messages to fadedlight:
(click here to add new message):
from daath : |
No neuro program is this fucked up. Come on back. |
from chagrine : |
I still miss you sometimes. |
from daath : |
Damnit, woman, I miss your ass :) C'mon back sometime. Neuro is a bitch but it can't be completely bonko. |
from agiel : |
Periodically I return here just to see if you've opened up your diary...I miss your tale; it makes me feel less alone. What are you up to now? |
from daath : | about now? Now? How about now? Seriously, I miss you, where'd you go? |
from chagrine : |
I miss you. |
from daath : |
You are still alive, yes? |
from agiel : |
dammit woman, I don't care how self-pitying you might sound, I'm well-nigh failing yet another chem class, I whine constantly in my diary, and I miss your entries. also, I hope you're allright. someday, i want a password. |
from daath : |
I'm happy to hear that you're alive, thank you for sending me a note [hugs] I hope that, eventually, some modicum of goodness can be added onto that as well. |
from daath : |
I should be rather sad and cross if not. I should also have been speaking to myself. |
from daath : |
Are you alive still? |
from chagrine : |
unfair :( |
from agiel : |
You are as sneaky as a hobbit! The password and username are once again seekrit, and I am made of sadness. Someday your deliriously unhappy snark will be readable again. Someday... |
from chagrine : |
hey, you�re changing your password again. dum-di-dum, unfair, dum-di-dum. |
from daath : |
You are capable. |
from daath : |
Did you change the Username and PW? |
from chagrine : |
hm. try hasta & lavista. but still language-challenged. :P |
from chagrine : |
i've wanted to say it for a while now, but i have had some trouble with finding words & being way too language-challenged for anything. anyway. know that i still read, think and care. i'd run away with you anytime. just say it. peace, girl :) |
from daath : |
[hugs you] Hope you're well. |
from daath : |
I am missing you and stuff. |
from chagrine : |
hey what happened? *getting worried and starting to pack for running away* |
from daath : |
I am impressed by the marvels of a mind at once beautiful and menagerie! Falling full into the swoon of a dip, a glance, a waltz, you percolate like midnight carbonation! My ass lights the way to glory! |
from chagrine : |
And yeah, Australia is damn far away. *sniff* :( |
from chagrine : |
So? Would you be interested in a design? |
from daath : |
I am rather quite toasted! I love you, dear, for your swank sarcasm and the intelligently calm and turtle innard wonder if your eloquence. It is a good thing to behold. Can one order it in bulk from a catalog? Fortunately not, which is why it's all the more pleasant to occasionally sup in small draughts, by a draft window with inferior rubbering seals, taking in tea. |
from chagrine : |
hey.. (ah, whatever). How near exactly is near? Maybe I get to go to France next fall? I guess that's closer than Estonia to what place ever you plan to go ;) And why the hell can't you have a webpage for your life? Admit it, this *is* your life, there's just a bit dissonance because of the flower, ne? |
from chagrine : |
hey you. can't you see i'm basically offering you a new layout? but i need some hints. test tubes? beakers? pipettes? neurons? networks of neurons? centrifuges? refrigerators? and please be so kind and don't lock your diary from me, ok? ;) thank you. |
from chagrine : |
hey you. umm.. congratulations? :) you know, i almost started to cry when i read your last entry. You know what? I think it's time for you to get a brand new layout. Something neuroscience-themed? ;) |
from chagrine : |
i�m sorry, i�ve been aware of that for quite a while already but i simply have no time to check what's up with that, when i get to a normal computer (not in the damn library again), then i'll either fix it, or find another place to host the pretty-flower. or something like that. hmm.. i guess patience is a lot to ask for, considering that you've been flowerless for a while already :P |
from daath : |
You got an interview with MIT. MI-fucking-T, with a quant score that English majors can get. If you're an idiot, love, I'm a misbegotten moron who should be in porn. Whatever odd neurotransmitter crap is going on, you've got twisted bastards who believe in you. Whether you get a good fix on those damned neurons or not, I still believe in and care about you. |
from poorpoetry : |
My offer to take you shopping still stands, sweetie. |
from daath : |
There's Jesus in my Evanescence cornflakes! :( |
from ladyvivien : |
And if he *was* wearing a Star Trek t-shirt, it would be an Enterprise one. It's just a gut feeling I have about him. |
from chagrine : |
But I've warned you ;) |
from chagrine : |
But who am I to change your mind. So go ahead. |
from chagrine : |
Hell, and what else did I want to say - that you will regret that you've deleted things. I won't even say "once" because the time will come soon, not in 10 or 15 years. |
from chagrine : |
You shouldn't care about other's opinions so much. Methinks. |
from chagrine : |
hun, *I* haven't deleted anything :) ,it's just *hidden* or so to say. |
from chagrine : |
but why? I mean, you do not have to re-read them, do you? ;) |
from chagrine : |
You have deleted some entries meanwhile. Why? |
from daath : |
I just had a sudden burst of LOTR clarity. Ok, so the Witch King skewers Frodo on Weathertop. Frodo is wearing The Ring. How is it that the Nazgul don't know that Frodo has The Ring if they can obviously see him while he has The Ring on? |
from daath : |
Er, me user name and PW be not working for to access yon diary. What's up, love? |
from ladyvivien : |
lady, you rule. |
from poorpoetry : |
WOOOOOOO!!! You SO rock!! Be proud of yourself. (: I chickened out and never even took the GREs... |
from broken-doll- : |
i like your diary, it made me smile when i had a headache |
from ladyvivien : |
mmm, tea and cucumber sandwiches... |
from jilu : |
Yeah, I love it when I walk into a local "indie" record store and get the blank stare and "are you buying this for your little brother because surely you have no inclinations this way" kind of attitude because I'm not alterna-teen enough. Or the punk kids who've never heard of sid vicious and think they're the shit because they have ratty hoodies and chuck taylors and listened to a Ramones album once. |
from poorpoetry : |
"You non-conformists are all the same." -- a pin seen at, ironically, Hot Topic -- the store of the conforming non-conformist. *hugs* |
from ktdream : |
Interesting layout and I like your username too. How'd it come to you? |
from ladyvivien : |
me too. maybe that's why they use it on Charmed and the Craft soundtrack. people keep mishearing the lyrics... |
from chagrine : |
well. now your turn to get locked? |
from chagrine : |
Oh, and I almost forgot to thank you for your little advertisement :) I'm flattered ;) |
from jilu : |
I'm kind of floating on your wavelength. I always ask people questions about what they do, what they study, what they know. Consequently I've got an entire group of friends and acquantainces who are completely and utterly surprised that I study Biochemistry instead of basketweaving. |
from jilu : |
amen to g'n't. fuck migraines of doom. |
from vectorlover : |
sry.. i misunderstood smth... never mind.. take care! :) |
from vectorlover : |
i'm sorry? |
from fadedlight : |
actually, just try the old password. |
from fadedlight : |
chagrine, daath, agiel -- i'll send a pw to you all shortly. |
from chagrine : |
yeah, it looks like that. don�t worry, sarcasm and mean things about oneself are fashionable these days. trust me, i'm a prophet. |
from chagrine : |
4 online. You're getting popular ;) |
from ghanima : |
sorry, but the monkeys don't truck with locked diaries. If it's not unlocked again by tomorrow I am going to have to take the review down. The zoo-animals are getting upset. |
from singes : |
your review is up, but now I can't get into your diary again. |
from ghanima : |
Daath and I are very different--he writes about real life and I almost never do. So would disagree. But you're right--I have yet to corner the dumb bitch market. And of course, we are different because daath is on your favorites list, and I am not. :( |
from ghanima : |
Daath and I are very different--he writes about real life and I almost never do. So would disagree. But you're right--I have yet to corner the dumb bitch market. And of course, we are different because daath is on your favorites list, and I am not. :( |
from chagrine : |
well, ambition is what gets us going ;) |
from chagrine : |
hm. i wish i could say there is no racism here but that's not true either i guess. but there's a lot *less* of it than in US. Well, it's mainly because we have so few black people here. We have a half black girl who learns psychology and I haven't heard her whining about anything. Although we call black people "negroes" because it is semantically correct in our language (and 'black' can be biased), and then many black people think we are so racist because of the term. Ah, what did I want to say? Probably just that it'd be better here. Youknow. just to give you some hope. |
from chagrine : |
you know girl, you *really* should come to live here. It's so much easier you know. As to the glasses, mine cost about $20 and they're quite okay. Car insurance? Well, okay, for $4600 you'd get a decent car, with insurance and all. If you'd need one in the first place - because everything is in the walking range. Second hand shops sell clothes that are quite okay, and above all - cheap (for example, I got my wintercoat for $3). No need to buy books in the fall - cos we just ain't supposed to buy them. Ok, the laptop is a tricky one. I guess that here they cost even more than they do in US. But my university doesn't suck either. So aren't you convinced yet? ;) |
from chagrine : |
I do not quite know what you mean if you say I write beautifully (it's not even my language, i mean) but thank you nevertheless. Probably we think a bit alike. I think we should make a battle plan and kill all the shallow people and then run for our lives to live happily ever after in a faraway place (wherever it might be, probably in some other dimension or hell - I mean, majority of the shallow people are so naive that I bet they'd go to heaven. heh.. like nietzsche said: there are no interesting people in heaven). Oh bugger, now I am babbling something about hell & heaven. I really need to get some sleep. |
from ringofthorns : |
I took your sedation survey, went to read your diary..but I couldnt *sniffles* Oh seem like an interesting person as is. Later ^_^ |
from chagrine : |
use your imagination, try fist & fuck ;) just a wee bit paranoid here. |
from fadedlight : |
CD000110875 |
from chagrine : |
pwease pwease pwease run to Europe. come visit me in this hellhole. you could stay at my places for a while. pretty pwease? |
from fadedlight : |
i'll leave myself a note. hello, sweetie! -kiss- -nuzzles- -hugs- you are lovely. |
from chagrine : |
i'd give you a hug if you were a bit closer than 20 000 miles. eh. (((a hug))) anyway. |
from minelouche : |
hey kate- you asked where i'm working... it's called Alternatives Inc. we help developmentally disabled ppl live independantly. fun with freaks!:) -m- |
from chagrine : |
at least youve got your boyfriend to call. at the moment i wish i had one, despite my hatred for men |
from chagrine : |
Well, if you translate our so interesting courses and abbreviate their names, all you get is the same boring "neuropsych" or smth like that. I wonder, what it might sound like in Chinese.. worth trying, huh? ;) |
from fadedlight : |
if you've come here asking about pw, just send me an email at [email protected] if you would like one. "We apologize for the inconvenience." whirrrrrrrrr. |
from chagrine : |
hmm. passworded. may i ask why? or can i get a password? |
from sweetiepie34 : |
You have a really nice diary! Would you like to have your diary reviewed? If so..Please leave us a message at our diary! : ) |
from chagrine : |
you just made my day with your entry :)) **hands you a neuron with a really long axon: -~--~--~---~--|>** yay for neuroscience! |
from proofrok : |
Thanks for adding me to your favorites and the guestbook entry. I shall now do the same. Quid pro quo, Clarice-er, Kate. |
from fadedlight : |
Further, Brautbur discusses past studies which examined the effects of nicotine on animals. Brautbur reports that nicotine activates certain neurons in part of the brain called the mesolimbic system. This system is the same pathway that creates the intense cravings to indulge in certain foods or activities, such as sex. When the mesolimbic pathway is stimulated, the neurons secrete dopamine. In turn, dopamine provides the brain with a chemical reward that literally arouses it. Tests have shown that both cocaine and nicotine produce this effect in the brain. In general, nicotine continually stimulates the release of dopamine (1). |
from chagrine : |
hun, i really do not know what it is what makes people read others' diaries. and i honestly do not know why somebody would want to read mine. I don't know. and i am way behind with reading anything myself, the lack of internet in this particular point of world is overwhelming. ah, what am i complaining again. hmmm.. and wasn't smoking more like related to *acetylcholine* receptors, not so much to dopamine? (that's what i recall from somewhere). hugs. :) |
from minelouche : |
nifty:) i'll say hi next time;) -m- |
from chagrine : |
heh heh.. I think it is contagious and I have caught the same one-liner thing from you. I just checked. Yap. It's all there, the stupid half-summarizing lines. (Damn.) ;) |
from chagrine : |
hmm.. spikes... if I had any idea of what you look like, I would have an opinion whether you should get them or not. |
from chagrine : |
:) <-- a smile for you. |
from jilu : |
I don't leave notes often, not my thing. Takes away from my whole flighty random lifestyle I swear by. Oh, but the point. Drop me a line when you go back public. Your words feel not necessarily right, but I feel drawn nonetheless. |
from twilight78 : |
sigh... the pw? please...? *puppy eyes* |
from ghanima : |
She blushes, and grins, and thanks you. And wishes her life were as joyful as it was then. |
from ghanima : |
hmm, why am I not filled with joy at that faint praise? |
from veryfine : |
Take my survey. |
from pollypry666 : |
By the way, ignore the notion that trey parker has amusing hair, it is the best film in the world and no - one should say otherwise, football is a way of life, its in your blood, in your soul. EVERTON FOREVER!!!!!!! |
from ladyvivien : |
Cannibal: the muscial - it's a damn good film! Trey Parker has amusing hair... |
from chagrine : |
oh, that song :) me loves that song too. Another Kate that miss Bush, huh? :) anyhoo, take care :) me loves you too |
from chagrine : |
quoi? Zazie dans le metro? lol |
from twilight78 : |
ehh.. please give me your email address then also, so i could send it, dont like it to be publically seen for everybody on your messageboard. so. |
from twilight78 : |
geee.. that figures... the english... uhh.. just stupid me, thats kinda all i could say... well, there werent no info about your location, so i just presumed youre from estonia as well... blaah. so, but where are you from then? take care. pw on its way. |
from chagrine : |
I have those dreams too where I can fly. Or jump & never come down if I want to. So when i do not want to be somewhere, i just jump in the air & fly away. too often i wish it were reality. |
from explodingboy : |
RE: markedaccordingly chat room Effing great fun, thanks |
from chagrine : |
please do not die. one day you will realize that living on is good not only for others, but also for you. please try? |
from chagrine : |
hey.. you do not have to use the layout with the poppy if you do not feel it fits.. or because i came back or smth. or i do not know whether you knew i came back. but i'm back & saying hello again. i've missed you :) |
from daath : |
Sorry that I hadn't been around, but I felt this overwhelming compulsion to throw myself on my bed. I stayed there for some time. This neckache was some precursor to all my energy flooding out of me. I roused myself to movement just tens of minutes ago. I think I'll walk. Be well. |
from chagrine : |
ECT doesn't sound too good for me... but does it cost there where you live??? You'd get it for free here.. :) |
from chagrine : |
about closing my diary.. i will have to as i don't have the net access anymore. and a diary is quite pointless when it's not updated, no? |
from daath : |
Guestbook site is down for some unforgivable reason. Now I may just be a mutt of neuro, bio and psych...but like you, I've heard about NT's and AP's until the cows came home, had some tea and left again. This...whatever in the name of some distant and forgotten god this the most unnecessarily complicated, awful thing I've ever seen...but it presents a challenge, esp. since I only have rudimentary molecular bio. knowledge. Weeeeeeeeee... |
from peregryn : |
*cough* You are aware, of course, that you kick so much ass? |
from ghanima : |
well, thank goodness your diary isn't passworded anymore--it's rather frothy and delicious. I am glad to have drunk you in. |
from veryfine : |
Thankyou. |
from veryfine : |
Could you please e-mail me a password? I would so very much appreciate this. |
from daath : |
You may have in the past, but I'm not sure if you changed it or if my browser just lost the saved username and password. Could you email them to me? Thank you, dear :) |
from daath : |
You alright there, love? |
from daydreamer1 : |
Why did you lock your diary?????????????????? |
from chagrine : |
dropping you my email address: [email protected] :) |
from blue-voltage : |
hey! cool name. Just wanted to leave a message,cause im kinda new here in diaryland and you know it'll be cool if I knew someone so I hope you'll mail me back...peace. |
from chagrine : |
yap. about the cutting and scars i am pretty informed (grin). and who wouldn't want to get off this world every once in a while? the neuroimmunology thing & the music thing.. i just tend to be everything and nothing. i.e. i am trying to be everything and am failing all the time. and the good & evil thing is kind of twisted it seems :) take care & good luck with your mother (erm.. how good must the luck be i wonder..) :) |
from chagrine : |
but i want to have a password too :( ::feels abandoned:: |
from dolphinfalls : |
<i>Of <b>course</b></i> I would <u>love</u> to take a look at your new diary. I have a submissive diarypage too ... not passworded ... 8-) I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours ... Love ya sweetie! ~dolphin |
from veryfine : |
please send me your P.W.! If you need my adress just scroll down to my last note. Hugs! |
from jeffmach : |
Might I, pretty please with sugar on shop, and a cherry, and butterscotch, and peanuts, and humongous seafood dinners, have a password? |
from chagrine : |
thank you :) you made my day :) but i'd still ask out of curiosity-- do you now see the picture changing colors? |
from chagrine : |
the reason why i'm embarassed is not how the design looks (grin) but the errors in it :( oh well. ((hugs to you too)) :) |
from chagrine : |
kate, are you sure you want to keep this design? it makes me so bloody embarassed each time I read your diary.. the script errors are all mine and not due to netscape usage... or maybe you could re-take the code from the darkdesign page? I mean, i at least *tried* to make it work properly now.. and... one thing more.. can i have a password if you'll get a locked diary? |
from oval-opal : |
Hi, I got here through sicktrick...yeah I like your diary, but I'm getting all these damn pop up script errors from your code. eeek |
from veryfine : |
I have not seen you in a very long time. Nice going on the job and your persistence with your journal! Beautiful template. Big flowers are SO in right now. (I bought a few cross back camisoles from Old Navy with large trendy flowers- They even have a built in shelf bra- A complete summer shirt.) I love your diary, but feel weird because it's so personal sometimes but we haven't seen eatchother for an entire year and probably have nothing in common. I hope it doesn't make you feel weird that I read your diary every single day. You can't leave a note for me anymore, but feel free to IM me or e-mail me. (IM- Lindybitz) (E-mail- [email protected]) |
from darkdesign : |
ehh.. but the template used to work with netscape too.. at least with the latest version.. i don't understand why it doesn't work at your diary :( it also says 'error on page'. dammit. obviously that's because i suck. at html and everything. but now i at least *tried* to fix the templates and stuff. you scared me a lot by messing the templates :p anyway. take care. :) |
from chagrine : |
This Lou Reed's diary seems to be pretty out of date, though. From the year 2000.. so maybe it's still a bit old-fashioned, the online diary idea. :p heh.. and wow.. you aren't actually using this layout, are you? that makes me a little embarassed and think I should sort of fix it.. sry :) |
from chagrine : |
eww.. leopard print shower curtains and baby pink? eww.. |
from chagrine : |
hi.. i'm not good at leaving notes, especially when you leave me compliments and stuff.. i just never know what to say. but please keep writing in your diary, it's worth it and i care. :) laughter is the best part in people, no matter where :) love. |
from blondedoll : |
u r the first to fill out the bizarre survey :) i wish i could say that you've won this incredible prize, you get nothing. :)- |
from daath : |
Job is good, I agree. |
from chagrine : |
:) so you like Blind Guardian too :) Yay! fellow souls.. I have heard and love the Summoning, they're just impressive :) take care. luv you |
from daath : |
I'm not sure how hellbent you are on learning math or other related whatnot...but it sounds like you just need a viable context to put otherwise (in my humble opinion) complicated and slightly boring component-oriented cell/mol. bio. stuff in. Immuno is a great field from my experiences: lots of publications and all sorts of cross-disciplinary whatnot waiting for you. I mean, you can take a purely biological bent, something more psychophysiological, even pure chemistry, and you have the run of experimentation from cell cultures to organs to the whole bloody organism. What aspects of immuno interest you? |
from chagrine : |
(((hugs))) |
from daath : |
If you're feeling lonely, we could talk or type sometime tonight if you like. About shallow, well, major physical alterations can change how you feel about yourself or just keep reminding you. Um, I'll stop supplementing your self-esteem, sorry. |
from daath : |
Oh, hehe, I love you too. |
from daath : |
Hey there, love. I miss you. Regarding your mum, we all need to deal with stuff on your own in a way, I agree, but I look at it like ditching fags or quitting smack: you have to pace yourself and sometimes take a step backward to move forward. As long as you want to move forward and learn, nothing wrong as I see with giving in to the social beast of our nature. Hopefully you don't have to kick it alone, hm? I'll stop pontificating and get drunk now. Cheers, sweetheart, I'll binary yak at you soon. |
from daath : |
I know how it feels to still love someone who couldn't care less if you lived or died (quite possibly in front of them). Every time I see Erin my heart skips a beat and a little wave a nausea pulls me in for a split second. gradually decreases, but I don't know about fully goes away, at least if you're near the person or around things that remind you of them. That aside, I miss booze and the numbness it brings. |
from daath : |
You're still capable of that level of output, Kate. Just for whatever reason you're waiting for something. For better or worse it's there and it'll manifest itself somehow. |
from chagrine : |
did you just delete your entries? (or am i hallucinating?) well... ok... :) have a good sewn-together day? lol :) love you :) |
from peregryn : |
*g* Forgive. You know, it's okay to email me if you want. Or even IM me if you have AIM. Be well. |
from daath : |
Some people'll think you've become a bitch just because you stand up for yourself. I'm really glad to read that you're developing self-esteem as a person and student. I think you're special, you just have that quality about you. Good luck with planning for the future, my friend. |
from peregryn : |
I didn't think you were condescending. I didn't want you to think that I thought myself superior is all. You're cool. I like you. I don't know you, but I think I might enjoy the opportunity. |
from daath : |
So ah...I'm tired and still wired on blue-colored war juice. Just thought I'd stop by and wish you a lovely morning wherever you might be. Take care, dear. |
from daath : |
I'm not sure why my diary is occasionally buggy like that or why your browser doesn't react well with said diary. Um, it only seems to read with IE above 5.0...besides that I'm not sure what else to say. I've been feeling like I'm waking up in the middle of a war and I need to rally the troops. I can make it, I know I can make it. |
from daath : |
Not exactly goofy, though. Ah well. |
from daath : |
My alter-ego is a wolf spider, actually. |
from peregryn : |
I'm not magical :) Nor am I pagan. They're words for categories, but the truth is that the world is still often an ugly harsh place and I don't always enjoy being here nor do I feel I have any particularly special ability to fix it. Pagan's merely a word for those who believe in "something" that doesn't fit into any other category. I don't know what I believe. Not yet anyway. I'm not powerless to change where I am and what happens to me, but that has to do more with willpower, vigilant watching, and knowing what to say than it does magical prowess. Very often, I get sick of any special "abilities". Very sick. The thing is, they won't go away. It's just another part of the world to be delt with in turn. |
from chagrine : |
thanx for compliments :) i'm starting to feel a bit wierd already lol :) you're a sweetie :) |
from daath : |
We're not the stuff of legend, unfortunately. Competing or interacting on a global basis just makes you feel all the smaller. I think when you accept your limitations and lack of power, though, is when you can actually affect change. It's something about losing the self and being imbued by something. There is that air about maybe it just requires time or the right circumstance. No elves, unfortunately. I've looked for them too and just found cabals of silly people. |
from daath : |
Love, what's with the locky locky? |
from daath : |
Psych majors by and large scare the hell out of me. As an accomplished one it really is a queer field. That's why I opted for the biological end of it: it doesn't involve crackpot theories backed by stats, just trying to explain what's already there instead of inventing something. Glad to hear you've been feeling good. I miss hearing from you. |
from chagrine : |
oww, losing job sucks :( i hope it'll work out somehow for you :) |
from daath : |
I'm getting damn near stalkerish here. Heh. I think you're amazing for your perseverance in just trying to survive and deal with things. You've been through some nasty horrid stuff and you still have...I can't describe it, the same youness that I recognize. Even if you feel like you're screwing up in alot of places, I think you're doing well in many respects. Other people I know just keep cutting or go nuts. |
from daath : |
Of course, love. I've been having whole months like that recently. Hope you can find that feeling that Britain brings out within you. You seemed at peace then. |
from daath : |
Oh I don't know, decent people pop in now and again. I do sometimes as well |
from daath : |
I'm not so sure about that, actually. He's been reticent as of late and hasn't contacted me in over a week about the stuff of mine he still has. I think I rubbed him the wrong way when I stayed with him. He says he often decides to move to new people, so maybe I was phase-shifted. Who knows. |
from daath : |
If I lived closer to you, dear one, I'd indeed like to lend you the smile that you've given me so often. Unfortunately I'll never get the chance. All I can do is sympathize. I haven't wanted to live for years; I'm alive only for the sake of other's emotions and the thing I'm meant to accomplish. You get used to it, the feeling like everything you do is a hollow mockery to some empty and thoroughly worthless idea. But you live through it and try to find meaning, maybe even discover some. I truly care about you even if I haven't met you. It's difficult for me to find self-worth except through other people too. I think it can be ok sometimes. That's all I can say. |
from chagrine : |
oww, it's not that bad.. ((hugs))... if you continue feeling so, then mail me, maybe i can help or something... and happy birthday too :) |
from chagrine : |
tho it still seems locked to me... :( guess i'm just hallucinating... |
from chagrine : |
thanx :) i understand, i do it sometimes too.. :) |
from chagrine : |
why did you lock your diary? :( me sad about that :( Can I have a password? please? |
from daath : |
I like reading stories... |
from daath : |
You deserve some happiness without qualifications or compromises. I genuinely hope you find it. -A |
from daath : |
There's a point at which you need to ask what you really deserve. I could tell you what I think, and others can (and have as you wrote), but the only thing that matters is how much you like the pain or feel you need it. Maybe it won't happen, but if you feel doubtful or are getting that same feeling from this guy, maybe you should wait. It does get easier not to be with someone. |
from daath : |
I just noticed that for both messages the big hug didn't show up. This HTML conversion of characters deal is annoying sometimes. Anyway, yeah, thermodynamics is kinda fun and hopefully won't be a cause of death for anyone (haven't seen those bumper stickers, though...could be decreasing, those survivors). Things with me are spiffy so far. Another 3 weeks and I get mad snuggling time with Colleen. It makes me happy. Take care. |
from chagrine : |
:) i have the quotes printed out too :) i carry them with me so i can read them when i feel like :) take care... |
from daath : |
Mrrfff, stoopid short note thingies. I got cut off: |
from daath : |
Hope the meds make life more enjoyable. I'm not quite sure how Paxil works, but I'll look it up when I have the opportunity to slack off. Right, back to thermodynamics |
from daath : |
Realizing you have to do it yourself is a good step. Finding the energy is harder still. Good luck with Esther. |
from veryfine : |
For the time being, I have unlocked my diary: I will let you in on a little secret- I finally had sex with a girl! |
from daath : |
Sorry to hear you haven't been getting much sleep. Why the busy part? School? People? In any case I hope it abates sometime soon. I've been getting ready for classes, finishing up research and still trying to study for the GRE. |
from daath : |
Hope you're well, Kate. It's been awhile since I heard from you so I thought I'd stop by and say I miss you. Be well. |
from daath : |
If I can't help you smile in person, might as well try from here, hm? |
from daath : |
What happened, dear? Want to talk about it sometime? If not or something comes up, I truly hope you feel better. |
from daath : |
I hope you are well, my friend. It sounds like the states have been good to you so far. My best wishes that it remains as such. |
from veryfine : |
Hey, hon- (short and sweet)-/I'm not keeping a diary right now so I'm not unlocking it because, in my mind, it doesn't exist./ You life is very interesting- I'm hooked on it right now- I must cultivate a life of my own if I am capable of it. I will be going back up to VT on the 20th. hugs. Maybe I can meet you somewhere, sometime. I might send you an e-mail, eventually. hugs. Take care of yourself- Love, Linda |
from lacorneille : |
Welcome to the Good Omens diaryring! |
from daath : |
Me too |
from daath : |
Aye, just the knowledge you can form something like that. I hope you find someone who gives you the respect and love you want without the prickishness. |
from daath : |
Aye..well, at least we can enjoy the other's life after some fashion. Your recent entries are very touching, especially about England and N. I wish I had someone like that. |
from daath : |
It's too bad I never had the chance to meet you. It might have been fun to talk without this thing. It did get me to re-read your entire diary, which looking back it's a wonderful, sad narrative. Oh well. I hope your New Year's was fun and that you're recovering from Ruadhan. G'bye. |
from veryfine : |
Hi, again. If you can will you please e-mail me your e-mail adress? Leave a note for me too... (I renewed my membership) I want to know if you would like my password./// Maybe you could just leave me your e-mail adress in your note along with the answer to my question. Are you going to be home for New Years? Do you want my password? TTFN |
from daath : |
You weren't around yesterday, so I thought I'd drop a note and see if you were around still and wanted to see me. My email is [email protected] . Hope to hear from you soon. |
from veryfine : |
Hey- What's up? I miss your diary- AGAIN- please unlock it soon! If you'd like to, I could e-mail you my password and stuff,(I don't have your e-mail adress- But you could e-mail it to me.) but if you just need more privacy right now than don't bother. "Good things come to those who wait." [email protected] Love, Ya. Merry Christmas. |
from daath : |
The difficulty of finding someone who will see past everything into you, love you for no other reason but not in the discovery, but the reality. I hope you are one day comfortable enough with who you are to have someone like that; it'd be beautiful to see you loved so completely. |
from daath : |
It's been great to hear from you. I missed your diary and all the artistic explorations. I need to re-read it when finals are finally over. I don't know what it is about my diary that could have been doing weird things with your browser. If you know what the problem was, could you drop me a line? |
from veryfine : |
Hey, Kate, it's know who it is... I miss you! Leave me a note, alrigth? Notes are kool. I hope you feel 100% better. Your a great person. You deserve to be happy. You don't need therapy. You're too perfect. |
from katebush : |
I love ABBA, Rocky Horror, Grease 2, Velvet Goldmine etc etc - Kate Bush is my Goddess!!! Maybe we can keep in touch via Diaryland. Check out my profile |
from daath : |
Hey yet again. Um...I already hoped that you wouldn't go hope you're doing well? Happy, hopefully? Good luck, in any case. |
from feywizwar : |
saw you had me listed as a favorite, (thanks by the way, glad you like it) I was just curious as to who ya were, but you're diary's locked *shrug* drop me a line if you ever unlock it. Good Dreamings! |
from daath : |
Hey again. Hope you're well and not going insane. Regardless, I wish you the best. |
from daath : |
Hey. I hope you're well or at least in a survivable place. I miss reading about you and the circumstances. That sounds oddly impersonal, but I've never gotten the chance to talk to you. Take care and good luck. |
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