messages to faux-real:
(click here to add new message):

from thegenerator :
Thanks for the suggestion. It took a while to get around to.
from willowsoz79 :
Your little brother was in Fit and the Tantrums? Who was he? I might know him.
from rubycoquette :
cleveland highschool. Dude, it was bear-napped, woooah. SOunds liek teh stone pig, that normally resided in St. Johns. The one that a common jester always put a cigarette in it's mouth, it was a perfect fit. One day it was jsut gone. I think it was eventually found at a bar downtown.
from rubycoquette :
man, everyone has a picture with that bear I swear. Theres a kid at chs that looks just like you, its scary, and hitman worthy.
from rubycoquette :
Hey if you do make it out to prescott, do tell how it is. I'm planning on heading out to that hamlet in the hills for the future.
from knotty-girl :
Hey. Sounds like times are getting all shitty for you again. My phones turned off, but email me or something. I kinda miss you kid. Love, Andrea
from jazzystar :
oh, yeah. the latin painting.
from jazzystar :
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3. actually, i was wondering what the painting you sent me meant. i keep forgetting to ask you. oh yeah, and i love the way you shower my words with compliments. thank you.
from rubycoquette :
love the layout.
from rubycoquette :
if portland is the fishbowl, then where is the sea?
from saxifrage :
Wow! when did you get your septum pierced?? it looks awesome, goes with the cheekbones. So did it hurt? I thinking of getting mine done for my birthday. ttyl, xoxo
from pixie-42 :
you can have Helper minus the hamburger.... woah.
from pixie-42 :
hehehe "gad" like Sal Paradise.
from pixie-42 :
yes, power to north portland yo!
from ideal-deceit :
I really like your writing
from intheglow :
You haven't lost any of your depth.. let me know what has been going on.
from arealrose :
You are seriously one of the most interesting writers ever.
from knotty-girl :
Do you want your stuff? I have it. Let me know when you work again.
from pixie-42 :
say, you know MSI is coming to portland, right
from pixie-42 :
oooooh ok. My mom went to CHS too, capital i think.
from pixie-42 :
you went to CHS? as in cleveland?
from knotty-girl :
You know perfectly well that I did ask you nicely, that was andrea nice bucko, and besides, who doesn't love notes tinged with loving sarcasm.
from faux-real :
from saxifrage :
So are these luscious pics of you, darling?
from xbeautyfiend :
You are beautiful.
from sweetvanity :
Thanks for adding me. I hate that I couldn't add you to the actual buddy list and I had to resort to putting a page up for more diaries. I'm going to try and take time out to reorganize and then add you to the b/l. Sorry about that! I'm going to keep coming back to read your diary regardless, though. Talk to you later and take care :)
from saxifrage :
aww man thats the best story ever. Beep boop.
from pixie-42 :
duude very rad
from pixie-42 :
mmm politics. Well if you called it E some ppl might think you were on some excatsy binge when you made it, wich could either come out interesing and psycadelic much like alice in wonderland or dali, however theres more of a chance b/c you are calling it E, shouting it out in a way, that ppl may think you're just playing up the whole drug thing to earn respect or the lime light, and ppl tend to frown on that. In short dont go with E it has too many connections.
from glitterbat :
the world totally needed that. :D thankyou.
from glitterbat :
why, hello there. i couldn't help noticing that YOU LIKE BUCK 65. and i just thought i would drop by and let you know that there is nothing in this world more wonderful than tom-waits-influenced hip-hop artists from halifax. seriously dude, i love you, will you bear my children?
from saxifrage :
Aww man I cannot believe you've never been on a fuckin rollercoaster. If you were to, say, come to Vancouver, during the summer, you must go on the Coaster at the PNE. :)
from intheglow :
hey email me or call tonight
from saxifrage :
Why yes I have, and had a grande ole time. I think... Vancouvers the city of sushi places on every corner and celebrity mansions and famous art college. Ever been?
from saxifrage :
aieee do you live in Portland? the land of Doc Marten stores and salty beaches? (atleast thats what I think of)
from pixie-42 :
HI! So if you feel insanly bored, or the need for socialization, or the need to just try out your mind with pen and paper, then you can be all rad and such and send me a letter while im away from civilization, venturing into a 3 week hermatige, aka Girl scout camp. I would be ever so thankful, and you will most likely(unless I get stranded on the conoeing trip) write you back. Yay! Pixie (My camp name) CIT Session 2 Camp Arrowhead 631 Arrowhead RD. Stevenson, WA 98648
from thatmarygirl :

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