messages to honstyzbrutl:
(click here to add new message):

from miedema2002 :
Hi, can you review my diary? Your link will be posted in the review link of my extras section. Ouch! my bruises grr!!!
from feartheknown :
Could you please review my diary? Brusies have such intresting colors.....
from mentalscars :
Am I bruised? A review please?
from for-you-only :
I just popped in to see if I was still on the pending list - but your pending link doesn't seem to work...
from onlymayday :
I doubt your review will leave me "A wretched soul, bruised with adversity", but I am interested nonetheless.
from catz-eyes :
g'day there, was hoping you might review my diary when you have the opportunity... i expect to be left battered and "bruised" (like that, clever touch) by the experience ;) but what the heck? it's all part of life's rich tapestry, right? do you have a button to link back to your site? is that part of the deal? am happy to do so. with thanks to you, Jay
from alonenafraid :
Thanks for suggesting Ripway for my picture hosting. I'm currently finding all my pictures and adding them back where they belong. I'm really loving ripway.
from pridegrl :
What's it like to be Bruised?
from betchy :
hello, please could i have a review, but dont be too harsh or i may get bruised! your link is under "my reviews" thank you muchly
from thedevlyn :
Thank you. You are far too kind.
from catspajamas :
I'd be ever so grateful if you'd review me. Your bruised & broken fan- CatsPJs
from thedevlyn :
"bruised". I look forward to being such.
from alonenafraid :
I am a ditz. Of course you reviewed me with the Tinkerbell template. I just realized that when I reread the part about my layout. I just must be missing the picture thing.
from alonenafraid :
Thank you very much for the review. It was awesome. I really liked it. I just have one question. What picture links? Did you review me before I changed my template or something? Just a little confused. Sorry if I'm being an idiot and missing something.
from leadme :
Hi, I noticed you took me off of the pending list. I was just wondering about that. Have a nice day! --Jennifer
from holdmeplease :
Hello there! I'd love a review, if you don't mind. I was once bruised like the man in your template, only it was on my leg. I fell between a dock! I'm getting off track, again. Well, I hope you'll consider me! Thanks!
from tater-fay :
I'd like a review, please. I look forward to the bruise..I hope it's more of a yellowish hue than a purplish one! Thanks!
from theatrbee :
I could use a good reviewing. The last guy who gave me a bad review ended up with a bruised kidney. Don't let his happen to you.
from for-you-only :
Hey, I'm waiting for my review... I wanted to check to see if I was still on the pending list - but your pending link is broken... Let me know what's up if you get a chance.
from leadme :
I am easily bruised, so don't be too hard if you review me. Ps: Your "pending" link is broken.
from kickme-tryme :
Hello again, I know I got my review before the new scoring, but if you get the time it would be quite cool to know what your favourite quote and enrty was, and also what song I remind you of. Since you reviewed me I now make sure I write my entries using spell check before posting them!
from kickme-tryme :
Hey thanks for the note. Boy do I wish I was doing better, things seem to be a bit downhill at the moment. Yeah I love Placebo too.. How are you doing?
from girly-pirate :
from alonenafraid :
My leg is bruised. Can I have a review? Your link is on my pending page. Thanks!
from color-me-odd :
Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it. Don't worry about the amount of time it took to do my review. You were actually much faster than many of the other review sites I'm waiting to get reviews from. Thanks again!
from color-me-odd :
I can't wait for my review! Thanks again and I hope to read it soon.
from for-you-only :
Welcome to the review-blogs diaryring! ~Pink
from for-you-only :
Thanks for adding me to your pending list. I wait... happily. :) ~Pink
from tremendous :
Hi, I would love a review. Please be honest and brutal- I can handle a bruised ego if I need to. Thanks a lot!
from for-you-only :
Hey, can I get a bruised review? lol. Um, I notice that most sites seem to read a string of entries in a row - I'd like to request that the reviewer try to skip around, I go through phases and you'd get a better idea of all of my writing and all of me if you didn't read five or so entries in a row. Thanks. ~Pink
from youdontknome :
I'd like a review pleased, I'm brusied :) There's a link on the links page. Thanks!
from color-me-odd :
A review would be nice. You can read about how I fell down in P.E. and bruised my leg. Fun fun.
from kickme-tryme :
Hello I'd like a review please, ducky! The link is on my "reviews" page which you can get to via the "extras" page. Thank you!
from seanandjacob :
It is a Modest Mouse quote. Feel free to award us a bonus point for that, though i don't know if it's worth one these days. Looking forwards to your words of precise judgement, though i fear there may be too much of that brand of judgement in the coming years. Destruction will rain from the heavens, Sin-Cerely, Mr. Jacob.
from crazyck7 :
I would like to be reviewed by your site! I put a "ducky" link under my reviews page. Thanks alot!
from seanandjacob :
Mr. Jacob. Back again. Went out to the dayspa. I've been meaning to for a while, and i wish i had sooner. My body is just chrem with pleasure. Is that a real word? It sounds yiddish. Why did I say that-a-haha-ha-never you mind. Never I mind. So! I would like to put my hand on your knee, look deep into your eyes, and request a review. But you don't look to comfortable with touch. . . Now is probably the best time to say: duck+y. Hon, can i call you hon? Sweety, i'm going back to now. Won't you come along and tell me what you think of the place? Sean won't be there today. Just me, you, and a lot of dust.
from seanandjacob :
My you are a fiesty. Mr. Jacob here. Were you expecting someone? Because I'm feeling some tension here. It feels like you don't want me here. Well, I don't want to impose, that's the last thing i want to do. So if this is a bad time, I'll just come back later.
from sopranochick :
Well, then, I officially request to be reviewed. I put a "ducky" line on my entry pages. Hope you get at least, mildly entertained.
from honstyzbrutl :
This is where you request a review.

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