messages to exophthalmia:
(click here to add new message):

from oh-organic :
hi. yr lastest entry is brilliant... and well, as is everything else.
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from repusevad :
omigawd you do have a diaryland diary. diaryland was one of the first places i landed on when i got my first computer. it's where i met vanessa. and lil ezi! my account isn't active anymore but i can still leave annoying notes! mwahahaha! davEy
from exophthalmia :
300 entries 300 exits
from mr-sparkles :
I know, sometimes, I see your entries and I feel like I gotta pee, but I really don't.
from aidan-cage :
you are super! Thanks for the kindness and love. I don't think I will swim as there is ice over the water, but I may jump in if I get bored. I have bought a phone card, so I will give you a call at some point. I will have to call home first to get your number. LOVE - Tristan
from mr-sparkles :
your brain is rotted with candy.
from mr-sparkles :
About shoving my gold member status (Ahem.......SUPERgold.......yeah, that's right, I was dumb enough to pay for it.....) Two questions: How Hard? How Deep?
from mr-sparkles :
nothing says "Taste-wonderful" more then a Unicorn with a BIGG cock.
from mr-sparkles :
I'll introduce her to you if you make a suit out of sewn gummi bears.
from slowtorture :
Go Fuck Yourself, Part II.
from ukase :
go fuck yourself.
from exophthalmia :
you could always stop whining.
from grunja373 :
you could always stop reading...............
from piloterror :
from piloterror :
from rubyrubysoho :
i dont know why im an idiot, but cool, fuck you too.
from rustyspoons :
from rustyspoons :
i really thought we had something going.
from rustyspoons :
we're over.
from rustyspoons :
let's elope.
from rustyspoons :
let's get together and punch holes.
from rustyspoons :
thanks, but i'm trying to stay away from puzzles now. dr's orders.
from ukase :
let's see if i can find a suitable emoticon to emphasize "fuck-off."
from rustyspoons :
lift up the axe
we're choking on FACTS.
from rustyspoons :
let's fall in/out love and pretend we're epileptic.
from rustyspoons :
i'd give you a map to my house and circle in green all the LCBO stores along the way. but a) you probably won't show up and b) i'm still waiting for whatever i gave you my mailing address for. (?)
from rustyspoons :
come over, we'll have bubble tea and liquor candy.
from slipknot16 :
u have a rather large vocabulary dont u i find it really hard difficult to spell rather long words. i cant help it im blonde.
from exophthalmia :
are you mad at me?

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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