messages to hangover:
(click here to add new message):

from hangover :
Hey!! (click, click, click). Is this thing on? No? Lights out? Ah well…., : the last thing I remember was a shithole of “sorry”. Well I’m sorry about that.
from mindfluff :
Listening to sebadoh and thought of you and how you should have bought the earlier albums and not the one that had just come out. Hope everything is good with you.
from whinyemosara :
whoa, blast from the past. good to see you're still(ish) here(ish). will try to update myself on 20 years of history...
from mindfluff :
Are you any wiser for it? Sometimes I think I am other times decidedly not!
from mindfluff :
20 years! Where the hell did that go??
from jesusbonjovi :
Oh Gawd I didn't mean to startle you, just breathe into the paper bag, WE'RE GONNA GET THROUGH THIS
from movingsands :
Lol I'm adding you just for that entry
from movingsands :
haha! I have "breathe" in my profile. I do use it as a reminder... :)
from stepfordtart :
Im about 80 miles from Abingdon and its still raining. Thought you might like to know. s x
from dreamwall :
I lived it and now I get to watch him do it to someone else. Painful yet, liberating. But what an ass. Wish I could warn her, but...already tried. I'm just the crazy ex.
from mindfluff :
No I'm not writing again - the most I do online now is update my Facebook once in a while. Georgia's closer to 3 now than 2. She's great - very musical. We are thinking about getting her some drums for Christmas because she loves drums. The neighbours would love that!
from mindfluff :
I hope you find your cat.
from old-story :
email address, sir.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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