messages to flyonawall:
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from xnamehere :
that sounds like such a fun job. way to go! :D
from dragnflytype :
Your pictures are great. What camera do you have?
from fragilegirl8 :
The feeling WILL go away. I've been there. Now is a time you should put your trust in God, get back in church. It WILL help.
from fragilegirl8 :
You will be fine. Your first heartbreak is always the worst. Seek after God and he will heal your heart. :)
from fragilegirl8 :
Lean on God...put Him first.
from xnamehere :
your animals are adorable. lovely pictures.
from fragilegirl8 :
Happy belated birthday. I hope your Mom gets better soon.
from fragilegirl8 :
awwww. I'm sorry about sherby. I dread the day I loose my cat. I have had her 6 years.
from fragilegirl8 :
I kinda know how you feel. Have you tried anxiety medication?
from fragilegirl8 :
email me if you ever want to talk...
from fragilegirl8 :
I'm sorry about what your going through now. I will say a prayer for you.
from fragilegirl8 :
I am enjoying your diary. It keeps me entertained while I am working. I started at the beginning...I am still reading 2007....the baby bunnies were sooooo cute!
from seattle-rain :
I'm a new reader. Your two new dutches are gorgeous. The buck has got beautiful markings. I used to raise netherland dwarves and blue and tort mini rexes.
from beatle-nut :
Hey girl! I've been lurking a while, i really enjoy reading your stuff! Keep it up!! Love your zoo photos, and also your ferrets. :D Keep smiling!
from neeeeek :
"in body and mind" i meant to say. Mhm yeah. You got it . Never give up, only this one life you have..
from neeeeek :
Hey lady, not all people are that bad. Just relax and work out a bit maybe. Being strong in boy and mind makes you cope with the world and others better. Just an idiotic idea... but it works for me : - ) Have a nice trip..
from star-rose :
I don't know you honey, but I will keep you in my prayers.
from neeeeek :
Hey you, take your time and relax. It all eventually works out if you wanna. Put down the burden of the past and live in the present. People ain't as bad as it seems<br><br>The past made you what you are but it shouldn't tell what you gonna be, that's your life. Take it in your hand baby<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br>Jules
from janedoe0 :
Your puppy is so cute!! I've always loved animals, dogs in particular!
from ticktrix :
That's the cutest puppy in the world! Names, hmmmm. Spiffers is cute.
from ticktrix :
What do you want the email to Andrew to say?
from pink-circle :
*The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix
from janedoe0 :
Hey. I love the pictures you post, of your friends and animals, especially the animals :)They're all so cute!
from neshachan :
ohhh!!! She's SO CUTE. I would keep her, too. xD What a sweetie!
from star-rose :
Hi there. What beach/state where you in, in those pics? They look alot like a beach up here in Oregon. Just curious. :)
from ticktrix :
Okay, that noise is bizarre. It's like a chicken clucking or something. I can't believe how big the babies are getting.
from ticktrix :
Precious! Your favorite is my favorite, too.
from neshachan :
Your bunnies are adorable! Also I think that going in those tunnels is probably trespassing so I would proceed with caution.
from ticktrix :
They are just too cute! Loved the video.
from ticktrix :
Babies, babies, babies!! Congrats!

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