messages to highlandcoo:
(click here to add new message):

from chillidip :
Hope you have a good time xxx
from chillidip :
my head can sympathise. hope things get easier soon. and thankyou again for the cds, theyre very cool xx
from chillidip :
have been taping you things today. thankyou for keeping me busy :o) hope youre coping ok xx
from chillidip :
i only had a bit of snow too. think maybe we should do a snowdance tonight ;o) hope youre coping ok. xx
from chillidip :
hello jenny. thanks for the message. i forget sometimes that people may be reading that i dont know about. thats quite strange. although i think ive seen your name in pete or su's diary. i have the same obsessions of people dying, theyre not fun. hope they ease off soon. take care , love rachel xxx
from amalthea23 :
hi, if you want to join the always-sick ring you have to follow the instructions on the main page completely. thanks. i'll review your application when you submit it...
from starlight42 :
Thanks for joining my dixie chicks diaryring. I don't see a link up though. Please put one somewhere on your diary. Thanks!
from cdghost :
the horns..i love me some horns
from cdghost :
this was interesting to say the very least
from viks :
Happy friendship day xxx
from viks :
hugs xxx
from hayleyrose :
I don't even remember leaving that 1st note! Gosh my memory's crap, but at least I still remember you! Things you say are important, you're an important friend to me! I'm applying for a,loan to sort out my mess so maybe soon I'll be brave and fly up to look after you for a while! HUGE MAGIC HUGS! Smile, you look so much better when you do! Love n hugs Hayley.xx
from viks :
Huggles xxx
from viks :
Happy Easter Love Viks xxx
from hayleyrose :
Boo! I'm at Molly's and she's helping me with my diary!! So this is my diary address: not much on it yet but will get there I think! Huge Hug for you!! speak to you soon babe!!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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