messages to evilyoyo:
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from gr8legs :
come back :)
from gr8legs :
please come back.
from gr8legs :
from gr8legs :
still breathing?
from outer-jessie :
What has become of you, friend?
from outer-jessie :
Where are yoouuuuuu?
from college-kid :
That story makes me weep for humanity.
from opposure :
everytime I read your diary, I think to myself "this one is special, perhaps magical." Who knows why. Glad you're doing well. x
from cocoabean :
Hope it's a good one! Happy birthday!
from college-kid :
I drive a '98 Camry... pretty sure I'm not as ditzy as THAT couple, though. Bwaha.
from cocoabean :
She chose the 1812 Overture primarily because of the cannons and the bells in the music. It was amazing when she turned it up, almost enough to drive us out of the house. Heh.
from cocoabean :
I once had a friend whose neighbors used to play loud music until 5 or 6 AM when they would finally go to bed... that's when my fried blasted the 1812 Overture at their walls... they got the point, too.
from outer-jessie :
Nicely done, woman. VERY nicely done.
from cocoabean :
You go!
from cocoabean :
What was it you were supposed to have done??
from cocoabean :
Gee, <b>I</b> thought it was entertaining!
from cocoabean :
You are the ONE!!! Congrats! I would be laughing my ass off, and wishing I'd get to see Mike's face when he finds out. Dude!
from outer-jessie :
I love that you're keeping the keychain. OWN IT.
from outer-jessie :
Man, that is horrible. What a complete fucking wanker. Clearly you are better off, but I feel you on the hurt and betrayed front. Don't worry about when you'll get over it; just be good to yourself.
from cocoabean :
You will get over it.. but he found his true love in a WEEK??!?! Be relieved!
from cocoabean :
Congrats! You sold yourself well! You are the ONE!!!
from outer-jessie :
Congratulations!!! That is amazing, for all of the reasons you mentioned, and more. And here's how winning will bite you in the ass: In a matter of weeks/months, I'll be able to look you up on the DoD fellowship page and figure out who you are :O
from cocoabean :
And I used to be a Scorpio... now I'm a Libra, and Scorpio is all of 5 days long! No fair!!
from cocoabean :
Ooooo secret compartments!!
from cocoabean :
And why, when you were in San Diego, did you not let me know??
from opposure :
It seems like quite an accomplishment, how long you and Stan have danced on the edge of it without falling in. The tension must make for a wonderful and confusing dynamic in your friendship.
from opposure :
The image I have of you crushing a wasp in your fingers after just having saved your helpless friend's masculinity is rather sexy.
from cocoabean :
I so agree with you. Liars suck.
from outer-jessie :
That is entirely understandable. Someone should be there to hold your hand while you go through this.
from outer-jessie :
Have you ever seen/read Of Mice and Men? Don't let another person slaughter your pet for you. It trusts you to do what's in its best interest, even if that means holding its little paw while it drifts away :(
from cocoabean :
I love my new computer! I haven't tried the whiplash.. I'm not a spicy food fan, but it sounds pretty good. I have been eyeing the steakhouse one... I'll have to try something new soon!~
from opposure :
Hello. Just wanted to say that your entries are fascinating , but the panic-striken episode you've just described seems so chilingly familiar to me. It sounds like pure, unadulterated dread. I hope you get through it ok.
from star-brite :
ok. i know i don't know you but i just wanted to say i'm glad to hear you're okay.
from outer-jessie :
And yet again: Holy freaking crap.
from outer-jessie :
I hate to reprieve my previous comment almost verbatim, but holy crap, are you ok? What's going on? Is there anyone there with you?
from outer-jessie :
Whoa, are you ok?

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