messages to erz:
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from thepeachtree :
Hey, its Jesso... A good friend of mine had her best friend die, and found out just a hour ago. If you were going to leave me a note... don�t. You should go to her diary and leave happy hopeful thoughts in her notes section. Thanks a lot kid, she, and I, would definitely appreciate it, from one Diarylander to another... ( )
from buttchild :
heh. I like your diary. It brings life into perspection. You seem like you have alot of fun with kids!!
from darkfairy13 :
cool diary, cute little child ^_^
from thepeachtree :
Where are you going? I havent read any diarys in awhile so i'm all out of it. Vut i'm back now... why are you leaving?
from beckymojo :
thanks love
from msguided :
from moonbeaming :
Just wanted to say I saw your site, and I read the last 5 revolutions, and it all sounded like so much fun! I know, you'll probably laugh when you read -that- one, but coming from over here, having kids and being on your own -does- sound like a lot of fun. I love the way you write.
from thepeachtree :
Haha, coloring natzi. How dumb. But yeah, you better watch out or they'll kick you out of there for being un american...errr something. Hehe.
from thepeachtree :
that hat is adoriable
from thepeachtree :
I love your pictures. There beautiful.
from thepeachtree :
I was here.
from lunablossom :
from thepeachtree :
Opps! I ment SHE'LL love it! Dope!
from thepeachtree :
Has your child seen the brave little toaster goes to space? In it there are tons of floating talking baloons. Rent it. He'll love it to death!
from lunablossom :
I don't have a live journal I have a deadjournal which I use mostly for quizzes that I come across. You are welcome to visit it. The link is under "My other sites"
from lunablossom :
I don't mind at all, that's why I put them there. I was just telling hubby this morning that you rock and I wished I were half as good at photography as you are.
from penchant :
You do need to update more! I thought you'd quit or something. And, that picture is just too cute.
from wubawuba :
from beckymojo :
thank you for the well wishes. i hope you and your family have a wonderful day of expressed love and gratitude. i just love reading your journal.
from amalthea23 :
happy vday!!
from msguided :
Thank you. And I would do the same for you!

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