messages to forleafclovr:
(click here to add new message):

from macabrelove :
fyi: joined yr 'canadianboys' ring; i intended on putting the code up once i make a 'rings' page [which i'll be getting around to asap]; in short, give me a few days. kthnx. <3
from crazybeats :
hey there! It's cool that you still like Hanson even though they haven't anything out for ages :( Song to Sing is one of my favorites too :) Lisa =0)
from hippie4peace :
Umm...I noticed that you like Disney. I just thought you would like to know that Walt Disney bought the idea for Mickey Mouse off of an eleven year old girl. Hope you have an awesome day!
from jedichic :
Hey! I like your should def. update it!
from dmjsgirl :
hi i'm new and from ur diary u should interesting i hope we can chat
from arise :
Re: Welcome to the American diaryring and thanks for joining! ~Lindsay~ Thanks Lindsay. Hopefully, many patriots can network and work together on legislative bills through the internet. Looking forward to meeting some of you. :)
from elvenstar979 :
thnx for the welcome :)
from unicornangel :
Thanks for the warm welcome to the American webring! --angel
from thycarnival :
thanks... maybe if we practiced once in a while we wouldnt suck so much... or if any of us had any talent to begin with
from speedoairhed :
i love your diary!please visit mine, might not be that interesting to you though....
from jettemarie :
This is seriously the coolest layout I have ever seen. I'm insanely jealous of it. If I knew anything at all about how to make a webpage, and if I had thought of it, I would make one exactly like this. *wanders off still feeling jealous*
from ullis :
errr sure!
from fan4 :
Thanks for welcoming me to the American diaryring. :)
from snow-fairie :
thanks.i love hey arnold...chocolate boy is the best-i think hes glad u like disney movies 2 : )x
from dingleberry :
Hi, I found your diary through the TayNat diaryring that we both happen to be members of. I just wanted to say that one of my biggest pet peeves is when people tell me "Hanson sucks", and then when I ask them what songs they've heard, they say "mmmbop". It's like, you have no business judging someone's music after hearing only one song that they came out with when they were 14, 14 and 11! So, to sonclude this, I just wanted to say I feel your pain. Hanson ROCKS...all of their songs...even MMMBOP! hehe. **Carly**
from chewul :
hey girl...nice journal..sorry here you have to go back to school. listen, i'm a flute player too. how long you been playing?? mee, 8 years. hey, check out my diary sumtime. take carez..
from darksentinel :
i'm baaaaaack! sorry to bug, but i don't suppose you know where i could get the flute music to the irish ballad "the blacksmith"? is there a way to leave a note for all the other people in the flute ring without going to all their individual profiles one by one? is there some mass-note system that i am unware of? *is confused* sorry, i'm still getting used to this site.
from darksentinel :
thanks for dropping me a note because i joined the flute diaryring, yep. haven't responded sooner cause i have pneumonia. happy happy joy joy. >:( stupid pneumonia.
from meowpony :
Thanks for signing, My names lindsey too =p
from minnie2002r :
Hi!!I just saw ur journal and I'm kinda new here ( about 2 days) and I wanted to know to make my diary look as good as yours! Without the links already there by diaryland!I tried to get them off and my layout just won't work!!
from ilanaswirl :
hey lindsay! i didn't know u were in gspyo, thats cool =) i need to get a good layout..i will someday..soon. ur diary is awesome well i'm tired, goodnight
from megan0905 :
Rebecca is a good book. I really liked it! BTW, I *love* your layout. :-)
from desertwitch :
RE: American diaryring -- Much obliged, and it's an honor!
from splashinrain :
Your layout is the best! I love it. BTW, I hope things get better for you in school. :)
from reeks :
hey ! thanks alot :)
from baligirl :
Hey there! I stumbled upon your site and was astonished! You have the best Hanson layout ever! Yes I'm a MASSIVE fan! I did have a Hanson one a while ago on my site but I'm always changing my layout. I've got Julia Stiles at the moment but I'm DYING for a Darren Hayes one. Do you know anyone who can help me get a Darren layout? Check out my diary:
from polkadot7815 :
Yay for Whose Line! Great idea for a ring..hehe. :) Love your layout...(my name is Dorothy..heh)
from dancingbabi :
Hey, I'm glad you wanna show the original DS some support. Here's the code.. <img src=""> Thanks! :)
from dancingbabi :
heya, I'm sure you know wat's going on w/ DS & the lawsuit. I thought it'd be great if we got some DS fans to put this support DS blinkie on their diaries. I have it on mine & I already hosted it & all so you don't hafta worry about that. Go to my site & lookit it. Leave me a note if you want to put it up & I'll get you the code. Thanks much! :)
from panjandrum :
Welcome to the Austin Powers Diaryring
from letitfall :
Nickel Creek can write songs w/ extremely deep meanings and sing those songs while playing the violin/mandolin/guitar/other instruments.
from alienbutrfly :
your welcome and thanks for making the ring:)
from saymoodude :
u r very welcome ~saymoodude <('.')> :P
from megan0905 :
Hey! I'm not quite sure how I stumbled upon your diary, but it's great! I like Hanson and Ann Rinaldi too. =)
from tildefae :
I want to join several diaryrings you have, but I don't get what "put up the code means." Wouldn't it just come out as the banner? Pardon me if I'm being slow.
from amishchick :
Actually, that's what that whole argument was about. He wouldn't listen long enough for me to be able to tell him that I would eat spinach alfredo pizza..."white" pizza. PS: I am honored to be the second member of the pigs diaryring. haha. ^(oo)^
from ejsaturn615 :
Coolness! I have a friend who's birthday is June 15 and she's 17 too, freaky if you ask me. It's good that you practice your scales, I probably should more but I hate them. I should probably should practice things like arpeggios and tongueing too. -.-;;
from starry-gaze :
heyyy im really new on and i have no clue how to add a cast page? can u give me some tips? :}
from bron-y-aur :
AIGH! I just noticed that you added me to your faves list, and I wanted to come and check you out and say thanks, but this hunk of plastic boobery that I call a computer still can't load diary pages! I repeat-- AIGH! Well, I'm sure you're a helluva writer, thanks for visiting me and stuff; I'll come by and read as soon as this infernal machine starts working again. Grrr...
from jgstitches :
hehe, welcome to the ben stiller diaryring. Its great having someone on both of my rings.
from he-wants-me :
moffatt pride forev.....
from cuzumakemego :

Hiiii Lindsay! Well your diary has a brand new look now so I figured I should leave a brand new note! Fun. If you get really weird codes in this note it's because I tried to make it all html-y but it probably didn't work lol. Ok well...bye! Looooove, Melissa

from cuzumakemego :
WHERE ARE YOU im reeeeaaallly bored. Also you still didn't sign my guestbook *rrrrrrr* I didn't know your mom wanted to be a substitute teacher! woo learn something new every day, huh? lol ok im gonna go...dont forget to sign my
from cuzumakemego :
HI LINDS i will probably leave u a note like every day so better get used to this lol i love what u wrote at the end of your DS comment "note: I am NOT a teenybopper" lol!! we hate them don't we muahahahahaha... "see what i have to deal with?" ok im done for now

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