messages to gidgetgrrl:
(click here to add new message):

from emegon :
Have you heard the Wig in A Box album? Sleater-Kinney and Fred Schneider singing "Angry Inch" fucking awesome.
from supercoolme :
La Creperie at Clark and Diversey.
from slorobot :
how's boston? how's the clam chowda?
from slorobot :
how's boston? how's the clam chowda?
from mandypandy :
from tomservo :
hey stranger
from darkestgirl :
Salutations. Hi fives on the brilliant template. I also find your diary to be very captivating. I shall return when the weather warms up (:
from emegon :
Dear Haeri, I was at Lee Catering the other day and your brothers have posted a comic strip about your trials and tribulations in your absence. I was very surprised. One panel includes a speech bubble with "I am Haeri and I stink." Just thought I should warn you. I'll beat them up if you want. love, Emily
from mandypandy :
My letter is in the mail then, right?
from sotheysay :
Chicago misses you. Or at least, I do. ♥
from mandypandy :
Did you get my letter?
from slorobot :
i didn't go to radiohead. it's a long story.
from shutupmom :
from gidgetgrrl :
Man, I don't make any sense.

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