messages to gofigure:
(click here to add new message):

from goodsandwich :
Hey GF - it's been forever since I read your diary and I'm wondering if you'd password me in? If you want to, leave me a note (which I'll promptly delete, of course!).
from melwadel :
I hope Andrew didn't block your IP address like he did Golfwidow's. *sigh* But thanks for your note, sweetie.
from jumblygiant :
thank you for your comment. it means a lot. I have a lot of respect for you and how you live your life. You have so much grace and respect. I'm sure it's acquired along the journey and I'll get there someday. Thanks!
from frangipani87 :
So glad that elephant's gone - they make such a racket and break things. Enjoy the peace.
from jumblygiant :
That was beautiful and so heartfelt I could feel it a zillion miles away. Reminded me maybe there's some strength I've set aside. thanks.
from annanotbob :
Just found you while browsing and enjoyed reading so much I'm adding you. Best wishes
from saved0803 :
Just wanted to say hello and to let you know I stopped by to read some of your entries. Have a wonderful weekend with your family.
from jumblygiant :
Just a quick HI! Hope you have a lovely day with your man and I'm so terribly disappointed in that pastor. How lazy and cowardly that man must be not to take the time to teach the other kids the lesson of love no matter what someone looks like. What if a mentally handicapped child or someone with a physical deformity scared some of the kids at the church? Would they be told to leave? This is just ridiculous.
from serenaville :
Wow, thank you very much, for adding Serenaville to your faves/buddy list! You beat me to the punch, as it were, but rest assured I'll be listing you in kind! Hopefully, there will soon be more to read on my end of things. Yes, the timing is regrettable... but I'm as glad to find someone with a situation so similar to read and know better, no matter the circumstances. Here's to beginnings! Thanks again! *HUGS* :) -Serena
from serenaville : I clicked in off your banner (Else I'd never have found you!), read a handful of entries, and am now an instant fan of your diary! I, too, am a mother of four on my second marriage. The way you write about your life not only gives me hope, but also makes me look at my own brood with more appreciation and tolerance. Thank you. I will definitely read regularly! Take care. -Serena :)
from amydubya :
Hey woman! Thanks for the notes, it makes my day. I am so sorry it takes me forever to leave you notes...things have just been nutso in GB! Keep in touch! Miss ya!
from cleanstart :
You are so sweet! THANK YOU~
from ingridwrites :
Me too!! I wish we were neighbors too!!
from ingridwrites :
from ingridwrites :
Thank you. That means more to me than you know.
from ingridwrites :
Isn't that just the way it is? No bon-bons for us! ;)
from nycme :
I'll be keeping your man and family in my prayers - for a diagnosis, healing and resolution. I agree, there is too much scary information out there. Best bet is having (finding?) a doctor you love who can help filter some of the extreme stuff you find out there. It's a fine line between being informed and being overwhelmed.
from laurie2002 :
I was thrilled to find you again through a random diarylander's profile. I didn't know you were back. I am so behind, though. I am not sure who all the people are that you speak of, and it isn't you that tried to kill herself, right? Do you have an archive I can read? Again, it is great to see you back.
from cleanstart :
50 bucks to blow dry and style!! I would have never dreamed. That's a good idea though! Thanks for the tip!
from ingridwrites :
Oh, well, hmm... at least he is doing better now!
from ingridwrites :
Thank you. It was his time, I believe. He lived longer than any dog I've ever known.
from moodymama :
from elgan :
Thank you for adding me to your favourites.
from readersguide :
Grounding is an excellent thing -- I've found this with my kid, too -- She's grounded and we see a lot more of her and it's generally a happy time for all. Funny.
from nycme :
I had to laugh at the $54 Limited skirt story. I found (still find!) the same thing with Older son. Last year I sent him away for the summer with pants from Target and Walmart and he came home with every single one of them ripped in the crotch and I figured it was my fault for buying him cheap pants, so I loaded him up with Banana Republic, Urban Outfitters, J Crew pants this fall, none less than $75 except maybe one pair I got on sale, and wouldn't you know it, he ripped or otherwise destroyed them as well!! Back to Target we go.
from simka :
my parents made horseback riding possible for me when I was about your girls age and it does change your life. Horse people are good people, I made life-long friendships at an age where people are still wondering if their best friends will be their friends the next day. I developed confidence and compassion, learned about money and how to earn it and spend wisely and budget, learned good practical skills, and had so much fun; the lessons from riding were probably the best things my parents let me teach myself. I can't tell you just what a wonderful thing this could be for your girl - but I'm sure she'll show you.
from cleanstart :
Good to hear from you. Unfortunately, I don't have AOL anymore. I can be reached at work @ [email protected] or at [email protected]
from cleanstart :
Hey chickie - I can only read the entires in the "leftovers" at the bottom? How do I get to yout archives? And btw, I gather from the "leftovers" you've found someone. GREAT!
from cleanstart :
WOW, it's been FOREVER since I've read you. Off to learn how things are going with your life. The last time I read you, you were separating with your husband!
from ingridwrites :
Hope everything goes perfectly and his knee is better than before.
from janie12975 :
Moody sent me your way. Seems you are a blended family too. Going to read up and get to know ya!
from moodymama :
i like it when you are chatty. my fave of your wedding pics was the one where you're standing outside in front of a church, i believe. you looked absolutely stunning. your man looked handsome too (i'm lying, he's a hottie!). :)~ hey...i got my oldest daughter a cell phone so don't feel bad. comes in handy on days where she is the last person to leave the house. that way she can text me three thousand times to let me know when she's at the bus stop, when she's on the bus, and when she's let off at school.
from ingridwrites :
leave me your email. I tried @dland but it came back to me.
from moodymama :
i suck...i never did say congratulations! love the beautiful pictures. :)
from ahwell :
*sob* thats so beautiful....
from moodymama :
yay for your man's promotion!! mo' money, mo' money! hehe. i'm in a horrible mood. i wish your positive vibes would rub off on me.
from ahwell :
im glad things worked out! and have a great wedding!
from jumblygiant :
I want to wish you a lovely pre-wedding week and wedding, with all of your family and friends around to help you celebrate such a wonderful event. I'm so happy for you and your family. Enjoy yourself (although I know you will)!! xoxo
from moodymama :
girls are indeed a great joy. :) odd breed. like my son is the most sensitive and the most protective of me (of my three kids). he's a mama's boy, but i have the hardest time picking presents out for him. or like when we did these online quizzes one night because we were bored, it was my boy's quiz that i didn't do too hot on. he asked questions like "which sport would i prefer to play?" i answered soccer because i always see him playing soccer. it was FOOTBALL. the boy has NEVER mentioned football! ugh. and sometimes he says things that seem to come out of left field and my girl and i are like, "what???"
from moodymama :
btw, if you ever want to visit my blog it's at:
from moodymama :
awwww, new bras! so cute. ::weep:: my girl is waiting patiently for her Monthly Visitor. she carries those teen-sized things in her purse (from the school nurse). girls are so funny. as for the favors...wish i could help. i had a ghetto-fabulous, cheap wedding on the beach. i had all of ten 'favors' which consisted of little silver mesh bags with soap, candles, and candy shaped like seashells. :)~
from ahwell :
for those favors and end-of-the-aisle decorations, why not put someone else in charge>???
from f-i-n :
i love men in black dresses
from southkona :
of course I'll give you the password... email me at [email protected] I loved seeing the pictures of wedding things, by the way! It is so close to time now!
from ahwell :
most of the people ive seen complain about bush were complaining that he didnt do enough in the way of rescue efforts; that those efforts were poor because people were poor and black; that he shouldnt have conducted his regular business while they were in need. however, i agree with you. there were people in washington whose jobs were to help "refugees" and assist in rescue. i dont get why everyone blames bush.. not like he can control the weather!
from ahwell :
i dont think you are overreacting! he sounds like a serial killer to be.
from moodymama :
i used to have a stepchild and although he is now an adult and his father and i have long divorced, he's still special to me. i knew him before i knew my own children and he kind of helped me to decide whether i wanted any or not. i no longer speak to his father, but i keep in touch with him since he's half sibling to my two older children. such a shame what an angry young man he turned out to be though (father abandonment issues). i suppose it was to be expected.
from moodymama :
p.s. and yes, people should not ask for opinions if they don't want to hear the truth. :)
from moodymama :
i let my ten year old son walk home from school by himself. or rather, he walks with his friends. sometimes he gets a ride with a friend's parent. he's home alone for an hour before my husband gets home from work (i get off later). it sucks, but we really don't have a choice right now.
from moodymama :
just wanted to say that i admire the way that you are with your man's children. not all women are that mature. i wish that my ex's new wife could have been a real woman who wasn't too threatened to allow him to have his children in his life. oh well, his loss, i guess.
from sunnflower :
I really enjoyed your Stuff Saturday portrait. The pictures were great and I enjoyed getting to see some of your favorite things.
from celebrations :
Come to Celebrations and join, it's fun and it's free!
from thedetails :
From the sound of things it seems like you are the only mother that she has, or at least can really count on. So maybe you're right about thinking of her as yours.
from thedetails :
When I was thirteen I went through that stage as well, but I also had the goal that if I was that 'miserable' then everyone around me was also going to be just as miserable and I worked my hardest to make that a fact. I look at my sweet little 9 year old, and I'm afraid. Very afraid!
from thedetails :
That woman that was trying to tear a strip out of you after you had 'lost' your children needs to get a swift kick to the head. She's lucky that you aren't me, because all the emotions I had about the boys missing would have spilled out all over her and it wouldn't have been a nice picture. So glad you got your boys back, safe and sound.
from thedetails :
I can't believe that folks are just calling you up and trying to get Tom, Dick and Harry invited to your wedding. My friend got married a few years ago, and what she did was tell everyone that if they wanted to have extra folks come to the wedding it was fine as long as they paid the extra costs. Suddenly all the requests to invite Bob's God-Mothers Aunts neice went away. Nobody wanted to pay the extra costs... surprise, surprise.
from jumblygiant :
Your dress is just amazing, and you look perfect in it! congrats.
from essaywriter :
thanks for adding me to your favorites...
from moodymama :
i found a better father for my kids seven years ago and i am grateful every day for that. i'm glad that you have "your man" in your life and that he's good to your children. :)
from thedetails :
Seems like your children's counsellor can't really read your kids that well. He should have found out if she meant on the paper or in your family. Obviously he doesn't know much. Did your EX pick him out??
from moodymama :
'lanai'? do you live in hawaii?
from jumblygiant :
Hiya!! I just wanted to say I read you often and while I don't comment much (okay, never) or actually know you that well, I am always so happy for you. There's some sort of peace and contentment that just oozes from your entries and I love it. You're obviously a wonderful mother and love your man so very much, and it's great and reassuring somehow to read that. thanks. xoxo
from jenistar2 :
hey--thanks for having jenistar to your buddy list. I'm moving--new url is Hope you'll follow along!
from catspaw :
when did you meet someone new? Catch me up a little. I've been gone since last Jan. Cathy aka snookiebear a year ago.

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