messages to hokiepokie:
(click here to add new message):

from sunstargirl :
good outlook on life.
from icedmilk :
Your review is done:) -Beth
from ghettoopera :
hey hey, yeah you can use my layout...i mean it's not mine to claim just for me :) i got it from so make sure to tell them you like it!
from ghettoopera :
I hope you feel better :)
from ghettoopera :
from kittyleopard :
Awesome diary! You are too cute! Killer layout.
from enufefizi :
hiya, its ya boi from the single me site, nice pics. holla at cha boi @ [email protected] Peace !
from rainylondon :
Hey there! Your review is up at Rainy London Reviews! Take care!
from rainylondon :
you are on my pending list ;) I will try to get it done asap. Thankyou!
from kittyleopard :
Awesome diary yo! :) Love the layout!
from broken-grace :
Hello, you seem pretty interesting. Email me if you want to make a new cute friend. [email protected]
from reviewgirl :
Just wondering if you'd like a review. :) Stop by and check it out.
from coloreviews :
Hey there! Coloreviews is a new review site for awesome kids just like you! Drop by and check us out. Thanks =)
from gumphood :
Dude I am just maxed. I will do yours and one more and then I think I will can it for reviewing. Look for it later in the week/weekend. Latest by monday.
from dont-stop :
"Comfortable"...that was funny.
from gumphood :
hi there. I am sorry about the length of time its taken for me to do the review. It will be up soon. so sorry.
from utter-views :
Your review is up- and btw when I tried to access your diary at 1am I couldn't get it to appear it just kept saying it was loading and would never finish. Since I have been to notes I had the notes link and just switched our name to yours and this loaded fine. So you might want to check your codes or something.
from asinglegirl :
You have an icon of .... bananas? That's awesome. <-- fan
from geek-reviews :
Your review is up @ Geek Reviews!
from serratedtart :
why thank you! it's quite an honor.<3
from mojo1915 :
Hello, have a good day! :)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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