messages to futurenurse:
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from chaosdaily :
thanks for adding me! I'm looking forward to reading more of you....
from jaykay617 :
Thanks for the note! I DEFINITELY want to be an OB nurse!! I saw my first birth last month (during orientation to the unit) and I LOVED it!! I had a fulfilling evening Tuesday and I am there again tomorrow - I'm actually looking forward to clinical!!! I have accepted the fact that I may not be able to start off in OB right away, but it is where I want to be in the near future! Thanks again!!
from littlelove4 :
I took your advice and started a webring for future nurses. I even borrowed your name, hope you don't mind. Anyway feel free to join!!
from grt8f84me :
Hey, Sweets! I have gone to the doctor, and he told me I'm suffering from "sputtering ovaries." WTF is that? Because I'm getting older, he said. This from the doctor that sang directly into my cookie jar while performing my exam! I swear...the shit I go through. ;P
from littlelove4 :
Sorry you have been so busy! I have had the exact opposite problem. Our census has been very low and it hasn't required the use of an LPN. The time off is sure nice but the paycheck is going suck! Enjoy your days off and take care!
from littlelove4 :
Sorry you have been so busy! I have had the exact opposite problem. Our census has been very low and it hasn't required the use of an LPN. The time off is sure nice but the paycheck is going suck! Enjoy your days off and take care!
from littlelove4 :
Hi! I ran across your journal through a friends and found we have lots in common. I am a LPN working to get my RN. Hope you don't mind me reading!
from jaykay617 :
Hi, there! It's me again!! I saw that you had a myspace, but I wasn't able to add you as a friend. If you could add me, that would be great! My url is Thanks!!
from jaykay617 :
Sorry..I'm an idiot...I signed into my main diary to check out my other diaries profile to see the note you left (not sure why...) but this is future-nurse!! Duh...anyways...hope to hear from you soon!
from jaykay617 :
Hi! I got your note and I'm willing to give out the access info, however I'd prefer to have an email to send it to. Meanwhile, my main diary which I update often is jaykay617 - I often rant about school-related stuff! Thankfully, I only have 1 semester left, so hopefully I can be of some help for a soon-to-be nursing student!! Thanks for your interest and let me know where I can email you at!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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