messages to ginni:
(click here to add new message):

from cruel-irony :
Thanks. It took me a while to add you because I like to comment but, in order to comment appropriately, I like to read a person's whole diary. But I knew right off you'd be a favorite!
from beagle47 :
thank you so much! i'll be back soon, but in the interim: peace. (and i really mean that).
from colorbars :
Eee! Your new layout is simple yet so cute, I love it!
from perceptionss :
Awwww...You are too nice, I couldn't ask you to make me some cookies. You had some fudge this and that sounds yummy! I doubt you will gain as much weight as you think. If I could send you some money for them I would. Hope you are doing well:) Love, Booby
from motherlode :
user: motherlode pass: tones :)
from perceptionss :
I would pay good money for some chocolate chip to share? Hope you are taking care of yourself. Booby
from isaanne :
hey your journal popped out at me when I read that you watched Mean Streets just because you had not yet. I did the same thing not 3 weeks ago. Hope things are well - your latest implied not.
from march-hare :
welcome to the original breakfast club diaryring and thanks ever so much for joining!
from jgstitches :
thanks for joining the filter diaryring.
from solstice36 :
well, how about that, your in my arachnophobia diary ring too. welcome :-)
from solstice36 :
thanks for joining the abused diary ring
from testify :
How much toothpaste would you have to eat before it killed you?
from crazylady :
I'm leaving you a note...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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