messages to futurewifey:
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from swordfern :
I am happy to see you writing again :)
from swordfern :
I want to hear about how you are feeling. Also, thank you sooo much for the xmas card!!!!!!! :)
from swordfern :
Ughh... it's so hard to change things like this. Our family typically prepares detailed wish lists and then everyone goes out and buys exactly what's on the lists. While this prevents wasting money on junk, it also eliminates most of the thoughfulness aspect of gift giving. Can't win! :( One of the great parts of starting your own family, though, is being able to start your own traditions! :)
from swordfern :
:( *hug* For what it's worth, I think that you always look stylish and coordinated with great hair and skin and smile. :) TOMS are the most overrated shoes in history - mine are falling apart, and I got the worst blisters of my life in them a couple of weeks ago when I foolishly wore them on a long walk. You are not alone in being disappointed with them.
from swordfern :
It's a lot of work to move and settle into a place - even with all of the moves that we have made, it still takes us upwards of three months to make a place feel like home. Add in your new job and little S and you've got your work cut out for you! You are going to be in that house for many years, so don't panic about getting things done right away :)
from swordfern :
Sounds like you are exactly what they are looking for... I hope that they can see that too! :)
from swordfern :
Thx for the note :) Feeling cramped in your home is miserable, hope something that works for you guys comes up soon.
from viva-la-babe :
I know I've never left you a note before, and I've never even met you... but I read your updates. And I enjoy them immensely. I love the little tidbits about your little one! I want to be a mother when I have the time and money... sometimes it's almost unbearable. I still have a few years, so I get my smiles from you. Also, as an English teacher in training I feel obligated to tell you: Keep writing. About anything. Sometimes it's not even worth it to think that you need to write for other people. Just write for you. Just kidding, I don't really feel obligated. I just like to see what other people think about the world, and if you don't keep writing, we'll both miss out. :)
from swordfern :
PS. This might be a bit early yet, but if you're thinking that you'd eventually like to go back to work... you're probably eligible for this: Has someone told you about this program yet? When I was unemployed, it took nearly 8 months for somebody to mention it to me. I'm only bringing it up because you wrote a while ago that you wanted to do something more challenging than your most recent job. Maybe parenting has filled that gap, but it's never too late to go back to school! :)
from swordfern :
Oh, Lynn, I'd show up at your door with some chai lattes right now if I could. Sorry if I've been quiet with the comments. I don't mind reading about Sophie - in fact, it's starting to convince me that I should be thinking of having one of my own :)
from stepfordtart :
That was so lovely to read! And even though my daughters are 16 and 12 now, I can still remember that first little laugh. That doesnt ever go away. s x
from swordfern :
Glad you liked the soaps! I have improved the recipe, and it's really quick to make it now that I am practiced :) Re: being smaller post-pregnancy... not many people get to say that. You must feel great! I'd hold off on buying a lot right now, not that you have the time, because Sophie might eat away even more of you! My clothes are just wearing out. It's sad. And pretty much everything I own is from the same store, which is also fairly sad. If Smart Set were to close, then I'd never go shopping here.
from swordfern :
Ugh, car shopping is stressful. Could you share a car by driving J to work on days that you need to go somewhere? D and I have done this in the past and now do it every winter - definitely takes a little cooperation. I can't believe you're so close to having your child in your arms. If there is a lapse in updates, I know what is probably happening!!!!
from swordfern :
Hang in there!! When is the car going to be fixed? Ugh, you haven't even have the daily walk to the mail box for the last couple of weeks! You've been sort of internet quiet the last week or so, and I was wondering if you were in the hospital or something. Are you able to stand long enough to do some baking? Fill up the freezer with muffins! P.S. D and I have been discussing a crazy plan to go to Halifax to both do our Masters. We have many other crazy plans too, but wouldn't that be funny to actually be on the same side of the country? There are a lot of things that frustrate us about BC, especially the cost of living in a costal city, and maybe Nova Scotia is the answer to our problems?!
from trapeze-act :
I rescued...*
from trapeze-act :
I rescused a cat from death two years ago. She was my angel! Then I got pregnant, and when the baby was born, she stopped breathing because of the the cat had to go to a very kind friend of mine, who has taken her in. I would make it work as long as possible, see how the litter box under the sink goes. It's so hard to give adored pets away, but sometimes it's for the better.
from swordfern :
Oh no! I understand about cats being part of the family - Alf is my baby and best friend. Losing Alf would break my heart. But you have a new priority on the way, and space is limited, so you don't have much choice. I'm proud of you for being practical, and chances are that Tibby wouldn't be very happy with you when the baby comes anyhow. Do you think that in a couple of years you might move into a larger place and be able to take her back?
from swordfern :
Oh my gosh, you don't have to buy it, I'll send you out some when it's ready to go (still a couple weeks left to cure). These are my first batches, so you can tell me what you think! Send me your address via Facebook, and I'll let you know when I've sent them off :)
from swordfern :
ugh, I know what that's like. You want to enjoy the time off, but at the same time it's so hard to stay busy and focussed and happy when you spend so much unstructured time alone. Hang in there, you'll have plenty of company in just a few months!
from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help! In addition I just wanted to say this is not spam, its self promotion and I need as much help possible. Thanks again!
from red-jade :
Just read about the murder victim. That's pretty hard. Sorry to read about it.

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