messages to girle:
(click here to add new message):

from papersails :
I clicked on your Tori lyric banner... and we have more in common than Tori. My diary is locked right now, but feel free to check out everything else, like my profile, my notes, etc.
from ninabean :
where are you muchacha? :0) email me soon at [email protected]
from ninabean :
Yeah i was gonna ask u the same .. look me up under my yahoo addy.username: esa_nina
from ninabean :
omg ur last post wasnt THAT long ago so I do hope youre returning.. i just got back to dland after 5 years... how time flies!! i'm so proud of u for ur marathon runs! jealous but proud xoxo we must catch up i hope you see this soon!!!
from casual-ty :
Wow, 10 years and you still have the same profile page! I have to update mine, because when insight changed to comcast i forget to relink my background page. :P
from whystinger :
Kudos and go for it. I hope I see your banner again, cuz I need to get back into fitness
from aryssa19 :
Hey, I just found your diary today. It inspired me to start losing weight again. I'm going to add you to my buddy list, I hope you do well on your last 50!
from dulligirl :
I'm the same dulligirl! Yes, indeedy. Good to see you. I'm trying to start the New Year by paring down my eating. I've started with lunch at work. Bringing it can save fat/calories and money. Epic win!
from fan4 :
Your diary is cute. I love Hello Kitty. FYI, you need to get a new guestbook. no longer works.
from ambeee :
wowowowo! u have come such a long way i used to be 265 but ive only come down to 240 since 2 years ugh GOODLUCK TO U LOVE XOXOXO
from icyjewel :
Hey girle! Nice to see you back. I guess I'm kind of back too. :) Anyway, it sounds like you must go to a Gold's Gym? I favorite class is the Body Flow. I do most of my cardio and weight training on my own, but looove that Flow class. It's the only night of the week that I sleep soundly afterwards. I've lost about 20 pounds now and it is inspiring to read someone who is going through the same things as I am!
from mariastuart :
Little confession: I've this sweating problem so in the summer I can not wear yellow, red, pink, green or any light color as it's impossible to wear. Circles on the armpits. Now I've bought something for it and it's better but when I go out dancing, I can never wear a red dress or a green shirt or something like that. So when I sport, I always wear black or white. Nobody can see you are sweating :) And about the staring: try to imagine that you are at home, in your living room doing a work out. When people stare, just smile and you will notice they will smile back. Where I sport, it's a kind of "exclusive" place where only woman are allowed and where there are only 15 people around. There are a lot of people who have weight problems and I sometimes see them looking at me "what is that normal girl doing here???" I always smile to them and then I've the feeling they don't feel uncomfortable anymore. On the other side, if I wasn't there, I wouldn't be the "normal" girl. When I started there, I had 7 kg's more... Every beginning is difficult, I hope you will feel better next time :)
from sourgurl77 :
Girle I so miss your diary sometimes. How are things? You should just diaryland again, no one even remembers it I'm sure!
from sourgurl77 :
I cannot find your email addy --- thanks for the post. It's so crappy to try to children and ... worried about not being able to! I seriously thought about your plight, I remember reading about it, after you got married, in your diary.... I can relate, I can't wait to see the doctor now ......
from portia12 :
Hi, I just checked here on a whim, and was wondering if you have a new diary? I was wondering how you and the hubby are doing. Hope all is good.
from sourgurl77 :
girle I miss your posts, can't you begin again? It's been so long.
from cedar-avenue :
you are the sweetest thing in the world, guess my impatience beat you to it but an immense thanks for the thought! i've been wondering where you've been hiding and how you've been doing! mail me chica :) [email protected]
from alwaysange :
I know that has to be frustrating for your hubby not finding a job he can do with his master's degree. Such a state the country is in.... Grrr. I wish all the best for you, your marriage and your medical bills (can we say "healthcare reform?").
from yentl22 :
Jesus girl, kidney stones? Yikes. Hope you feel better soon, at least you didn't have to pass them - keep us posted.
from firefly2005 :
Girle, hope that you get better really soon! I hate to hear about you being in pain :-(
from almostnormal :
You have a urethra a supermodel would *die* for! *laugh* Sorry, couldn't resist. Glad you're feeling better!
from icyjewel :
Here's to hoping that you feel better as soon as possible. I've heard that kidney stones are just awful, my dad has had them before, too. Miss ya tons and get feeling better soon!
from alwaysange :
I'm sorry to hear you have kidney stone(s). I have heard they are incredibly painful and my heart goes out to you during this time. I hope you're feeling better soon.
from cedar-avenue :
wow girle, thats terrible... that family will certainly be in my prayers... hope that silver lining shines through for them real soon....
from smedindy :
I hope things go well - it breaks my heart when I child is sick.
from smedindy :
I don't mind SOME Corgan lyrics - just those struck me as inane. I was in a snarky mood, though. I think with Nirvana I want to be able to understand them without googling! Peace!
from icyjewel :
You're going to see NIN??? That's freakin sweet!
from alwaysange :
Lucky - the Gwen Stefani and Black Eyed Peas concert sounds like my cuppa tea.
from icyjewel :
Congrats making that much money on ebay! That's terrific. :)
from smedindy :
Man, that stinks about the job thing. At least you are being creative and all. Good luck, etc!
from alwaysange :
Congratulations on the Ebay income - though your husband can't find work, it sounds like it's been a rewarding pursuit for you two. I know what it's like to be overqualified and out of even decent work, so I send my hopes that he finds a good job soon. Peace and prosperity to you both. :)
from somstar :
what a cute layout, I really like it.
from fan4 :
I found your diary via a Hello Kitty banner. She's my favorite Sanrio character.
from minnapop :
Just happened onto your page here...I think the way that Life-long group of friends thing happens is this: They don't live their lives. Or they do, but all together and through each other and it always seems to be in the same place for the whole time. SO that means they never moved away. They never lived truely on their own. Had their own - completely OWN - identity. Or maybe that's just what I like to tell myself to feel better about how I don't have those either...:-)
from almostnormal :
I don't think it *does* happen. Or did. Wait. (collecting thoughts) I think that the older we get the easier it is to form those lifelong relationships because who we are becomes more cemented and the people we spend time with won't change drastically. I'm a DRAMATICALLY different person than I was ten years ago, and so are all of the people I knew then. Personally (because I am kinda bitchy) I believe that people who have been friends since second grade or junior high are either a rare exception, or have always been and will always be shallow enough that they will not change and grow enough to ever grow apart. Glad you updated!
from ldybug1113 :
definately. :) i talked to the nurse at the dr's office today and she set my mind even more to/at ease. plus i get to talk to them more about it tomorrow. not as worried now- esp since i know they have a gameplan...because from what it sounded like on friday, well, lets just say i felt like everything was left up in the air & i was in the dark. i'll update again tomorrow night :) thanks for the nice thoughts :)
from yentl22 :
Hey do you still live where you used to? I still have that envelope full of violin stuff for you. I never sent it, but did address it to you. I will drop it off at the post office tomorrow if you have not moved. Let me know so I can get it out. Don't know if it'll help you. But if you ever come to da region, I can teach you the very basics of it ... I'm no pro, but I know enough to play a tune. Heh heh. Keep looking for a teacher, I found mine by looking at wedding string players ... and asking them for teachers/lessons. Let me know about your addy.
from ldybug1113 :
hehe, thanks for the deal notice at famous! i love deals. it's weird, this whole being a "grown up" thing. i can remember when i was 12 and used to daydream on the frontporch about the future- weird how dreams and reality can be so far apart from each other! time flies when naps are small comodity, i tell ya. i'll have to hit the mall this week ;)
from candoor :
great to see you're still around, update whenever you can :)
from icyjewel :
I'm so happy to hear that you are enjoying and doing well at your new job. It sounds like a great place so far. YAY for a good vacation, too. I hope the rest of your week goes just as well!
from icyjewel :
I hope you have a great, romantic trip and BEST OF LUCK at your new job. :) I'm sooo proud and happy for you.
from yentl22 :
Way to go man. I'm sooo happy for you, I know you've been looking forever for a job ... and that job sounds cool. I didn't know you wanted to return to college? It must be in the air because I'm going back for my Masters beginning in Aug. Oh well congrats ... I so relate to you a lot of the time ... about money issues, jobs ... etc. Small world. ;)
from icyjewel :
Marketing Support Coordinator! That has such a nice ring to it. I'm so proud of you. :) It'll be nice to have a vacation in between.
from cutielatina :
Good luck.Good luck,GOOD LUCK :)!!!!
from alwaysange :
YAY! Good luck with your offer this week! I hope it is the best case scenario and wish you much happiness doing what you want to do and making good money. May you find the appreciation you deserve as well! I am truly happy for your good fortune right now -- it gives me hope for my own career. You rock, I'm glad you're here too.
from icyjewel :
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy for you! *jumps up and down*
from icyjewel :
Good luck with that job! :):)
from alwaysange :
Good luck with going back to school and the GREs. I totally understand why you want to go back.
from icyjewel :
Hey girl, just wanted to let you know what this is my new place. :)
from almostnormal :
Oh to hell with that "wait till..." bull*hit. Tonight a couple friend of ours are "wife swapping" with us. I'm sending hubby over to his house, and his wife is coming over here. Both hubby and I get social time and the kids aren't left alone. I go out as much as possible without my children. I sometimes go out with them...but I don't think it's fair to make someone in a restaurant deal with my baby if she decides to scream. It's gauche. There are ways around everything, if you want to get around them. I know that when you have a child you will realize that you waited...and you're still the same person you always were...which is good, because I like you this way *smile* p.s. If you want to come over, you're more than welcome *grin*
from dysenchanted :
4/20 Thanks! :) I just love him to pieces! Good luck on the job front!
from cracked-rose :
Hey girl. If you got adware on your computer, download Ad-aware from I have it on my mom's computer and my laptop. It works great!
from juli-anne :
Good luck on your job hunt, I'm sure an awesome job is there for you. :) Hopefully the job at the radio place is it!
from dysenchanted :
3/26 Thanks for the notes. I think he's cute, of course, but it's nice to hear it from other sources! No, I cannot believe it's already been 41/2 months! Yesterday I put all his 0-3 clothes in a storage box for the next baby. I actually got so emotional, I started crying! Silly, I know, but he's growing so fast, it's nuts!
from juli-anne :
Thanks for the note about the house. I've been using quite often(almost daily!). The house that I wanted to get wasn't on there, it was a for sale by owner home. There are three reasons why I didn't get it: 1) the roof was sagging very badly in the attic where I hadn't seen before, which would mean I would have to replace the entire roof 2) the wiring was very bad, and it wouldn't have passed inspection through my mortgage company 3) I have a "stalker" issue and he found out where it was and was waiting for me when we went to go look at it. I haven't posted anything about that on my diary yet because I haven't been able to function my private entries. As soon as I can, I will let you know the password! But...I think I may have found an even better house yesterday!!! :)
from dysenchanted :
Hi! Thanks for the note! I've lost all but about 7 pounds of the pregnancy weight. Right now I'm at a plateau, though... breastfeeding is definately why I've lost this much, I get barely any excercise. Bad, I know... I wanna go back on Weight Watchers, I've heard they have a breastfeeding mom's program. Only thing is, I can't really afford the membership fees right now, or I'd join the gym instead! :)
from juli-anne :
Doesn't it make you furious when someone gets handed a job like that so easily? Yet the rest of us work our asses off our entire lives for the same opportunity. It's so frustrating, to say the least.
from juli-anne :
I hope you have a much better week this coming week as well. Have faith in yourself, that perfect job that you have always been waiting for is right around the corner!
from juli-anne :
I'm glad to hear you had so much fun in Chicago-though you are right about the food there! I could eat deep dish pizzas everyday if I was there. About my weight loss, about half of it was from being so sick, but the other half was from diet and exercise and alot of hard work on my part. I've lost about 45 lbs. so far and have a goal of about 12 more. I've been on the South Beach diet for a little over three months now and I think it's perfect for me. I was on the basic low fat diet before that and it didn't work as well. Thanks so much for the compliments! As far as the job situation goes, something wonderful is waiting right around the corner for you. :) *hugs*
from portia12 :
Have you and the husband thought of going overseas to teach English? Because you aren't tied down, that's a good thing, and you could go for a year and make some moula. It would be like a vacation and money making thing in one. I am really thinking of doing that in the near future with my boyfriend. I was thinking Korea or China. Since you have Japanese connections? But I hear it's expensive in Japan to live. Sending positive thoughts!
from alwaysange :
I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the job you wanted. I know what it's like to be trying so hard to get a better job, to be in a financial rut and to feel like there is no hope, and to lose face when you don't get something you'd felt so good about. I totally empathize. I am praying right now for positive changes for you...when hope is gone, rely on that tiny kernel of faith within you.
from redkate96 :
Hey! It's okay...I haven't written on here much because so much has been going on, there's just not enough time to write it all. Noelle is STILL refusing contact with us, since Nov 11th. Totally messed up! One of these days I will do some entries and catch everything up. Thanks for the note! :-)
from juli-anne :
*sending vibes your way* I really hope you get that job, too. We've both got the itch for change haven't we? :)
from juli-anne :
I felt the same way about Million Dollar Baby. It was a fantastic movie, fully worth the Oscars it recieved. I just wish they would have told us what happened with that letter!
from dysenchanted :
I saw this today, and thought of you. Of course. :)
from dysenchanted :
hi! Thanks for your note. :) Yep... it's no shame. You know, I kinda always hated hoo-ha exams... but they don't check you "there" at every one. By the end of it all... so many people in the doc's office had seen me in various stages of undress, I didn't care. Honestly, I would let it grow out... legs included and only shave the morning of my appointments. It's pretty tricky when you can't see past the huge tummy! I took a lot of baths when I could. I could barely fit in the tub at the end, though. (You know I'm a fellow plus-size gal) I did a lot by feeling. Haha! You have to be careful about the balance issue though, in all seriousness! Your center of gravity is all wacked out from the extra weight in front, and it's really easy to fall. (I never did, thank God!) Also, I would get dizzy in the shower sometimes, especially while shaving. Don't take a bath or shower home alone just in case! Hope there are baby plans in your future soon.... and that the job thing figures itself out soon. :)
from juli-anne :
Good luck on your job interviews! I sure hope you get the one that you most want. :)
from juli-anne :
Good job with the exercising. I wish I had your dedication and motivation. I feel great when I leave, but getting there is always the hardest for me. How do you do it?
from candoor :
merry happy new year :)
from juli-anne :
I liked the way you described that old gentleman. I could see him and I almost teared up because it was so sweet.
from lolamae :
Hi, I clicked on your banner. I love Hello Kitty. I enjoyed your diary and I am adding you to my favorites.
from cutielatina :
Yay! I will tell hubby about your love for the Dollar Tree.Hahaha. Merry Christmas,sweetie:)
from alwaysange :
I know how you feel about your second job...I live for the paydays and feel like it sucks almost every other time. Happy belated birthday, by the way!
from juli-anne :
I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your 2nd job. That makes it all the easier to go to. Everyone enjoys a checkout girl who is friendly! I wish you worked around here, we have some really crabby mean ones, haha! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! (and good luck cooking your fixins) :~)
from alwaysange :
Hi Girle -- just caught up on your diary and I see you are about to embark on the two-job voyage. I am still working two jobs and it's hard but paydays are sooo nice. And I know what you mean about the pampered rich wondering, if not pitying you for working two jobs. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth either but it's good to know you can take care of yourself. I'm proud of you -- good luck!
from dysenchanted :
hi! password for photos is: Travis Lemme know if it doesn't work. :)
from juliemchle81 :
I agree completely. There are a lot more people running for president than just the republican's and teh democrats. people jsut don't know about them. That is what I advocate researching the one that fits your views the most. And it's so easy to do now a days with the internet.
from cutielatina :
Hi:) Thanks for the birthday greetings. I feel all special now. Thank you:) Yeah,a diamond engagement ring! I loved it,and its all sparkly.When we got engaged,it was early in our relationship and didn't have rings until the day we eloped. We didn't have a fancy wedding,but a nice ceremony with just the two us. I hope everything is going ok with you.*hugs* Cuidate..
from juli-anne :
Good luck on your 2nd interview! I'm sure you'll do awesome and get the job. :) Thank you for the note of encouragement. You are so right when you say that it's a door opening to a new life because it is. A newer, better life that doesn't involve silly, trivial things. Thanks again!
from cracked-rose :
Hey. I found your diary by going to one of the diaryrings. I'm having trouble finding a seems like no one wants to hire/call you back. And its frustating as hell. Anyhoo, I like your diary and I wanted to add you as a favorite, hope you don't mind.
from juli-anne :
You're right about friends growing apart as we get older. But it's always so much fun to get back together once or twice a year and just have fun! It's always worth it to keep those friendships because they are worth so much. :)
from yentl22 :
OMG You saw Weriod AL? Did you see it in Merrillville, Indiana at the Star Plaza!!? I live like 10 mins from there!! lol Sorry I saw that and laughed. So coolio that you got that violin. Sooo proud. What is Greensleeves? How does that go? I have the sheet music to it, but I don't know the melody? I'm sure you can be playing jingle bells by Christmas, it's easy to learn!
from juli-anne :
Oooo a violin! That sounds absolutely marvelous and fun. Good luck with learning how to play. :)
from yentl22 :
I'm sure it takes time, and will happen when you stop stressing on it? I know that's hard to say when you want something so badly and obsess on it (like me looking for a job.) But girl give it another month. You're a good person and like this churchy friend of mine says, "God provides." But I agree, that was kind of dirty of your friend to do. Why couldn't she just tell you? WTF was up with that?
from juli-anne :
I'm sorry that you're so down, I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. One of my closest friends has been trying to have a baby for 3 years now. She's always talked to me about it, so I kind of know what you are going through. *hugs*
from juli-anne :
Ewwww...I hate mowing the lawn. My parents always make me do it. Blech. Make your hubby do it. :) Oh, I'm so awful.
from cutielatina :
*hug*. I'm here for you if you need to talk.Cuidate...And it's hot here too. Over 102 in the shade,and our van has overheated, and I think I have a nice tan, but I already had one,being Mexican and all.LOL Cuidate, chica.
from dysenchanted :
Aww! I so hoped you were preggers!! Really consider trying the ovulation kit!! It helped us! You can buy them online or at Target or the drugstore next to the pregnancy tests! They're between $18 and $25 per box, and usually come with 5 sticks. Some even come with a bonus pregnancy test as well! good luck! :)
from dysenchanted :
Hey there! I hope you're PG! It would be so great!!! Don't worry too much about $ and the possibility of a baby. They don't need THAT much... a place to sleep, (which can be right beside you in bed!) A car seat/stroller, some clothes (which I'm finding on eBay for mucho cheap-o, and if you've got friends you can borrow a lot of things!) and a few basics...diapers, wipes... (two words... BABY SHOWER and COSTCO!!! - well, three words, actually...)and food (if you can breastfeed it's practically free) and most of all, your undying love and protection. Besides, you have 9 months to buy stuff little by little so you don't go into shock when the baby gets here! I think it's funny how people go so overboard with the $400.00 crib set, and such... hello!! The kid can't even see color for the first few months of life... they don't give a crap-filled diaper about the Wendy Belissimo cribset with matching dust ruffle! And who the F*** shops at Pottery Barn Kids anyway??? A changing table is NOT $250-500 good God! Buy a dresser at a garage sale, repaint it, and plop a $15.00 changing pad on top of it! Anyway... good luck on getting PG. I used an ovulation prediction kit after my miscarrage, and we got PG again right away. I tried the first cycle after the m/c on my own with no luck, but we used the Clearblue Sticks... I bought them online @ and BAM! We got pregnant that same month!
from juli-anne :
Hi there, I love reading your diary. I just added you to my favorites. :-)
from meeshapeesha :
I don't even tell people who i vote for anymore. People who ask that question are just waiting for you to say that you voted for the other guy so they can debate with you about it. I wish the election could take place tomorrow so we could get it over with too. I feel like this is the longest election year ever!
from ldybug1113 :
hey there, thanks for the nice note. you're sucha dolly- ya made my day. :) -kAtIe
from cutielatina :
Hey girl.I have kept the faith, and hey, it feels good. I hate to hear your are sick, so feel better,because I tell you to! Kidding. I do hope you feel better, and did I write to you yet? I swear I wrote you a letter but I'm not sure. Man, at my age, I feel old.Forgetting things! HAhaha.I'll write to you this week, take care! Cuidate...:)
from alwaysange :
I just wanted to say I hope you and your husband feel better quickly and reading your entry tickled me because I'm in one of those hopeless romantic moods and it seems like the sweetest thing ever to have a reunion like that. Big smile.
from pleasant :
hi there, i saw ur link thru cutielatina, nice wedding pics...BIG! i luv hellokitty..anyhow, take care and God bless!
from meeshapeesha :
Great pics! And holy crap that cake was huuuuuge! I love it!
from meeshapeesha :
I'm totally dominating the notes section. :) Anyways, don't worry about not knowing your niche. Hell i''ll be 26 in a few months and i'm still lost on what i want to with the rest of my life. I "think" i'm interested in casting but do i have any idea if i'll be any good at it? Nope. I wouldn't waste time worrying about it. You could take a saturday and just browse the library or Border's bookstore and just see if anything pops out at you as far as careers. Or just fiction. I'm a cheap ass so i go to Border's, start a book there and then put it back. I'm sure i'm not the only one but it's just that i like newer books better than the older ones at the library. Good luck and don't sweat it!
from meeshapeesha :
I know what you mean about the job thing. I was always worried about a new job once i interviewed for it (at an ad agency too) but once i got the hang of it, it was all good. Sometimes you gotta take the plunge hun! :)
from cutielatina :
You are making me hungry! LOL And I knew almost all of the foods you were talking about too,being married to Freddy.LOL I loved the drink with the tapioca balls, that's the best part.Cuidate, sweetie:)
from alwaysange :
I manage a retail photofinishing operation and am currently in the process of hiring and training for a new second location. I have a degree in Mass Comm. and the jobs I applied for today were in advertising. Thanks for asking. :)
from meeshapeesha :
A trip to Chicago in your future? YAY! What a great hubby! If you're looking for a good place to eat i can recommend a fantabulous fondue restaurant. :)
from meeshapeesha :
I didn't get your email. :( I must have deleted it by accident. I suck.
from meeshapeesha :
Oh man, you're right i wish i had found you earlier. I'm such a dork i went by myself. But i was the only one taking pictures i think. I got there super early so i got a good spot. We'll have to see another show together when he tours with Mark Lanegan as The Gutter Twins (if they're any good, i think the new album comes out in the fall or something). Thanks for adding me to your faves. I did the same! :)
from mlkncoffee :
hahahaha im always good for a reminder.
from rurisue :
You, my darling, are brilliant. I'd most willingly take up your offer of coffee and cigarettes (and this from a non-smoking non-coffee drinking goober). Congratulations on being wonderful, and have a wonderful day. :)
from am1200 :
no, actually i didn't even realize they were playing in indy... i'm going to see them in chicago!
from yatzin :
diet idea for you is the one I am curently on,, its called the atkins.. Just kidding stay away from that one! its dangerous, but yeah, its the 90/10 plan.. I got the book off of for 50 cents plus shipping.. its a really good plan that teaches you how to eat healthy and properly. check it out if your interested and good luck with all that other stuff.. how exciting it would be to have a child in the house.. and scarey.. but great... =)
from candora :
I have not used ICQ since 2000 because it (the program) grew too big for my old laptop (and I still don't have a computer with more than 64MB RAM and ICQ needs more to run right)... maybe that's for the best, from 1997-1999 I spend waaay too much time messaging :)
from candoor :
if you gave it to me, thanks for the link to (great :)
from alwaysange :
Good luck with the transition process at work. I am sure you'll be fine. Dreams at times of change or uncertainty of what to expect aren't signs of's just that your wheels are turning over these developments even while you're asleep.
from candora :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few :)
from alwaysange :
Congratulations on the new job! It definitely is a step towards progress! Good for you!!!
from cutielatina :
Hey girl! I am happy for you.Eeeeeeeeeeeek! I am crossing fingers for you, girl! And give Mr.Boy a hug from me, Mrs. Newlywed! LOL Cuidate.
from pleasant :
i feel bad for u...God put you in situations like that coz He knows you are a strong hang in will get better! i hope for the best for you and your is just full of obstacles..don't worry..keep your faith and things will go your way soon...take care now!
from alwaysange :
I'm sorry to hear that it seems like everything has hit the fan in your life. I came by and wanted to thank you for completing my love survey. I really enjoyed reading your responses. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.
from sillytink :
Hello its me cristina... i just finished reading your last entry... i completly understand how you feel about how when one thing is going great in life there are like a million things that happen to go wrong... it kinda makes that one positive thing seem irrelavent... thats kinda how my life is and has alwayz been... as per the part about your moms issues i feel really bad for her(although i dont know her)i feel even worse cuz i really dont know how you feel bout the whole situation cuz i never had a mother or ne one for that matter to comfort me for long periods of time... its because of that i try really hard to give words of encouragement.... ne hoo i read your diary from time to time and i find it to be funny how i can relate to so much you say...the password is off my diary... and i have a guest map... feel free to visit & drop a comment or 2... im sure evrything will work out for you and the ppl you care about the most (it alwayz works it just takes longer then we would like)
from alwaysange :
No, I've never heard of The Twilight Singers or Dulli. I am curious to know why you asked. Please tell me more, I'm interested. Have a good one!
from starlight42 :
sorry to hear how you're feeling. Just wanted to leave you a little note and hoping that your day gets better.
from yentl22 :
I don't think people have time to think what the meaning is, what makes some moments so unique sometimes. But I think there are different levels of creativiness, sometimes people just don't see things more than for what they are. They see things, but don't really SEE them. I've gotten frustrated like you ... because even when you try to explain that coolness, people just don't get it/understand. It must be that some folks are just more observant than others. It's funky eh. But I don't know how you feel, but I've always felt the odd man out, in high school and even today in 'my so called adulthood.' (Yes I ADORED My so called life tv show too! I miss it!)
from alwaysange :
Happy New Year, Girle! Oh, and thanks for adding me as a favorite!!!
from oldpenguin :
Hello! You have a remarkable diary. Deep thoughts. Almost too deep for the likes of me. Here's hopin' you find the meaning in meaning. And I mean that sincerely. OP
from raven72d :
Remembering the Hello Kitty sticker is a vur' good thing. One of those small memory moments you'll treasure when you're forty.
from alwaysange :
I don't think you're alone. I have thought many of the same things myself for some time now. It's difficult to be the sensitive one, when all the world is rush and money.
from portia12 :
Aw, don't feel sad. There are plenty of people out there who appreciate Ani DiFranco. Your friends didn't know how much the song means to you and how you can relate. Don't take it personally or be offended, keep writing and appreciating the writing of others. Your husband understands what you mean, and it makes perfect sense to me too. Don't be discouraged.
from alwaysange :
Happy Birthday, Girle! Congratulations, you are now a quarter of a century! Feel old yet? The best thing about turning 25 is more affordable car insurance. I can't wait til May when I turn 25 too. Have a great day and year ahead!
from yentl22 :
Sorry to hear about the Thanksgiving fight.... You're definately not a snob. I would die if my family ever got in a fight in front of someone I brought. It was rude to do in front of you, poor hubby to have his family do that to you!! Yikes. But with the next day movie thing, that's how my family is - we all fight and then the next day it's like nothing ever happend. I can see how you'd feel pissed off still though, I mean of course you're not used to that!!! Oh well, gee whiz, three pack of EPT tests... that's kind funky they sell those in three packs when you think about it! lol I guess we'll all know what's going on when your Diaryland background is a Mama Hello Kitty! ... Hello Cat actually it'd be cause kitties are babies themselves...ooh. heheh
from keryanna :
I believe marriage is forever as well. I think the problem is that people mistake lust for love ... and believe what the movies tell them: That, if you love someone, then you are happy all the time. You never fight, disagree or become annoyed with your significant other. They think that's how marriage is suppose to be. So, when things become a little harder, they chalk it up to "we fell out of love" and move on. What people don't realize - as with anything worthwhile in life having - marriage takes work. If it was easy then, really, having a good marriage wouldn't be nearly as special. Love isn't a noun ... it's a verb. It doesn't just exist, you have to nourish it. Otherwise, it shrivels up and blows away.
from alwaysange :
Congratulations on tying the knot! I'm glad your special day was so great! Now go enjoy the rest of your honeymoon~ YEAH!
from ambrosiah :
ooooh! Ramona books. I love it!
from cutielatina :
Like a valley girl like me would say, OMG! I just read your entry, and I LOVE THOSE BOOKS! I loved them as a kid, I really did. I have read almost all of the judy blume and Ramona books. I still do, but now I just crank through them.And I loved the library.Sigh...I used to dream of being a librarian as a kid.NERDOID! And I have already started a collection of books for our kids. As for the birthday, so much like me too.It's not like I don't appreciate what my brothers give or my mom,but sometimes if my dad remembered? Or that my birthday did matter to my in-laws,or relatives. And it was the day my husband made me dinner and a cake and made me feel so special for my birthday...isn't great? :) Anyway...keep your head! :) And take care.
from ldybug1113 :
hey! I found you through your banner- and can empathize with your wedding troubles. You know what's funny? I live in Peoria too, and am getting married in 359 days. I know it's a big leap 7wks to 11 months, but hey, i still think it's neat that we live in the same town. If you need any help planning feel free to note me. Maybe you could take out a loan or something...think about it. good luck! katie :)
from kaytayp :
leaving a quick note to say that I could hardly resist your Hello Kitty banner sporting Tori lyrics. nice combo! will try to return when I have more time and read some more.
from candora :
friendster sounds like ecircles used to be... I think ecircles went out of business... nothing ever happened to me there either... and ok, I sent a dolla (poverty sucks, but at least you have someone to share it :)
from dulligirl :
Thanks for sharing the info about The Thorns but I got the cd back in May! Great cd!
from cutielatina :
Don't feel bad about doing it at all. I wanted a wedding like you, but instead, we opted to elope and tell no one. We are celebrating our one year anniversary this upcoming November 5th.This is not to say I didn't want a wedding, I did,still do. Maybe I will one day.Don't feel stupid about wanting to fulfill a dream.OK?What you have to remember is why you are having the wedding, to be with your man for a lifetime.:) And cuidanse means take care all, in Spanish. Cuidate is take care. P.S.I would love to receive an e-mail from you:)
from dulligirl :
Hi,girle! I wish had some money to send you. I sell alot of things on ebay just for gas money so I know what you're going through. You asked about the Afghan Whigs and what else you should get. "Black Love" is my fave but you can't go wrong with "1965" or "Congregation".
from cutielatina :
Girle, I wish I could send you money:( But are my best hope and wishes enough? Take care.
from yatzin :
you will do well, dont sweat it.
from wondergrl :
been in a Holden kind of mood lately. Thanks for your note... dig the Hello Kitty.
from wondergrl :
"I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all.... If they�re running and they don�t look where they�re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them."
from cutielatina :
Thank you for the note:) It made my day, and I really hope your wedding and marriage is awesome!!!:)
from mellzers :
I absolutely ADORE the Hello Kitty wedding is so cute!!!!
from shizle16 :
ooooh. O.k thanxs lol. Soo when is ur wedding? Are you oh-so excited? Ur lucky. How old are you?
from shizle16 :
I tried the tag and that didnt work, theres no such thing, but hey you tried ;) Thanxs!
from shizle16 :
Hey girlie! Thanks fer tellin me howta get a tag board,ur the only one who's told me, thanxs. Soo hows the wedding plans goin?? You lucky gal! ;)
from shizle16 :
you have a cute hello kittie deal! Do u know how to make a tag board on a diary???
from yentl22 :
Awww the Hello Kitty - married Kitty - is soo cute! 5 months till you get married? Is that what I read? Wow ... nervous yet??
from casual-ty :
I agree, the H2 is a ugly piece of shit. the designers were forced to make it more narrow and less safe than a normal humvee. only draft dogers and anit war freaks drive H2's Show Mr Boy the Mitsubishi EVO VIII. it is an awesome car. its sporty and it has some power when you want it.
from candyrave :
omg your layout is amazing!! i LOVE hello kitty i simply adore her and ive been collecting hello kitty products from all over the world since i was 8 years old. Beautiful!
from dana-elayne :
I simply LOVE your layout! :)
from c1ockwork :
Inspired by "Restless Appreciation", I decided to post a note. I like to meet new ppl and stuff, too.. And apparently I can't form coherent sentences today. So I'll go now. Oh, hajimemashite. :)
from sillytink :
hey i just read your past few entries... my name is cristina & i think ihave lest a note on your guestbook... i really hope all goes well with you fittin in that dress... i know whats its like to want to drop a few sizes... im tryin to do that for this summer as well... im sure you can do it especially if you are goin to spend a summer outdoors playin sports... yeah sometimes bein outside all summer sux trust me i do it cuz i am involved in drum corps so im in color guard sometimes it gets to be a lill much... BUT yo do loose lotz of weight that way... I read about your thoughts on this hole war thing... THANK YOU... i feel the same xact way & this whole "anit-war" stuff is kinda senceles... Yeah id say you can read my diary but i ad to put a password on it cuz ppl are just sometimes too obnoxius... so if you want you can email me [email protected]... or if you have AIM... you can im me sillytink01 well i hope to hear from you soon Good luck & have fu with soft ball :) Kisses Cristina
from yentl22 :
Yes ... eBay is very very addictive ... yet you find some good buys! :) That's cool on the dress thing, damn under $100 .. have you boughten your violin yet?
from bitterlemon :
Hey, I'm such a mom when it comes to partying too. I'm only 21, and I am through with it. I think mostly because I used to do it because it was 'cool' and then I'd feel sick for days and days. Nothing like feeling wretched to fit in I say. Mardi Gras is fun though for the costumes and stuff. When it isn't cold, it's nice to watch parades, and get festive with the whole atmosphere, drunks and sluts aside.
from secondborne :
Hah! Well, I'm proud to be one of the elite, mixed three. Do I really come off as that bitter? A bitter 16 year old. That just sounds wrong. Ghost World was a fabulous movie, wasn't it? I read the comic in a Barnes and Noble a long time ago. They did a great job with the movie. And, oh yes, another QAF fan. I always feel alone when I talk about QAF, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Sounds like I'm talking about a disease or something.
from smileygrrl :
i read a little bit of flowers in the attic.. scary
from flagrant :
i'll definitely check it out, i love thora birch. by the way, do i still remind you of you when you were my age?
from flagrant :
nope i haven't seen it, what's it about?
from flagrant :
hi :) it's girlhitscar
from ieatcheerios :
just wanted to leave you a random note saying how much i still enjoy your writings and your stories about your life. :o) your great!
from crazyclam :
well it's not very relaxing in madison but if you want to see a good concert go to The Loft on east washington. No Big Loss is playing and they're pretty great.
from girle :
Awesome! Thanks! I'll look for the street! CD
from ingerrr :
I wish I knew. Here in the "mad-city" we have to create our own fun. But if you want my advice, check out any of the little bohemian/hippie type taverns on Williamson St. Call me if you got any drugs.
from agentfatman :
I have something I would like you to read and I have it posted before telling you about it, for once.
from kyousha :
It's a final fantasy song ^___^
from casual-ty :
So are going to call the bathroom, the litter : P
from shanalle :
thanks honey :)
from photonex :
Your bathroom's going to be adorable! :-)
from casual-ty :
Need more Hello Kitty in our lives? Shit we need more anime in our lives period> ^_^
from raven72d :
And Pochacco. I'm a great fan of little Pochacco.
from tofuti :
LOL. I know I'm not supposed to be laughing, but when you mention something about shitbombs, I can't help it. Anyway, that is horrible about the bird. Walmart is indeed evil and that just proves it even more. I'm still kind of hoping that it got out somehow, although I know that's not very likely. And the new layout is priddy! PS. I tried to sign the guestbook, and it didn't seem to be working, so I pressed the submit button around a hundred times. If all of those messages do show up, pardon me.
from shawster :
"If you say run, I'll run with you If you say hide, we'll hide Because my love for you Would break my heart in two If you should fall Into my arms And tremble like a flower"-david bowie
from raven72d :
We need more Hello Kitty in all our lives.
from ieatcheerios :
Hehe thanks for the note :o) And yes you probably are right about the guy thing, im just trying to keep my option open and not get hurt by another guy who all end up the same way
from marlborogal :
oh, if i was anywhere near st. louis i would so be there... but i'm not. anyways, i'm bummed because tori has decided not to stop by texas during this tour, poor me. enjoy your concert girl, I'm sure you'll find smoeone who wants that awesome ticket!
from annabanae :
hey babe, long time, no talk to! but i am back! my guestbook is gone, but I still have notes. no more guestbook slut status for me :( anyways, get better soon darling. my favorite girle can't be sick!!!
from writer4eva :
from i-saw-you :
from patw-21 :
okay well girl interupted was an awesome book, and movie...way to be PINK!
from jodye :
hey, my dad and your dad would love each other. mtv was banned from my house, too, only it was in the early mtv days, before it got as 'bad' as it is now! back when it made VH1 look wild! hehe anyways, just wanted to say i feel for ya, really i do. only we didn't own a vcr so I didn't get to tape the videos to watch later.
from aack :
10 pounds, way to go girle!
from notyourbitch :
You saw Juliana Hatfield, ugh I'm so jealous! Anyways, it sounds like you had a nice relaxing trip, wish I could have one of those but no such luck now that I'm back in school.
from mellissa :
hey now. i've sort of been avoiding taking the trip into other peoples lives via diaries, or general communication. but i figured it's been awhile, and your diary always cheers me up. glad you're in good spirits. thanks for all the good advice and chats and basic empathy. hope all is well and you have lots of fun. xo, mell.
from mellissa :
hey now. i've sort of been avoiding taking the trip into other peoples lives via diaries, or general communication. but i figured it's been awhile, and your diary always cheers me up. glad you're in good spirits. thanks for all the good advice and chats and basic empathy. hope all is well and you have lots of fun. xo, mell.
from photonex :
Hey, hon, I totally understand the frustration about grammar. At the Pride Fayre last weekend, Michael found me the cutest button: "What the f*** happened to proper English?" :-) Write me sometime, babe!
from helical-limb :
Thanks for the hello. I am busy recovering for my trip, but I will check up on you when I get some time!
from stellular :
Girle, I can't believe the weekend that you had! I can't imagine you being in a squad car and being in a fight!
from notyourbitch :
hi, missed ya! i'm back.
from pleasant :
hi there, i came across ur diary from a banner..i really like ur template..hello kitty...i love sanrio stuff...anyways, u mentioned ur am i..well..mostly ASIAN..i am half filipino and half its still bi-racial..well, take care bye
from saymoodude :
UR template iz sooo cute!!! i dont love Hello Kitty, but its sooo adorable!!!! The pink makes it even cuter!!!! ~saymoodude :P
from adiscoverer :
oh...i'm and white...
from adiscoverer :
i used to be just like that...i always wanted to straighten my hair and all the white girls i knew wanted my curls. then i just started liking my curly hair...but then i had to chop off a bunch of it, because i wanted something different. right after i did, i wished it was long again!
from monica1110 :
no i'm not in philly. i live in nyc.
from blue-out :
hey I saw your banner and I couldn't resist. your diary's really cute.
from littleme82 :
hi girle, i loved your "hello kitty", i had to come and check out your diary (i loved it too). i am hoping that i get some more time soon so i can come back and read more. *i* wish you much luck on whatever you try to accomplish. bye bye. :)
from agentfatman :
You fond my poems, afmp, but did you find me?
from kittyglitter :
hello back. :) how are you? (hope to talk to you soon - agreed?!)
from ieatcheerios :
Hey hun! Thanks soo much for leaving me a note, and yes Honey Nut Cheerios are the best ones!! I have been reading your diary for a long time now, and i wanted to say that YOUR GREAT :o) yes i know my GB isnt working.. i dont have one just yet..:o)-
from photonex :
Hi! :-)
from artschick :
hey! what part of philly did you used to live in?
from wondergrl :
hey thanks for your note, and Congratulations on your wedding!
from mellissa :
hey now. just relax, just go to sleep. you know all the work you did for school, you can throw your own party. and there is no rules about weddings anymore. you can get married at a court house and have your own little celebration of that, just all your own with no strings. then later on throw a "real wedding" for other people. you can have it all, and youre wonderful and you should do what makes you happy AND most comfortable.
from shanalle :
i'm sorry you're feeling down... i can definitely relate to the whole dad/bitter thing. if we were in the same city, we'd have coffee :)
from yentl22 :
Hey ;) I know I get crappy about my job situation, but hm that's just my cycle. I know what I have to do, but I'm impatient! And lord almighty I know rejection in journalism with stories and such, it effects me less each time it happens unless it's from someone I care about. It happens nearly each week where I work now, I'm not sure if it makes me stronger or just bitchy-er. Hm...but really that's with any job, every job has rejection, though journalism is more. I guess I want to skip the paying my dues part and just go cash in my chips to soon. Congrats on graduation, isn't it strange, it's like ... "now what?" I'm so proud, man alive I know it's hard. But it's true, look at your life, it's lovely! You have soo much to look forward to now, marriage, kids (gulp), life! Jen :)
from kittyhead :
I've updated!
from notyourbitch :
I'm so happy for you.
from starlakitty :
hi there! i tried to leave you a message in your guestbook, but half the stuff on your diary isnt showing up. instead, an empty box with little red x's in the corner shows up. i had to point with my mouse until the little arrow turned into a pointing hand, and the little yellow box next to it said "notes." i just figured i would let you know. blah!!! thanks for signing my guestbook. i'm so happy i finally got it up. heeh. wow, that sounded bad. haha. sorry. yeah, all i did was eat when i finished giving blood...hehe. and when i got home i was totally lethargic and slept half the night. lol love kristen
from trekloiska :
ska, check me out, namoi...i've lost my friggin' mind! and there's no reward out for it, either! skamureeka toxpiikjoi, trekloiska
from discothekid :
Hi girlie girl!
from notyourbitch :
Be strong, you're almost finished!
from annabanae :
girle, i've lost your email gosh darn it. and i have something to send you. i wrote it for my creative writing class, and then when i finished, i thought, oh my gosh, she has to read this. or should i paste all five pages into your guestbook, he he!?!
from trekloiska :
hey, what's so trippy about me? damn. you obviously hadn't read about the dude with the mannequin
from starlakitty :
hey i havent heard from ya in a while, i'm just saying hello and catching up on my reading. :) luv, kristen
from kittyhead :
Hey, rent "I Shot Andy Warhol" if you haven't seen it. Lili Taylor rocks!
from kittyhead :
Hey, rent "I Shot Andy Warhol" if you haven't seen it. Lili Taylor rocks!
from jnana :
good luck with everything!
from mellissa :
i'm so jealous for you and happy of course.
from red1019 :
From one girl to another... in general female gynos can't be bitchy... come on... they ONLY work with women in a VERY sensitive situation. I had never been to a gyno until I got pregnant. And now (after delivering my baby on top of touching and prodding very private areas) we are almost like friends. Mind you, we don't go to dinner together or anything like that... that would kind of be creepy! But we talk like people who've known each other for almost 5 years (which is how long I've been seeing her)... I don't have to worry about telling her if I had unprotected sex (with someone I've been with almost 2 years...) and her reprimanding me or anything because she won't do that... she does her job. She determines if it was in the right part of my cycle to necessitate the morning after pill (which it never has been even the times I missed my birth control). HELL!! The first time I ever met the woman at 18 I had to spread my legs and she didn't even sigh or gasp or anything that my coochie was shaved. If I had been her I would have been thinking "what's an 18 year old girl doing with a shaved coochie?" (but I guess with my being pregnant she knew what I was doing with it. Tee hee!) Anywho... all I'm trying to say is please don't disregard all female gynos just because of a preconceived notion that they'll be bitches/bitchy. Because honestly, you have no point of reference for thinking they would be this way, right? If you're more comfortable with a male then by all means stick to your guns, but if that's not the case you might want to meet a few female gynos at the same time you're interviewing male ones just to get a feel for the kind of doctor you would be most comfortable with. That's my 52cents. Sorry for the ramble. Have a great day!!
from coolassaward :
When's the last time you got an "AWARD" for being you? Do you like your ego stroked? Do you like stroking other people's ego? We all need a good stroking now and then. Have you ever gone to a diary and what the diarist wrote brightened up your day? Or really made you think? Have you ever wanted to let that person know what thier writing and diary meant to you? Well Cool Chicks is the place for you. I know your like what the hell is Cool Chicks? Or maybe you already know what a Cool Ass Chick you are. Well good! But isn't it time to let the world know about your Cool Chickiness?
from notyourbitch :
Hey sweetie, have a great time on your trip with your honey. And enjoy your Spring Break, I'm just ending mine and it was very unproductive. :) Also, don't let clothes sizes get you down, just know that you are a beautful, unique person and there is no one size that you should have to be. On another note, I know exactly what you mean about cropped pants, I finally bought a pair from Lane Bryant and they look like high waters. They fall just above my ankles, whereas on everyone else they are at about mid-calf, I felt a little self-conscious but said screw it and wore them with pride! :D
from enygmatik :
from shanalle :
i was only in philly once, when i was very little so i dont remember crap. i am going thru a volunteer service program, we are going to be working with people on welfare in kensington - but we get a free day or two. any recommendations on where we should go??
from shanalle :
hey there - read the poem - totally agree with like EVERYTHING she says in it. boy i'v eleft ya a lot of messages today :)
from shanalle :
i have no problem sharing my opinions with ya... what is her poem called?
from shanalle :
you know.. i dont remember. i was just clicking on the "recently updated" people. wish i knkew. if i find it again i'll let you know. oh, and sorry if i came off as pissy in your gbook. i just happen to be one of those ani fans who IS actually (and intelligently) into her politics. so i get irked when people disagree... me and my damn opinions again :)
from kittyhead :
hey, I'm happy to hear things are on with the SO!
from shanalle :
hey there... like your diary, got temporarily obsessed with hello kitty tetris but now i've recovered. i am also a fellow ani fan.. *shelly (also 1/3 of
from notyourbitch :
First, thanks SO much for sending me the password, I do enjoy reading your diary and was upset when I saw that it was locked. :) And once again I want to say that I admire your strength in this whole situation, just have faith that everything will work out for the best. Don't look back, just move forward (sorry if that sounds mega corny). I know exactly what you mean about being scared to tell the Crush how you feel, I just wrote about that in my diary, how strange. Keep writing, by the way your kitties are CUTE!
from annabanae :
girle, I couldn't get into your diary. it was trama on my Valentine's Day!! I hope you had a good one though. Take care and God Bless, Anna.
from kittyhead :
I definitely believe that people look down on shacking up not for reasons of some black and white "wrong", but because its confusing. You never know if one of you is settling in while the other one is looking for the next thing to come along. You are right to get your own place(obviously or you wouldn't want to), and you can still date your boyfriend. I know from experience I will never live with someone again that I'm not married to. I've done it three times, although one of them was a girl and we couldn't get married anyway. Marriage may be just a symbol, but its the most important one we've got besides the symbol of paper money for gold. If you are still a traditional college student as it sounds like you are, you are too young to decide what to do with the rest of your life. And here's a virtual $.50 for listening to my opinion. :D
from yatzin :
hi, I was going to leave you some great fantastic words of wisdom from myself,,, but then I realized, I know nothing. look at me now. Still fumbing in the dark sorta. sometimes when I read what you write, I see a bit of my old relationship with her in what you say. But then I think, No M, you are just worrying too much about girle. She has a good head and will be all right. love be with you N. M.
from kessica :
right back at you
from girlhitscar :
actually, while francisco was doing my hair he was talking about doing afro hair the same way. he had pictures and everything...there was this one chick with macy gray style hair and he made it all smooth and straight and very chic. you know those crazy stylists, they can do anything.
from praiseandrew :
raise the praise to andrew!
from red1019 :
I wouldn't do that because it would be cheating. Life will work its way out somehow. Thanks for the note.
from mellissa :
Hey now. You left a note for me so I figured that I would return the courtesy and do the same, occasionally I do display some couth, not often though. While there are some things that you�ve written about/think that I don�t agree with, you seem you back up your opinions. And you generally seem like a nice person. Anyway, I enjoy reading your diary. And I know what you mean about group projects, I have a dreadful social phobia. I took one college class, when I realized it was just like high school and I had to read things aloud I freaked. That�s part of the reason I never went back either. Right well I hope that your project goes really well, as it should since you�ve done it before. Bye.
from stellular :
Oh I know what you mean. My whole high-school experience was like that. I don't think there is anything wrong with you. I mean, I like you. I think you are a great person and you do have a lot of good ideas and you are funny and smart. I think, particulary knowing what school you attend, that most of those people are stuck up snobs (I am sure I am sterotyping a bit, but, most of the people I have met that attend school there are that way) and they all have their little cliques and such. Don't worry. You are going to graduate this year and finally all your hard work will have payed off. I know you have told me many times, be confident in who you are and don't worry about what others think because you are perfect just the way that you are.
from kittyhead :
Hey, I know what you mean about not trying to make friends in your college classes. And on top of it I'm always telling ppl not to talk while the prof's talking, or I really will kick some ass! (I loved that you wrote that in your link about me kicking some ass). Anyway, I'll be reading more of your stuff.
from yatzin :
hola chica
from jnana :
hmm ani twice in one week! that would be awesome! thanks for visting!
from its4me :
thanks for visiting and for the note. drop by again sometime. -Jennifer
from red1019 :
I was happy to see that you did in fact take the opportunity to visit and post at Scarleteen. I was just curious if after some of their replies you saw the site and its mission any differently? Have a great day.
from kayzhond :
Just passing through, returning the favor w/a note - thanks for leaving me one!
from stellular :
Girle, just wanted to tell you that I am thinking about you. As you know, my grandmother died just a few months ago and she too was in the hospital for about a month on life support. I can sympathize with you. Plus, her funeral was the only one I had been to so it will be hard on you as it was hard on me. Just wanted to tell you I am thinking about you and your SO. stellular
from mangus :
Hey there good lookin'...I was eating Ben&Jerry's Phish Food today and I thought of you (I really don't know why...maybe if you were an icecream you'd be filled with marshmallowy goodness...anyway) I just wanted to tell you something but now I forget what because I want to go eat icecream again...which I'm going to do. Have a super sexual orgasmarific day ~El Mangus (that's spanish for "the mangus")
from pleasureable :
Wow, I love the pink. I'm not usually a big fan of the color, but you make it work. Keep it up. =o)
from mangus :
You really need to read "Bridget Jones's Diary" It makes me might make you happy....
from notyourbitch :
Sounds like you had a good time with the boy, that is so sweet. :)
from mangus :
so you're an advertising person...hum...well if you ever need an illustrator who will no doubt be living in his sister's basement when he's 40 because he's still paying off his loans for going to art school and working for the girl scouts....yeah, you know where to find me ~m
from stellular :
Hello Girle! I just thought I would drop a note and say hey. I have been reading some of the archives in your diary. It is interesting to look back and read what was going on in your life. So, that's all I have to say. Good day : )
from alwayslolita :
hey girl. yeah i'm always saying my name. i started my diary by thinking that i wouldn't say my name. but i say it in my head "good one maile" "oh yeah maile you're soooo smart, you should patent that move" i'm always saying my name when something shitty happens.
from notyourbitch :
I'm counting the hours until I see Tori. It is my first Tori concert so I am looking forward to the experience, I know it will be amazing.
from mangus :
YAY TORI!!!!! WAHOO!!! man...I love her version of landslide. I have it on my computer. How fun :oD
from alwayslolita :
walmart walmart, the mall of the south. how i love walmart and all the lovely things they have.
from faerie-swirl :
I <3 what you've with the place "dah'link", it looks unbelievable! I miss our old online chats, i must must must catch you on soon so we can gab!! I was wonderin' where you went off to! ;)
from mangus :
mmm First kisses...mine was when I was 17 and I made out and did DIRTY un-catholic things with a 47 year old man in a cemetary nextdoor to my highschool and behind a middle the middle of the day. HAHA. I used to be a big old slut. ~
from discothekid :
About the message you left in my guest book.....HA HA HA HA HA!
from mangus :
I'm seeing tori on jealous of me are you?!?!?! VERY JEALOUS! so yeah...I share your views. This sudden rash of patriotism is...well....rather fake if you ask me. I'm sure many many people have true feelings, but we as americans have short attention spans...and this too, shall pass
from mangus :
if you have audiogalaxy or napster or something...the name of the band is called "Butt Trumpet" and the song is "I've been so mad lately" it's hysterical ~mike
from mangus :
I got my tori tickets too...4th row. I am excited because Tori has been the soundtrack of my life for the past few years...all the good and the bad. I find encouragment and strength in her music and I look foward to that even more now.
from mangus :
it's a good thing there are cool people in the mid-west like yourself or otherwise strange little boys trapped in the south would think less of it. Or something like that...
from red1019 :
I just wanted to let you know that after reading you diary (and being able to relate to you) I decided to start one of my own. I've never done this before!! Well, thanks for the inspiration and have a GREAT DAY!!
from bananafishes :
hey. just tried to sign your guest book but it wouldn't let me for some reason. anyway, i was reading some of your entries and think you're really easy to relate to. i'll be checking back. thanks for the motivation to update mine! later:)

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