messages to exalt:
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from insomnolence :
It's been forever since I've logged into this alter ego of mine. I happened to stumble upon a diary that I enjoyed reading so long ago, and it happened to be locked. Can I have the key?
from natinski :
Oh no! Locked!
from natinski :
Dear sk, help! You, the html goddess need to figure out why the right frame of my diary always go AWOL whenever i add a link, image or change font color. Thanks in advance! (please update more often, the sk-withdrawal symptom is back again)
from evaluate-you :
just posted your review. get it while it's hot. thanks for the patronage.
from artofliving :
god!! i got chills when you said how hard it is to cultivate that comfortable warm feeling with someone else!! brilliant! i was thinking the same thing two days ago
from verum :
relatives found out about verum & i had to password it for a while (hopefully not too long). user=verum / password=truth
from luciangrey :
A brief message to express my continued appreciation for all you put in here.
from cdghost :
from erato :
Intrigued. And just what about me strikes you as 'manhattan'?
from r-e-v-i-e-w :
Your review is finally up. I'm sorry for the insanely long wait, but the girl who was supposed to review you wasn't exactly doing her job.
from megsicle :
I read your entry on ugly women. So true. A now ex-boyfriend and I had an intense debate on the subject.
from ef-u :
YOURE a doll. incidentally, king of masks was a solid experience.
from lovemetwice :
from unwittingly :
RE: Unsent.diary notes - I think that love is still one of the most embarrassing and taboo subjects, which is why we never feel free discussing it openly and honestly. Hence all those unsent letters saying the same thing over and over. I guess that's why most people are so consumed by love; fully exposing oneself to the emotion and all the consequences leaves one completely naked and susceptable to a blow to one's pride. It's so intense and dangerous, it's almost vulgar. Not to mention it's one of the nicest feelings in the world (or so I'm told).
from self-titled :
hey, i was just wondering if you're looking for any new reviewers for ripest reviews. i would be happy to join you and your friend, egress. at the moment, my diary isn't much to look at, but i can assure you that's on purpose (i like to keep my diary simple, so please don't judge me by it). i've been graphic/web designing for about 5 years, and have taken 2 college courses in design. i've also kept an online diary for the past year and a half, although i just moved to diaryland a couple months ago from livejournal (seeking privacy). therefore, i think i'd be a good and fair reviewer, mainly because i know what i'm talking about. anyway, if you're interested email me or leave a note. if not, that's fine. ripest is awesome without me. xo. lisa
from babyphat :
i love ur style i waswonderingi u can design a template for me...<3nicoLe
from thisisjohn :
thankyou so much. =) im glad you like them. i dont even know why people do. but thanks anyways. love.

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