messages to flare22:
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from exoticeboni :
you know TRHLeilani.....
from exoticeboni :
hey girl it's lydia....I haven't talkeed to you in years...what have you been up to...Check out my web page on 360
from ikasan :
Great letter on "Primary Colors." Is it possible that Joe Klein is being hounded by his journalist bretheren simply because he managed to become successful as more than just a journalist and they didn't? As evidenced by the Martha Stewart comments on the op-ed pages, envy "means never having to say you're sorry." Hope decompression hasn't been too hard.
from monstre :
yes, that's it, exactly. I've got me a few of them stories, sometimes it's just the way you listen to your own afternoons and coffeespoons, but I'm making more. Like you. That's it, exactly.
from galaxiebabie :
mm, hello, wow, you're great, i'd probably never get up the nerve to live in one of those webcam houses or even put up an adorable pic like that on my diary.
from redd :
lets get together and have a party.
from nevarren :
you're in virginia, now? so am i. seems we both trip from coast to coast. just thought i'd say hi. met suzanne vega last wednesday in alexandria. got to sit backstage and chat because i know bob hillman, who opened for her. oddly enough -- i had the chance to chat with her and preferred the comfort of her unknown opening act. anyway, i am saying hi. email: [email protected]
from redd :
how wonderful are you...
from thenshesaid :
And have you found your way to Mother? The Queen still resists the Crone and it causes her much misery. I am bowing to the Maiden and donning the flowered ring. And I miss you.
from mrbochenkels :
you live in frederickburg?!?!?!? I just visited there. were you aware you're town is home to the smelliest bathroom on earth? it's located in an exxon gas station, i recommend you take a visit. you can read all about my comments for fredericksburg in my 8/17 entry if you ever feel like it. peace.

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