messages to flashingkoi:
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from cadmium-red :
sorry to hear you're unwell - hope you feel better soon & looking forward to catching up with you for nearly half a year :)
from cadmium-red :
yea! i hope you do move to J-P, now i'd have two of you there so i can visit you both if i manage a journey sometime in the future :)
from cadmium-red :
hey it's good to hear from you. i bet severing ties to the parents feels good for a change, doesn't it? sounds like you're fitting right in to d.c. know what you mean about trying to update from libraries though--nightmare! you could alternatively type an entry in word, save it to a disk or e-mail it to yourself and then post it at d*land? just a thought. keep in touch, lady! :)
from cadmium-red :
thanks - your adjustment to the colour has worked :) good luck with the move to DC.
from cadmium-red :
it blends in too much with your background colour, so it's difficult to see.
from cadmium-red :
your new layout is lovely, and i think the meaning behind it is even more beautiful. shame i can't really see the text though :(
from z0tl :
wow, your new layout rawks! is it a tattoo or is it a dress? either way, vur' sexxxxxxxxy :) if you really love your boyfriend and he loves you, thes separations caused by stupid arguing and stuff will not keep you apart forevah, you know... ok *blush* i'm not all that dr.phil, but that's what i think :z
from malraux :
Back from Oz, I am -- dig the new layout. And have a meal at The Dubliner and Meskerem for me:
from seethingblue :
thank you for being so lovely. xo.
from cadmium-red :
ride the wave and enjoy yourself - you've worked quite hard and deserve all the goodness as of late. hope it all goes smoothly with the parental units. x
from notanissue :
You're moving to D.C.? Ah, you'll love it here. My main advice is to get to know the Metro system, even if you have a car, since traffic genuinely sucks. And since you're moving to the home of the (well, not so active anymore) harDCore scene, there are always great shows and benefit concerts going on. Fort Reno's free concert series is one of the best, even though Fugazi might not be playing it this year. Once they have put together a schedule, you can see it online at Don't forget the free museums and the zoo. I read in an interview once that Guy Picciotto visits the zoo a few times a week just to walk around. Apparently he likes the three-toed sloth. I kid you not.
from malraux :
Cool beans! Be careful where you find an apartment, as I'm sure you remember --
from notanissue :
Congratulations! Now go take a vacation, somewhere definitely earned it.
from haberdasher :
i don't take to the ska ting baby. i did as a younger lad, but i don't have the energy for it any more. if i'm in the area of a show involving the big d i'll be there though.
from cadmium-red :
we all need one from time to time ;) take care x
from cadmium-red :
from notanissue :
Thanks for the compliment on my layout! Glad to see the sun is breaking through for you :)
from malraux :
Aloha to new digs, amiga. Sorry about circumstances. <hug>
from notanissue :
You'd better believe it :) Good luck with the new diary.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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