messages to hobi:
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from a1984 :
Hello We Both like The Beatles We Both like Simon and Garfunkel We Both like Freaks and Geeks.
from wendylady :
this is me now! i promise you can read it, too. its unlocked. so anyone who was upset with me for locking them out, feel free.
from katiekins717 :
The quote is from a boy who's dating a girl who is always ALWAYS at Java Bay. He has black hair, he's short, his name starts with a 'B' and rhymes with Shmradley. I'm glad you like you're nickname and feel it is the equivalent to getting a gold star. Next time I see you, I'll give you a gold star.
from katiekins717 :
I know you read it. That's okay. It's on the internet. And you are in no way evil. In fact, I find you to be a very cool person. You're a absolute sweetheart. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. P.S. Yay for popcorn jellybeans!
from hobi :
ha-ha! my first note! im going to take this oppertunity to expand on my last entry, since i think thats what these are for. or for people who check their diaries and not their email. anyway... the jokes i couldnt remember: #1 (margaret) Q: what did the fish say when he ran into the wall? A: Damn #2 (david) it was the one with the kid whose dad died and teacher wanted to know what he did before he died, etc etc. im just writing these here so i dont forget them. if you want to hear the joke, ask david. i suck at telling jokes. plus, he has this whole "what, am i funny or something? did i say something funny?" way about him. cracks me up. especially when he orders pepsi. heh.

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