messages to figurethis:
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from susabeth :
Hey Sarah... how's the new job going? It feels like ages since we've talked!
from megmusic :
Sarah, I am a sucker for Tulips myself, especially red ones. There is an Irish legend (I'm Irish so I love it) that says that there were once two young people who had fallen madly in love and were to be married. But there was an evil man, who wanted to marry the girl himself, and he caught her one day threw her over a cliff and killed her. The young man heartbroken over the loss of his love killed the evil man and then threw himself over the cliff too. The families buried the young lovers side by side and where they were buried red tulips bloomed. Now, when a young man gives a girl red tulips it means he is on fire with love for her. I love that. I don't love how they died, but I love what the tulips mean.
from vbmc :
Sarah, this is amazing. I so enjoyed reading into the life of a super person such as you. just wanted to let you know that you are great and i had an absolutely marvelous time hangin' on Sunday. We must do it more. Chat at ya later VBMC----you know who i really am....
from vblady :
Less graphics more writing PLEASE; I guess because I'm not an animal person. I get the impression that you might want to be the Noah of today.
from vblady :
I am not a writer; I am not a critic; I just enjoy reading. You write with such a sensitivity that I can feel your joys and sorrows. I look forward to your next entries.
from susabeth :
Your notes are working- yay! You're so polite... I just messaged the other night to thank you for the encouraging note you left me. I really appreciated it. Oh, also, I liked your most recent entry. Well done. Hope to talk to you soon!

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