messages to fallen-angyl:
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from kenny-loo :
I am hopeful every time I read your diary that you have left your abuser for good, because you absolutely deserve to be happy with whatever youth you have left in you and I can. say with almost certainty, he will never change and you will never be happy with him. Make a plan, stash money. Leave and be happy whether that be with a new partner or alone because being alone is certainly 100 times better than feeling worthless with someone like him by your side. Leave before the flower that is your life wilts away with age and then you'll really be 70 years old and stuck for good. once you leave, It will be hard but I know you won't regret it. If you needed another sign today, this is it. Leave... and don't look back.
from movingsands :
Everytime I'm in the middle of your entries I think, "she kicked him out, this time she must have" Please kick him out, this time do. You'll be happier, true?
from orangepeeler :
Hey, I read your 8/23 post. Sorry about your step-dad. And I'm sorry you're in an abusive relationship. You're not stupid. Everything that's happening right now is not your fault. You can escape the hell you're in. You will find your way out. You will.
from gr8nothing :
Happy birthday!
from whystinger :
Do yourself a favor and leave the abuser. I assume Emma is either a dog or cat (hopefully not a child) and he should NEVER slam Emma, not hit you or throw things at you. Throw his sorry ass out before he escalates. He is behaving now because he has to. Don't take him back. PLEASE
from ville :
leave him. -_-
from sithbabe13 :
i really like your poem, its like i can almost feel it coz i know how that is, i feel the same way but yeah just i thought it be nice to say so, have a good day and peace, bubye..
from inside-dead :
cool stuff. :)

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