messages to friedokra:
(click here to add new message):

from lilpeanut80 :
I'm getting caught up on past entries and I wanted to encourage you...when my milk came in with Jojo I thought I had decended into hell. Sweat was pouring off of my body and it gave me honest to goodness nightmares. Well, I didn't experience that with my second so BE ENCOURAGED.
from lerin :
AHHHHHHH!!! I am squealing right now...
from bubbles11090 :
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting....Alex will be such a wonderful big sister. I'm so happy for you:)
from silverscorp :
Megan may I get ur passwords once again please? [email protected]
from theflyingrat :
Umm. Why do you update and yet not update because. Well, I saw you in red. That's all. I know, I need to email you!
from mymemry :
Gosh, I am behind on EVERYTHING! I'm so sorry you were feeling soooooo yucky and horrible and alone. I didn't even know Al was out of town! Where have I been? I don't even know but I'm sorry I haven't been reading your diaries on a regular basis. I do hope things are brighter. When are you coming to Pensacola????
from mymemry :
A tempurpedic pillow. He is ALWAYS complaining about his pillow and often snatches other pillows from around the house to sleep on. I am getting one too. I was able to get them at cost through my sister in law. Yay!
from silverscorp :
Hey Megan, I too have lost all my saved passwords to everyone on Diaryland. I do not know what I did. Will you email me them again please? [email protected]
from camham :
Megan, can you e-mail your PW info again. I have a new computer and need to save it in there. Judging by the comments here you are debating on a trying for a new baby. Wow! The only thing I can say is that you are a great mom. A wonderful, loving mother and another baby would be such a blessing if God will's it to happen. Alex would thrive on a companion and your family would grow even bigger. How great is that? I fullly understand the apprehension. I talk myself out of it every month around oulation time. You will know when you are ready to try because there will be less talking out of it and more saying "what the heck!" My email is [email protected]. Heather
from lerin :
Peace be with you, Megan dear, as you discuss and make decisions. :)
from lerin :
I'm sorry I can't comment privately, yet again. But I just wanted to tell you how much (even at age 25) I flopped back and forth about whether and when we should try... the same concerns of money and time applied. But we're here now, and happily. I do think we'll have the same feelings about whether/when to have baby four. It's such a HUGE decision, one that you can so easily talk yourself into and then out of over and over... you just have to follow your heart, your deepest desire, and GO. Either way, you do have a lovely family with lots of love and joy. But I have to admit... I'm rooting for another baby for you ASAP.
from lerin :
Haloscan won't let me comment! I won't elaborate on your last entry here, since it IS locked up for a reason... just want you to know, I'm thinking of you. I love you to bits!
from theflyingrat :
I miiiiissssssss you! Come back! Please!!! :) Hope everything's going good with the move and the kiddo and just, everything! ♥
from theflyingrat :
Theoretically? I forgot to mention that when you change the comments thing, your old comments won't be available to you unless you go through the haloscan website. Sorry about that! ♥
from yur-gonna-be :
Big hugs to you and Alex. Hope you're both feeling better soon. I am sorry about your mother. I agree, it's selfish on her part to not want to come this weekend. But I'll be thinking about you all during such a big event in cute little Alex's life (I know that doesn't come close to replacing your mother being there, but hopefully it'll make you feel a teeny bit better). Yay! to the flowers. Boo! that you didn't get them for the reasons you were hoping. Maybe one day Al will get it right. I bet they smell yummy, though. Keeping you in my thoughts. Hope things start looking brighter.
from camham :
Megan, If I can throw my two cents in, here it goes. I don't think you should concern yourself with that bottle thing. Nursing mothers don't have a time line for when they feel they should wean their babies so I amn ot sure why the bottle would be any different? She WILL give it up when she is ready and you will too. It isn't like she needs it during the day to have as a safety blanket. That time you both share inthe AM and Pm is special and you both need it. I have never been too concerned with what Peds say on time lines. I support whatever you decided, but just know that she is going to be fine either way and you should just follow your heart. When he asks you if you stopped with the bottles, just say, "of course". Who needs to know really?
from hertinyhands :
Yes... she picked up dammit from Adam, only her innocent little ears heard "damage." Which is so wrong but hilarious... that she actually has a concept of the times to use the word. Oh, little girls.... ;) Adam is working on phasing that out of his vocabulary! :)
from lilpeanut80 :
i was having the same thoughts about stopping br'feeding Jonas at night. I don't think I can! It is so important to him, makes him feel safe, happy,and relaxed...
from ishouldcry :
thanks for access to your diary. I thought it may have been you who left me a note before. I will be keeping up. Also I just adore okra too but only ever eaten it in curry. :) Becca
from mathero :
Have a wonderful Holiday season!
from mathero :
Thanks so much for leaving me a comment. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I'm so awful at commenting back. It always seems like I have something going on and very little time. I heart you. Thanks for always listening and being there!
from lilpeanut80 :
Actually I had a harder time refering to the transvestite as a "she" than I did listening to the Cobra Venom story. Just something in my mind wouldn't let me do it! I could only refer to him/her by name or as "___'s partner".
from thaichic :
Oh and I did name the oter female Anna. I hope they kept the names for them. I think they may have since I gave them their shot records.
from thaichic :
I gave the kittens to a no kill shelter who had a nursing momma cat. They assured me they would be fine. Thanks for reminding me though, I need to go see them. Now we're talking about letting our dog Kaluah go to the shelter as well because we just can't take care of her like she needs to be taken care of. My gosh we're slackers.
from thaichic :
Megan I swore I wrote you and told you I had moved my blog to myspace. I am so sorry. It's
from camham :
Hey, Megan, I had a qustion for you. Camden is doing really well at night sleeping, but for the past few mornings (3 or so) he has been up and chirping around 4:30! Ugh! Have you ever had this problem and what do you think I should do? I have left him in there and he cries and cries, but not cause he is tired, just wants out. I have tried nursing him or taking him to bed with me, which sometimes succeeds, but mostly not. Any advice? Heather
from aliboomboom :
Okay I'm in, just so you know! I love the template. You are gorgeous and it's a Tiffany's box, my passion. I just wanted to let you know that I am now craving fried okra and it's not even one of my favorites. Damnit, there goes the diet. :)
from theflyingrat :
Happy Birthday! :) Once again, I want to thank you for writing so honestly. You've put into words some of the things I think about mine & Kent's relationship. He gets stressed out trying to "provide" and then I get snapped at. Which leads to me feeling guilty because I'm the one staying at home even though we agreed on that before we had kids. I have lain in bed on more than a few occasions and stared at the ceiling wishing I could talk to him. So I know a little of what you're feeling. I hope it gets better, does he have any vacation time he could use? Kent's always MUCH MUCH happier after a vacation, or even just a long weekend. ♥
from camham :
Megan, It sounds like Al is deep in thought about things...probably stressing over if he should take the job offer and relocate his family, will it mean more time "working", what will you think of him if he doesn't take the job, can he do right by his family...blah,blah, blah. You know how men are...they have to work things out in their heads and they expect us to just deal with things. They think that by not saying anything at all they are doing us a favor. I doubt he even realizes that he is coming off as snappy. He just sounds self-absorbed right now. I know what it is like to walk on egg shells and believe me, it doesn't even help the situation get better. You can't change his mood...only he can. As for the working thing, I don't think Al would want you to work. Even if it meant downsizing, he seems as committed to you raising Alex at home as you are. Maybe it is time for a heart to heart. I have a feeling that nothing he is doing right now has anything to do with you or the life that you create for him. Good luck. Heather
from theflyingrat :
You had great answers, much better than mine! When I get tagged for those memes (or just decide to do them) I just spew out whatever pops into my head. Unfortunately a lot of time NOTHING pops into my head. I should take a little more time and think about what I'm going to write. Look before you leap, right? ♥ By the way, sometimes I watch that "what not to wear" show. I'm sure those 2 would have PLENTY to say about the way I dress, haha. :)
from theflyingrat :
I think you're gorgeous! I had no idea you were nearing 40. Honestly, I would have guessed 28, MAYBE 30 but that would have seemed like pushing it. I really think you should have a more earnest discussion with Al about the whole baby thing. Don't close that door. Maybe let "fate" (or god or destiny or whatever you call it) decide by not trying but not preventing. Things happen for a reason and I think they'll work out the way they're meant to. As for you coming off as "perfect" in your other diary, maybe you do a little bit. But it doesn't sound condescending in the least. And you don't need to apologize for it. I read mamabean because I love to hear about Alex, and she IS perfect. So there. :) ♥ (P.S. I hope I didn't offend you with anything I said!)
from camham :
Oh, Megan, Just get preganant already! Geesh! You silly thing. You know you wnat to. Just kidding. No, really, I think you should do what your heart tells you and I think that is "Have another baby!" Heather :)
from theflyingrat :
I love the new layout. And I do the same thing, although I'd never really considered it gossip before either. I actually don't do this out loud, but in my journal. Which would be fine (and not gossiping) if my journal wasn't available to everyone with internet access. I try to see both sides but it's hard when it's your heart involved. I went through a similar thing with my SIL (I think you read about it, haha) and we're getting along now too. She's not QUITE as awful as I portray her but she has done some mean things. I think this is one of the best entries I've ever read on diaryland. Thanks for being so honest. ♥
from thaichic :
Hey lady. The new template is beautiful. I hope you do write when you're gloomy or feel like you don't want your diary to be all negative sounding. You don't have to write only when you're happy. It is sad what has happened because of Katrina. Tim and I may be looking into opening our home up to a couple of families. But even with what is happening in the world, don't feel like your life is lesser or petty. I LOVE, just LOVE that you have a diary about you and that you reveal you more. No offense, please don't take this the wrong way but I'm so glad to know you are not perfect. I still envy you though. :)
from camham :
I like the new template. You can change it every time. Change it with your mood. It is fun to come to something new and see what you are feeling. Thank you for all the littl notes you have left! I love knowing that you are out there and have gone through it and understand. Heather
from camham :
Yes, men, they think they must always "fix" things. They don't understand how we need thne to respond to us. Just by sitting and nodding there heads and saying, "uh, huh, your so right. I agree. I can totally see how you might feel that way." What are we to do? Heather
from jane-dreams :
Oh, men. Even the best of them are completely clueless sometimes. They want to help so desperately and don't always know how. I love the way you reconnected over caring for little Alex. You definitely keep in mind what is really important and I love your sweet spirit. Your mother really baffles me. Please, keep in mind that it *isn't* you at all... you are just as loveable and beautiful and worthy even if she doesn't treat you as you deserve. I'm sorry. I can only imagine just how much that must hurt.
from theflyingrat :
I think it's sad that your mum treats you like that. I don't think your perspective is off at all. My MIL will do that to my husband sometimes. She will go and stay with his brother for a weekend but she'll only stay here for a couple of hours. I think your feelings are completely justified but there are some people that you just can't make understand. I'm glad that you and Al are doing all right now. You've got a marriage that is envied by a lot of people, I'm sure! ♥
from mymemry :
Heavy sigh. No wonder you are feeling blue. I would too! Have you sat Al down and talked to him about your feelings? If so, what was his response? It WOULD indeed be hard. What if you went up there with him now? He has to have a place anyway. Have you thought about that possibility? It would be an adventure. You COULD rent out your house if you had to, right? If James was to 'go' somewhere with the Navy for several months - we would go with him unless the Navy said no. You and Alex have nothing 'keepin' you here. Go, go, go. Regarding your mom. My spiteful self hopes your sister DOESN'T come. THEN YOU don't go. Then your mean old mom will have noone there for her birthday. I am FUMING right now. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but your mother needs a GOOD SWIFT KICK IN THE PANTS. My heart goes out to you. I will pray that the Lord heals your heart and brings rest to your sweet soul.
from mymemry :
I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED READING THIS ENTRY YET. BUT, where I come from, KIDS SLEPT ON THE FLOOR. Let me go finish reading....
from hunterpoo :
Ugh, I would've told your mom the same thing. I really dont like when parents play favorites. I mean c'mon really, who wants to be the back-up? Maybe I'm mean, I probably would have said a lot more. Who in their right mind would turn down a chance to see that lil cutie Alex? As for the move, I feel so bad because it's just eating away at you. I hope you guys figure out a way to reach at least a happy medium. I need to catch up on everything still. Hope I didn't miss too much!
from mymemry :
I need to lose 5lbs OR buy some new shorts, or go commando. I AM SO SICK of WEDGIES!
from mymemry :
You think I don't know??? I do know! YOU are not who you say you are. You are REALLY a bestselling romance novelist in disguise! My mind is quite perplexed at the moment. I have only read stuff like this in paperback books. You are a talented writer who has been BLESSED beyond BELIEF with a ONCE in a lifetime love. Yay for part 4 of the LOVE STORY. And you leave me in SUCH SUSPENSE!! How could you?
from camham :
Yay, I found your notes. I am computer illiterate. Just ask Jen! Love ready the inner, love, love it! Heather
from mymemry :
I would HAVE to agree with Jenn - you and your Al are perfect for each other. Yay. Regarding your book about mice - is it also about men? I am happy to know that you are in a great mood today. Shopping day? Yay. I really love to go food shopping. I just don't like to fork over the cash at the end. Or getting home and finding a place for everthing - quickly before Nathan COMPLETELY loses it.
from theflyingrat :
Sorry about your relationship with your mother. Politics should play no part in personal relationships, nor should religion. On another note, why do people always make such a big deal about saying the wrong name? EVERYONE has done it at least once, I'm pretty sure. I know I have. It's no different than saying, "synonym" when you mean "cinnamon" or saying 'brung' instead of correctly saying 'brought.' It is extremely apparent to me that you and Al are perfect for each other. ♥
from mymemry :
Your mother reminds me of Jill's mom on Home Improvement. Did you ever watch it? I wanted to ring her neck too!
from mymemry :
It is hard to comment on your entry today because I want to RING your mother's neck. I am angry at her for acting the way she does. I WILL pray for her though. There is a reason she is the way she is. She needs the Lord to free her from all this 'junk' she has inside. I am sure you are a WONDERFUL witness to her. Keep being you.
from mamabean :
from camham (heather): i moved this over from panacea myself, so that it wouldn't get seen by the family... Megan, you simply must add a leave note to me on your new page, or a comment section. Simply must! Anyhow, I can see how your relationship with your mom could be strained. Unfortunately, I bet the more you are Sally sunshine, the more she wants to rebel. Some people jsut do not wish to see all the happiness in the world that others can see. That is their choice and we just can't convince them otherwise. How frustrating, huh? Especially our own mommy's. But, still, perhaps you can find a common ground with her, one that doesn not involve politics or religion. Just one where you can both be who you are and agree to disagree. About the Al mishap. Oi vay! That must have been terrible. It was just a slip of the tongue. It happens. I'm sure there were some nights that you did the same with Paul, lay in bed and said love you. Our memories are oftentimes intermingled with our present moment. Al will get over it. He is probably just joshing with you and giving you a hard time. You are a devoted wife and he knows that! I remember Ryan calle me by his ex's name when we first got together many times. That was not cool, but I did as you did and laughed it off. What is in a name anyway? It is our actions that define us. He should take into account that you were stroking HIS head, not Pauls:)
from mymemry :
I don't think you should 'delete' any of your entries. Those 'dark' clouds as you put them are all part of what makes you, you. Every little piece of okra doesn't come out perfectly. Sometimes those tiny ones get a bit too 'burnt'. Just my opinion though....
from theflyingrat :
I love the love story. :) You are completely likeable. I feel that way sometimes, like I'm not a part of anything. That empty sort of "homesick" feeling even when you're at home? Hope you're feeling better. ♥
from mymemry :
I just LOVE to see friedokra in RED on my buddylist. Thanks for sharing yalls amazing love story. At some point you need to elaborate on the statement you made about Al hardly ever calling you Megan. Maybe you could share what yall call each other. It's just so sweet. Yall are so sweet.
from hunterpoo :
Awwwwww!! I'm loving this. I hope you continued with the Al & Megan saga. It's really a great story how you guys met, will be a great one to pass down to Alex. I'm anxiously biting my nails waiting for the next chapter! hehe. (No, I'm not really biting my nails, but I'll pretend so it'll have the full effect)
from jane-dreams :
FINALLY back online today! :) Just letting you know that I made it, and I am thoroughly enjoying the inner Megan. :)
from mathero :
awwww. that's such a cute story!!
from thaichic :
HAHAHAHA! I cnnot wait for the carpet cleaners story. Such a cute picture. I started laughing right when I saw it. You sure can get me to laugh.
from mymemry :
Ha! Love the picture of the wet cat. I didn't think it would be THAT soggy. Maybe they didn't suck up enough water with their little sucker upers.
from thaichic :
Oh and I love fried okra too. Maybe it's a southern thing. But it's a delicacy in my family.
from thaichic :
Thank you so much for sending me the un/pw. I love everything about this inner Megan place. This is where I can get to know you and I'm excited to finally learn more. It was kind of hard to get to know you pass being an awesome mother in your other journal. This is why I too am making a diary just for Aidan. I love your wedding story, especially because with the way your write I felt like I was right there in the moment. Al is such a romantic and I am so happy for you two.
from mymemry :
fried okra is finger lickin good! yum yum! I love your new 'pad' and will visit often - you have created a wonderful new 'room' in your home. Cozy, welcoming, open, honest. I like it. LOTS!! Thanks for the key to enter.
from theflyingrat :
I meant to say that I love the picture with all of your heads put together. Thanks for the un/pw. Is it okay if I add you to my favorites? ♥

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