messages to holdenrevolt:
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from m91879 :
Student radio show - 5 listeners when my friends n family bothered to check if I was denigrating them in public. I finished that shit some weeks back and now I'm completing all the coursework I shoulda done months ago. I'm hoping to put together a podcast or two very soon with the guys at if they're still up for it. Let me know if you might have anything to contribute - I really mean that btw - I'm writing to Prison Radio to see if I can do some voluntary stuff for them (and my resume) and I'm sure you'll have something. I'll send u an email if u remind me of your addy. Meantimes; I'm sure you still owe me a certain back issue of Rolling Stone...
from m91879 :
WTF? Have I been drinking too much coffee? \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
from m91879 :
Sorry dude, I'm so real and fucked up it hurts to see my reflection. I kinda know what you mean about Dland; everytime I came here I found myself thinking I should be working on something more likely to make some paper or at least make it onto paper and every entry started to look like the last one. I'll be back again when this useless fuckin media course has ground to a halt and then...well I won't bore you now with then. BTW Have u got broadband? and what've you read lately? I just finshed American Gods by Neil Gaiman which I'd recommend to anyone. U might wanna pick up Vernon God Little by DBC (Dirty But Clean) Pierre or a really fucked-up sounding little tome by the title of We Need to Talk About Kevin (author forgotten...Lionel something..?..) the fact that all these books involve convicted criminals is purely coincidental to the fact that they're fuckin good books. BTW and PS Where do you stand on conspiracy theories? Seen Loose Change yet? Believe in the New World Order? I've been researching stuff for my radio show and there's some hella craziness goin on out there... Be lucky.
from rednsilver :
I missed you. Fill me in..whats new?
from rednsilver :
Kenneth, where have you been? dont stay gone so long. -Cheyan
from m91879 :
Hola! I figured you'd gotten the chair... how fuckin long you been inside man? Woulda written you if I could. What have I been doing? Moved house, got drunk, started college, got drunk, interviewed a Bond girl and a Sex Pistol, got drunk, bust my nose falling off a can probably see why I haven't written much recently. Quiz appears in court for posession of cocaine later this week, so I'm kinda preoccupied with that too. Update you fuck,update!
from rednsilver :
come home!!!!
from lost-n-lov3 :
my dear cole, tis justine! you're lil sister, is truly, my best friend now..I love her to death & we both miss you... <3
from m91879 :
I hear your travel plans may have been curtailed a little of late. Hope you ain't inked yerself some jailhouse tats. It's a terrible mistake to make... -munch
from rednsilver :
Thank you for adding me.and Get your ass home okay? -Cheyan
from m91879 :
Hey, you! You revolting scumsucking schweinhunt, you think you're entitled to some kinda social life? Well, you ain't - unless you update about it for the pleasure of the vicarious thrillseekers who come by to rubberneck your decadent, disshevelled, drunken excuse for existence. -Munch PS. How goeth the travel plans?
from ravengreen :
Personally, I'm savin' my money for New Zealand.
from number9dream :
Happy birthday! I hope you are hunched over a toilet in some bar on Division street. That's the way it's done!
from m91879 :
You ignorant, scumsucking schweinhund...I'm now forced to learn something new. Luckily for you I'm too sick to come over there and burn your house down.
from m91879 :
Your layout rocks dude - I've been trying to tinker with mine as you'll see but I can't seem to speak hyper-text as well as I might - any tips would be preciated much.
from number9dream :
Oooh, I love your layout. I am especially enamored of the background, and it's nice to see what you really look like!
from m91879 :
Let me know when your gold membership starts up - these diarylanders got their fingers up their asses.
from rednsilver :
in your recent written post, did all that stuff really happen? -Cheyan
from number9dream :
Sounds like some night!
from m91879 :
[email protected] - send an email, I'll drop you the snail-mail. I'd happily pay for the membership anyway and no girliness involved. -Munch
from m91879 :
It's my birthday. And yes, it is kinda stoopid. Rolling Stone sold out of Thompson back issues so I lucked out there. Unless your offer is still valid...and I wouldn't expect a freebie from a total stranger....I could look into buying you a diaryland membership when the pneumatic drill is quit chiselling at my finances...I'm looking at getting one myself eventually. Anywho thanks for the encouragement...times are hard, thrills are expensive and a kind word or two are priceless.
from rednsilver :
you still never added me, how lame. -Cheyan
from m91879 :
Dear Mr. Revolt, Your complaint has been registered and men in white coats will be by shortly. I'm afraid this whole Family Life thing takes up way too much time and I've been working on some serious projects. I miss all this shit though, so I'll be updating more regular soon. Meantimes I'm gonna get fucked up and I suggest you do so too. -Munch
from m91879 :
Dear Mr. Revolt, Your complaint has been registered and men in white coats will be by shortly. I'm afraid this whole Family Life thing takes up way too much time and I've been working on some serious projects. I miss all this shit though, so I'll be updating more regular soon. Meantimes I'm gonna get fucked up and I suggest you do so too. -Munch
from cheyancc :
just how is my favorite person in the world doing?-H
from moonshine76 :
Re: 2005-08-25 - 4:25 p.m. I still remember you told me that joke. It made me grin then and again this evening.
from m91879 :
I've followed your link and drained The Redhead's VISA account to the tune of US$12. You can email at [email protected] fact I think u can IM me on AOL direct from diaryland though I'm a little unsure with all this technological wizardry(sp?) as I've spent inordinate amounts of time dwelling like an Afghani luddite in a dank smelly cave with only my beard for company... -Munch
from rednsilver :
hey dollface.
from m91879 :
Is there any way you can e-mail me a transcript of that Rolling Stone article? Thompson memorabilia is at a premium right now and I'm in no position to pay collector's prices for a shot of Dr Gonzo's wisdom. I hear the clink of ice in of luck with the narc-baiting...on reflection I s'pose I could check RS online...and thanx for the laughter; my smile has worn thin recently. -Munch
from number9dream :
"Last chance Texaco"--yes, it was the name of Janechord's journal. It was one of my favorites. Definitely start at the beginning. Thanks for adding me. I wanted to share a quote that I was reminded of by your Last Chance Texico post. "It was beautiful, and it was far away, 'cause everything beautiful is far away" It's from a Grandaddy song on their album Under the Western Freeway. I think you would like it a lot. B
from moonshine76 :
Wonderful toast. PS: Don't quit this diary. I really like it ;)
from m91879 :
It's that outside view, dude. I've got The Proud Highway. Fear and Loathing in America is Volume Two, which I've got to finish before I go back to Volume One. I love the way he writes about the mechanics of the writing; I'm trying to find some spark-plugs to kickstart my own. All the best, Munch
from m91879 :
Dear Mr. Revolt, Many thnxxx for dropping by my notes page, myself and my page are edified by your presence. I was reading through Fear and Loathing in America when last I wrote so, I suspect a little Gonzo enthusiasm may have crept in with the JD. Thompson, as we know was a kickass writer, my favourite quote from him appears on your profile, and he had a coupla stock phrases that he peppered his work with because he felt they were little "word jewels" the only one I can recall off the top of my head is "atavistic endeavour" which he apparently included in most of his articles for about 6 years. The point is, Last Chance Texaco shines that way to me, your imaginative trip with it into the desert and it's point of origin on Seth's diary lead me to believe it's got some mileage in it, maybe you'd like to take the journey, maybe not, maybe it's is just a chance phrase that got caught in your head but it struck me different. I dunno. Anywho, thanks again for your kind words, I hope you'll update more. Perhaps more Best Man disasters - I laughed my fuckin ass off at that. -Munch

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