the most important as you are BREAKing the FAST you been on while sleeping. 5 mini meals are better than one large, again,as vxxen says, some of the can just be fruit and veggies. as for soda, you will have to cut down gradually as your body is use to the caffeine and giving up all at once causes serious migraines. And finally, exercise... whatever you enjoy most is what you are most likely to continue. The main thing is to get the hard rate up to a steady pace, and keep it there for 30 minutes to an hour. You'll know when you are...say...walking fast enough, as you will still be able to talk at that pace, but it will be a little difficult. Best of Luck to you Sweetie...BTW: also great for stress and depression...Guess I should follow my own words. haaaaaaaa...
from vxxen :
If u stop drinking soda, you lose a bunch of weight just on that alone. Breakfast is the most important. a light lunch (veggies, fruit) and a moderate dinner. no eating after dinner, though! Good Luck!!
from vxxen :
Yeah, the shower is the best place :/
from stepfordtart :
Hey. I dont come over here very often so I had to do a bit of an archive hunt. So sorry for your loss and hoping that with each passing day your pain is less than yesterday. s x
from im2qt2kr :
What you are feeling is normal. It is grief, and it is a healthy release. Please do not beat yourself up over feeling what you feel, nor let other's tell you to "get over it". Everyone grieves in their own time and heals in their own time. I still cry over the loss of both my parents...a song, a movie, a thought... anything can trigger it off. In time it lessens, but it's always there. You are in my prayers.
from choose-life :
'the boyfriend' refers to mr. vampire, and he drives me crazy... i'm moving to montreal because for one, he asked me to, but 2 weeks after i bought my ticket he told me he's not ready for a relationship, i decided to still go and experience a culture completely different from rest of canada, i always saw myself going there one day, he motivated me to go, but if i can't be with him when im there, i'll make the most of it on my own.
from cest-la-vie- :
i wanted to tell you, i am very sorry about your father. i hope that your day is going well for you.
from im2qt2kr :
I wish I could make your pain go away my sweet cyber friend. I know the hurt it causes,not to hear your father tell you he loves you, to hold on hoping some day to hear those 3 little words, until the hope dies when you realize it is to late as he's gone. Unfortuantely, you can not change it, nor can I with my father. but when we both can do is live our lives to the fullest...tell those we love that we love them and never leave them to wonder if we do. You are blessed with a loving husband and future with a lot of potential for greatness. Now is your time to shine little star. Hugs and Prayers to you.
from hijayxx :
I mean: so sorry for that... that can not be explained. In either way it is not your mistake. It was his decision, his life.
from hijayxx :
That is extremely sad. Stay strong. I also have to deal with depression, it is a fight we can win. Never give up. "Veronica decides to die" is a good read on that by the way. It opened my eyes in some ways.
from brokenwords :
username: casses Password: Mots
from im2qt2kr :
Oh my God my sweet little friend. Tears are flowing as my heart breaks for you and your family. I'm so very sorry to read of such a tradgedy. You are all in my heart and in my prayers.
from vxxen :
Oh my goodness. Im so sorry. i'll keep you in my thoughts
from vxxen :
LMAOOO! oh thank god. lol i thought i was the only one lol hahahaaahhhha
from theswordsman :
Sorry, it's had a bit of a sore throat lately & kind of sounds like he's growling. Good test for your reflexes, though:)
from im2qt2kr :
don't know if it's happening to anyone else, but the music thing you added to your site locks my computer up.
from vxxen :
i cant wait to get those books and b&n lol
from tsulnagrom :
you're beautiful.
from xglowwithme :
damn straight.
from im2qt2kr :
Exactly! You are adorrrrrable!
from vxxen :
i always wanted to read those!! i watched True Blood, and cant wait for it to come back
from im2qt2kr :
Your just looking in the wrong part of California. Your friend from California
from im2qt2kr :
It's your Birthday? Well happy B-Day to you my sweet friend. I'm a January baby too (the 24th). I hope you had a wonderful day was was left completely spoiled.
from tsulnagrom :
i'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
from tsulnagrom :
beautiful camera! yes!
from im2qt2kr :
Heyyyyy...My B-day is in January too (the 24th). I'm gonna show this to hubby in hopes he'll get the hint and get ME a little early somethin'-somethin' too. haaaaa... Glad to see you back posting again.
from klaxon :
sure thing! it's unlocked now :)
from vxxen :
try not to dwell on it. you and i know that negative crap is...crap lol im praying for you dont worry. and listen to some music! music rocks! keep ya head up!
from whystinger :
Found ur diary thru Vxxn... Cool Diary, cool VW... and there is NOTHING WRONG with a sober freak... If he is sober, he HAS BIG BALLZ AND LOTS OF GUTS and I applaud him!!!
from vxxen :
you go girl! you better get your tan on cuz then wen winter comes you aint gonna tan no where! lol
from vxxen :
lol absolutely nothing. lol im gonna eat and eat lol what about you?
from vxxen :
i laughed at that! you must be as tired of this mess than I am! lol sorry. i also wanted to say that I FREAKIN' LOVE YOU! lol thatnks for sayin that. and about that a*^ that said that about your husband.. i would ask the phone company about that but that coward know that u probably cant do anything cuz its a text message. but seriously, that guy/ girl is probably sooo jealous about you and ur hubby!but dont worry. they just hatersz! let them hat! (sorry the black side came out lol) keep ya head up cuz they would love to see you fall!
from vxxen :
aw. he looks like a really cool guy. you guys *MUST* look so cute together! i hope you get better, girl! im praying for you! ;-)
from january-rain :
Hello Hello, i just want you to know im your dland friend on facebook. this is my new account. im trying to keep myself private this time so specifics.
from im2qt2kr :
Hi sweetie. I had 3 D&Cs and an Ablation (think that's the right spelling) for my endometrosis over a 8 year period. It doesn't mean you can't still have kids. there's still a good chance. If you feel like you want to ask me any questions about it, I'd be happy to try and fill you in. Just remember, everything happens for a reason....God's will be done.
from im2qt2kr :
You and you mom are both in my prayers. BIG hug to you sweetie
from tsulnagrom :
i'm so sorry about your mom. best of wishes!
from choose-life :
omg, i hope your mum is alright, all the best to her.
from im2qt2kr :
You are in my prayers for good news about your endometriosis. I suffered with it too, for a few years. It was very difficult as I too love kids. You speak sign language? I've always wanted to learn. So, tell me...I'm left handed. Is there a left handed version of sign language, or if I signed with the left hand, would that be the same as writing backwards? Seriously.
from stepfordtart :
Hey! I just noticed you added me! Thanks for that. I also see we have some of the same buddies - clearly we have excellent taste! s x
from im2qt2kr :
As for you Mom...Please remember, it is possible to LOVE somebody without LIKING them, or at least not liking the way they do things. That is OK. Don't beat yourself up because you feel the way you do about your Mom. Big hug to you.
from vxxen :
oh my goodnes! im so sorry that this friendship ended like that. and im sure that it was over something very miniscule. i hope you guys patch things up. he'll come to his senses... ;-/
from im2qt2kr :
Thank you so much for the offer of assistance on template stuff. I have a tiny bit of a stubborn streak and have to struggle with it a bit first on my own before I cry uncle. haaaaa.... But when I get to something I can't figure out, I'll be sure and give you a holler. Thank you again.
from janedoe0 :
I love you! **hugs**
from im2qt2kr :
I'm so sorry your hurting sweetie. I lost my dad in december, and my Mom on 3/3/3, and I still cry for both. 5 months, 5 years, it doesn't make any difference, it still hurts. You never know when the moment will hit, or what will trigger it off, it just happens. How wonderful for you and your brother, to have been so close and to love each other so deeply, that even now, you still miss his presence. You are in my prayers. Big hug to you.
from janedoe0 :
Now that is an awesome dream to have! *drools*
from vxxen :
hi, i cant see what u wrote about my diary cuz im not a member(still debating) and i was wondering if u could tell me? thanks
from im2qt2kr :
Greeting from San Diego. see you added me to your favs. Thanks. I haven't had a chance to go through your diary (I will though), but loved Calif. pics on your latest entry. If you get a chance to go back through S.F., be sure and check out the Stinking Rose restaurant (if you like garlic). New hubby took me there on our first vacation together and I loved it. Thanks again.
from janedoe0 :
I'm glad that you had such an amazing time in Cali. And I'm also sorry about Chris, that's really sad. :( **hugs** Off to look at your pics! PS Crossing my fingers for you guys for the jobs!!
from tsulnagrom :
i locked my diary... username: pocket password: locket
from janedoe0 :
I went to sleep right after I txted you last night so sorry I didn't reply to the one you sent. I only got it this morning. :)
from elliestuff :
Like the hair.
from dylanwashere :
Kind of freaky. Hang in there. Good you're exercising. I need to do that more. Waiting for the weather to warm up. Promised I'd start bike riding again. My Dad even fixed the tires on my old bike. What I really need is a dog to walk.
from tsulnagrom :
aw what makes you think i won't be replying for awhile? yeah...i feel better thanks to my friends/roommates. i'm disappointed in him...and i still feel pretty bad about it. but the distraction was great, and he'll be back in the morning...we'll see how that turns out.
from tsulnagrom :
it got worse...i feel awful, and i can't stop crying.
from tsulnagrom :
oh my god! i hope you don't attempt it ever again! :( you are an amazing lady, and deserves the best.
from tsulnagrom :
ow! dentists are mean!
from gold-mine :
CANDEE! oh my lord! i have been gone on vacation. i read EVERY entry that i missed. i am SO sorry that you felt like you had resort to suicide. i've been there before, and it's not an easy thing. i will pray for you so much. i hope things work out with you and jimmy. or rather, i hope whatever is best for you and makes you happy comes quickly to you. i love you, and i'm sorry i missed all of those entries. HUGS times a MILLION <3333333
from tsulnagrom :
wow...i think i missed something... what happened?
from gold-mine :
oh gosh candee. i'm really sorry. maybe he'll realize what he's done & come to his senses. i will pray for you. i love you. i'm sorry you're hurt. gosh, i wish i could do something for you. HUGS x a MILLION
from gold-mine :
i'm sorry :( guys aren't always the smartest. and i think they forget women tend to be more sensitive and need more gentleness. you know?
from gold-mine :
the very last picture scares me a little. all the burned looking barbies. it's just really sad. the whole situation.
from gold-mine :
oh wow, i'm sorry candee. at least you saw things on the bright side, they are lucky that no one got hurt. sorry about the other things too. i hope things get better. i know they will. HUGS
from tsulnagrom :
:) hahaha awww...i loved that little video. i love nights like that...she has a reallllly nice house. you should look into posting more of these. they're really fun!
from ivyparker :
Its good to see you out and about and having some fun.
from gold-mine :
yeah, that's brian. :S Happy Valentines Day to you too :D
from gold-mine :
congrats! :D i like driving sometimes, but other times it sucks.
from gold-mine :
AWE. that was a cute video. mr. blue fish is cute too :D :D :D
from gold-mine :
thanks for the note. i just get like that sometimes. sorry i upset you. i'm alright today. i don't know. i just, get like that sometimes, you know? ugh. anyway. thanks for the support, it means a lot. It's good to have people who understand, even if it's just on the internet. i dont think it makes it any less meaningful. thank you :)
from gold-mine :
i've never had a cigarette, and i can't imagine i'd ever try one. what kind of pills are you taking? if you don't mind me asking.
from tsulnagrom :
i love your new layout!
from dylanwashere :
Hope you're feeling ok. Sad picture of you. You're in my thoughts.
from gold-mine :
hey! thanks for posting all the verses. way cool. interesting read. and thanks for the note. i think i'm getting better about having more confidence in myself... & thanks :] HUGS!
from gold-mine :
HUGS! i love the song on your diary. also, that's really cool about you getting back into reading & your bible. sometimes, i pray that God will show me something & i open my bible to a random verse & try to see if He's telling me anything. it's a neat exercise if you want to try it sometime.
from dylanwashere :
Truly some impressive photos of your in-laws place. Nice. Looks like you guys were having some fun. Hope you are getting some rest during regular sleep time now. It'll take a while, but you gotta get out and enjoy the day.
from ivyparker :
Hey, wishing you a great new year of many adventures!
from planet-maxx :
Hey you. Hope all is well with you. I'll catch up with your diary later, your template seems to stuff my PC at work up. Nic and webmiss kept saying " Maxx - I am your father - feel the force Maxx - join us on the dark side " LOL - so I've picked up my house and moved it over to Wordpress. You'll find me at - Hope you have a cracking New Year...
from janedoe0 :
Hi Babe! I am SO glad that you see a Dr now regularly! And you can have BABIES! AWWWWWW! Happy decorating! =)
from xglowwithme :
Everything will be fine :) God won't let anything bad happen to you. ♥
from bridgecity :
yesss, thank you. my livejournal is terrycoburn.
from janedoe0 :
Heya sweets! Loved the update! You sound so excited! =) And that iPod is SO cool! ((HUGS))I'm gonna txt you in a minute!
from bridgecity :
no no i mean the journal you currently write in. you postd it where it was once but i forgot where it is now. is this imagined?
from bridgecity :
Holy shit that engraved ipod is INTENSE! "...forgive me". woah. hey i forgot where yr other journal is. will you tell me?
from janedoe0 :
Hey hun. You know what? Screw them! You are perfect just as you are and if they can't treat you like the person you truely are then they can go take a flying leap. I always love your pics! (((HUGS)))
from janedoe0 :
New best friend? *sniffles* lol How are you hun! Glad you are home and happy.=)
from tsulnagrom :
hahaha awww well thanks! i hope you had fun at least! lovely picture, by the way!
from janedoe0 :
Oh it looks so cool hun!!!
from bitterwineuk :
I like that tattoo idea. Glad things are going ok. x
from janedoe0 :
YAY Hun!! I'm glad you are happy! Please let me know if you need anything, want to talk or something okay? Be safe and let me know what the Dr says. HUGS
from xglowwithme :
Ooh it looks so yummy what a sweetheart for getting it for you! ♥
from tsulnagrom :
:) aw that was sweet of him ;)
from sugarbabylon :
from planet-maxx :
yeah - I don't know what it is about purple that I like so much !! hehehe hope you're getting better...
from bitterwineuk :
glad to see you back home. x
from janedoe0 :
It's a COOL pic! =) And YAY for the gowns! LOL I really want to see a pic! (((HUGS))) I'm glad you and J sorted your differences out!
from janedoe0 :
I have no idea what he means by some of what he wrote. I'm also confused.
from janedoe0 :
Hey Candee! I GOT YOUR PARCEL! YAYAYAYA! I'm glad you are losing weight! :) That's pretty neat and I'd love to see you do Tae Bo. People always look so funny hopping and kicking. TAKE THOSE IRON PILLS MISSY!! Ya hear!!!!!!
from tsulnagrom :
hey, since you let me use your template for my diary, how do i get it so you can see previous entries? when i click the left arrow at the bottom of the screen, it goes to the diaryland error page. :(
from planet-maxx :
Who knows what goes on in Dave's little head ?? LOL - Nah he's cool. He knows Vamps and I have a special connection. Is he aware quite how deep our feelings are for each other ?? Maybe not, but he knows more than V does, that's for sure....
from janedoe0 :
Hey. I'm sorry I couldn't help more hun. HUGS
from planet-maxx :
It's Ok - Just make sure you send some good prayers her way today for me...thnx...
from planet-maxx :
Alas no - She had it operated on originally, and it's come back. They won't operate again, and they say chemo won't work either.
from planet-maxx :
Will do. I'm just sitting here at work staring at my phone, waiting to hear something from her boyfriend ya know ?? All my hopes and prayers are with her today...
from janedoe0 :
YAY!!! It's lookin' good hun!
from janedoe0 :
YAY!!!!! That's great Candee, I REALLY hope that you will be going to a Dr now?!!!! HUGS
from sugarbabylon :
thank you so much. i started seeing someone about it shortly before i came out to school, but my schedule was too hectic for it. now that i don't have as many obligations, i'm going to resume and take it more seriously, because it's getting more and more in my way of enjoying college, which is what i need to do. man...i wish i could have bought that bus. that is fantastic that it fetched a nice price like that.
from tsulnagrom :
hahahahaha that would be hilarious. nude video gaming!
from janedoe0 :
Hey Candee! Congrats on the one year anniversary! BIG HUGS
from planet-maxx :
Another new diary ?? LOL It's cool - I love it. And WOW you were quick !!! I'd literally posted my entry about five seconds before you looked at it !!! and yeah - the beach is fantastic, especially when the tide is out, it just goes on for miles and miles...
from janedoe0 :
Wow sweets. Such a beautiful way of expressing your feelings. HUGS Makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time.
from janedoe0 :
Hey sweets! I hope that Sam comes through for you and Jimmy! I'm sure that you will keep me posted! :) HUGS
from ivyparker :
Luv! the user name.
from janedoe0 :
Hello hun! I see that you have the Berlin song on your diary! WOOT!!! HUGS sweets. I'm not online now because there is a person on that I'd rather avoid but I'm hoping we can talk tonight!
from tsulnagrom :

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