messages to girlyouknew:
(click here to add new message):

from beccy10 :
hi u dont no me and i dnt no u but i thought i would leave u a msg
from theoboe :
i dont know you, you don't know me, and i don't have a diary, im sorry. i stumbled across yours, though, and your sedaris quote made me laugh out loud. i live in california. have you seen l'auberge espagnole? i think you would like it.
from time-enough :
the ramen noodle soup never ends at my house.
from indie-snob :
Hello! I just added a review for the new self-titled Liz Phair album and thought you may be interested. There are a bunch of other reviews you may enjoy here, too. Check it out, thanks!
from myrainstorm :
Damn straight dude. I had bitched about one of my friends in one of my diaries and i was merely "venting" as i call it,and she wrote back furious. I mean, this is MY diary and if you want to read it thats your problem. And if I don't update thats MY problem.
from pillowcrush :
every time i try and read your diary it freezes my computer
from filmateleven :
yay! you alluded to me in your diary. i love that! i'll be looking forward to my zine. include your mailing address again since i'm sure i've lost it. maybe i'll think of something cool to send you in return. ciao.
from natasha5 :
from minusmarie :
you love amelie. you are fantastiq! hope you get warmer. maybe i'll send you a wench instead of mail so you can bang on your heater.
from scud :
hi. you don't know me but i decided to start reading all your entries after i saw you had nick hornby in your profile with "nick what hapenned" which confused me because his recent books are stil quite good. anyways i'm near the recent ones and i saw you mention a dave going to umd and playing lax? what's his last name? casue my best friend goes to umd and we chill with some of the lax guys so wondering if i've maybe met him already :o
from foambedlove :
i was in greece several years ago and they had toilet paper called pal:)
from filmateleven :
Happy Fucking Birthday!!! Sorry I haven't seen you online. I moved away and don't have AIM. Hope you're doing well.
from rain1302 :
I totally understand you...i know you probably get that alot, but i mean it...there are no words to describe the things we go through in life that cause us pain or confuse us more than life itself, you know? Anyway, just wanted to say that I know...
from thenavidson :
Hey Sometimes it's nessecary to start over. Why live a life in misery. Life's short. Youth's even shorter.
from thenavidson :
that was a hilarious conversaton
from thenavidson :
I'm using that beer and pie line at some point in life. Be forewarned.
from thenavidson :
Boston is such an odd place to exist.
from thenavidson :
Can the boy tell time? Oh no no Dear lord no
from pleasureable :
beautiful ;) happy new year!!
from soulsurvivor :
i like your "goal" - very admirable.... sorry 2001 sucked so much for u.... at least youre young eh?
from invisibledon :
whats up?
from confetti :
from daughter :
Your last entry about your friend was awesome. Too often I take my best friend for granted. I never want to do that again. Thank you for your honesty. Beth<><
from boyrepellant :
i can relate a lot to your feelings and thoughts--more entries would be nice though!!please check out my journal and let me know what you think (that way when you sign my guestbook I can have a link back to your page--I am bad with bookmarking things!).
from weatherking :
thanks for saying such nice things about us californians!

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