messages to glaze:
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from ursasam :
Blonde Redhead rocks! You should still go to the San Francisco show. It's going to be awesome. -Sam
from belovedjojo :
Hey! Oh really? No wonder I couldn't make my SN into "bebefire"! Hehe, yeah, my real SN is "ibebefire". I just put the I in front of it to make it look aesthetically pleasing. =)
from praiseandrew :
raise the praise?
from glaze :
Ooh, I just felt like leaving something for myself. Here: TaDA! :D
from angelcake :
Wow, that's an awesome layout...haven't seen anything like it up until now, so great job!
from venusgirl :
hey, you signed my analyzer a bit ago, thanks a bunch. :) yeah, my layout this time out is based upon tori's song 'bliss,' which is one of my favorites. glad you like it too. speaking of layouts, yours is beautiful! i love it. :)
from glaze :
To clarify.. no that first post wasnt me.. it was person.. Im sure since I left a note in the persons diary.. so yeah :) I dont know if I should use this page or not, because its sort of guestbook-y but not quiet.. kind of confusing, but thats all.
from merilily :
Hey, you wonderful girl! 1) I love the Natalie Portman theme, she's great, and 2) you are a sweetie, one of my favorite diaries (albeit new) and I just love ya! Who was that down there? Was that you? I could barely understand what was Ah, the joy of the internet....ahem.

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