messages to frigmeat:
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from dj-roo :
Hello. I am trying to get in contact with Jim and Kelly Sustar. I found them mentioned on your diary entry. I did my DTS with Jim many years ago. Would you be able to pass on my contact details to him please? :) Nick
from proseuche :
you sound like the Waltons :) Community is a gift. Thank God for people who care about what happens to me. hope you are doing well and are encouraged. jen
from proseuche :
Hey Aaron, In July i will be heading over close to where you are living, Jen's excellent California adventure :) I'm going to a missions conference in Los Angeles, and then visiting my cousin up further North, he lives in Davis. yeah...i'll probably read my friends that update on diaryland, but i think this has run its course. i mean, all the stuff i write about is pretty much just important to me, and i keep a journal at home. seems kind of silly sometimes to do both. blessings to ya, jen
from proseuche :
happy birthday Aaron :) may this year God do more than you could possibly ask for or imagine. blessings, jen
from proseuche :
Just wanted to leave a note of encouragement. You sound like you really try to yield yourself to the Lord, and i know when we do that He does not dissapoint us. My mom and dad were not exactly thrilled that i have a desire to be a missionary in places in the world that aren't exactly loving americans right now, but they can not argue with the power of God that comes when we step into that path out of obediance and devotion. Stay strong in His love. jen
from proseuche :
yeah i guess i do wear my heart on my wrist ;) blessings to you. hope you are having an awesome week.
from proseuche :
hey frigmeat: I can understand how you are wanting to pursue the priesthood of it is the calling of God in your life. I guess i don't understand all the fuss over converting to Catholicism. If you have already laid down your life for Jesus, your life is already His alone, than i don't understand why it's necessary to go through that. I feel like Protestants and Catholics alike are way too focused on the details and not enough on the bigger picture. We are called to love, we are called to love Jesus, we are called to love and pour out our lives for Him and the people He died for. I'm not sure i understand the whole theology around Mary. Maybe more importantly, there should not be a whole theology focused on Mary. She was a servant. She was chosen, not because she was considered great in the eyes of men, but because God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. She was incredibly young, not from the world's standards from a noble heritage, and God used her to birth the One that would change the course of the world. If she is vererated in such a way, why isn't Moses venerated in this manner as well? Afterall, He spoke plainly with God the Father unlike anyone else has on earth. I guess what i am trying to say, is that i read about Mary, and can learn from her life, but i don't want to put any kind of focus on her that can distract me from who Jesus is to all of us. Just some thoughts, blessings on your journey of faith, jen
from proseuche :
hey, to answer your question, i stumbled upon your journal randomly on a day when i was incredibly bored. but it caught my attention b/c of your work with YWAM and with the homeless. Also, i know some people there in Modesto that i met in China doing work similar to me. Anyhow, i really want to start something with my church to reach out to the homeless here in Houston. Our heart (and mine as well) is for the nations. But i am burdened more and more for those people here in this city that somehow fall between the cracks and are forgotten or are labeled as unreachable. God's arm is not too short to save. Anyhow, be encouraged this week, and know that you are His hands and feet in Modesto.
from proseuche :
your words encourage me. thank you.
from toastersrock :
i live in modesto too.. sucks doesn't it?

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