messages to frenchbean:
(click here to add new message):

from all-on-paper :
Hey, I know it's been a year or so since you last updated but, um, you know, are you going to get around to doing that again?
from ohclaudine :
I'm on lock down mr. bean... note me for the secret password.
from betholindo :
I hope you post again soon. Your stories make me laugh.
from floodtide :
Hi, honey - sorry I dropped off the face of the earth. But I've been thinking of you and want to be back in touch. I'm on the road - don't have my own computer with me, so don't have your e-address. Send me an e-mail if you can, please, and I'll respond. Miss you and love you, gwm aka ft
from iamhubpluh :
I liked your banner. "An American in Paris- no Berlin" It is not my favorite G.Kelly movies, but it's definatley right up there. The last scene- though beautiful- at 12 mins seems rather unnecessarily looon for my short attention span. Anyhoo, I'll read more lata and be a critic, I'm sure. Bonsoir. -Guten Nacht.
from pixie0323 :
I just wanted to say hi and that I really enjoy your diary! I found you from one of your banners and I think you are absolutely hilarious!
from elliorange :
HaHa! That made me smile. Your first Berlin friend. I'm excited to read about more adventures in your life. *hugs*
from frenchbean :
yes, I do stuff. I bring in the mail. I sweep my floors. I play with Junior in the backyard. I go out for coffee. I walk around town. I go to museums. I knit (just kidding). See, lots of stuff!
from delirium21 :
here's an idea: get a job! :p that'll keep you busy, eh? even something small, like, i dunno, baby-sitting or walking dogs or... whatever. sign up for a martial arts class. don't you do anything over there?
from redrose4me :
I stumbled across your diary and your entries make me laugh. Keep writing, and hang in there. Whatever is supposed to happen will surely happen, it always does. -E
from frenchbean :
It doesn't actually say Chernobyl on the box (yes, it comes in a box. not a bottle, not a jug, not a jar, a box!) But it was the only logical explanation for its unbelievable low cost.
from aidawrites :
loved your last entry. you are too funny my dear.
from ohclaudine :
is the water from Chernobyl actually real?
from wanders :
Thank you for the note, that was very nice. I highly doubt that you will bore me at all. I've loved all of your entries that I've read. And Junior sounds adorable.
from delirium21 :
bean, dude... you're right. but you left "insane" off that list at the top of the entry. ;) seriously, what's the big deal? you're a new friend, he wants to get to know you, he's a drag queen (and those shows are always fun i hear). *don't panic*! go with the flow and all that.
from delirium21 :
at first i was thinking paltrow doesn't seem like hope, but the more i think of it, the more i can picture it. and when you say annette might be playing the mother, do you mean augusten's or mrs. finch?
from ohclaudine :
I like your writing alot. I've thought about moving to Europe too, particularly Berlin. I love the cold, don't speak German, nor would I have a way to support myself if I did make that move.It's nice to read about someone who's experiencing it. P.S. Aveda is fab, indulge darling indulge.
from delirium21 :
dude- i was in public when i read the Prophetic Turd part, and my jaw literally DROPPED. i think i let out a little noise of disgust too. LOL what was your job before you moved to europe?
from all-on-paper :
Thanks for the note. I'm discovering that I have all sorts of bizarre fears. Anyway, good to know I'm not the only one obsessed with my passport. :)
from delirium21 :
wtf, mate? show up in your cute pjs. if he doesn't think you wanna have sex, he'll at least think you're downright adorable. take it from a girl who knows these things. ;l
from for-you-only :
Your writing is very interesting. You ought to get a real template. :) You also might wanna get a review at sole-review. Anyway, yeah, I clicked on your banner. So I guess that means it's a good banner. :) ~Pink
from delirium21 :
running with scissors, augusten burrough's autobio? it's being made into a movie?! holy shit. i cringe to imagine what the movie version of dr. finch's house will look like. i cringe, because i've known people who live like this. eeeeesh. LOL anyway. i'm going to add you to my favourites. huzzah, the banner works! ;)
from aidawrites :
sure thang, its aida(username) and pittbrad(pw) let me know what you think about having sex with an ex ;)
from aidawrites :
Just discovered your diary. Witty yet bittersweet ;) isnt Damian Rice great?
from elliorange :
Awe. That made me all teary-eyed. How lucky you are to have Nana. I want my own Nana. *smiles*
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding me to your Diaryland favorites list! I am glad I discovered your diary and look forward to your further adventures in Germany.
from sunnflower :
Just stopped by via your banner. I envy you the cultural experience but know it is also pretty tough transition. You write about the experience very well. I am thinking about heated floors you talked about - sounds like a nice touch on cold winter days and probably makes sitting on the floor a little more tolerable.
from elevenoclock :
hey i like your diary. im an american and i want to live in Germany or Italy or somewhere in Europe when i get older. Ive only been to Munich though, but i really liked it.
from elliorange :
Your writings are oh so fascinating. :)
from floodtide :
Send me your new e-mail address, doggone it! How do I e-mail you in Berlin? I'm dying here. Love, ft
from kimmikers :
Just found your banner. The 'Berlin' caught my eye. Favorite city in the world. Very interested to catch up on your diary.
from floodtide :
Trying to contact you; sent a brief e-mail this morning after getting no response to a long one a while back. And no updating in your journal - you okay? I'm thinking of you with love. ft

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